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Truly Immortalizing Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe. - Religion - Nairaland

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Truly Immortalizing Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe. by Eritobi(m): 4:51pm On May 18, 2010

YOU see, understanding the impact this great man of God has made on the human race will give you one more reason to praise GOD. he is a briefing on life life and works.
Moses Orimolade Tunolase, known in his boyhood days as Orimolade Okejebu, was born into the royal family of Omo'ba Ode Sodi [1] of Okorun Quarters, Ikare, Western Nigeria. The year of his birth has traditionally been given as 1879. At the time of his birth, there was no birth registry in Ikare. The art of writing and therefore the keeping of records, had not yet become popular in that locality. We therefore have no authentic record of his birth date.

His life began with a strange experience his mother had. Madam Odijoroto,--also of the same royal house [2],--was in the bush where she had gone to cut firewood while she was heavy with child. She fetched more firewood than she could lift by herself. She realized she would have to reduce the bundle in order to be able to carry it. Just then she heard a voice telling her the easiest way to lift the bundle even if she did not make it smaller. She looked around in great astonishment, but saw no one. The voice spoke again: "Do not be frightened. I am the child in your womb. Follow my advice and be on your way" [3]. She was directed to raise the bundle up at one end and, with the help of her hands, knee and head, kick up the other end. The advice was simple and very obvious and Odijoroto blamed herself for not having thought of the idea initially.
Mysterious Birth and Childhood

Back at home, she quite naturally related her incredible experience to Tunolase, her husband, who arranged that the Ifa oracle be consulted at once. The couple was surprised when the oracle predicted that the child of the conception would be an important saint. It also said the child was being sent by the Almighty God to preach the gospel of his Son, Jesus Christ. This was beyond the comprehension of both Tunolase and his wife, especially as the Christian gospel had not yet been preached in that locality. However, the prescribed rites were performed and offerings were made to ensure a safe delivery for the mother. Tunolase, himself an Ifa priest, consulted the oracle privately for more enlightenment about the expected child, and it was further revealed that it would be a male child pre-ordained of God as his special apostle to the pagans of Yorubaland. He was therefore to be treated as a Nazarite.

The ultimate arrival of the new child brought to its parents mixed feelings. They were happy that a new member had been added to the family but were filled with embarrassment and apprehension in view of the circumstances surrounding his birth and the incidents which occurred on the day he was born. It is said that the new child "stood up in its birth blood" desiring "to walk out three times." However, the midwife who helped during the mother's labour "pressed down the baby with force." Summoned to the scene, the embarrassed father began to recite incantations which eventually calmed the excited child. He then went out to report to certain elderly people what had happened in his house [4].

This story probably is the way the United Church of Cherubim and Seraphim (C & S) accounts for Moses Orimolade's prolonged paralysis. It is generally believed that, as a direct consequence of this incident, the boy Orimolade could neither stand nor walk until he was well over five years of age. The incantations pronounced by his father had the horrible effect of a curse which might have incapacitated him permanently. Tunolase was so frightened by this strange incident that he decided to avoid any further embarrassment by killing himself. At a family meeting, which he convened, he disclosed his intentions to do so but was condemned for his apparent cowardice. Egunjobi, one of his own children, thought it would be reasonable for him to live in order to see what the child would become. While Tunolase expressed satisfaction with the entreaties of his family, his visible state of melancholy left no doubt that he had little time to live.

The final blow came with the message Tunolase received from the infant boy, a few days after he had dismissed Orimolade and his mother from his sight for good: that he should go to the top of a nearby hill (now known by C & S in Ikare as Calvary) and there in penitence confess his sins to God. This message threw Tunolase into a state of utter despair and he was taken ill. He requested that his wife, Orimolade's mother, be summoned to his bedside. As the sobbing woman knelt beside him, he blessed her in the manner of an elderly Yoruba man about to die. He died a few days after this event and was buried honourably.

