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Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? - Politics (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? (17640 Views)


YARADUA: 26% (5 votes)
DAGRIN: 73% (14 votes)
This poll has ended

I know what pained the people - Jonathan / Angry Pained Criminals (A.P.C): Why Are They Angry? (must Read) / Shehu Musa Yar'adua Entered Army 1959, How Did He Write Exam 1961 Na???? (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by hatch: 12:18pm On May 13, 2010
I know this is a relatively funny thread to find in the political section and even funnier that i am commenting on it. But call a spade a spade, I think Dagrin's death is a million times more painful.Yar'adua as a president that died long time ago back in November and to think that most people here can be this hypocritical and lip service / eye service freaks beats my imagination.

Yar'adua was our president,we all admit but the truth be said,  what impact did he make apart from the sycophants that benefited from his regime while it lasted. I heard of Dagrin probably a little over a year go but the cat made sense while he was alive.

Barack O grin is still much more relevant if you ask around.   wink
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by mrofficial(m): 12:30pm On May 13, 2010
A pole, please.
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by Skmoda360(m): 12:34pm On May 13, 2010
@violent,u are right,there are so many hypocritical minds in nigeria.
One love barack ogrin,miss u much.
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by tosinaded(m): 12:35pm On May 13, 2010
Y shld i miss sum1 who was so clueless to leave billions of naira back in katsina instead of providing basic ammenities?

Why shld i mis sum1 who u billions of tax payers money 4 check ups abroad instead of improving medical facilities here?

Sum say he was sincere! Tel dat to d birds abeg,sum1 who got to power tru an election dat was rigged? Sum1 who knew he was sick and stil went ahead to rule? So much 4 honesty

it pains me more dat dagrin and other nigerians wld av stayd alive if only our facilities here are good!

Readn people post sh.it that yaradua was d present so he shldnt be compard! Who gives a fucc if he was?
What did he do 4 u?
What has nigeria done 4 u?
Does being a president make him any diff a human than u are?
U know how many peeps died in jos and maiduguri cos govt cldnt provide safety 4 people? Gosh i almost died in borno state. . .who wld av known? Prob my parents alone. .and our president was in saudi wasting tax payers money cos he was so sincere to accept a job he wsnt fit for!

Dagrin cld av lived,many nigerians wld av lived if things are put in place!
Nigerians are jst sumtimes too gullible dat i think we deserve wut we get atimes!

I cried wen dagrin died,i cried cos a life was gone that cld av bn saved,i cried cos i luv naija music,i cried cos his music was a mirror of wut we see everyday in life,i cried cos many wil stil die cos things are nt ok in this country!

Barack O' grin lives forever. . . . .
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by sweetguy10(m): 12:51pm On May 13, 2010
I Missed dagrin , I am Missing him now and I will forever miss him . When i heard of his death i could not help but Cry . something I have done in a long time . I was made aware of how funny this life can be . His death brought some forgotten senses back to my medulla. His GHETTO DREAMS revives spirit in me . A spirit that will never relent until i have my fill of this beautiful life .

When i heard of Yar'a stupid's death , Ha !! I recharged my phone and start calling peeps asking them if they've heard of the puppet's death. Infact we went to the bar and drank ourself to senseless . Dagrin will always be in my heart , always and forever . I cried for him , miss him like crazy , to hell with Yar'a gay . Infact let his puppet soul rot in Hades !!

# Now playing thank god ( dagrin ft omawunmi )
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by deribigbe(m): 1:07pm On May 13, 2010
i felt so bad for the two families of the dead
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by Parnassuss(m): 1:15pm On May 13, 2010
Dude, i don't feel this thread one bit, these are two fellows who contributed their quote as best they could, don't let us mar their images by unchecked comparisons. angry
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by nannyo(f): 1:19pm On May 13, 2010
dagrin over and over again. as a matter of fact when yaradua died i felt relieved because he was hinderin this country 4rm moving forward
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by babaoo: 1:29pm On May 13, 2010
Yea,i no go miss yaradua for sec,why wil i miss him anyway.Even his family wudnt miss him dat much coz dey got billions to spend after his death.I guess u guy remeba during his illness we were told 70milion was stolen 4rm his house.Can u imagine ! I don know wen our president villa turn vault.Any just to let u know my opinion i wil miss ma boy dagrin,infact i dey miss d boy as i dey write.May his gentle soul rest in peace
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by Desdo(m): 1:31pm On May 13, 2010
D question we shld ask urselves re in what way has Da grin's music contributed 2 upgrading a lay man's life. As 4 yar' Adua i don't belief he is sincere enough, looking at it 4rm d angle of his health he kept Nigerians in d dark just because of power which 2 me he value more dan his life. The death of both was not a shocker 2 me
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by Emmyk(m): 1:37pm On May 13, 2010
NON- AND NIL  undecided
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by StudioCFR(m): 1:41pm On May 13, 2010
who's yaradua?
that slow poison??

