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The Kegel Exercise That Stop Premature Ejaculation - Health - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / The Kegel Exercise That Stop Premature Ejaculation (669 Views)

How To Cure Premature Ejaculation And Last Longer In Bed - The Kegel Exercise. / Scientist Discovers A Microbe That Stop Mosquitoes From Spreading Malaria / Kegel Exercises: Treating Male Urinary Incontinence (2) (3) (4)

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The Kegel Exercise That Stop Premature Ejaculation by markbor: 2:41pm On May 02, 2018
The Kegel Exercise involves essentially this :

When the man feels that he gets close to the ejaculatory orgasm he has to press the mid-point between the anus and the scrotum with the three longest fingers of the right hand. This seals in the fluids and much energy.

The "Penis Exercise"
Fitness is not just a fad; it is a lifetime behavior that has benefits for both the mind and body. Studies have shown that regular physical activity increases lifespan and leads to a more relaxed and less stressful lifestyle.

Similarly, a healthy and fit penis ensures more active and satisfying sexual experiences.
* Benefits and Advantages of the Penis Exercise:
* Develops strength and stamina for longer lasting sexual activity.
* Increases body awareness.
* Increases the flow of blood to the area thereby providing more
nourishment to tissues.
* Requires no special apparatus or devices.
* Easy to do exercises take only minutes a day to do.
* Exercise schedule can be customized to suit your needs and
* Exercises can be performed in a comfortable and private place
anywhere you choose.
* Results can be seen in a few days time with more significant
results in several weeks time.
* Overcomes embarrassment and develops confidence.
* Develops a healthy outlook towards your personal health and
sexual ability into later years.

It is time that sex became satisfying for you. It is time that you could actually stay longer in your bedroom to get exactly what you desire and need from getting close with the woman that you love the most. If you are looking for natural premature ejaculation cures that work, then get the ADVANCED “Natural” Techniques to permanently stop your premature ejaculation once and for all, and revive your weak erections, Call/Whatsapp 08023342859 for more info. or email irabormark@gmail.com to download the Free eBook titled “How To Last Longer Tonight” Your new sex life is 1 click away…

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