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When Love Speaks - Literature (4) - Nairaland

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When Love Dies - Episode 1 / When Love Dies / When Love Bled (2) (3) (4)

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Re: When Love Speaks by aprilwise(m): 3:12pm On May 27, 2018
love will speak for em very soon.
Re: When Love Speaks by devilmaycry1(m): 7:06pm On May 27, 2018
i smell love
Re: When Love Speaks by izaray(f): 12:44pm On May 28, 2018
Love is speaking wink
Re: When Love Speaks by JerryLegend(m): 1:34am On May 31, 2018
Infant thanks for the mention. I'm enjoying the story. Try and update frequently bro.
Re: When Love Speaks by infant(m): 12:47am On Jun 06, 2018
Episode 9

Jewel entered his room to see Henry lying on his bed. He noticed Henry wasn't in a good mood. He walked to sit beside him on his bed.

"what's wrong?" Jewel asked.

Henry didn't respond. He only stared blankly into air.

"talk to me Henry. what's wrong?" Jewel asked again.

Henry turned to face Jewel for the first time.

"she turned me down" he said sadly.

"who turned you down?" Jewel asked.

"Angel turned me down" he said.

Jewel stared at him, not knowing what to say next. he didn't know whether to comfort him, or just tell him to forget about her. He was even about to tell him that Angel and him had become study partners, but with the look of things, he couldn't say anything to him.
Jewel place a hand on Henry's shoulder.

"what did she say to you?" Jewel asked.

"she said she's not ready for any relationship." Henry responded.

"and you are going to give up because of that? maybe she hasn't seen enough reason why she should date you. All you have to do is to show her that you are the best guy for her and when she realize that, she will agree to date you " Jewel advised.

Henry sat up immediately

"you might be right. maybe I rushed the whole thing and didn't give her the time to know me better." Henry said.

"exactly" Jewel responded.

"so what do you think I should do?" Henry asked.

"just keep things going normal with her. you should also use that opportunity to show her how much you love her. and after some time you should ask her out again." Jewel advised

"thank you very much Jewel. that's what I will do" Henry said.

"you are welcome" Jewel responded.

Henry stood up from the bed and walked to the door.

"where are you going?" Jewel asked.

"to have lunch. I haven't eaten anything since morning" Henry responded.

"so you are starving yourself because a lady turned you down." Jewel said.

Henry didn't respond. He just quietly opened the door and went out.


Francis and Lucy sat quietly at the far-left in the faculty garden. They had been sitting there quietly, since they left the restuarant which they went to have lunch. Lucy suddenly broke the silence.

"Francis, you have been so nice to me all through today. I'm just curious to know why" Lucy said.

"I'm always nice to nice ladies" he responded, not sure if that was the best way to respond.

"hmm. it's good sha. but you should know that the one who needs your attention more, is your girlfriend." Lucy said.

"I don't have any girlfriend" Francis cut in immediately.

Lucy stared at him, surprised at how quick he responded. The way Francis corrected her immediately made it look as if he was trying to prevent any topic that has to do with girlfriend, but unknown to Lucy, Francis only responded quickly for her to know that he is still single and ready to have her as his girlfriend.

"okay, if you say so" Lucy said.

"I really don't have a girlfriend" Francis said, stressing the words.

"let's start leaving. I have somethings to do in my hostel." Lucy said.

"okay" Francis responded.

They stood up and left the garden.


Jessica entered the school restuarant to see Henry having lunch at the far-left of the restuarant. Her face curved in a smile when she saw him. she walked to meet him and sat down beside him.

"hi" she greeted

"hi" Henry responded.

"you are always coming to the restuarant to eat. can't your girlfriend at least come to your hostel to prepare something for you" she joked.

She was indirectly trying to know if he has a girlfriend.

"I don't have a girlfriend yet. but why should a lady go to her boyfriend's hostel to cook for him?" Henry asked.

"I can do that for my boyfriend. it's no big deal." Jessica responded.

"you mean you can go to your boyfriend's hostel to cook for him?" Henry asked.

"I don't have a boyfriend yet. but will do that for him when I have one" Jessica responded.

"hmm. Any guy that will have you as his girlfriend will be very lucky. you will surely take good care of him" Henry said.

"I can come cook for you, since you don't have a girlfriend to do that for you." Jessica suggested.

"you know I won't allow you to do that. you are in this school to study and not to cook for a guy" Henry said.

"but I enjoy cooking" Jessica responded.

