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Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) - Crime - Nairaland

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Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by dre11(m): 9:28am On May 29, 2018
...............I bought baby to assist barren friend, says suspect

By Taiwo Jimoh, Stanley Ihedigbo and Amaka Ogoh

A 38-year-old woman, Nkiru Ekezie, has told detectives attached to the Lagos State Police Command how she assisted her friend, who had been barren for 10 years, to buy a baby. Ekezie said she bought the baby to save her friend’s marriage.

The suspect explained that her friend called her on the phone two months ago; crying hysterically that her marriage was on the brink of collapse because she had not been able to have a child for her husband.

She said: “It was in the process of searching for where to buy a baby that I informed Mrs. Udoji Chukwunoye, a church member, about our predicament.

Udoji later introduced me to the birth attendant, Regina Ibeto, who promised to get us a baby. After I met with Ibeto, she asked me to exercise patience.

She promised that I would soon get what I was looking for. I was told that a male child was N250,000, while a girl child was N200,000.” Two weeks after Ekezie met with Ibeto, she received a phone call from Udoji.

The woman asked her to transfer money into her account that a woman had been delivered of a baby. Ekezie said: “After the baby’s delivery, I called my friend on the phone to inform her.

She was excited and asked me to bring the baby immediately to Imo State. Unfortunately, the day I was supposed to pick the baby, Ibeto and Udoji were arrested by the police.

That was how I was also arrested.” Ibeto, 50, said that she was compelled to sell the week-old baby because his mother didn’t want him. The child’s biological mother allegedly told Ibeto that her father impregnated her.

Ibeto said: “I was at home when a lady brought Bukky, who was due for labour. I was told the pathetic story of how Bukky’s dad got her pregnant.

Bukky wanted to do away with the pregnancy. She saw it as a product of abomination. I saw reasons with her. It would be an abomination if the public got to know.

“She was just 16 years old; I felt she was too young to carry the stigma of being impregnated by her father. I arranged with a woman, who was looking for the fruit of the womb to buy the baby.

Luckily, Bukky delivered a bouncing baby boy. I gave Bukky part of the money to start a new life and advised her to keep away from her father.”

Ibeto, who insisted that she didn’t do any wrong, said she was only trying to assist a traumatised teenager.

Ibeto said she was shocked when police came to arrest and accused her of inducing pregnant women to deliver so that she could sell their babies.

She added: “The police met a pregnant woman in my house and further accused me of inducing her. The police also accused me of impersonating as a medical doctor. I have never claimed to be a medical doctor; I’m just a traditional birth attendant.”

The Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Imohimi Edgal, said information was received that Ibeto, of Bunmi Ajakaiye Street, Ajangbadi, used to induce pregnant women and when they eventually gave birth, she would sell the babies.

The commissioner disclosed that it was on the strength of that information that the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in charge of Ajangbadi Police Station, led operatives to the compound, where Ibeto was allegedly found administering Intravenous Injection for Oju Nnamdi, who claimed to be sick and was five months pregnant.

He said: “When a search was conducted, a set of ‘drip,’ bags of other related drugs were recovered.”



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Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by malificent(f): 9:34am On May 29, 2018

Where's the father? I hope he's in handcuffs too

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Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by Vianna(f): 9:35am On May 29, 2018
250k I can blow up in a blink of an eye. That's wat she exchanged for a whole human. Pathetic.


Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by Profitbase: 9:46am On May 29, 2018
This is what buhari has turned Nigeria into.


Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by GistMore: 9:59am On May 29, 2018
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by Iruobean(m): 12:25pm On May 29, 2018
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by soberdrunk(m): 12:25pm On May 29, 2018
"I was told that a male child was N250,000, while a girl child was N200,000.” Feminists wont like this...... angry

33 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by shammahyaro(f): 12:26pm On May 29, 2018


Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by Nobody: 12:27pm On May 29, 2018
250k I can blow up in a blink of an eye. That's wat she exchanged for a whole human. Pathetic.
to chop ur bobi dey hungry me.send me akant no and contact make I wire wire wink

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by wink2015(m): 12:27pm On May 29, 2018
So many bad things are happening in the Nigeria of today.
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by MrsNwaAmaikpe(f): 12:27pm On May 29, 2018
shocked shocked

She promised that I would soon get what I was looking for. I was told that a male child was N250,000, while a girl child was N200,000.” Two weeks after Ekezie met with Ibeto, she received a phone call from Udoji.

