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Please Help, Guarantors Needed. - Jobs/Vacancies - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Jobs/Vacancies / Please Help, Guarantors Needed. (1308 Views)

Dispatch Riders With Credible Guarantors Needed- 40k pay (Ketu, Shangisha Area) / Please I Need Guidance On Guarantors Form On Nigeria Customs Service Job / Frsc Guarantors Form (2) (3) (4)

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Please Help, Guarantors Needed. by morichy(m): 11:08pm On Jun 30, 2018
Good evening my fellow nairalanders, i recently got a job in one of the best hotels in Lagos State. I was given four guarantor forms, these guarantors must be from either a Bank, civil servant or from an oil company. I have till Tuesday to submit the forms.
Am new in Lagos and don't know of anyone who can help..
Please i need help...Any suggestions will be entertained.. Thanks
Re: Please Help, Guarantors Needed. by morichy(m): 11:20pm On Jun 30, 2018
I understand your plight, was once in your situation. Call me on zero eight zero one two 4500464. I can help you with one
Re: Please Help, Guarantors Needed. by chrisbaxtian(m): 11:26pm On Jun 30, 2018
Good evening my fellow nairalanders, i recently got a job in one of the best hotels in Lagos State. I was given four guarantor forms, these guarantors must be from either a Bank, civil servant or from an oil company. I have till Tuesday to submit the forms.
Am new in Lagos and don't know of anyone who can help..
Please i need help...Any suggestions will be entertained.. Thanks

this guarantor thing was one of the biggest problems that plagued me during my job hunting days.

Must your guarantors be resident in Lagos? Is it explicitly stated that your guarantors must be older than you? If so, what is the age difference? Does the company look like a serious place that carries out background checks on guarantors or is it a place where the guarantors form is just an administrative formality? I know why I am asking this questions. It is because you need not to worry yourself so much about it. It is a problem that can easily be resolved, depending on where you find yourself


Re: Please Help, Guarantors Needed. by chrisbaxtian(m): 11:29pm On Jun 30, 2018
I understand your plight, was once in your situation. Call me on zero eight zero one two 4500464. I can help you with one

Good evening my fellow nairalanders, i recently got a job in one of the best hotels in Lagos State. I was given four guarantor forms, these guarantors must be from either a Bank, civil servant or from an oil company. I have till Tuesday to submit the forms.
Am new in Lagos and don't know of anyone who can help..
Please i need help...Any suggestions will be entertained.. Thanks


Re: Please Help, Guarantors Needed. by czarina(f): 11:39pm On Jun 30, 2018

Even me sef confuse cheesy cheesy
Re: Please Help, Guarantors Needed. by joincode(f): 12:47am On Jul 01, 2018
Ah guarantor online when person no know you from Adam. Ok oh, let me quietly walk out of the thread.

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Re: Please Help, Guarantors Needed. by senator3636(m): 12:56am On Jul 01, 2018
I Wonder ooooooo.

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10k Naira Online Job... Urgently / Please, Be Informed, Market Explorer, Ibadan Recruits! / Urgent Vacancy : Secretary, Lagos

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