"I know, but not going to a guy's hostel to cook for him" Henry said.

"okay, but you know you can always come to my place to eat" Jessica said.

"sure" Henry responded.

Henry ate his food silently and when he was done, they left the restuarant together.


Angel was seen pacing up and down in front of Jewel's hostel. She was waiting for him to come out so that they could make a decision on when they will be meeting for their personal study. She had earlier agreed to meet Jewel in front of his hostel so that they could make the decision, and she had been standing in front of Jewel's hostel for close to an hour, but he was still not coming out. She was becoming impatient already.
She decided to go see what was delaying Jewel from coming out, since she knew his room number. Henry had once told her their room number.

She entered into the hostel and walked from one door to the other until she got to Jewel's door. She knocked softly on the door.

"come in." she heard Jewel's voice from within.

She opened the door and enter to see Jewel sitting on his bed. he was solving some questions.

Jewel stared at her, surprised. he never expected to see her in his room.

"so you are right here in your room doing nothing, while I have been standing outside for hours waiting for you" Angel barked.

"I thought you won't come" Jewel said.

"didn't we agree to meet in front of your hostel?" Angel asked.

"but I still thought you won't come. anyway, I'm sorry." he apologized.

He brought out a piece of paper from his pocket and showed to Angel.

"I will give this to Dr. Femi. we will be meeting on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. by 6:pm. I think these are the best days since we won't be having much lectures on those days" Jewel said.

"I don't agree to that" Angel said.

"why?" Jewel asked.

"I'm always busy on those days. I think, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays should be okay" Angel responded.

"how can you suggest those days, when you know the workload we always have" Jewel said

The truth was that, Angel was okay with the days Jewel suggested, but the fact that he unilaterally took the decision without consulting her was why she disagreed.

"Those are the days that will be okay for me" Angel responded.

"you can't be serious. I'm taking the paper to Dr. Femi as our decision." Jewel said.

Angel immediately grabbed the paper from Jewel and walked to the door.
Jewel rushed to meet her and held her hand from behind. Angel tried to forcefully free herself from Jewel, but Jewel wrapped his hand around her and struggled to get the paper from her. While they were still struggling with the book, the door suddenly opened and Henry walked in. He froze when he saw Jewel wrapping his hand around Angel. The way Jewel's hands were wrapped around Angel, made it looked as if Jewel was embracing her. Henry stared at them and they stared back still in the same position. Jewel needed no one to tell him that Henry might have misunderstood what he saw.
After staring silently at them, Henry turned and left the room.
Jewel immediately freed Angel when Henry left. Jewel knew very well that he has lot of explanations to do.

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Re: When Love Speaks by Nobody: 1:07am On Jun 06, 2018
O boy, Jewel don enter am. Lot of explanations is the word oo. Thanks for the update. God bless. Please update more, will be appreciated.
Re: When Love Speaks by Mustack: 2:39am On Jun 06, 2018
oboy this is taking too long oh.. nice update
Re: When Love Speaks by YINKS89(m): 4:48am On Jun 06, 2018
Jewel don't enta one chance
Re: When Love Speaks by izaray(f): 10:59am On Jun 06, 2018
Jewel yaff enter her trap finally

Thanks for updating us. But you're keeping us waiting for too long na angry
Re: When Love Speaks by skubido(m): 11:50am On Jun 06, 2018
A lot ni oo. Cuz get strong head..
Op abeg change d way u dey update...

Tanks a lot for the update. God bless
Re: When Love Speaks by Treasure17(m): 4:13pm On Jun 07, 2018
Update update update @infant before we miss the story line.
Re: When Love Speaks by Samuelsmart22(m): 4:41pm On Jun 07, 2018
Chai........ Jewel gat real lot of explanations o.....@ infant, you're doing a great work, well done, but please keep dropping the updates, abeg, we're anticipating
Re: When Love Speaks by Praizymicheal(f): 9:20pm On Jun 07, 2018
More, more more
Re: When Love Speaks by pu7pl3(m): 1:47pm On Jun 09, 2018
Infant...long time...keep it up

1 Like

Re: When Love Speaks by hidhrhis(m): 2:00pm On Jun 09, 2018
infant come ND drop update ooo
Re: When Love Speaks by Mustack: 6:56pm On Jun 09, 2018
infant where at you.
Re: When Love Speaks by infant(m): 8:53pm On Jun 09, 2018
Episode 10

Jewel stood still, staring at the door Henry just walked out from. He couldn't do or say anything. He knew very well that Henry might have misunderstood what he saw. Angel also stood still without saying a word. she was waiting for Jewel to say the first word. When Jewel didn't say anything, she turned and walked to the door. Jewel followed behind her, knowing fully well that she's going to Dr Femi's office. He didn't want to argue with her anymore. he would agree to any decision she made. He had made a mistake already and wouldn't want to add to it. He followed her out of the room and locked the door behind him.


