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Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by Nobody: 11:56pm On May 15, 2018

All terrorists must born in hell
Go ahead and tell Buhari

Thank God you're part of those ipob terrorist. Safe journey to hell.
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by laurel03(m): 12:06am On May 16, 2018
somebody would correct you on this forum, and thats not going to be me
search for crusade history on internet and see when Europeans started the struggle...
Moreover in Religious studies they categorise Judaism Christianity and Islam as Abrahams Faith.. why xtains visit Jerusalem for pilgrims?? Ans the simple question
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by davidif: 12:07am On May 16, 2018
All i see are just failed nations trying to seek relevance, Israel had never had allies with Nigeria, or south Africa.

The position of the strongest nation in the world is clear for all to see and no blood sucking terrorist doing ethnic cleaning in his own backyard matters.

Arab and Islam has killed billions and yet no one cares but alas Israel shouldn't protect itself.

Anyone that want to wet this place with tears and terrorist sympathy should first condemn the civil right violation happening here on nairaland where a select group forces people to swear to s terrorist god before expressing their free opinions

Goodness! The ignorance on this post and this thread is absolutely jarring. And I don't blame the writer of this post cos most Nigerians don't even know anything about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They have no idea how unbearable the Israeli govt make the lives of ordinary Gazans. Gaza is basically what people call an "open air prison." This people are basically blockaded in by the Israeli's on one side and the Egyptians (who are basically funded by the Americans) on the other side. The Israelis barely give them access to food, water, health amenities. This people basically have no future. And if you ask why don't they just move? Well guess What? The Israelis dont let them leave so they are stuck their and have nowhere to go. The goal of Israel is to break their will. Ordinary Gazans hardly have any jobs or good economic prospects so they are stuck there as long as Israel wants them their so instead of just opening your mouth and mouthing off why don't you keep your opinions to yourself. The Palestinians are protesting to be allowed to move back to the land that they were kicked out of when Israel was formed and just in case you didn't know hundreds of thousands of Arabs (approx. 750,000) were expelled from Israel after the 1948 war of independence. Since then most of this people have lived in refugee camps and Israel won't let them back because it doesn't want to lose its Jewish majority.


Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by GGirll: 12:10am On May 16, 2018
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by davidif: 12:11am On May 16, 2018
I wish Trump was alive 2000 years ago, maybe he would have been able to save your personal lord and Savior from being nailed to a wooden cross along with two other criminals by an unknown soldier.

Well if he had done that then there would be no remission for sins especially, for us gentiles.

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Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by poseidon12: 12:15am On May 16, 2018

Trump has made very incisely clear that any country that benefits from the US goodwill must not oppose US policies or align with countries that opposes them. Buhari govt cannot go cap in hand begging America for aids and partnership and then align itself with Palestine.
Nigeria has to know where her bread is buttered.
You either stand with America if you are benefitting from their Annual Aids and Grants, Or you align with Palestine if you benefit anything from them.

What does Nigeria benefit from Palestine set??

Let's see where this govt will align to... USA or Palestine?

.. Sighs and Walking away with hands in my pocket.

I'm not aware that Buhari went to beg for aid from US. But I am aware that he went to purchase overpriced attack helicopters. And he offered the US access to the large Nigerian market to come and dump their surplus agricultural products without offering Nigeria anything in return. Nigeria gets nearly zero benefits from the US.

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Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by poseidon12: 12:18am On May 16, 2018
Buhari is too deceptive ..there is no way the Nigerian Ambassador will be there without express authority from above..the Buhari govt clearly wants to kill two birds with one stone by pleasing Trump and Nigerian Muslims

Nigerian ambassador was not there.
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by davidif: 12:20am On May 16, 2018
70 AD: The Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple. Thousands of Jew were slaughtered, scattered and enslaved. Israel was renamed Palestine.

1939 -1945 AD: Hitler slaughtered 6 million Jews.

1948 AD: The Jews returned to their land but no Jerusalem, no Temple.

1967AD: The Jews recaptured Jerusalem and secured the Temple site.

2017 AD: The US recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

2018 AD: The US moved her embassy to Jerusalem.

The next major scenario according to the Bible is the start of Daniel's 70th week as Israel signs a treaty for peace in the Middle East brokered by the antichrist.

May my country Nigeria not be against Israel and attract the wrath of the God of Israel. Amen.

Oh, and you forgot to mention that when the jews started moving back to Palestine an masse in the late 1800's that there were hundreds of thousands of Arabs already living in that area for thousands of years and that this people were ignored by the British and the rest of the non-Arab world when the nation of israel was carved out from the region of Palestine.

