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Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by anigold(m): 8:41pm On Jun 28, 2018
A Zimbabwe based clergyman, Pastor Tito Wats has been arrested by the police authority for financial crime.

According to the police, Pastor Tito Wats told thousands of people that it was Jesus who appeared to him, then gave him tickets to people for $500 especially sinners so that they could also enter heaven.

“I don’t care what people or the police are saying about me, I am being persecuted because of doing the work of God.”

” Jesus Christ appeared to me and gave me the tickets made of pure gold so that I can sell to people who want salvation”, said the pastor

Thousands of people are protesting at the pastor’s arrest and called on the police to release him immediately as they are using their own money to buy salvation.

SOURCE: http://webtechgarden.com/african-pastor-arrested-for-selling-tickets-to-heaven-for-500-each/
stupid and fraudulent pastors spoiling the image of Christian since 33 AD
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by fortunechy(m): 8:42pm On Jun 28, 2018
Honestly, some people need brain format...
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by hopefulLandlord: 8:49pm On Jun 28, 2018

If you had a tiny spectrum of healthy brain cells you would understand that the New Testament Verses never supported slavery but gave the perfect blueprint on how christian slaves were to co - ordinate in servitude to the Roman Gentile atheist ungodly Masters.
False! Stop whitewashing and pulling dishonest hermeneutics to make biblical slavery what its not!
I feel very sorry for most Christians like you who were indoctrinated and forced to accept this terrible doctrine without being told what it contains. Now you try to make sense of your worldview by making excuses for the text. It was written at a brutal time by less than moral people with the goal of controlling the masses, when you try to make it fit into today's world you have to twist the words pretty hard to make them jive.

In these verses you find Apostle Paul laying down blueprint to ensure christian slaves served like they obeyed God which led to a greater societal good as there was less need for society disorder and revolt unlike the other slaves who had no bible trained conscience like the christian slaves. You only need to watch films like Spartacus, etc to see how these other slaves lead revolts that were violently squashed by the atheistic ungodly roman forces but the Christian slaves in obedience to these new testament verses served in such manner that there became a cordial relationship between them and their masters all due to their Godly conducts of particular mention is philemon and onesimus. We see these New Testament truths still relevant today even for employees (modern day slaves) and their employers (modern masters). A lot of revolutions has happened as result of the feeling of the working class(modern slaves feeling cheated by the burgeiouses( modern masters of the middle, upper, capitalist and political class) which lead to ungodly men like Karl Max, Lenin, etc writing stuffs that lead to atheists men like Stalin of Russia, Mao of China, Hitler, etc who murdered millions and millions of people with no real solution still existing today.

Why do you think a body like NLC is fighting on your behalf as a modern day slave (employee) that you are earning a miserable 19,800 naira called minimum wage which equated to bags of salts the Roman Empire settled her slaves with so your modern day master (employers like the Banks,) etc increase the pitiful sum they pay you.
Do not pull false equivalence by equating biblical slavery and Modern day employment
This is not the same as modern day employment at all. Leviticus 22-10. 25:44-46 . 27. who makes a good slave. Exodus 21:2-6 how to trick a man into slavery. 21:7-11, 21:21. 13,20-2&26. how to beat your slave. Pass down your slave to your children as property. Ephesians 6:5 Be a good slave. Deuteronomy 20 10-14.. Colossians 3:22-25, 1 Timothy 6:1-5. so says Jesus. 12:41-48. Titus 2:9-10,15 1 Peter 2:18-20. 6:5. Slaves obey. Genesis. 9 , 25>27. Luke 12-37,38,45,46,47. God tells slaves to be good or get beaten. Ephesians 6:5 Slaves obey your master like you would Christ.