Angel stood in front of Dr. Femi's office, with Jewel standing right behind him. She was still holding the paper she grabbed from Jewel. She knocked softly on the door.

"come in" Dr. Femi's voice sounded from within.

Angel opened the door and entered. Jewel followed behind her immediately.

"good afternoon sir" they greeted in unison.

Dr. Femi looked up from the magazine he was reading.

"good afternoon." Dr. Femi responded.
"have you made your decision"

"yes sir" Angel responded.

She handed the paper she was holding to Dr. Femi.

"we have agreed to meet, Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays." Angel said.

Jewel stared at her, surprised. That was the same suggestion he made to her, which she refused. if she was going to agree, why then did she have to make a scene back there in his room.

Dr. Femi stared at the book for a while and dropped it on his desk.

"okay, good. That means you will be meeting today. let me give you some materials you will be working with." Dr. Femi said and brought out some materials from his drawer.

He handed the materials to Angel.

"you should work with this for now. I will announce it in the class later on that you both will be representing your class. but for now, no one should know about it. not even your close friends. is that clear" Dr. Femi said.

"yes sir" they responded in unison.

"okay, you may leave now. when you have any questions, don't hesitate to let me know" Dr. Femi said.

"thank you sir" They responded and left his office.

Jewel stretched his phone to Angel, once they were out of Dr. Femi's office, and without asking any question, Angel collected the phone. She knew Jewel was asking for her number. She typed her number and returned the phone to Jewel. Jewel collected the phone and they went their separate ways.


Jewel entered his room to see Henry sitting on a chair. he was busy solving a question. he pretended like he didn't see Jewel. jewel stared at him for a while and went to lie on his bed. He didn't know whether to explain what happened earlier to Henry or not. And moreover, there is no how he would explain things to Henry without mentioning Angel's reason for coming to their room. There's no how he will explain it without telling him that Angel and him are preparing for an upcoming quiz. Dr. Femi warned them not to tell anyone. He didn't know why Dr. Femi said that, but he wouldn't want to disobey him. He will explain everything to Henry when the time is right. As for now, he won't say anything to him, since he didn't ask.

Henry continued with what he was doing, without looking at Jewel's direction.


Lucy sat on her bed with her phone in her hand. She wanted to put a call across to Jewel but couldn't. After minutes of holding the phone without making any call, she dropped the phone on her bed and lay on her back.

"I can't continue like this. this is not the best way to go about it. I can't keep calling him whenever I need to hear his voice. he will get tired of my calls someday. I need to look for a different way to go about this. I need to go to my cousin's hostel to seek for her advice on this. she might be able to help. she is more experienced than me. I think I should go to her hostel." she said and stood up from her bed.

She took her phone from her bed and left her room.


Jewel sat up on his bed. he looked at his phone and realized it was almost time for his personal study with Angel. He looked at Henry's bed and realized he was no longer in the room. he stood up from his bed, took his wallet and left the room.


Angel sat on her bed, preparing for her study with Jewel. She packed the books on her bed and put it inside her handbag. she was the only one in the room. Jessica had not returned. Her door suddenly opened and Lucy walked in. she went to sit beside Angel on her bed.

"what's up Angel" Lucy said.

"I'm cool" Angel responded.

"are you going out?" Lucy asked, when she saw Angel packing some books into her bag.

"yes" Angel responded.

"where is my cousin?" Lucy asked.

"Jessica is not yet back." Angel responded.
"let me get something from the other room. I'm coming"

"okay" Lucy responded.

Angel stood up and left the room.
Lucy sat alone in the room, staring at every corner of the room. Angel's phone suddenly started ringing on her bed. Lucy ignored it at first, but when it kept ringing, she took it from the bed. she stared closely at the phone and realized that the call was from Jewel. same Jewel that had been giving her sleepless night.

"why is Jewel calling Angel" she mumbled.
"I thought they were not in good term. Or have they set aside their differences. even at that, they shouldn't be that close for Jewel to have her number."

she was still mumbling when the phone stopped ringing. it started ringing almost immediately.
Out of curiosity, she picked the call and place the phone on her ear without saying anything.

