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Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting - Business - Nairaland

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Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by AlexReports(m): 9:15am On Mar 28, 2018
AMAZING: Over 300 CEOs To Gather In Lagos, As The Entrepreneur Africa Holds The Business Meeting

With a view to providing business leaders, entrepreneurs and executives a platform to brainstorm and grow their business/professional network, popular business/entrepreneurship magazine, the entrepreneur africa will be hosting over three hundred (300) business people to a unique event titled the Business Meeting. This event with the theme: Achieving Business Growth; Breaking New Grounds holds on May 18, 2018 at Virginrose Resorts, V.I, Lagos, as the magazine is set to celebrate its first anniversary in the same month.

Described as a landmark event of the year for business people who wish to increase theprofitability of their businesses, attain overall growth in this year of growth, and seize hold of new opportunities, the Business Meeting will feature thepersonalities behind some of the big brands in themajor industries in the Nigerian economy (some of whom would constitute the discussion panels). 

According to the management of theentrepreneur africa, led by David Agu Esq., “theevent is intended to serve as a connecting platform where startups owners can connect with industry leaders, and every participant will grow their business network”. To this effect, there will be a cocktail session when the participants will mix up and interact on possible synergies, while sharing glasses of wines.

And the best part is, the event is absolutely free. However, it’s strictly by registration, and intending attendees need to hurry to register before seats are fully booked. To register for FREE, visit the link below:


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Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by Tracypacy(f): 9:53am On Mar 28, 2018
I worked in Ifo General Hospital, Ogun state as a corper. 5 doctors in total. 1 doctor on call duty attending to the paediatric ward, labour ward, emergency, labour ward, male & female ward.

Yes, I was that doctor that wore a frown, was easily irritated.The worst part was the amount of accident victims that were rushed in, mostly hawkers hit by trailers. I remember thinking how anyone expected me with no training in ALS, no oxygen, no monitors, no airway mgt devices etc to attend to accident victims.I can remember a particular chap, came in with half a limb, he was run over by a trailer, gasping for breath.

I attempted to resuscitate him, the nurses stood and looked at me like I was delusional. With what they asked? 'Dr, there's no O2', you're wasting your time'...The guy took his last breath while we all stood looking at him.
If only he was in a country that actually gave a poo about her people, he could have survived.I redeployed to Lagos after 3 months cos that place would have made me into someone that felt stuff like that was normal.To the people that are always like why are doctors in Nigeria always complaining , other people have it rough too.

Please 'complain your own complain'. Thank

16 Likes 1 Share

Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by pweshboi(m): 9:53am On Mar 28, 2018
Nice one, it is not easy to be an entrepreneur in Nigeria. To those who are striving and already established... I say a big kudos to y'all, even though the environment is not encouraging for you guys to thrive. THUMBS UP

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Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by Modenzy: 9:53am On Mar 28, 2018
I dedicate this space to my musical guy. Davido and the dropping artist Wizkid.
I won't forget the world best CR7(CHRISTIANO RONALDO)

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Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by Kingkamba(m): 9:53am On Mar 28, 2018
sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by Nobody: 9:53am On Mar 28, 2018
Gatta be there
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by DONMAYOR19(m): 9:54am On Mar 28, 2018
God will make us to be part of this men one day. Back to hustle.
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by hubtiva: 9:54am On Mar 28, 2018
Nice one for CEO, kindly check beflow for startup packages.


Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by MANNABBQGRILLS: 9:55am On Mar 28, 2018
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by Modenzy: 9:56am On Mar 28, 2018
i dedicate this page to CHRISTIANO RONALDO and my musical guy DAVIDO OBO.
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by ibkgab001: 9:59am On Mar 28, 2018
I will be there
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by pinknipple: 10:01am On Mar 28, 2018
Gates has increase Nigeria's business CEOs blood pressure to 150/90,now they want to restretagies....

before I forget what I'm about to say

an inflation or subsidy of the price of garri won't be accepted...

else me and my crew will continue to conterminate the hope of our country(the youths)

Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by noble71(m): 10:11am On Mar 28, 2018
I will be there!!! Like minds move together.
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by 400billionman: 10:18am On Mar 28, 2018
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by Kobicove(m): 10:28am On Mar 28, 2018
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by Ademat7(m): 10:46am On Mar 28, 2018
are you sure of this?
I worked in Ifo General Hospital, Ogun state as a corper. 5 doctors in total. 1 doctor on call duty attending to the paediatric ward, labour ward, emergency, labour ward, male & female ward.

Yes, I was that doctor that wore a frown, was easily irritated.