So there is still gender inequality in this jungle business....

i wonder how much it will cost to buy a shim like bobrisky


Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by foliman(m): 12:27pm On May 29, 2018
See the country we found ourselves!
Silly people, silly thought.
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by columbus007(m): 12:28pm On May 29, 2018
are this one God's gift also?i dont understand how people misinterpret God.
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by Nobody: 12:29pm On May 29, 2018
If giving up babies for adoption were made easier, if pregnant ladies who were contemplating abortion were taken in by the state and helped etc, it will also lead to easier and faster rate in adoption processes, then this type of crime will almost not exist.
Me Wey dey type self don apply for adoption and you need to have seen the lack of hope I was treated with there, when I went back to ask how far a month after, the lady was like, the application is not ready thus dismissing me, I persisted, when can I check back, she said, we will give you a call, I remain adamant, can I call to ask, she says no! I say ok like how much time averagely can I expect feedback and she says even last year's application we have not sorted, maybe between 6 months time to a year time. And I am like, why didn't you just say that?
In short sometimes it's easier to save towards an ivf than wait for adoption, na averagely poor and uneducated people they fall for child buying at least them fit borrow N250k somehow, though I must confess I will take in a baby from a mum if she didn't ask for money and allowed us do the paper work.

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Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by Deji63: 12:30pm On May 29, 2018
This is what happens when men choose to be irresponsible.

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Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by Hotfreeze: 12:30pm On May 29, 2018
It's nothing new among potopoto people. Judas Iscariot their ancestor sold Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of Silver.

Igbo Amaka!


Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by fkj950ax(m): 12:31pm On May 29, 2018
Until the Government makes Adoption a SIMPLER process, people will keep selling and buying babies.
That we can control immediately as a nation.

Until the society stops putting pressure on couples to open children, the need to buy babies will remain.
This, will take time to fix as it's a cultural anomaly.

The TBA was supposed to have introduced both parties to each other and involved the State. That way, it will be mutually acceptable by the State on one hand, and both parties on the other hand.


Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by themonk(m): 12:32pm On May 29, 2018
250k I can blow up in a blink of an eye. That's wat she exchanged for a whole human. Pathetic.
Blowing money fast team grin
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by BlackHatNaija: 12:32pm On May 29, 2018
Male child N250,000
Female child N200,000

Heartless people, see how they're pricing something they cannot create.


Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by iambabaG: 12:33pm On May 29, 2018
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by aribisala0(m): 12:34pm On May 29, 2018
Na dia work

"All na makate"

1 Like

Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by Nobody: 12:34pm On May 29, 2018

Blowing money fast team grin
u too like that bobi abi? cheesy
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by themonk(m): 12:36pm On May 29, 2018
u too like that bobi abi? cheesy
Hahaha haha

I have never sent a pm that fast before grin
I just hope say no be one closet bobyrisky dey waste my time angry
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by freedomchild: 12:36pm On May 29, 2018
Many children especially in the west, are products of incestous relationships. But selling babies isn't just right. The couple would've opt for adoption which is legal. Monetizing of babies is modern day slavery.. Desperation and moral decadence have destroyed our society.... Please, husbands should stop pushing there wives who haven't conceived yet to do this evil through their attitude rather you should plan with your wives on the way forward
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by Xisnin(m): 12:36pm On May 29, 2018
Good work from the police. No fake testimony on sunday.
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by Nobody: 12:37pm On May 29, 2018

Hahaha haha

I have never sent a pm that fast before grin
I just hope say no be one closet bobyrisky dey waste my time angry
I pray o.
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by movid(m): 12:37pm On May 29, 2018
to chop ur bobi dey hungry me.send me akant no and contact make I wire wire wink
How do u know she's d one on the profile pix
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by ijustdey: 12:38pm On May 29, 2018
Still can't phantom what a father would derive in raping his daughter till the point of been pregnant for him

That man is cursed
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by Nobody: 12:38pm On May 29, 2018
250k I can blow up in a blink of an eye. That's wat she exchanged for a whole human. Pathetic.
Hmm. Prove it
Re: Teenager Sells Father’s Baby For N250k (photo) by Nobody: 12:38pm On May 29, 2018

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