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Apply For Lagos State Primary Health Care Board Recruitment 2018 - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

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Lagos State Primary Health Care Board Recruitment Process. / Lagos State Primary Health Care Board / Lagos State Primary Health Care Board Latest Job Recruitment (13 Positions) (2) (3) (4)

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Apply For Lagos State Primary Health Care Board Recruitment 2018 by Mrsamuelumo: 12:23pm On Apr 17, 2018
The Lagos State Primary Health Care (PHC) Board was set up amongst others to manage the Career Development of Health Workers in the 57 LGAs/LCDAs in Lagos State and is saddled with the over all responsibility of revitalization, restructuring and re-equipping of the PHCCs in the 57 LGAs/LCDAs, in order to bring quality Health Care closer to the people of Lagos State.

Applications are currently invited to fill the position below:

Job Title: Medical Officer – GL.12
Location: Lagos


Carrying out General Medical duties in a Primary Health Care Centre, practicing in area of speciality under supervision and performing such other related duties as may be assigned.

Candidate must possess a degree in Medicine from a recognized University and must have been registered with the Medical & Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN).
In addition, candidate must have completed the compulsory National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) scheme at the time the application.
He/she must possess a minimum of three years in that specialty plus any other relating specialities.
All candidates must possess strong work ethics, desire to work in result driven environment in any part of the state.
Job Title: Staff Nurse/Staff Midwife – GL.07
Location: Lagos


Undertaking nursing care of patients in the Local Government Health Institutions.
Assisting Doctors in the operating theatres and other Departments in the Local Government Health Institutions.
Feeding patients and undertaking laundry care as well as other duties as assigned.

Candidate must possess the NRN or the NRM or their equivalent and must have been duly registered with the Nursing & Midwife Council of Nigeria (NMCN) or the Midwives Board of Nigeria plus at least two years post- qualification cognate experience.
All candidates must possess strong work ethics, desire to woprk in result driven environment in any part of the state.
Job Title: Senior Pharmacist – GL.10

Location: Lagos


Taking charge of the preparation of certain sterile products as transfusion solutions, dye drops and ointments, giving advice on the issue of certain license under the Pharmacy Law, taking charge of the activities of a Zonal Medical Stores and any other duties as may be assigned.

Candidate must possess a degree in Pharmacy or equivalent qualification registered by Pharmacist Council of Nigeria.
In addition, candidate must have completed the compulsory National Youth Service (NYSC) scheme at the time of the application and at least 3 years post registration cognate experience.
All candidates must possess strong work ethics, desire to work in result driven environment in any part of the state.
Job Title: Staff Nursing Officer – GL.08
Location: Lagos


Supervising junior staff. Assisting in the control of communicable diseases and eradication of infections by way of immunization.
Maintaining accurate health records for statistical data.

Candidate must possess a recognized BSc. Nursing plus the registration of Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN) plus at least two years post registration cognate experience.
All candidates must possess strong work ethics, desire to work in result driven environment in any part of the state.
Job Title: Pharmacy Technician – GL.07
Location: Lagos


Dispensing prescribed drugs under the supervision of a Pharmacist or superior Pharmacy Technician, assisting the Pharmacist in keeping proper record of drugs issued from the central store, maintaining and cleaning the Pharmacy and pharmacy equipment, and any other duty assigned.

Candidate who has completed the prescribed three years’ training programme at the School of Health Technology. The subject of study are as approved by the Pharmacist Board of Nigeria.
All candidates must possess strong work ethics, desire to work in result driven environment in any part of the state.
Job Title: Higher Pharmacy Technician – GL.08
Location: Lagos


Assisting the Pharmacist in the preparation of stock mixtures, lotions and syrups keeping adequate and proper records.
Maintaining and cleaning the Pharmacy and pharmacy equipments.
Performing such other related duties that may be assigned.

Candidate who has completed the prescribed three years’ training programme at the School of Health Technology and obtained the registration of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Technician Cadre.
All candidates must possess strong work ethics, desire to woprk in result driven environment in any part of the state.
Job Title: Principal Pharmacy Technician – GL.10
Location: Lagos


Preparing simple dilution of stock mixtures for use in Primary Health Care Centre/Dispensaries, control and supervising of subordinate staff and performing such other related duties as may be assigned.

Candidate who has completed the prescribed three years’ training programme at the School of Health Technology and obtained the registration of the Pharmacist Council of Nigeria.
All candidates must possess strong work ethics, desire to work in result driven environment in any part of the state.
Job Title: Community Health Extension Worker (CHEW) – GL.07
Location: Lagos


Familiarizing with target population and health service facilities within the Community, initiating preliminary contract with community Leaders on Health matters, assisting in collecting community Health Matters; participating in Primary Health Care House Numbering and placement of Home-based Records, treating minor ailments using the standing orders, conducting simple laboratory test; dressing uncomplicated wounds and giving immunization.
Carrying out incision and drainage, giving Family Planning Counselling and Services as well as any other duty assigned.

Candidate possessing West African School Certificate or Senior Secondary School Certificate with four credit passes at one sitting or five credit passes at two sitting and who has successfully completed a three-year training in a recognized Institution and obtained the registration of the Community Health Practitioners Registration Board of Nigeria.
All candidates must possess strong work ethics, desire to woprk in result driven environment in any part of the state.
Job Title: Community Health Officer (CHO) II – GL. 08
Location: Lagos

Duties... Read more details here ==>>>http://www.currentschoolnews.com/job/lagos-state-primary-health-care-board-recruitment/
Re: Apply For Lagos State Primary Health Care Board Recruitment 2018 by donJ2(m): 2:50pm On Apr 17, 2018
Why cant i find this on newspapers online?
Re: Apply For Lagos State Primary Health Care Board Recruitment 2018 by johnkay1(m): 2:10pm On Nov 23, 2018
The board are fraudulent. My sister applied, she was interviewed and went through all their processes then she was found qualify and her name was among people that are to get their employment letter only to get their and the person in charge said another person has collected her letter. She went to the next day the security denied her access to enter.

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