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Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) - Nairaland / General - Nairaland

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Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by akum78: 2:18pm On May 05, 2018

A communication mast fell after heavy storm in Jalingo, Taraba

 The communication mast killed about 7 persons and destroyed several properties worth millions of Naira.

BY APROKO GIRL : https://aprokogirl.com/4769/a-communication-mast-fell-after-heavy-storm-in-jalingo-taraba-pictures/

cc; lalasticlala

Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by akum78: 2:18pm On May 05, 2018

1 Like 2 Shares

Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by ISLAMBAD: 2:23pm On May 05, 2018
I never knew wind could pull this thing down . Rip to the dead


Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by yanabasee(m): 2:46pm On May 05, 2018
Never trusted those Masts......Especially Airtel Masts....Always looking ready to fall with or without wind blowing!!!

23 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by akum78: 5:43pm On May 05, 2018
Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by NwaAmaikpe: 8:00pm On May 05, 2018

When they were singing,

"Banana fall on me,
Paparazzi fall on me,"

They didn't expect this.
Now a giant metal banana tree has fallen on them and the paparazzi are on ground to cover the carnage.

Be careful what you say,
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue:"
Proverbs 18:21

34 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by Firefire(m): 8:00pm On May 05, 2018
This government is just too evil. Too many bad news in Nigeria since May 29th, 2015.

12 Likes 1 Share

Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by Jamesmatic(m): 8:00pm On May 05, 2018
Highest, na change dem go take compensate dem...
Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by miblolo(f): 8:00pm On May 05, 2018
I said it...mast can fall, when some agent almost convinced me to get a house right underneath a huge mast. God those things are scary....
RIP to the dead....


Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by rifasenate11(m): 8:00pm On May 05, 2018
bad engineering

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by Juicybreed(m): 8:01pm On May 05, 2018
I wonder what todays rain is all about. Ekiti Apc primary, Edo Nysc Camp and now mast in Jalingo. Apc una change never do.

1 Like

Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by dignity33: 8:03pm On May 05, 2018
The God's are Angry the blood of the innocent are crying to God . No more APC


Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by ThatHistoryGuy(m): 8:03pm On May 05, 2018
If this shi!t happen for south before the rain go fall finish all the mast wire for don grow leg.

Just look at all those sweet wires


Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by Emmaqueen: 8:03pm On May 05, 2018
chai,rip to the dead
Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by slawomir: 8:04pm On May 05, 2018
and the rain was just too much in Benin City today

may their soul rest in peace

the amazing part of it now is that for five days we won't see light from Bedc
don't know if this people are using fire wood to generate electricity maybe when it rained the fire wood get soaked and it takes days to get dried before light is restored


Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by oyetunder(m): 8:05pm On May 05, 2018
lipsrsealed chai. the mast that is a money tree for a network provider is now responsible for the death of some souls.
Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by Nairalandmentor(m): 8:07pm On May 05, 2018
embarassed Sad. Rip to the dead. Buhari should do something about it ni.

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Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by ednut1(m): 8:07pm On May 05, 2018
Never trusted those Masts......Especially Airtel Masts....Always looking ready to fall with or without wind blowing!!!

which one be airtel mast. They dont own any mast
Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by moonbender(m): 8:09pm On May 05, 2018

A communication mast fell after heavy storm in Jalingo, Taraba

 The communication mast killed about 7 persons and destroyed several properties worth millions of Naira.

BY APROKO GIRL : https://aprokogirl.com/4769/a-communication-mast-fell-after-heavy-storm-in-jalingo-taraba-pictures/

cc; lalasticlala

Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by oyetunder(m): 8:10pm On May 05, 2018
This government is just too evil. Too many bad news in Nigeria since May 29th, 2015.
Nope...even before then.

1 Like

Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by snowden9(m): 8:11pm On May 05, 2018
Life is a merry go round and like every merry go round, it stops.

What matters most is how you exit the merry go round, dirty or still neat. #LetTheWordsSinkIn


Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by Gbless86: 8:17pm On May 05, 2018
#Today rain fell a big tree on traders in popular jattu market Auchi Edo state.
Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by moonbender(m): 8:18pm On May 05, 2018
I never knew wind could pull this thing down .
Rip to the dead
Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by Nobody: 8:23pm On May 05, 2018

When they were singing,

"Banana fall on me,
Paparazzi fall on me,"

They didn't expect this.
Now a giant metal banana tree has fallen on them and the paparazzi are on ground to cover the carnage.

Be careful what you say,
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue:"
Proverbs 18:21

This guy ehn
Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by chukskafor(m): 8:27pm On May 05, 2018

When they were singing,

"Banana fall on me,
Paparazzi fall on me,"

They didn't expect this.
Now a giant metal banana tree has fallen on them and the paparazzi are on ground to cover the carnage.

Be careful what you say,
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue:"
Proverbs 18:21
Nwaamaikpe! Nwaamaikpe!! Nwaamaikpe!!! How many times i call u?

1 Like

Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by Nobody: 8:28pm On May 05, 2018
So sad! All civil agency in Nigeria is dead else there should have been someone telling the uneducated populace about the risk involved in building underneath unsafe restructure. embarassed
Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by Nobody: 8:31pm On May 05, 2018
only in nigeria, there are more than 1000 telephone masts here in England, none of them ever falls down. in nigeria nothing is built properly, No supervision, No safety checks, No nothing! just bribe your way to every were and everything. in the end innocent people pays the price with their lives. very sad and unfair. angry


Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by chukskafor(m): 8:38pm On May 05, 2018
#Today rain fell a big tree on traders in popular jattu market Auchi Edo state.
are you serious? To think that i was almost at the market but for the same rain that cut short my journey while Still at iyakpi central mosque;
hope no life was lost?
Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by chukskafor(m): 8:44pm On May 05, 2018
which one be airtel mast. They dont own any mast
says who? My brother, every network provider got their own mast
Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by franklynn(m): 8:45pm On May 05, 2018
If this shi!t happen for south before the rain go fall finish all the mast wire for don grow leg.

Just look at all those sweet wires

Lol i swear doz wires are so sweet looking... Trust Lagos boyz if care is not taken a team of professional iron benders wld hv come to dismantle d entire mast n load it in their trucks no time mehn

1 Like

Re: Communication Mast Falls In Jalingo, Kills 7 People After Heavy Storm (Photo) by Witnes: 8:50pm On May 05, 2018
Ha, this year rain dey vex o! from one tragedy to d other. God protect ur children d same way hen uses its feathers to protect it's chicks

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