And God gave these law, saying: “When a man SELLS HIS DAUGHTER AS A SLAVE, she shall not go out as the male slaves do.” Ex 21:7 (ESV)

“When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be avenged. But if the slave survives a day or two, he is not to be avenged, for THE SLAVE IS HIS MONEY.” Ex 21:20-21 (ESV)

The Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, saying: “You MAY BUY MALE AND FEMALE SLAVES from among the nations that are around you. … and they may be YOUR PROPERTY. You may bequeath them to your sons after you to inherit AS A POSSESSION FOREVER. You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another RUTHLESSLY.” Lev 25:44-46 (ESV)

I never understood how a black person could take up the religion of their slave owners.
Just goes to show how deep brainwashed they are but here you are even equating employment with slavery. ask Yahweh for forgiveness of sin cuz you just committed a grave sin


Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by Jimmy231: 8:55pm On Jun 28, 2018
shocked Slaves...
see where your mumu carry you go? I hardly see sense in these
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by Butterflyleo: 9:00pm On Jun 28, 2018
False! Stop whitewashing and pulling dishonest hermeneutics to make biblical slavery what its not!
I feel very sorry for most Christians like you who were indoctrinated and forced to accept this terrible doctrine without being told what it contains. Now you try to make sense of your worldview by making excuses for the text. It was written at a brutal time by less than moral people with the goal of controlling the masses, when you try to make it fit into today's world you have to twist the words pretty hard to make them jive.


Do not pull false equivalence by equating biblical slavery and Modern day employment
This is not the same as modern day employment at all. Leviticus 22-10. 25:44-46 . 27. who makes a good slave. Exodus 21:2-6 how to trick a man into slavery. 21:7-11, 21:21. 13,20-2&26. how to beat your slave. Pass down your slave to your children as property. Ephesians 6:5 Be a good slave. Deuteronomy 20 10-14.. Colossians 3:22-25, 1 Timothy 6:1-5. so says Jesus. 12:41-48. Titus 2:9-10,15 1 Peter 2:18-20. 6:5. Slaves obey. Genesis. 9 , 25>27. Luke 12-37,38,45,46,47. God tells slaves to be good or get beaten. Ephesians 6:5 Slaves obey your master like you would Christ.

And God gave these law, saying: “When a man SELLS HIS DAUGHTER AS A SLAVE, she shall not go out as the male slaves do.” Ex 21:7 (ESV)

“When a man strikes his slave, male or female, with a rod and the slave dies under his hand, he shall be avenged. But if the slave survives a day or two, he is not to be avenged, for THE SLAVE IS HIS MONEY.” Ex 21:20-21 (ESV)

The Lord spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, saying: “You MAY BUY MALE AND FEMALE SLAVES from among the nations that are around you. … and they may be YOUR PROPERTY. You may bequeath them to your sons after you to inherit AS A POSSESSION FOREVER. You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another RUTHLESSLY.” Lev 25:44-46 (ESV)

I never understood how a black person could take up the religion of their slave owners.
Just goes to show how deep brainwashed they are but here you are even equating employment with slavery. ask Yahweh for forgiveness of sin cuz you just committed a grave sin

Shut up!!!

Here you go again with your deceptive mental gymnastics all in an attempt to propagate your deluded atheism to those who do not care to know anything about it and most of all who do not care about your obviously dishonest atheistic mindset.

You are not a christian. Christians know the truth about Christianity and how it does not on any way support slavery. Your rather childish attempt to make it so cannot change the fact that all Christians do is try to follow in the steps of Jesus who was the epitome of love and tolerance unlike you bigoted atheists with your high doses of deception when it comes to interpreting scriptures.

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Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by Femijohn198: 9:06pm On Jun 28, 2018
salvation is for free..
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by Ndipe(m): 9:06pm On Jun 28, 2018
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by ifymadu: 9:13pm On Jun 28, 2018
So people de when gullible pass Nigerians?
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by superhumanist(m): 9:14pm On Jun 28, 2018

Shut up!!!

Here you go again with your deceptive mental gymnastics all in an attempt to propagate your deluded atheism to those who do not care to know anything about it and most of all who do not care about your obviously dishonest atheistic mindset.

You are not a christian. Christians know the truth about Christianity and how it does not on any way support slavery. Your rather childish attempt to make it so cannot change the fact that all Christians do is try to follow in the steps of Jesus who was the epitome of love and tolerance unlike you bigoted atheists with your high doses of deception when it comes to interpreting scriptures.

The hypocrisy. Would you describe your comment as tolerant?

Just admit that Christians do evil too

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Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by Butterflyleo: 9:25pm On Jun 28, 2018

The hypocrisy. Would you describe your comment as tolerant?