Orimolade Okejebu spent his youth in Ikare. Hardly had the excitement excited by the incidents experienced at his birth subsided than he became the centre of attention again. This time the scene was in the only church in the town, St. Stephen's Anglican Church, which belonged to the C.M.S. Mission. On this particular night, the minister was drawn to the church by a strange light and the sound of singing. It was puzzling to him how anybody could be using the building at that time of night without his knowledge so he decided to investigate. He knocked at the main entrance and the door opened by itself. To his great amazement, the whole building was empty except for a small child of about five sitting on the floor in a kind of bright phosphorescent illumination. It occurred to the shocked minister [5] that the child staring calmly at him, unruffled by his intrusion, was Orimolade the strange boy who had become the talk of the town, that he was doubtless the one who had been singing as though he were a whole choir.

As a result of this encounter, the minister persuaded his congregation to employ Orimolade to teach them some of his spiritual songs. The boy obliged and taught them a few religious songs, but soon gave up owing to their poor response.

This midnight episode is probably an illustration of Orimolade's early association with the church. According to Peel, Christianity was introduced into Akoko in the late 1890s [6]. And if Orimolade was an early convert, then he must have become a Christian when he was still a boy. The Rev. J. K. Ajayi-Ajagbe, whom J. 0. Coker has identified with the midnight incident, though a Methodist minister, once preached publicly in the name of the C & S [7]. Coker might be right in his assumption that the minister had known Orimolade in his Ikare home before he began his missionary journey.

Orimolade became disillusioned by the uncooperative attitude of the Christians in Ikare, especially because they ridiculed him on account of his disability. He felt depressed and apprehensive about the success of his mission since it appeared likely that he would forever be physically handicapped. Overwhelmed by these thoughts, he prayed passionately one night, asking for a manifestation of God's power. In answer to his prayer, an angel appeared to him in a dream and gave him three objects: a rod, a royal insignia and a crown. The rod signified a "rod of victory," the insignia was "the power of prayer and power of speaking." The crown stood for "all honour and multi-respect of every individual to bow before him, to receive blessing" [8].

When he woke up from his sleep, he knew that his prayer had been heard. He realized that his call to preach the gospel of Christ was irrevocable. "He ordered his mother to wash him (, ) and from then on the gospel of Jesus Christ started without interruption. (, ) He was given power over everything devilish" [9].

From this point, the activities of Orimolade were directed toward his missionary campaigns. This dream formally marked his commission to go out and preach.

The gifts which corresponded, if only remotely, to the wise men's gifts to Jesus, became for Orimolade, symbols of authority. His campaigns began when he successfully petitioned police authorities for the release of some Christians who were involved in a clash with devotees of the traditional religion in the town. According to C & S tradition, Orimolade travelled to Kabba town where the arrested persons had been detained, and secured their release.

It then occurred to his opponents in Ikare that it would enhance their prestige if they could win him over so they decided to impress him by bestowing on him one of the priestly titles of their traditional institutions. He took advantage of this opportunity not only to reject the offer, but also to proclaim to them the Christian message. He preached with such vehemence that:

The earth opened its mouth (, ) and they were all afraid and many of them ran away, but his brother Egunjobi did many rituals according to ancient customs to put the earth back to its former closure. (, ) There were proclamations about the earthquake so that people from abroad came to witness the incident and his (Orimolade's) name was as fearful as that of an invisible spirit [10].
This marked virtually the end of hostility towards him from Christians in Ikare town. The C & S insist that Christianity began to grow by leaps and bounds after that incident. Orimolade went from street to street preaching the gospel. About 1916, he made a visit to Owo where he impressed the C.M.S. Church members with his Scripture quoting ability.

