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"Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons - Romance (5) - Nairaland

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Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by boynigeria(m): 3:29pm On Jun 01, 2018
I think i've heard it all on Nairaland cheesy .

All myths made up by the church and old folk:urban legends.

So if you would have frequent sex you age sooner too: you guys are ridiculous.
Back your "Hypothesis " up with actual science then we can talk.

There are lots of benefits to masturbation(avoiding STDs,unwanted pregnacies,saving your doe(money))
as there are also downsides to it (Premature ejaculation, mental dependency etc) but ageing, gas, big tummy cheesy cheesy cheesy common guys,
stop it.

-Aging quickly might be due to stress, and the fact that you spend your entire life racing against time i.e 'we age every second,minute,year.
Aging is a natural process.
-All this sapping your energy & soul stuff is a big Fat lie cheesy cheesy . Even something as simple as sleeping consumes energy talk less of putting in work to self service yourself cheesy
-Balding & grey hair most times is hereditary.

you guys gotta quit misinforming people . (self-service all you want, but do it in moderation just like everything else in life).

people will just be pulling trashy fact out their filthy asses to impose there hypocritical moral stances (you could imagine some one claming fornication is better than masturbation)on other folks.

Nah wah ooo. Devote this energy to getting a PVC jare .

Ignorance is the issue here.
I wonder why societal moral make Africans ignore knowledge


Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by spdamibiz: 3:32pm On Jun 01, 2018
I think i've heard it all on Nairaland cheesy .

All myths made up by the church and old folk:urban legends.

So if you would have frequent sex you age sooner too: you guys are ridiculous.
Back your "Hypothesis " up with actual science then we can talk.

There are lots of benefits to masturbation(avoiding STDs,unwanted pregnacies,saving your doe(money))
as there are also downsides to it (Premature ejaculation, mental dependency etc) but ageing, gas, big tummy cheesy cheesy cheesy common guys,
stop it.

-Aging quickly might be due to stress, and the fact that you spend your entire life racing against time i.e 'we age every second,minute,year.
Aging is a natural process.
-All this sapping your energy & soul stuff is a big Fat lie cheesy cheesy . Even something as simple as sleeping consumes energy talk less of putting in work to self service yourself cheesy
-Balding & grey hair most times is hereditary.

you guys gotta quit misinforming people . (self-service all you want, but do it in moderation just like everything else in life).

people will just be pulling trashy fact out their filthy asses to impose there hypocritical moral stances (you could imagine some one claming fornication is better than masturbation)on other folks.

Nah wah ooo. Devote this energy to getting a PVC jare .
Every mind thinks His subjective view is the best,, and who tells you masturbation.does not sap energy and make yr soul impure,, There is lot more to what your small finite mind dont know
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by Kyllahmc(m): 3:34pm On Jun 01, 2018
Sorry to cut in, but why should you use masturbation to relax, do you know that u are actuallu giving part of yr life.(sperm) just to relax, come to thing of the sexual demon hovering around you, im not saying im perfect too, but it not right thing. It dirtiness, self pleasure, a waste
Lol where exactly is the demon? I can't argue with your religious mentality abeg... you pass me


Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by Nobody: 3:42pm On Jun 01, 2018




Different people, different opinion. What your conscience tells you when you masturbate says if its good or not.... Unfortunately, cukture and environment has a lot to do with it. I advise against masturbation as that energy can be channeled into something else. Masturbation and fornication are two different acts. It should be masturbation and sex addiction. Fornication does not equal to sex addiction. Sex addiction leads to masturbation and can make one unproductive.
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by McBeee(m): 3:45pm On Jun 01, 2018

Even people without formal education knows what google is, why not make use of it and stop exhibiting your illiteracy. That you are addicted to masturbation doesn't mean everyone is okay. That's why i advice people to get socialized, get a partner instead of it.

I am not trying to sound smart I am smart.
I'm sorry if my intelligence intimidate you but instead of you being intimidated why not do simple research with your smartphone rather than use it to talk from your asshole.

I don't know why people just believe anything they hear just because they want the society to see them as been morally upright. It simply add more to your ignorance

Thank you
Your moral judgment and fact goes a long way in telling how knowledgeable you are

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Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by Basalt(m): 3:46pm On Jun 01, 2018
A Nigerian man with the username @Roistrills on twitter took to the platform to list reasons why masturbation is a bigger sin than fornication.

He Wrote:

The only way to be set free is to know the truth and accept it no matter how bitter it tastes

Many of us still try to justify MASTURBATION cos we are guilty of it, but the truth is that MASTURBATION is more evil than fornication, take it or leave it, it's a mental sex.

Disadvantages of masturbation.

• You get mentally disturbed.
• You prefer to live alone which is not good at all.
• You become introvert.
• You become a pervert.
• You start living indoors.
• You lose concentration on work and studies.