Just admit that Christians do evil too

Christian = like Christ

Was Christ Evil? NO

So how can CHRISTIANS do evil if the one they emulate has no seed of evil in him?

Your comment is loaded with nonsensical reasoning as the non sequitur merchant you are.
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by superhumanist(m): 9:29pm On Jun 28, 2018

Christian = like Christ

Was Christ Evil? NO

So how can CHRISTIANS do evil if the one they emulate has no seed of evil in him?

Your comment is loaded with nonsensical reasoning as the non sequitur merchant you are.

The same Jesus Christ that flogged traders in the church and destroyed their merchandise?

The same Jesus that committed suicide by premonition? He knew that he was going to die by betrayal. A normal homeboy would bitchslap Judas and bail out of town.
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by UncleJudax(m): 9:32pm On Jun 28, 2018
See oyinbo Jesus and angels grin
What a joke of a religion!

It is finshed!
Nigga fuckkk you for like ever. Every religion has its problems. I dare say that Christianity is way better than many. The problem is the people.

When people are gullible they believe anything. Africans/blacks are as churchous as they are evil.

Even the whites who brought Christianity laugh at blacks.
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by Butterflyleo: 9:35pm On Jun 28, 2018

The same Jesus Christ that flogged traders in the church and destroyed their merchandise?

The same Jesus that committed suicide by premonition? He knew that he was going to die by betrayal. A normal homeboy would bitchslap Judas and bail out of town.

You either have dumb genes or you inhale dumbness and exhale same in place of air.

So flogging for what is wrong is now evil? So chasing people out of a place they knew they should not be is now evil?

I think you need to look up the meaning of the word suicide and put it next to the meaning of the word "killed" or "crucifixion". Perhaps people now have the ability to use their own hands to crucify themselves by either mounting a tree and nailing themselves to the tree in both palms and feet.

So premeditated betrayal is what he should have stopped? I wonder how many people who committed premeditated murder were successful talked or bitxhslapped out of it and ended up not doing what their minds had been set to do.

Please stop trying to infect me with your levels of dumb genes. I reject such infections.
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by 1Sharon(f): 10:09pm On Jun 28, 2018
sometimes my countrymen are full of shìt angry

Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by nnaemekanwachuk(m): 10:11pm On Jun 28, 2018
Arrest the buyers as well...
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by kingvicking(m): 11:21pm On Jun 28, 2018
Actually, I think the members buying the tickets should be arrested instead, 1. for being gullible 2. to be checked out for psycho
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by gulfer: 11:29pm On Jun 28, 2018
Russia World cup Ticket! shocked shocked shocked shocked
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by Abdulnur(m): 11:31pm On Jun 28, 2018
It's actually a good deal considering $500 Zimbabwean dollars is a mere $1.3 US dollars or N450. If people choose to behave like gullible sheep all in the name of salvation, they should be taken advantage of by con men.
shocked that a huuuge underestimation of USD, it's approx 10000zim poo that'll equates $1.
The logo ($) is for US Dollar not the Zimbabwean poo currency. Moreover.
...and yes the Zimbabwean poo is defunct, no idiot collects it anymore.
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by semyman: 11:51pm On Jun 28, 2018
Why are christians so lazy and daft?
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by Toluensdollars(m): 12:13am On Jun 29, 2018
Africans are people with gullible minds. These continent will and can never meet up with other continents. Now, d Asian continent don pass them. God, why am i an African?
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by leofab(f): 12:36am On Jun 29, 2018
satanist spotted. do you think universe and its habitat(females and males) automatically created themselves? idiot.
so who created God.. Mr. ITK
Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by AreaFada2: 12:46am On Jun 29, 2018
Sadly the excesses of the MoGs will bring about the fall of popular Christianity as Africans currently practice it.

Gradually the excesses will be too much and questions will be asked increasingly by younger generations.

It happened in the past in Europe. Churches became too powerful and abused their privileges. If not for Africans/Caribbeans, many more church buildings would be pubs, club houses, art galleries, private homes or such by now. Some already are. I mean current Catholic and Protestant churches.

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Re: Zimbabwean Pastor, Tito, Arrested For Selling Tickets To Heaven For $500 Each by EmekaBlue(m): 1:58am On Jun 29, 2018
Rather d mumu members should be arrested

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