"Meet me at the gate" Jewel's voice sounded at the other end

Before she could say anything, Jewel ended the call. She stared at the phone, confused. Jewel's tone sounded like an order. He sounded like he was ordering Angel to meet him at the gate.
While she was still staring at the phone, the door opened and Angel walked in.

"Jewel called" Lucy said immediately she saw Angel.

"oh, so he has called. what did he say?" Angel asked.

"he said you should meet him at the gate" Lucy responded.

"okay, let me start going then" Angel said.

She carried her bad and collected her phone from Lucy.

"are you guys.........." Lucy wanted to ask a question.
"never mind" she said instead.

"okay, see you later." Angel said and walked to the door.

Lucy stared at Angel until she left the room. it was obvious that she had lot of questions on her mind. she wanted to ask Angel if she and Jewel are now an item. She prayed silently for that not to be the case, because she can't stand to see Jewel dating another lady, and most especially her close friend.

"I hope there's nothing going on between them. I have to find out and put a stop to it. I have to use every means possible to make sure that there relationship don't work, if it is true that they are seeing each other. I will do everything possible to make Jewel mine." she said and lay on Angel's bed.


Angel and Jewel sat quietly at the faculty garden. They were the only one in the garden. every other students have gone back to their hostel. The garden was very quiet and conducive for reading. They were both holding different materials which they were reading. even though they were sitting very close to each other, they had not say anything to each other since they got to garden. They were not even studying together. Each of them was reading his own material. they were not working together as they should have.

Henry suddenly walked into the garden. He froze immediately he saw Jewel and Angel sitting at the far-left in the garden. They were too engrossed in what they were reading, that they didn't notice his presence. Henry quickly hid behind a tree and stared at them from a distance. He frown when he saw Jewel sitting very close to Angel. He glared at them. His eyes suddenly turned red. if those eyes were gun, about six bullets would have pierced into Jewel's body. He glared at them with so much pain in his heart.

"someone I thought was my friend, went behind me to get the lady I love. so people could be this wicked" he said, bitterly.
"Jewel, don't think you have won, because I will surely come back for you. you will regret going for the lady I love. I'm going to make you regret doing this to me. just wait and see. you have just drawn the battle line. you will surely regret this. I promise you" Henry sworn.

He glared at them one last time and left the garden without their awareness.


Re: When Love Speaks by Treasure17(m): 9:33pm On Jun 09, 2018
Thank God @infant is back and good. Nice update
Re: When Love Speaks by skubido(m): 3:07am On Jun 10, 2018
Lobatan, this Love sha,

Tanks a lot for the update. God bless

Whr u waka go ke
Re: When Love Speaks by John944: 11:43am On Jun 10, 2018
The heat is on! Loving this the more!...more frequent updates bro! keep the spirit!
Re: When Love Speaks by Nobody: 2:55pm On Jun 10, 2018
The fight for love has started. Thanks for the update. Thumb up bro. Keep it up.
Re: When Love Speaks by harmonychris(f): 3:29pm On Jun 10, 2018
more ink to your Biro
this love matter no be hear oo
Re: When Love Speaks by izaray(f): 10:07am On Jun 11, 2018
Love is wickedcheesy

Henry is just getting tormented by himself cool
Re: When Love Speaks by Obiabomike: 12:48pm On Jun 18, 2018
Infant thanks for the previous updates
We are waiting earnestly
Don't kill the vibe
Feed us more
Re: When Love Speaks by skubido(m): 9:18am On Jun 19, 2018
OP whr are u
Re: When Love Speaks by John944: 4:51pm On Jun 20, 2018
sad Baba watin dey xup na?
Re: When Love Speaks by Mustack: 6:49pm On Jun 20, 2018
infant baba where at you[color=#990000][/color]
Re: When Love Speaks by adeoyun(m): 1:13pm On Jun 25, 2018
The delay in update is killing this story
Re: When Love Speaks by stizzy(f): 2:28pm On Jun 27, 2018
Infant u are always online but u are not updating why na
Re: When Love Speaks by Treasure17(m): 12:33pm On Jun 28, 2018
Update us @infant in order to enjoy the fascinating drama between Henry, Jessica, Jewel and Angel.
Re: When Love Speaks by Uniquechild(f): 9:37pm On Jun 28, 2018
The delay in update is killing this story
I'm telling you

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