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Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. - Romance (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Papanwamaikpe: 2:35pm On Jul 05, 2018

14 and 16 is a NO mate.....haba Boss Ubunja, i know we are team virgins, but i Think it 18-21 should do....haba na.. 14-16?
I used to think like you until I met 14-16yrs old prostitutes on several occasions. what you don't know is bigger than you Nigga!
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Chubhie: 3:04pm On Jul 05, 2018

here is your verse:
Genesis 6: 1 When humankind began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of humankind were beautiful. Thus they took wives for themselves from any they chose. 3 So the LORD said, “My spirit will not remain in humankind indefinitely, since they are mortal. They will remain for 120 more years.”
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days (and also after this) when the sons of God were having sexual relations with the daughters of humankind, who gave birth to their children. They were the mighty heroes of old, the famous men."

or maybe here "Sons of God" doesnt necessarily mean "angels", but God's chosen people or something.

Permit me to invite the bible scholar MrPresident1 sukkot for deeper interpretation.
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Chubhie: 3:09pm On Jul 05, 2018
I used to think like you until I met 14-16yrs old prostitutes on several occasions. what you don't know is bigger than you Nigga!
Those children ain't doing such on their own volition.
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by MISEDUCATIONS: 3:28pm On Jul 05, 2018

Permit me to invite the bible scholar MrPresident1 sukkot for deeper interpretation.
pls do
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Gaspardd(m): 3:42pm On Jul 05, 2018
i wonder such power, cos it hasn't work on me and i'm not gay neither i'm overtly religious. I'm good looking and charming. I love pvssy, but power pvssy haven't work on me

You re just not conscious of it
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Nobody: 4:20pm On Jul 05, 2018
The same person again. Nawa for this guy Sha. You no dey Taya? Jumping from one moniker to another in pretext that you are a different person. Even pretending to be chatting with the last moniker you created as if you are chatting with someone else. QUIT THE BULLSHIT ABEG! Grow up from this boyishness. I keep wondering what kind of FRACTURED CIVILIZATION this is which true masculinity is becoming so extinct. BOYS REACHING ADULTHOOD AND NOT MANHOOD.

Even when the manifestation of sex dolls says it all about the DEBASEMENT of our humanity. The less intelligent yet see it as a glorification because they can't stop thinking with their balls.

Chubie it's true, Little minded men know not the power of the P-U-S-S-Y in its POSITIVITY. I stand for uniting men and women in TRUTH and not for disconnectivity, even if hurt a thousand times by a thousand female folks, I will never reduce myself to crying like a little boy but stand firmly as a MAN worthy of his balls and thinking with his brain and hoping for that ONE WOMAN that will make all the difference.

When COWARDS (guys or babes) fall in love and get HURT in a relationship. Instead of acknowledging their PAIN COURAGEOUSLY by understanding that HOW SOMEONE ELSE CHOOSES TO BEHAVE IS ABOUT THEM AND NOT EVERYONE. They make this someone else's EMOTIONAL CRIME their own REALITY for EVERYONE ELSE because they are COWARDS who can't bear the PAINS that comes with relationship hence they start HURTING everyone else due to the gravity of how PAINFUL someone else had made them feel. Its such a COWARDLY act, by little boys and girls who call themselves MEN and WOMEN but are infact LITTLE BOYS and GIRLS.

No matter how much you get HURT in a relationship, DO NOT!!! (I repeat) DO NOT TAKE SOMEONE ELSE'S EMOTIONAL CRIME TO THE LEVEL OF HURTING EVERYONE ELSE. That is not EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE that is just being STUP!D, COWARD.

Well a world so systematically producing little boys and girls who grow into adulthood and not MANHOOD and WOMANHOOD.

Threads that are BASHFUL, where both genders QUARREL, see each others as ENEMIES are so encouraged because the TREND and hence MONEY IS MADE by the platform, yet its called ROMANCE. What is romantic about all friction between the sexes on NL?

So, sad how we keep creating an EMPTY WORLD, so devoid of love and compassion all in a bid to gather VANITY at the expense of our COMMON GOOD. MAKE LOVE NOT WAR. All this gender wars where does it take humanity to if not SELF DESTRUCTION. Only the COURAGEOUS find LOVE and PEACE. The COWARDS continue in their BITTERNESS, and as LOSERS because they lack EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. Dumb ass men becoming more and more vocal on social media teaching all manners of how to make gross out of MANHOOD and not glory is in itself a symbolism of a civilization in total disqualification of the gift of faculties of reasoning.

I watched a mind blowing video where Neale Donald Walsch, talked about his new book; 'Awaken the Species,' where he discusses the HEBs in comparison to the human state. He said something that you are (@Bold) now echoing back to me. He said; 'Technology is evolving faster than human beings, that we are like children playing with matches.' Mind blown... Thank you for the reminder! I appreciate you.

