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6 Ways To Get Rid Of Rats In Your Home - Properties - Nairaland

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6 Ways To Get Rid Of Rats In Your Home by mosaic77: 4:59pm On Apr 12, 2018
You are here because rats have virtually driven you out of your home.

I have bad news for you. Rats are known carriers of several types of diseases that can lead to serious illness and in some cases, even death. They are the carrier of the Lassa fever that has claimed 43 lives in just 2 months in Nigeria. There were 615 reported cases of the fever while 193 cases were confirmed positive. This is a freaking 23.9% fatality rate.

Sorry, I have one more bad news. Rats breed easily. They reach sexual maturity at about 4 to 5 weeks and have a litter size of 6 to 12 pubs. They can wean the pubs after 21 days. This means just within 3 weeks you will have additional 6 to 12 rats running around your property scavenging for foods and invading your space.

I guess you are here because you need proven ways to get rid of rats in your home, not to hear some bad news.

Anyway, we still have good news for you.

To get rid of rats in your home is so easy. All you need to do is to follow these proven ways. They will not cost you much, but just a little time and minimal energy.

Block rat holes

Find the entry points and block them.

Rats are known to have strong teeth and claws. With these, they can dig holes through a building and cut through woods with their teeth. Identifying the holes and setting up effective barriers is a great way to start. This will trap those inside  in the building for easy elimination while shutting out those outside.

Set rat traps

Place various traps at different strategic places to either catch the rats alive or kill them immediately.

Before setting the traps, make sure you eliminate all their food sources. This is important because naturally, rats are wary of unknown objects on their established foraging paths.This scepticism can make trapping a rat particularly difficult for a homeowner. So making them hungry would make them take the bait. It is important you handle the dead rats carefully. This is because they can expose you to health risks.

Ensure good sanitation

Maintain a clean environment at all times, and make this a culture.

A dirty environment is what attracts rats to your home and give them reasons to start co-habiting with you. It is necessary you clean up your environment. Make sure the trash cans are always disposed and properly closed. Remove clutters from your home to deny them hiding places. Destroy their shelter and breeding places.

Use ultrasonic pest repellents

Rats hate sounds. Use this to your advantage. The idea of using sounds to drive rats away was first used by the Chinese 5000 years ago. So this is a proven way to get rid of rats in your home because rats are so sensitive to sounds. Installing an ultrasonic device can emit sounds that can drive rodents away by making them confused, convulse or even die. Fortunately, the sounds are not detectable by human ears.

Don’t forget the cats

Cats prey on rats. Having them around your home can scare rats away.

If you have not watched Tom and Jerry, then you might doubt the effectiveness of using cats to maintain a rat-free home. Healthy cats have the energy and interest to hunt rats. Having them in your home can help you to get rid of rats. They are also important in preventing reinfestation of rats.

Use a professional

Using rat Exterminators shouldn’t be the last resort. Make it part of the overall plan.

You can rid your home of rats, but what about reinfestation? Do you have any plan on how to tackle that? Even if you do, how do you intend to handle the health risks associated with the exposure to dead rats and rat poisons? This is why it is advisable you consider using a pest control professional, especially if you are dealing with an infestation of large-scale dimension.

Speaking with [b]Mosaic [/b]can help you to develop a rat removal plan that will match your needs and budget.


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Re: 6 Ways To Get Rid Of Rats In Your Home by Casemiro(m): 6:36am On Jan 12, 2020
rats eh! angry

go natural,
[url=youtube.com/watch?v=-m9YRpIaoww] see the fastest way I killed 10 rats in one night [/url]

Re: 6 Ways To Get Rid Of Rats In Your Home by Bananaz: 2:10pm On Feb 18, 2020
Nice share, thanks.
Re: 6 Ways To Get Rid Of Rats In Your Home by NanaBarns: 2:20pm On Feb 18, 2020

Set rat traps

Place various traps at different strategic places to either catch the rats alive or kill them immediately.

Before setting the traps, make sure you eliminate all their food sources. This is important because naturally, rats are wary of unknown objects on their established foraging paths.This scepticism can make trapping a rat particularly difficult for a homeowner. So making them hungry would make them take the bait. It is important you handle the dead rats carefully. This is because they can expose you to health risks.

Use ultrasonic pest repellents

Rats hate sounds. Use this to your advantage. The idea of using sounds to drive rats away was first used by the Chinese 5000 years ago. So this is a proven way to get rid of rats in your home because rats are so sensitive to sounds. Installing an ultrasonic device can emit sounds that can drive rodents away by making them confused, convulse or even die. Fortunately, the sounds are not detectable by human ears.

Thanks for this article. It's still relevant nowadays. Though I could say you can deal with moderate infestation without a pest control service.
Using various traps and ultrasonic repellents should definitely work from my experience. I would recommend spreading rat baits in every corner of your house and yard as well. Several traps consist of bait which smells good for rodents and attracts them very fast. The rest is just a matter of time, consider it the best way to deal with those little pests.
Re: 6 Ways To Get Rid Of Rats In Your Home by GavinHemmings(m): 3:11pm On Jul 10, 2020
Thanks for sharing!
Re: 6 Ways To Get Rid Of Rats In Your Home by nisayvx(f): 3:14pm On Jul 10, 2020
I'm so glad I found this thread, because I've been fighting rats in my garage for a long time, but they're winning. They look very cute and fluffy like on that picture, but they ruined my garage and chewed my tools. Moreover, I have places for storing fruits and vegetables there, and they got there. So I'm looking for a reliable way to get rid of them once and for all! Recently I found this guide https://www.guides4homeowners.co.uk/pest-control/best-rat-poison, where there are various rat poison picks if you have heard something about it, please leave your feedback. And I hope that this time the victory will be mine!

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