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What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) - Health (5) - Nairaland

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Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by FaceThem: 7:11pm On Aug 04, 2018
Send me a message on whatsapp.
Give Me your whatsapp num
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by FaceThem: 7:12pm On Aug 04, 2018
15k per night, go to Allen
Funny You
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by Nobody: 7:15pm On Aug 04, 2018
lol....enter Ogun state, they buy any part, even your hair and finger nails will fetch you some money.... But I don't know what will happen after a month ooo
I want to get paid in dollars. Ogun state where they pay 5k for human wrist, undecided,nah ,I will pass,I prefer international black market grin
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by Codes151(m): 7:20pm On Aug 04, 2018
Imagine if we sell everyone way don die....

Like so
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by lastmaster(m): 7:31pm On Aug 04, 2018
I have seen the reason our brothers from the west love human parts so much
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by naturefellow(m): 7:32pm On Aug 04, 2018
Explorers on the beat!
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by Cumtroller: 7:45pm On Aug 04, 2018
Afonja’s know how to get “raw materials”...
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by joyfullyjoyous(f): 7:47pm On Aug 04, 2018
See how expensive I am. Lord I thank you.

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Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by Delivar(m): 8:00pm On Aug 04, 2018
This is a very bad thread...Mod please take it down!
I thought I am the only one who realized this.

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Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by Delivar(m): 8:09pm On Aug 04, 2018
Take this down, ur only giving ideas to lazy yootz
The moderator who took this to the front-page deserves a heavy slap for not realizing the implications of a thread like this.


Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by INDUSTRIALFAN(m): 8:12pm On Aug 04, 2018

Yes . . . It eventually regenerates to a full - sized liver for both donor (who removed part of his/hers) and recipient (who received a portion).
you don't mean it shocked off to Goan sell... I know my liver is healthy as fvck


Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by mikolo4us: 8:19pm On Aug 04, 2018
Bone Marrow - ₦8.2 Million Per Gram

Donating a gram of bone marrow is the quickest way to illegally obtain $23,000 from the Black Market.

If the process is properly done, you'll experience little to no pain, but there may be some side effects after the fact.

Unfortunately, it is only legal to donate blood marrow, not sell, even though it is one of the most valuable parts of the human body.

To put the Black Market cost of bone marrow into perspective, a gram of cocaine is only $150, and the street value of heroin is $200 per gram.

This means that people can make a much better illegal living than a drug dealer by selling their bone marrow.

I have over 10 KG of bone marrow... Abeg I wan sell about 10 gram...it's causing me discomfort. Can you link me to a good buyer....who make nonsense comment no go see e head by tomorrow morning....na d person fill hear I wan sell
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by blaze007(m): 8:21pm On Aug 04, 2018
Wow....*carries book, biro and calculator*
Sell 1 kidney N72M, play sure 2 odds only on bet naija with N50m.
Make 100m. 100m + 22M = 122M.
Buy another kidney for N72m.
Balance 122-72= 50M.
Profit = N50m.

Oboy dis is good biz.....
Well I just did dis break down for my brothers and sister who are entrepreneur.

Kidneys - ₦72 Million

Kidneys are by far the most popular organ on the Black Market.

In fact, a staggering 75% of the Black Market organ trade involves the sale of kidneys.

Therefore, it's not surprising that they're also one of the most expensive things to illegally purchase. At approximately $200,000, most people who need a kidney transplant due to medical issues such as high blood pressure and diabetes won't be able to afford it.

Sadly, less than a third of US patients on the kidney waitlist will get a legal opportunity to save their lives. Something worth noting is that the cost of these organs is much lower in China and India, where they range from $15,000 to $62,000.
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by pascalbenz: 8:32pm On Aug 04, 2018
WHY E Be Say Na Yoruba Niggas Full The Thread ?
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by phase1: 8:38pm On Aug 04, 2018
Blood - ₦119, 000 Per Pint

Even though most people are eligible to donate blood, there's still typically a big shortage of this necessary life-giving component of the human body.

Therefore, illegal blood farming has become a surprisingly common practice.

In India, some people become trapped in so-called blood farms where they're kept in cages and forced to donate blood.

Another source of the illegal blood industry is the prison system, where prisoners can have their blood forcibly taken.