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Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Papanwamaikpe: 4:21pm On Jul 05, 2018

Those children ain't doing such on their own volition.
Calm down, should I drop one number for you? lemme see if you can convince her to stop prostitution. She's​ schooling at auchi polytechnic​
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Chubhie: 4:26pm On Jul 05, 2018
Calm down, should I drop one number for you? lemme see if you can convince her to stop prostitution. She's​ schooling at auchi polytechnic​
Go ahead.
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Papanwamaikpe: 4:30pm On Jul 05, 2018

Go ahead.
mention me in an empty thread and I'll drop it there
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Chubhie: 4:33pm On Jul 05, 2018
The same person again. Nawa for this guy Sha. You no dey Taya? Jumping from one moniker to another in pretext that you are a different person. Even pretending to be chatting with the last moniker you created as if you are chatting with someone else. QUIT THE BULLSHIT ABEG! Grow up from this boyishness. I keep wondering what kind of FRACTURED CIVILIZATION this is which true masculinity is becoming so extinct. BOYS REACHING ADULTHOOD AND NOT MANHOOD. Even when the manifestation of sex dolls says it all about the DEBASEMENT of our humanity. The less intelligent yet see it as a glorification because they can't stop thinking with their balls. Chubie it's true, Little minded men know not the power of the P-U-S-S-Y in its POSITIVITY. I stand for uniting men and women in TRUTH and not for disconnectivity, even if hurt a thousand times by a thousand female folks, I will never reduce myself to crying like a little boy but stand firmly as a MAN worthy of his balls and thinking with his brain and hoping for that ONE WOMAN that will make all the difference.

When COWARDS (guys or babes) fall in love and get HURT in a relationship. Instead of acknowledging their PAIN COURAGEOUSLY by understanding that HOW SOMEONE ELSE CHOOSES TO BEHAVE IS ABOUT THEM AND NOT EVERYONE. They make this someone else's EMOTIONAL CRIME their own REALITY for EVERYONE ELSE because they are COWARDS who can't bear the PAINS that comes with relationship hence they start HURTING everyone else due to the gravity of how PAINFUL someone else had made them feel. Its such a COWARDLY act, by little boys and girls who call themselves MEN and WOMEN but are infact LITTLE BOYS and GIRLS.

No matter how much you get HURT in a relationship, DO NOT!!! (I repeat) DO NOT TAKE SOMEONE ELSE'S EMOTIONAL CRIME TO THE LEVEL OF HURTING EVERYONE ELSE. That is not EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE that is just being STUP!D, COWARD.

Well a world so systematically producing little boys and girls who grow into adulthood and not MANHOOD and WOMANHOOD.

Threads that are BASHFUL, where both genders QUARREL, see each others as ENEMIES are so encouraged because the TREND and hence MONEY IS MADE by the platform, yet its called ROMANCE. What is romantic about all friction between the sexes on NL?

So, sad how we keep creating an EMPTY WORLD, so devoid of love and compassion all in a bid to gather VANITY at the expense of our COMMON GOOD. MAKE LOVE NOT WAR. All this gender wars where does it take humanity to if not SELF DESTRUCTION. Only the COURAGEOUS find LOVE and PEACE. The COWARDS continue in their BITTERNESS, and as LOSERS because they lack EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. Dumb ass men becoming more and more vocal on social media teaching all manners of how to make gross out of MANHOOD and not glory is in itself a symbolism of a civilization in total disqualification of the gift of faculties of reasoning.

Sorry Prof just getting to see this. You missed the h in the name.

One must always be anchored and tuned in to better drink from your fountain cos you speak the mind of spirits.

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Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Chubhie: 4:35pm On Jul 05, 2018
mention me in an empty thread and I'll drop it there
Drop it here in the congregation of the people. Help can manifest in different forms.
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Papanwamaikpe: 4:42pm On Jul 05, 2018

Drop it here in the congregation of the people. Help can manifest in different forms.
nah I can't. mba!!
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by kunleweb: 4:45pm On Jul 05, 2018
The same person again. Nawa for this guy Sha. You no dey Taya? Jumping from one moniker to another in pretext that you are a different person. Even pretending to be chatting with the last moniker you created as if you are chatting with someone else. QUIT THE BULLSHIT ABEG! Grow up from this boyishness. I keep wondering what kind of FRACTURED CIVILIZATION this is which true masculinity is becoming so extinct. BOYS REACHING ADULTHOOD AND NOT MANHOOD. Even when the manifestation of sex dolls says it all about the DEBASEMENT of our humanity. The less intelligent yet see it as a glorification because they can't stop thinking with their balls. Chubie it's true, Little minded men know not the power of the P-U-S-S-Y in its POSITIVITY. I stand for uniting men and women in TRUTH and not for disconnectivity, even if hurt a thousand times by a thousand female folks, I will never reduce myself to crying like a little boy but stand firmly as a MAN worthy of his balls and thinking with his brain and hoping for that ONE WOMAN that will make all the difference.