The worst part was the amount of accident victims that were rushed in, mostly hawkers hit by trailers.

I remember thinking how anyone expected me with no training in ALS, no oxygen, no monitors, no airway mgt devices etc to attend to accident victims.

I can remember a particular chap, came in with half a limb, he was run over by a trailer, gasping for breath.

I attempted to resuscitate him, the nurses stood and looked at me like I was delusional. With what they asked? 'Dr, there's no O2', you're wasting your time'...

The guy took his last breath while we all stood looking at him.
If only he was in a country that actually gave a poo about her people, he could have survived.

I redeployed to Lagos after 3 months cos that place would have made me into someone that felt stuff like that was normal.

To the people that are always like why are doctors in Nigeria always complaining , other people have it rough too.

Please 'complain your own complain'. Thank
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by drey076(m): 10:47am On Mar 28, 2018
me sef na CEO
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by LaudableXX: 10:49am On Mar 28, 2018
are you sure of this?
When was the last time you visited a public hospital in Ogun state outside Abeokuta?
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by Tracypacy(f): 10:52am On Mar 28, 2018
Dead sure.
are you sure of this?
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by internetpo(m): 11:06am On Mar 28, 2018
Great. Will love to be there.
registering right away.
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by Stevengerd(m): 11:08am On Mar 28, 2018
If to say the meeting go yield beta result, e for make sense.
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by oneolajire(m): 11:32am On Mar 28, 2018

https://www.nairaland.com/2983340/entrepreneurship-nigeria-scam-multiplier-povertyNigeria is a country where all big investors have no inventions (tangible or intangible) to their credit. Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Michael Dell, Thomas Edison and the likes all have products to patent, but most entrepreneurs we have in Nigeria have invented nothing and have made it through dubious means. 

Entrepreneurship/vocational education is government's way of telling the youth and graduates that she (the government) lacks industrialisation and job creation strategies while the youth have been left to fate.

Entrepreneurship/vocational education is government's way of making the youth/graduates look intellectually lazy and burdensome as well as telling them that they are have been abandoned in the valley of unemployment. Unemployment rate increased simply because government owned industries and companies got strangulated by the python of corruption as well as the refusal of the government to establish new ones.

Entrepreneurship in advanced countries is about innovations, inventions, improvements, expansions, people and institutional empowerment. Modern and sophisticated skills are being utilised to manufacture goods and services which culminates into abundant job creation.

Entrepreneurship in Nigeria is of the graduate job seeker told to engage in bead making, soap making, hair dressing, laundry and so on. These businesses have neither inventions nor advancement to add to the business practice.

Entrepreneurship in Nigeria is also of the rich that colludes with the government to defraud the masses, destroy public corporations and infrastructures in order to import alternative goods. The rich set up few enterprises and often pay peanuts to their employees in order to increase their wealth; culminating into increase in poverty level and under-employment in the country.  

The government of advanced countries often invest billion of dollars on education and research, so they always have intellectuals who will offer innovative products and services to the world. These products and services are initially developed into small scale businesses as they many even grow into large enterprises. While Nigeria keeps wasting hard earned funds on Small and Medium Scale (SME) development, yet the businesses are nowhere to be found.

Only an insane person will keep doing the same thing the same way and expect a different result. I am yet to see a nation that got developed by investing so little on the education of her youth and students but spend so much on SME propaganda. Still searching for a nation that gave nothing more than mere, non-professional, common, stark and non-sophisticated skills/training to her youth and achieved rapid industrial development.

Some questions for the proponents of entrepreneurship/vocational education.
 When will out textile, fashion and leather industry be able to make products of international standard? When will[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] our furniture makers be able to to make furniture that will compete with ones made overseas? When will a computer repairer be able to produce motherboards, memorycards, monitors, just to mention a few?

Did America achieve greatness by emphasising on vocational trainings on how to make shoe polish, bake cake, produce detergents, event decorations, frying akara and establishment of football viewing centres? Did Britain get it right by teaching her youth how to start beer palour and salon businesses or by ensuring technological dynamism? I wonder if it is mere phone repair training was what brought China among world's  mobile phone producers.

Take a look at the furniture industry in Nigeria, you'll discover it is almost dead because foreign furniture has flooded the Nigerian market. Foreign furniture makers have been able to introduce much variety of products with various designs, even at exorbitant prices, yet people still buy them. Imported furniture  attains this much because modern machines are regularly produced to make new designs of furniture, but here in Nigeria, we only make furniture that cannot compete with the foreign ones.