The average value of this blood on the Black Market is $337 per pint.

See how much blood cost abroad but when a nigerian comes to the blood bank laboratory and you tell him to pay N15,000 for a pint of blood (the money is actually meant for storage, screening and crossmatch as blood is free), he'll start lamenting.

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Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by Nobody: 8:39pm On Aug 04, 2018
Liver - ₦56.3 Million

Liver disease claims more than 31,000 American lives annually.

Waiting for a transplant often takes too long, and the cost of this surgery is also very prohibitive for many patients.

Turning to the Black Market makes it cheaper and easier to find a replacement liver.

If you were to sell your liver today, it would bring in more than $157,000.

If your liver is healthy, you can live without part of it.

please always relate your research in terms with Nigeria. the Nigerian local not converted price will be more relatable.
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by Nobody: 8:42pm On Aug 04, 2018

See how much blood cost abroad but when a nigerian comes to the blood bank laboratory and you tell him to pay N15,000 for a pint of blood (the money is actually meant for storage, screening and crossmatch as blood is free), he'll start lamenting.

do you work in hospital facilities (government) I intend donating blood for free.
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by phase1: 8:42pm On Aug 04, 2018
You could even obtain these organs for a far cheaper rates, if you know your way to South western Nigeria.

Kikikiki, a human skull is worth just N2700 in the Jankara market in yorubaland yet sell for millions abroad. yorubas should start thinking of exportation of this business since Explorers have opened their eyes.


Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by naijaking1: 8:45pm On Aug 04, 2018

The moderator who took this to the front-page deserves a heavy slap for not realizing the implications of a thread like this.

Nairaland is now a purveyor of false, injurious, and dangerous news. How low can we go?
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by phase1: 8:47pm On Aug 04, 2018

do you work in hospital facilities (government) I intend donating blood for free.

You can donate in any government hospital laboratory or even NHIS supported and MLSCN-accredited private laboratories. Donation of blood makes you healthy as it stimulates erythropoiesis which means fresh blood cells invade your blood vessels and make you fitter. Ask Cristiano ronaldo.

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Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by Nobody: 8:54pm On Aug 04, 2018

You can donate in any government hospital laboratory or even NHIS supported and MLSCN-accredited private laboratories. Donation of blood makes you healthy as it stimulates erythropoiesis which means fresh blood cells invade your blood vessels and make you fitter. Ask Cristiano ronaldo.
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by Paschy88(m): 8:58pm On Aug 04, 2018
Abeg where i fit sell this kidney.. I want to use only one. The two is just too heavy
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by holywota: 8:59pm On Aug 04, 2018
I do donate blood for just 10k here, 119,000 -i need to get out of this country.
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by Alexpetra: 9:07pm On Aug 04, 2018
Hair - $70 Per Every 10 Inches

Most people who cut off their hair with the intention of giving it to others donate it to cancer patients.

However, there is an interest in hair on the Black Market, too.

This is mostly due to gathering hair to sell for wigs, and selling it can net you $70 for every 10 inches.
i guess no body get dat one to sell in Nigeria here
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by BIXYBABE: 9:07pm On Aug 04, 2018
Shebae our breakthrough is sure
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by folake4u(f): 9:08pm On Aug 04, 2018
See money!

I would like to donate my hair to cancer patients.
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by Crixina(f): 9:09pm On Aug 04, 2018
It's only gullible people that believe the ritual story.
People are harvesting other people's organs to sell on the black market in the name of ritual.

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Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by pussyeater(m): 9:14pm On Aug 04, 2018

Is it Big, Strong & Reliable?smiley
Haha! It is First Bank? grin
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by skyblue4real(m): 9:15pm On Aug 04, 2018
Why is Boko haram and armed herdsmen killing people for nothing......see money.
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by meobizy(f): 9:50pm On Aug 04, 2018
I hope people can now see the real blood money. This is more understandable and is carried out widely than the Nollywood myth of a dead body vomiting or materializing money from thin air.


Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by kester4great(m): 9:54pm On Aug 04, 2018
I have kidney for sell. How can I get buyer.
Re: What Some Human Organs And Parts Are Worth In The Black Market (Photos) by zeezeegal(m): 9:56pm On Aug 04, 2018

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