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The Top Best Developers And Programmers In Nigeria - Programming - Nairaland

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The Top Best Developers And Programmers In Nigeria by Nobody: 10:00am On May 26, 2018
4. MAKINWA OLUBUKOLA - She's a ruby developer and lead facilitator at ANDELA . No one does it for passion better than her.

3. MOYINOLUWA ADEYEMI - Moyheen is a java programmer who created 'yoruba watch faces'. She's a co-organizer of the google developers group.

2. IREADE - She's a javascript/css self-taught front-end developer.

1.UNICODEVELOPER(PROSPER OTEMUYIWA)- He amassed over 500 stars on github beating facebook to be no. 2 on the trending list of php developers in the world.

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Re: The Top Best Developers And Programmers In Nigeria by Nobody: 11:16pm On May 27, 2018

There are a lot of good programmers and web developers in Nigeria , but here are few 5 to mention:
5. JEFFREY DAUDA - He is probably the youngest in the list as he is just 16yrs old. He is a javascript/css and python developer, he has made alot of weblogs for many Nigerian celebrities. Jeff is a member of the FACEBOOK DEVELOPERS GROUP .

4. MAKINWA OLUBUKOLA - She's a ruby developer and lead facilitator at ANDELA . No one does it for passion better than her.

3. MOYINOLUWA ADEYEMI - Moyheen is a java programmer who created 'yoruba watch faces'. She's a co-organizer of the google developers group.

2. IREADE - She's a javascript/css self-taught front-end developer.

1.UNICODEVELOPER(PROSPER OTEMUYIWA)- He amassed over 500 stars on github beating facebook to be no. 2 on the trending list of php developers in the world.

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