These people were not even given a country of theirs and were left in legal limbo and when they rose in revolution the Israelis kicked almost all of them out of israel including hundreds of thousands of civilians and this people were not allowed to return hence the reason for this protest and pretty much the major source of contention ever since (the right to return).

So next time you trash the Palestinians learn about them first. Find out why they are angry and the reason for their frustrations. Morale of the story: learn about the other side in every argument before taking a side because when Jerusalem and the whole of Palestine was under ottoman rule (before the British deposed them) Jews and Arabs had lived mostly peacefully together side by side until the British ruined everything.


Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by Nobody: 12:41am On May 16, 2018
grin grin grin grin

Al Jazeera has rectified the error accordingly...
Sir no meme to buttress your point grin
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by tartar9(m): 12:46am On May 16, 2018
All i see are just failed nations trying to seek relevance, Israel had never had allies with Nigeria, or south Africa.

The position of the strongest nation in the world is clear for all to see and no blood sucking terrorist doing ethnic cleaning in his own backyard matters.

Arab and Islam has killed billions and yet no one cares but alas Israel shouldn't protect itself.

Anyone that want to wet this place with tears and terrorist sympathy should first condemn the civil right violation happening here on nairaland where a select group forces people to swear to s terrorist god before expressing their free opinions
Not only billions,it's trillions.....MUMU.
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by Skepticus: 1:03am On May 16, 2018
Over buhari's dead body to recognise Jerusalem as Capital of isreal, nevet

I told some fools about it but they wouldn't believe me.

Same for Albania

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Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by tartar9(m): 1:09am On May 16, 2018
70 AD: The Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple. Thousands of Jew were slaughtered, scattered and enslaved. Israel was renamed Palestine.

1939 -1945 AD: Hitler slaughtered 6 million Jews.

1948 AD: The Jews returned to their land but no Jerusalem, no Temple.

1967AD: The Jews recaptured Jerusalem and secured the Temple site.

2017 AD: The US recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

2018 AD: The US moved her embassy to Jerusalem.

The next major scenario according to the Bible is the start of Daniel's 70th week as Israel signs a treaty for peace in the Middle East brokered by the antichrist.

May my country Nigeria not be against Israel and attract the wrath of the God of Israel. Amen.
You mean their god whom they nailed to a cross.
The Germans who used 6,000,000 of your chosen people for suya are still standing strong.
Wrath of the god of israel my foot sad

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Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by dmexy33: 1:27am On May 16, 2018
That's Mossad's motto.
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by zombieTRACKER: 3:05am On May 16, 2018

Thank God you're part of those ipob terrorist. Safe journey to hell.

If Ipob engages in the destruction of lives and properties.. Let me go straight to hell

But if the Fulani herdsmen that u defend their atrocities does such... Let you never know peace from now henceforth until you perish



Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by Nobody: 4:38am On May 16, 2018
I wish Trump was alive 2000 years ago, maybe he would have been able to save your personal lord and Savior from being nailed to a wooden cross along with two other criminals by an unknown soldier.

Extremist... you truly sound like bokoharam.


Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by israelmao(m): 4:56am On May 16, 2018
Who cares about your presence you that go cap in hands before foreign donor agencies.
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by justtoodark: 5:18am On May 16, 2018
who would even invite a Fulani terrorists sympathizer like you to Jerusalem?

Eh Gen. Buhari?

and why did you people lied that nigeria was represented.....??

we are not only a christian nation....
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by israelmao(m): 5:21am On May 16, 2018
Over buhari's dead body to recognise Jerusalem as Capital of isreal, nevet

His recognition or non-recognition is irrelevant Nigeria only come to their minds when they (world superpowers) want to donate.

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Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by ideology(m): 5:30am On May 16, 2018

make I send my account number
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by Nobody: 5:39am On May 16, 2018

As @ today,media(online) is so transparent,and glaring.
Trump(US) is also watching your denial.
And if not well managed,may affect Nigeria's interest @ d international level.
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by Countersam(m): 5:47am On May 16, 2018
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by King44(m): 5:56am On May 16, 2018
I think Buhari should not have taken any side on this their issue but since he has Nigeria in diaspora exp US should brace up for more strict policy that would be made against them
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by abudawah(m): 6:06am On May 16, 2018
[quote author=ideology post=67596368]Our problem is English.

