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Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada - Career - Nairaland

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Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by Confusedgirlie: 7:14pm On Apr 28, 2018
Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by somito121(m): 7:16pm On Apr 28, 2018
Canada direct. Expect your job here in Nigeria pays you well and the working conditions are good.
Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by whitebeard(m): 7:35pm On Apr 28, 2018
Oga if what u say is true, stay in Nigeria
Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by SUPERPACK: 7:51pm On Apr 28, 2018
a bird in hand is better than 2 in the bush, pls in case you decide to move to Canada, let me replace you in your current company.


Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by CruzJoe(m): 7:53pm On Apr 28, 2018
Since you re getting such fat salary ams extra passive income.... I would advice you stay behind ams focus on your work .....

you can always apply for canada tourist visa and travel during your work leave to enjoy your vacation and come back to continue with your work.

please oh, I need job, connect me to any job.

Am a graduate of electrical/electronics engineering.


Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by JARUSHUB: 8:13pm On Apr 28, 2018
Background: I work with a multinational and earn more than 1.2m/month. I have invested a lot in a number of schemes and make an extra passive income of up to 450k/month. I don't have physical assets in Nigeria besides a couple of undeveloped lands here and there. I live a comfortable life in Nigeria and I like my routine here. I am not married. Still in my late 20's.

The problem: out of curiosity, not need, I did the Canadian express entry and got the immigrant visa. Now I have to leave before July, if I want to process my permanent residence. I would appreciate a good life in Canada, but I don't have job offers there yet even though I have applied. If I have to leave Nigeria, I may have to quit my job and then leave for an uncertain life in Canada. Maybe start afresh, I don't know. I'm worried I may not get the same quality of life I get here, even though I'd love to be in Canada. Getting married over the may also be a problem, so not too sure.

You think I should quit my job and chase another life in yonder? Please advise.

Your case is not different, many well-paid/middle class Nigerians are relocating to Canada, and they are married.

However, you are not "many well-paid Nigerians", and as such questions - pertinent - needs to be asked. Why Canada? What do you consider a "comfortable life"? Do you believe with your resources, you can replicate the Canadian life in Nigeria (they are people who believe such)?

At the bolded: Then you might not need relocate to Canada permanently, at least not now. How about you visit there as a tourist and stay for a while before deciding to relocate? However, if you desire to relocate to Canada, it is important you get a job or be assured of one by circa 90%. Most of the persons within your earning bracket ensure jobs are on standby before relocating.

Finally, it is your prerogative, but important yet logical questions need to be asked.

All the best in your decision making.

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Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by mrfarmer600(m): 9:25pm On Apr 28, 2018
a bird in hand is better than 2 in the bush, pls in case you decide to move to Canada, let me replace you in your current company.

Na man you be grin
Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by buddie(m): 9:59pm On Apr 28, 2018
my advise is touch down in Canada while on your annual vacation, sort out your paper works and return to Nigeria. That guarantees you dual citizenship. Till you fully set to relocate please stay back here and continue to earn abeg


Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by Confusedgirlie: 10:19pm On Apr 28, 2018

Your case is not different, many well-paid/middle class Nigerians are relocating to Canada, and they are married.

However, you are not "many well-paid Nigerians", and as such questions - pertinent - needs to be asked. Why Canada? What do you consider a "comfortable life"? Do you believe with your resources, you can replicate the Canadian life in Nigeria (they are people who believe such)?

At the bolded: Then you might not need relocate to Canada permanently, at least not now. How about you visit there as a tourist and stay for a while before deciding to relocate? However, if you desire to relocate to Canada, it is important you get a job or be assured of one by circa 90%. Most of the persons within your earning bracket ensure jobs are on standby before relocating.

Finally, it is your prerogative, but important yet logical questions need to be asked.

All the best in your decision making.
Thanks for your kind advice. Honestly, I went through the migration process merely out of curiosity and no more. Of course I know a life in Canada is better than one in Nigeria, if I have the same job. Maybe that's what I wanted. Now that I have it, I feel like going through with it. Just not sure how to. I'll follow your advice and visit as a tourist. I'll also see if I can apply for a few jobs while there on the ground. Thanks once again.
Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by Confusedgirlie: 10:21pm On Apr 28, 2018
my advise is touch down in Canada while on your annual vacation, sort out your paper works and return to Nigeria. That guarantees you dual citizenship. Till you fully set to relocate please stay back here and continue to earn abeg
I don't get citizenship after sorting the paper work. I only get permanent residency. And I have only a limited number of years before I have to go back or I will lose the papers. If I still don't get a job over there before then, it'll just be the same thing.