• You lose calories.
• Your skin becomes dry.
• Your cheek goes inside.
• You don’t get proper sleep if masturbation becomes an addiction.
• You start aging.
• Your eye sight starts diminishing.
• You’ll have gas problem.
• You start getting tummy.
• You become thin.


Whoever wrote this should be arrested for writing absolute bullshit.


Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by boynigeria(m): 3:51pm On Jun 01, 2018

Whoever wrote this should be arrested for writing absolute bullshit.

Nobody is saying addiction to masturbation is good but that list is written out of foolishness, ignorance, lack of factual understanding and moral disorientation


Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by Nobody: 4:36pm On Jun 01, 2018
Why are you running away from the truth cheesy
what truth? ask your doctor, i mean, Real qualified doctor, not your Religious doctor. they will tell you that masturbation is perfectly okay, Op is not a doctor, he is just following or repeating what his cooked pastor brainwashed him into believing, Do you believe that the Op is telling the truth? grin
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by Seun360(m): 4:54pm On Jun 01, 2018
So if u have sex all this things will not happen to u, it's only when u masturbate. Ode like you. Anyways I don't think masturbation is good, but one can do it once in awhile if u r single n konji want to kill u, instead of going to olosho n getting disease.

You dey mind them?
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by Sammyblaq(m): 5:07pm On Jun 01, 2018
What will be the say for my guy wey dey fornicate times more pass those wey dey masturbate¿.
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by hot1sauce(m): 5:28pm On Jun 01, 2018
women have this fapping thing a lot harder than men, once a guy busts a nut he's gone but u know a woman can buss a whole lot of nuts, is it therefore more evil/worse if u bust one nut through fapping or multiple nuts through fornication
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by diamondy: 5:29pm On Jun 01, 2018
Fornication is worse. Risk of contacting stds is real. Masturbation on the other hand is std free. So fellas, you can choose
A Nigerian man with the username @Roistrills on twitter took to the platform to list reasons why masturbation is a bigger sin than fornication.

He Wrote:

The only way to be set free is to know the truth and accept it no matter how bitter it tastes

Many of us still try to justify MASTURBATION cos we are guilty of it, but the truth is that MASTURBATION is more evil than fornication, take it or leave it, it's a mental sex.

Disadvantages of masturbation.

• You get mentally disturbed.
• You prefer to live alone which is not good at all.
• You become introvert.
• You become a pervert.
• You start living indoors.
• You lose concentration on work and studies.

• You lose calories.
• Your skin becomes dry.
• Your cheek goes inside.
• You don’t get proper sleep if masturbation becomes an addiction.
• You start aging.
• Your eye sight starts diminishing.
• You’ll have gas problem.
• You start getting tummy.
• You become thin.


Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by diamondy: 5:38pm On Jun 01, 2018
Has it killed anyone close to you?
Masturbation kills !

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Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by Bush4u: 5:42pm On Jun 01, 2018
It has been my major problem and I don't know how to stop it.
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by Nobody: 5:52pm On Jun 01, 2018
A Nigerian man with the username @Roistrills on twitter took to the platform to list reasons why masturbation is a bigger sin than fornication.

He Wrote:

The only way to be set free is to know the truth and accept it no matter how bitter it tastes

Many of us still try to justify MASTURBATION cos we are guilty of it, but the truth is that MASTURBATION is more evil than fornication, take it or leave it, it's a mental sex.

Disadvantages of masturbation.

• You get mentally disturbed.
• You prefer to live alone which is not good at all.
• You become introvert.
• You become a pervert.
• You start living indoors.
• You lose concentration on work and studies.

• You lose calories.
• Your skin becomes dry.
• Your cheek goes inside.
• You don’t get proper sleep if masturbation becomes an addiction.
• You start aging.
• Your eye sight starts diminishing.
• You’ll have gas problem.
• You start getting tummy.
• You become thin.


The OP seems to have been through the hurdles of M.BTion
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by Sandrapreti(f): 5:57pm On Jun 01, 2018
The person who listed these is a fool
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by FRANKOSKI(m): 8:22pm On Jun 01, 2018
[quote author=Holamscoh post=68083584]

Lol so u mean people who have Jobs and are actively productive masturbate and sleep all day, So how do dey make money? I'm sure u're suffering from mental disorder by thinking this way. Obviously this kind of experience about "Sleeping all the time after Masturbating" can only happen to JOBLESS mofos like u.
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by DonBenny77(m): 10:12am On Jun 02, 2018
If you're not sound in knowledge, don't just open ur mouth to the public o. Youre neither a psychologist nor a doctor so dont abuse the professions. Some of those disadvantages of masturrbation are actually the causes. Introversion and staying indoor is not caused by masturrbation Haba! They actually lead to it.

Imagine.. your cheek go inside, you have gas problem.. You're an ignoramus. Im not justifying masturrbatn but you are you not different from our illiterate president.