[color=#990000]The article never said that the listed countries were present but it stated countries that confirmed interest to be present.

And they mean different things

Who cares if Nigeria was present!

Abi na UN buhari de fear or just to show support to his fellow brethren.

The deed has been done, let world war 3 begin

Jesus is still Lord
Your fool ishness knows no boumdary. Does Israel care about Christianity or Jesus.
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by Aremson14(m): 6:10am On May 16, 2018
Chris Oyakilome was there. He came with his private jet. So Nigeria christians were fully represented.
Ipob was there too
Sometimes i wonder why Nigeria refuse to improve but when i see messages like this i completely understand why we remain where we are
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by proprince(m): 6:15am On May 16, 2018
Nigeria was well represented at the magnificent occassion.

Whether they like it or not, Jerusalem will forever be the caputal of Israel.

Muslims can claim land that is no theirs. Is in their blood, same thing with the foolish cattle colony great grandpa bubu wanted to introduce.

Jesus is Lord even the real muslims know it.

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Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by FBIL: 6:20am On May 16, 2018
Who is Nigeria to USA or Israel? Abegi..let's talk on another topic. Nigeria is not a country! It's a geographical area breeding parasites, terrorists, Fulani herdsmen, politicians with empty brains who steal their own money and save it in a foreign land. Who needs such people in a place where sanity & decency is a top priority.
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by fucktoto: 6:22am On May 16, 2018
I wish Trump was alive 2000 years ago, maybe he would have been able to save your personal lord and Savior from being nailed to a wooden cross along with two other criminals by an unknown soldier.

i wish these slinging palestinian rebels were alive 2000 years ago, maybe they could have rescued the paedophilic prafet mooohamid when he was being head-butted by an angry ram.

1 Like

Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by ideology(m): 6:23am On May 16, 2018

Your fool ishness knows no boumdary. Does Israel care about Christianity or Jesus.

Child of hate and messenger of war, does Islam care about Christianity?

Did my post suggest that Israel cares about Christianity or you just want to be noticed messenger to kill infidels?
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by zlantanfan: 6:40am On May 16, 2018

Is Jerusalem a christain nation? Why do we like affiliation of irrelevance. PMB trying to distance himself from a long religious tussle which may hinder our peace as a nation of multi-religion and a volatile nation where bokoharam killing, kidnapping and bombing every week. What I see in the statement of this denial is to safe Nigeria from another fresh killing or attack from another group supporting Palestine which may emanate from Israel attendance. Let's safe our head abeg
safe Nigeria my foot, the Fulani herdsmen that he has instructed to start killing other tribes, the 99 percent he gives to daurz in position.

If there is a number bigot who doesn't care about polarity its buhari
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by neonly: 6:43am On May 16, 2018
APC nd lies sha
Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by dealslip(f): 6:43am On May 16, 2018

Goodness! The ignorance on this post and this thread is absolutely jarring. And I don't blame them most Nigerians don't even know anything about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They have no idea how unbearable the Israeli govt make the lives of ordinary Gazans. Gaza is basically what people call an "open air prison." This people are basically blockaded in. The Israelis barely give them access to food, water, health amenities. This people basically have no future. And if you ask why don't they just move? Well guess What? The israelis dont let them leave so they are stuck their and have nowhere to go. The goal of israel is to break their will. Ordinary Gazans hardly have any jobs or good economic prospects so they are stuck there as long as Israel wants them to so instead of just opening your mouth and mouthing off why don't you keep your opinions to yourself. The Palestinians are protesting to be allowed to move back to the land that they were kicked out of when Israel was formed and just in case you didn't know hundreds of thousands of Arabs were expelled from Israel after the 1948 war of independence. Since then most of this people have lived in refugee camps and Israel won't let them back because it doesn't want to lose its Jewish majority.
Talk about your own IDPs at home here in the North. The people kicked out of their homes by Fulani herdsmen and their home taken over by same. When will they return home.


Re: Presidency Denies Nigeria’s Presence At US Jerusalem Embassy Opening by blazesam(m): 6:44am On May 16, 2018
Our problem is English.

The article never said that the listed countries were present but it stated countries that confirmed interest to be present.

And they mean different things

Who cares if Nigeria was present!

Abi na UN buhari de fear or just to show support to his fellow brethren.

The deed has been done, let world war 3 begin

Jesus is still Lord
Our nairaland ENGLISH TEACHER. Weldone koh! Na una type the support bad thing. Confirm interest to be present or not, i know he will never be present. Why correcting ladies and gentz?

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