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Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by ehix89(m): 10:56pm On Apr 28, 2018
Background: I work with a multinational and earn more than 1.2m/month. I have invested a lot in a number of schemes and make an extra passive income of up to 450k/month. I don't have physical assets in Nigeria besides a couple of undeveloped lands here and there. I live a comfortable life in Nigeria and I like my routine here. I am not married. Still in my late 20's.

The problem: out of curiosity, not need, I did the Canadian express entry and got the immigrant visa. Now I have to leave before July, if I want to process my permanent residence. I would appreciate a good life in Canada, but I don't have job offers there yet even though I have applied. If I have to leave Nigeria, I may have to quit my job and then leave for an uncertain life in Canada. Maybe start afresh, I don't know. I'm worried I may not get the same quality of life I get here, even though I'd love to be in Canada. Getting married over the may also be a problem, so not too sure.

You think I should quit my job and chase another life in yonder? Please advise.
You didn't go this far to rule it out, it's more than having a better pay it's about a better quality of life for you and your future kids. Men are domicile in Canada so getting married shouldn't scare you and i'm quite optimistic you'll get a decent job maybe not as highly beneficial as this current one but this little sacrifice should be worth it...All the best in your endeavour and pray for us that are still in the process. Cheers
Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by ahiboilandgas: 7:09am On Apr 29, 2018

I don't get citizenship after sorting the paper work. I only get permanent residency. And I have only a limited number of years before I have to go back or I will lose the papers. If I still don't get a job over there before then, it'll just be the same thing.
u don't need it ur make 70 k Canadian dollars annually...only few oyibo make that money in Canada the average wage is 30 k ....since u are single I will like to try my luck plss I make around 700 k monthly ,also own some few asset....send me your mail.....pls
Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by Ifeoma77(f): 4:57pm On Apr 29, 2018

I don't get citizenship after sorting the paper work. I only get permanent residency. And I have only a limited number of years before I have to go back or I will lose the papers. If I still don't get a job over there before then, it'll just be the same thing.
Hi, please try what they call 'short landing'. Go to Canada before July, get the paperwork done. Come back and continue your job while still applying to Canadian jobs.
To renew your PR card, you must spend 3 out of 5 years. That still gives you 2 years to work in Nigeria and make up your mind while not throwing away this opportunity.
I understand your confusion but emigrating is a no brainer.
Sis, think hard about this country. Think very very hard!


Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by dreamangel: 6:54pm On Apr 29, 2018

Hi, please try what they call 'short landing'. Go to Canada before July, get the paperwork done. Come back and continue your job while still applying to Canadian jobs.
To renew your PR card, you must spend 3 out of 5 years. That still gives you 2 years to work in Nigeria and make up your mind while not throwing away this opportunity.
I understand your confusion but emigrating is a no brainer. It's not about the money, it's about the quality of life and healthcare. A friend of mine almost died recently, she went for fibroid operation, the surgeon left the womb open and stitched the stomach.
God saved her, she survived, you know what the doctor said? Everything happens for a reason, it's God's will for you to pass through this experience.
Sis, think hard about this country. Think very very hard!

OP This is very good advice. I will only add that you have two years to marry in Nigeria if you wish though there are good men in Canada. Security wise too it is better to leave, also all family members will not be in Nigeria. Personally I think you should follow the plan and leave the Country, that is what I am advising my own family members to do. You are young enough to make a new and better life for yourself.

I commend your hard work and planning to be where you are today. Well done. Indeed many Nigerian youths are not lazy. May God help you in your decision making.

A beg o I dey look for work anybody wey get holla me o.
Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by Focusmind: 8:16pm On May 01, 2018
I will advise you stay back and continue with your high-paying job. As a single lady, boredom will "kill" you over there. This Canada immigrant thing is always good when you are married and probably with kids. Your situation in Nigeria is far better than that of millions. Go on vacations, treat your self well, continue to grow and develop on your job. You can always reapply for the Canada immigrants program. Don't just rush into uncertainty. Many people that were successful in the immigrant program are still unemployed even after more than two years. Some are into what they call "finishing " school just to get accustomed with Canada way of life and how to adapt. Is not a guarantee that you will be successful. Some are doing jobs far below their qualifications and below the jobs they had in Nigeria. Think please!

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Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by kossyablaze(m): 12:26am On Oct 13, 2022

hey... Whr in can r u? ON or AB? I'm in ON. Can we talk bout ur most recent topic? Should I drop my number?
Re: Stay Back In Nigeria Or Travel To Canada by Brownshoe: 2:47pm On Feb 17, 2023

am processing my visa now let us know each other, we can marry , you never can tell.

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