I wonder why we have not given so much vocational training to professionals operating as doctors, nurses and pharmacist in the medical field. We give this set of people trainings that can make them compete favourably with their foreign counterpart. I believe it should appear proper to the government to substitute entrepreneurship and vocational education with the training they receive in the teaching hospitals.

It is high time we changed our job creation policy of entrepreneurship and vocational studies to provision of qualitative education at all levels, especially science and technology education so that Nigerian graduates would possess requisite modern and sophisticated skills for our nation and the world market at large. It is only qualitative education and intensive research that can initiate intellectual thinking for creation of innovative goods and services.
Entrepreneurship and vocational studies have been found to have contributed immensely only to economy of nations with massive investments in education and research. Singapore and South Korea are the examples of nations that have eradicated illiteracy and have invested huge funds into science and technology education, so entrepreneurship thrives there.

Let the laboratories and workshops of our secondary schools and higher institutions be adequately equipped with modern and facilities so as to provide avenues for learning practicals. We need to replicate the likes of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg who utilised the qualitative education they obtained in the tertiary institutions to create worldwide ventures in their fields.

Real entrepreneurship is when Nigerian graduates of electrical engineers can produce transformers, power generation turbines, alternators and televisions from local technologies. Metallurgical engineers must be able to produce steel for oil and gas pipelines as well as in train and car manufacturing. Combustion engines, pumps, hydraulic and pneumatic parts must be what our mechanical engineers must be able to manufacture from their companies. Businesses of agricultural science graduates should able to feed the nation because they should be empowered to do so.

The entrepreneurship that Nigeria needs is one in which local engineering enterprises will be able to metamorphous  into multinationals like General Electric, Ford Motors, Chevron, Microsoft Corporations, Tata Steel and the likes. With this, Nigeria will become industrialised and be listed among the developed nations of the world.

Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by Ademat7(m): 12:54pm On Mar 28, 2018
i wanted to be sure of what he is saying before I re-post on social media

When was the last time you visited a public hospital in Ogun state outside Abeokuta?
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by salesforce: 12:55pm On Mar 28, 2018
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by newslifeop: 2:30pm On Mar 28, 2018
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by philoedu(m): 2:32pm On Mar 28, 2018
Let us be frank, to say the least, the starting point about any progress in this part of the world-is to be patriotic, I mean authentic patriotism. The reason why infrastructure always become a topic with every incoming Govt..as if Nigeria has just begin to exist. We are yet missing the basics.

Then, we must be dispose to regulate our institutions, if you like tailored every thing to our culture, like what Chine did, Singapore and others. Those who manufactured "Ogunigbe" during civil war, were patriots,not just for the fun of it, not even for money.

And enough of reading a book that says someone came from outside to discover River Niger, while all those who lived behind the river could not see that it was river Niger. We must face up to our history in other to make a headway. And must be prepared to learn from others as well..... May God bless Nigeria.
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by suremanpatriot: 7:32pm On Mar 28, 2018
Hope it's not a gathering of slave drivers who set up to abuse employees for self gratification and self aggrandizement undecided
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by Femoje(m): 9:25pm On Mar 28, 2018
Bakery Consultant / Baking Bread Consultancy support.If you are interested in setting up a bakery and you want to know more about the business and how to maximize profit..
we do general bakery consult, Production Cost analysis, Production cost reduction and recipes.
Quality assured consultancy support for baking bread industry.
Complete one-stop solution For Bakery Consultants Services who need to set-up a BREAD Bakery
Assist client to develop new products
Giving advice and solution to clients who have problems in BREAD Bakery.
Supply or recommend suitable machinery and equipment to clients who need either small or big scale production.
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by LaudableXX: 12:55am On Mar 29, 2018
i wanted to be sure of what he is saying before I re-post on social media
Bros, before posting on social media please pay a visit to public state-owned hospitals and primary health care centres in Ogun state, especially the ones outside Abeokuta. Talk to the patients, and take pictures if possible. Or just wait until the next time you are sick, before going there for treatment. A trial will convince you....
Re: Over 300 Ceos To Gather In Lagos For The Entrepreneur Africa Business Meeting by Ademat7(m): 5:34am On Mar 29, 2018
actually i'm from Ogun state,finish all my education up to university here and i reside in sango ota,thanks for pointing out the rot

Bros, before posting on social media please pay a visit to public state-owned hospitals and primary health care centres in Ogun state, especially the ones outside Abeokuta. Talk to the patients, and take pictures if possible. Or just wait until the next time you are sick, before going there for treatment. A trial will convince you....

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