It is also held that Orimolade once tried to go into the trade, by buying and selling palm oil and kola nuts as trade was flourishing between the Ikare people and Hausa traders from northern Nigeria. He was said to have travelled to a northern village called Oshokoshoko. On his way he encountered an angel who reminded him of his mission as a prophet of God, and that he should not jettison preaching for trading. He was taken ill and his companion took his report back to his people. Egunjobi, his brother, was dispatched immediately to bring him back home. But before Egunjobi reached Oshokoshoko, Orimolade had arrived back in Ikare by a means none could explain.

Another tradition states that Orimolade confined himself to a room for ten years during which he did not allow anybody to prepare his meals. Even though he ate throughout this time nobody could discern the source of his food [12].

He was also said to be in constant communion with invisible celestial figures since he was frequently heard conversing while alone when apparently nobody had entered his room. Occasionally, he would emerge resplendent, in regalia traditionally designed for kings, to announce that he had been crowned the king of the world and would soon begin his reign [13].

During this period he was said to ubiquitous. Two instances were cited. The first was his encounter with a woman against whom he had nursed a grievance since the day of his birth. This was the same woman who had acted as the traditional midwife on the day of his birth and who pushed him back three times as he attempted to walk a few minutes after he was delivered. He met her one afternoon as she was returning from Arigidi, a nearby village, and ordered her to carry him on her back three times to atone for the sin of that fateful day. "And now that the woman had no sin against God again, he (Orimolade) asked the woman to go safely" [14].

The curious thing about the incident was that Orimolade never left his room throughout the day in question. The woman understandably related her experience to her people, and in a matter of days the whole town was talking about it.

The second instance was the strange visit he paid to his most loyal friend, Garuba, who lived in Okela quarters in Ikare. At the very time Garuba claimed Orimolade was with him in his Okela residence, the "lame prophet" was believed to be locked up in his room.

At the end of his ten year confinement, Orimolade was said to have given a large party for all his neighbours and visitors from nearby villages. This also had its miraculous element because, apart from asking his mother to make clean all available pots in their home, he made no serious preparations for the feast. His mother obeyed his command without protest and to everyone's amazement, the guests all brought dishes of food as gifts, which filled all the pots, and they ate to their satisfaction.

The ten years he spent in confinement have been described by many as the period he spent in illness. According to Abiodun, Orimolade was confined for seven years. This was disclosed to her by Orimolade himself: "He stated that he saw continuous visions for seven years during which he could not get up from one spot as a result of which he was lame" [15]. This is corroborated by the United Church of Cherubim and Seraphim which wrote the following concerning Moses Orimolade:
At a certain time of his early age, he took ill and for seven complete years he suffered from this malady. At the end of his illness, he became a lame man, but God made him to walk miraculously. During the period of his illness, he was taught by the Holy Spirit how to read the Bible and memorize whatever he read [16].
Confined by Illness
i will continue on his full biography just when i see the response to this LET ME ALSO MAKE IT KNOWN THAT I AM WORKING N A WEBSITE TO FURTHER ALLOW THE WORLD TO SEE THE WORKS GOD USED ORIMOLADE FOR FROM HIS BIRTH IN 1897 to his passing unto GLORY in 1933.
please be honest and most responsible with your comments on this post GOD bless you as you do so!!!!!

Re: Truly Immortalizing Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe. by Eritobi(m): 5:21am On May 26, 2010
and so here we go again. another reason to believe God really anointed some African born evangelists and prophets who spent the most of the days on earth spreading the gospel of our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. the mandate we have as Sons of the most high God through the genealogy of Adam and the redemption by Jesus is to uphold the and share the message of the crucification and resurrection of Christ and that message is salvation to all souls.
please leave your comments on this post and God bless you in Jesus name AMEN
Re: Truly Immortalizing Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe. by Joagbaje(m): 12:08pm On May 26, 2010
the embarrassed father began to[b] recite incantations which eventually calmed the excited child.[/b]