7 points agenda no wan him do,   after graduation no job,  epileptic power supply,   appointing his fellow criminals to run under his government, 

no future for the youths,   na only empty promises him sabi,  his wife snatched power from him,  billions of naira were stolen under his government him no fit recover anything.

bad governance!

well, it's good him go rest somewhere and lets see what the new government got to offer the youths cool

i no send am. wink

Missed Da'grin jor  cool
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by ricky01: 2:02pm On May 13, 2010
na dagrin oh, de guy lycrics to tight,
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by gunnermic(m): 2:15pm On May 13, 2010
yar"adua was expected while dagrin was unexpected so its surely dagrin's death grin grin
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by gunnermic(m): 2:19pm On May 13, 2010
yar"adua was expected while dagrin was unexpected so its surely dagrin's death grin grin
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by Nobody: 2:23pm On May 13, 2010
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by Davecorn: 2:24pm On May 13, 2010
Iwill rather say i will miss Yaradua more because if i were to pick Da Grin i will just be lying because he was of no value and did not contribute to the economy of this great nation.
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by ddiamond(f): 2:32pm On May 13, 2010
i miss dagrin alot,yaradua death is just one of those thgs.
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by babaogun(m): 2:38pm On May 13, 2010
@Dave Corn

In as much as politics is a major factor/activity that affects daily life, other factors have to be considered such as social, economic and technological factors.
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by walata44(m): 2:45pm On May 13, 2010
Iwill rather say i will miss Yaradua more because if i were to pick Da Grin i will just be lying because he was of no value and did not contribute to the economy of this great nation.
And what economic value did Yaradua added to Nigeria apart from spending the little money that we have got in Saudi hospital? Dagrin is just an ordinary every day Nigerian that their life needs good health facilities, my friend it could be you!
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by PurestBoy(m): 3:04pm On May 13, 2010
You can always find better president but not indigenous rapper like DaGrin.
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by GBAS: 3:09pm On May 13, 2010
cryYar 'Adua of course!
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by Pinkie9ja: 3:11pm On May 13, 2010
Dagrin of course, everyone knew Yaradua was a walking corpse. Dagrin was snatched from us. Dagrin not only cut across the youths but the tribes as well. He definitely brought about more unity with his songs than Yaradua with his post.
R.I.P. Akogun
May Heaven accept you and dance to your songs as well.
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by timpaker(m): 3:13pm On May 13, 2010
Dagrin was a nobody untill his death, most people don't even know who he was when he was alive and yet they blab as if they missed him.
Yar'adua was a man well known to us, his policies and advocacies were stonking, he would have been the man of the people because of his zealous attempt to quench corruption but health and the people around him mitigated such thought.

As for Yar'adua, he cried the tears that drowned him,  he would have taken a bow and concentrated on his health.
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by x2lambo(m): 3:50pm On May 13, 2010
To be sincere , the are both president , and Dagrin speaks his mind but Ya adua dont Da grin speaks his lyric without no fear But Ya adua he cant because he might get into trouble with his God fathers

so i miss Da grin More cos i listen to his music always and i still do even when he is gone but yar adua , hell no i cant even stand listening to the news all we hear in the news is the billions and zillions ,
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by PastorOla1: 4:51pm On May 13, 2010
Who is dagrin when we talking of a man like Yar'adua, am asking again who is The green or dagrin pls
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by greatgeo(m): 5:06pm On May 13, 2010
he was d best yard adur
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by kashmo: 5:30pm On May 13, 2010

Y shld i miss sum1 who was so clueless to leave billions of naira back in katsina instead of providing basic ammenities?

Why shld i mis sum1 who u billions of tax payers money 4 check ups abroad instead of improving medical facilities here?

Sum say he was sincere! Tel dat to d birds abeg,sum1 who got to power tru an election dat was rigged? Sum1 who knew he was sick and stil went ahead to rule? So much 4 honesty

it pains me more dat dagrin and other nigerians wld av stayd alive if only our facilities here are good!

Readn people post sh.it that yaradua was d present so he shldnt be compard! Who gives a fucc if he was?
What did he do 4 u?
What has nigeria done 4 u?
Does being a president make him any diff a human than u are?
U know how many peeps died in jos and maiduguri cos govt cldnt provide safety 4 people? Gosh i almost died in borno state. . .who wld av known? Prob my parents alone. .and our president was in saudi wasting tax payers money cos he was so sincere to accept a job he wsnt fit for!

Dagrin cld av lived,many nigerians wld av lived if things are put in place!
Nigerians are jst sumtimes too gullible dat i think we deserve wut we get atimes!

I cried wen dagrin died,i cried cos a life was gone that cld av bn saved,i cried cos i luv naija music,i cried cos his music was a mirror of wut we see everyday in life,i cried cos many wil stil die cos things are nt ok in this country!

Barack O' grin lives forever. . . . .
End of discussion here, This young man don nail am! I quote from the late Dagrin "Nigeria, ojo jumo la nji riya, ani kama se adura, where is Mr Yar'adua?" When Nigerians were suffering on bended knees hoping for prayers to be answered, Mr Yar'adua was no where to be found to lead his nation. I don't miss him one bit, but Dagrin's make my heart cringe and got me questioning why do the good ones die young.
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by Kzea: 5:46pm On May 13, 2010
to be sincere i miss yar adua.but at the same time i miss dagrin,
yar adua is the most sincere president we've had in this our great Nation. i was expecting his recovery before i heard the breaking news that he was dead.men it was really painfull
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by hatch: 5:51pm On May 13, 2010
Pastor Ola:

Who is dagrin when we talking of a man like Yar'adua, am asking again who is The green or dagrin pls

Another Hypocritical goon ?
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by hatch: 5:57pm On May 13, 2010
[size=28pt]99 % of people claiming to Miss Yar'death more are the Usual Lip / Eye service knuckle heads that will always lie and deceive themselves[/size]

Pathetic Nation lipsrsealed lipsrsealed
Re: Yar'adua Or Dagrin's Death: Which Pained You More? by mamagee3(f): 5:57pm On May 13, 2010
This is ridiculous!

Someone dies and what comes to a normal human being's mind is whose death is more painful.

Wonder the kind of dafts on this forum.

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