You are a big fool that's how you misslead people with your ignorance and Vaseline crew are loving your comment so you feel like a champ

People take note excess wanking will damage your anus and you will fart uncontrollably and after passing stool your anus will slide out Like you have pile, it will also shrink your dick, you'll lose confidence in asking ladies out, weight loss erectile dysfunction, affects muscle formation you will spend hours at the gym for little or no result.

Take note don't mind this agent of darkness

1 Like

Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by Emytea(m): 10:38am On Jun 02, 2018
If you're not sound in knowledge, don't just open ur mouth to the public o. Youre neither a psychologist nor a doctor so dont abuse the professions. Some of those disadvantages of masturrbation are actually the causes. Introversion and staying indoor is not caused by masturrbation Haba! They actually lead to it.

Imagine.. your cheek go inside, you have gas problem.. You're an ignoramus. Im not justifying masturrbatn but you are you not different from our illiterate president.

Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by Bankalert(m): 12:53pm On Jun 02, 2018
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by DateMynd44(m): 10:39pm On Jun 02, 2018
[quote author=Livefreeordieha post=68077748][/quote] hahahahaha like seriously
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by inkaboutit4u(m): 1:00am On Nov 20, 2018
reply. [url] inkaboutit4u.com[/url]

NOTHING wrong with masturbation at all.





[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_5_Health_Benefits_of_Masturbation [/url]


[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_50_Advantages_of_Masturbation [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Argument_Debate_Pro_Masturbation [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_a_Sin_Or_Gift_of_God_to_All [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Betty_Dodsons_Personal_Story [/url]



[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Compare_Gods_Gift_VS_Sin [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Debate_Online_Inkaboutit_Reply_2 [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Dr._Dobson_Responds_Positive [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Forum_Person_Says_NOT_sin [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Gave_My_Life_Back_To_Me [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Health_Effects_of_Masturbation [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Highlights_From_Christians_Leaders [/url]

[url][color=#990000]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Islam_Maybe_Sin_Not_to_God [/url][/color]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Is_Required [/url]


[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_NOT_any_sin_verse_taken_out_of_context [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_NOT_a_sin_but_a_Gift_From_God [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_NOT_a_sin_Pastor_Chris_Oyakhilom [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_NOT_Sin_Gift_of_God_Youth_Pastor [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Pro-Masturbation_Minister [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Rebuttal_Religion_and_Masturbation [/url]


[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Rev_Bill_McGinnis_NOT_Sin [/url]

[url]http://inkaboutit4u.com/?p=Masturbation_Shameless_Guiltless_Gift_From_God [/url]

Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by FRANKOSKI(m): 3:29pm On Dec 24, 2018

Are you sure when you were carrying out your research, it wasn`t just ebola?
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by ejiro20192109(m): 8:59am On Dec 17, 2019
yeah masturbation is bad but you can't compare it to fornication please. Sex is good for the body although excess of everything is bad. we are stopping masturbation to have the very best of sex not the other way around
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by FRANKOSKI(m): 10:18pm On Jan 26, 2020

Lol so u mean people who have Jobs and are actively productive masturbate and sleep all day, So how do dey make money? I'm sure u're suffering from mental disorder by thinking this way. Obviously this kind of experience about "Sleeping all the time after Masturbating" can only happen to JOBLESS mofos like u. [/quote
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by UkponoAbasi01(m): 10:28am On Sep 04, 2021
If you're not sound in knowledge, don't just open ur mouth to the public o. Youre neither a psychologist nor a doctor so dont abuse the professions. Some of those disadvantages of masturrbation are actually the causes. Introversion and staying indoor is not caused by masturrbation Haba! They actually lead to it.

Imagine.. your cheek go inside, you have gas problem.. You're an ignoramus. Im not justifying masturrbatn but you are you not different from our illiterate president.

you what is the meaning of all this stop insulting person anyhow as if u are the only educated person so to speak
my question is do u come to experience this b4
if yes that means u are a devil
but if no this means u are into deep mumurization that's all
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by UkponoAbasi01(m): 10:38am On Sep 04, 2021

Whoever wrote this should be arrested for writing absolute bullshit.
arrest what??
Re: "Masturbation Is More Evil Than Fornication" - Man Lists Reasons by Chester7: 1:59am On Nov 29, 2021
Please the Bible is totally against fornication which was specifically treated in the Bible. Fornication is worse in the sense that you can contact std, you can leave your sexual partner heartbroken in case of breakup, you are involved with another persons life and you become one. What ever spirit control that person can influence your life. A sin against your own self is better against another. For example if u slap urself, you don't get to retaliate or get angry at yourself but against another you may get hurt. When you fornicate, you cause not only urself but another to sin. It is better you go to hell alone than lead many to hell in the cause of fornicating because it can lead u into having several sex partner. When masturbating, u are expose to imagining different sexual image and there is a dissatisfaction of using a particular image. As the case when one is fed up of another then runs to another. Make una wise o. I'm not saying masturbation is good but fornicating is terrible especially when it involves different sexual partners. U may not succeed in life. Flee fornication.

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