Ifa incantation , can you explain these in the light of the bible pls
Re: Truly Immortalizing Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe. by MOG2009: 12:50am On May 27, 2010
What is your source or reference of your story about this "Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe? How does his life influence today's christianity?
Re: Truly Immortalizing Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe. by Eritobi(m): 5:52pm On Jun 03, 2010
Ifa incantation , can you explain these in the light of the bible pls

Orimolade's father being a strong worshiper and believer in the Yoruba traditional believes concluded that it was not normal for the little baby to have the power to walk or talk so he engaged in his incantations to "correct" the situation not knowing it was a divine arrangement. And even in the face of physical dis ability God still worked through this man and he works are evident till today.
Re: Truly Immortalizing Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe. by Eritobi(m): 6:21pm On Jun 03, 2010
What is your source or reference of your story about this "Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe?  How does his life influence today's Christianity

Saint moses orimolade is the founder of one of the fastest growing African instituted church and his ministry was a huge influence to the life of some of the greatest men of God the Nigeria and Africa is blessed with some of them are Pa Josiah Akindayomi, who was the founder of  THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD PA AKINDAYOMI MET ORIMOLADE IN HIS LIFE TIME AND WAS A MEMBER OF THE CHERUBIM AND SERAPHIM CHURCH IN THE YEAR 1931. the church Pa Akdindayomi founded is one of the largest churches in Africa with day to day multiplications in number and Orimolade's missionary journeys took the name of Jesus to places coca cola found it difficult to reach at the time Orimolade has been acclaimed as the sole and indisputable founder of the C & S. Stories and myths woven round his person are accepted by all members as literally true. To them these things are visible proofs of his divine call so my brother what other proof do you need? if with no form of education could spread the gospel so well that even in the north people gave their lives to Christ then he did a Good job and as for reference go to http://www.dacb.org/stories/nigeria/orimolade_moses.html for more info. God bless you
Re: Truly Immortalizing Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe. by MOG2009: 8:12pm On Jun 03, 2010

What is your source or reference of your story about this "Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe? How does his life influence today's Christianity?
Saint moses orimolade is the founder of one of the fastest growing African instituted church and his ministry was a huge influence to the life of some of the greatest men of God the Nigeria and Africa is blessed with some of them are Pa Josiah Akindayomi, who was the founder of THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD PA AKINDAYOMI MET ORIMOLADE IN HIS LIFE TIME AND WAS A MEMBER OF THE CHERUBIM AND SERAPHIM CHURCH IN THE YEAR 1931. the church Pa Akdindayomi founded is one of the largest churches in Africa with day to day multiplications in number and Orimolade's missionary journeys took the name of Jesus to places coca cola found it difficult to reach at the time Orimolade has been acclaimed as the sole and indisputable founder of the C & S. Stories and myths woven round his person are accepted by all members as literally true. To them these things are visible proofs of his divine call so my brother what other proof do you need? if with no form of education could spread the gospel so well that even in the north people gave their lives to Christ then he did a Good job and as for reference go to http://www.dacb.org/stories/nigeria/orimolade_moses.html for more info. God bless you

@Eritobi, if Pa Akindayomi was a former member of Orimolade's movement why did he quit?  Why did he established his own church?
Re: Truly Immortalizing Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe. by Eritobi(m): 3:25am On Jun 05, 2010
@Eritobi, if Pa Akindayomi was a former member of Orimolade's movement why did he quit? Why did he established his own church?

understanding what a prophetic ministry is really difficult i know but let me make this very simple i read Pa Akindayomi's biography and watched a movie his church released about him and he made it clear that God did not only call him into ministry but also gave him the name of the church he was to start so i believe He (Akindayomi was called to reach out to a new set of people in a different way the bottom line is this God used both men to Establish his kingdom in Nigeria.
Re: Truly Immortalizing Saint Moses Orimolade Tunolashe. by Eritobi(m): 7:39pm On Jan 27, 2011
please go visit the web page dedicated to the memory of Saint Moses Orimolade for more insight http://saintorimolade.weebly.com/index.html you will love what you will find there

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