When COWARDS (guys or babes) fall in love and get HURT in a relationship. Instead of acknowledging their PAIN COURAGEOUSLY by understanding that HOW SOMEONE ELSE CHOOSES TO BEHAVE IS ABOUT THEM AND NOT EVERYONE. They make this someone else's EMOTIONAL CRIME their own REALITY for EVERYONE ELSE because they are COWARDS who can't bear the PAINS that comes with relationship hence they start HURTING everyone else due to the gravity of how PAINFUL someone else had made them feel. Its such a COWARDLY act, by little boys and girls who call themselves MEN and WOMEN but are infact LITTLE BOYS and GIRLS.

No matter how much you get HURT in a relationship, DO NOT!!! (I repeat) DO NOT TAKE SOMEONE ELSE'S EMOTIONAL CRIME TO THE LEVEL OF HURTING EVERYONE ELSE. That is not EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE that is just being STUP!D, COWARD.

Well a world so systematically producing little boys and girls who grow into adulthood and not MANHOOD and WOMANHOOD.

Threads that are BASHFUL, where both genders QUARREL, see each others as ENEMIES are so encouraged because the TREND and hence MONEY IS MADE by the platform, yet its called ROMANCE. What is romantic about all friction between the sexes on NL?

So, sad how we keep creating an EMPTY WORLD, so devoid of love and compassion all in a bid to gather VANITY at the expense of our COMMON GOOD. MAKE LOVE NOT WAR. All this gender wars where does it take humanity to if not SELF DESTRUCTION. Only the COURAGEOUS find LOVE and PEACE. The COWARDS continue in their BITTERNESS, and as LOSERS because they lack EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. Dumb ass men becoming more and more vocal on social media teaching all manners of how to make gross out of MANHOOD and not glory is in itself a symbolism of a civilization in total disqualification of the gift of faculties of reasoning.

Who is making you type all this nigga
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by kunleweb: 4:46pm On Jul 05, 2018
ladies are the most confused set of beings i have ever come across!!!

you love them, they take you as mumu
you no love them, they call you heartless
you sex them, na wahala, you don't , they call you dull guy..

you spend on them, they call you maga
you don't , they call you stingy

so why should any sane man take this confused ones serious? keep loving them at your own peril..awon werey

lol .awon werey
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Chubhie: 4:47pm On Jul 05, 2018
nah I can't. mba!!
Are you that lovestruck?

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Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Papanwamaikpe: 5:08pm On Jul 05, 2018

Are you that lovestruck?
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by lycannightwolf: 5:55am On Jul 06, 2018
I used to think like you until I met 14-16yrs old prostitutes on several occasions. what you don't know is bigger than you Nigga!

Yes Papa, the assertion is correct...and you can always justify your reasons.
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Henitan24(f): 8:12pm On Jul 08, 2018

Here you go again!

Bro I never killed someone intensionally...
I am still regretting my actions.
What really happened that time I still can't comprehend.
Please stop waking my past. I am no more there.
You made me create that thread and each time I visit that thread I feel hurt. I feel hurt not because of what the girls did to me but because of what I did..
Please and please
Stop judging me.

How are you?
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by sirBLUNT: 8:16pm On Jul 08, 2018

How are you?
Be cool...
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Henitan24(f): 8:21pm On Jul 08, 2018
Be cool...
Sure just worried about him. How re u also doing baby?
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by sirBLUNT: 8:29pm On Jul 08, 2018

Sure just worried about him. How re u also doing baby?
i'm great and heavy,you know that moment when you eat and feel so heavy that you hardly breath well...am in that moment!
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by samysmoothfresh: 8:38pm On Jul 08, 2018
mention me in an empty thread and I'll drop it there

my niccur you drop the number here na

you know help can come from anywhere and in any form

i fit even help her with 10k for only 1 night so far shes a little pretty
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Henitan24(f): 9:15pm On Jul 08, 2018
i'm great and heavy,you know that moment when you eat and feel so heavy that you hardly breath well...am in that moment!

Pls dont kill yourself for us oo, we need you more than you can ever imagine
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by sirBLUNT: 9:33pm On Jul 08, 2018

Pls dont kill yourself for us oo, we need you more than you can ever imagine
i won't as much as we need you here too esp...okay
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by milemimi93(m): 7:15am On Jul 09, 2018

How are you?
am good and you?
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by milemimi93(m): 7:15am On Jul 09, 2018

How are you?
am good and you?
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Henitan24(f): 7:24am On Jul 09, 2018
am good and you?
I'm fine as well.
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by MissJoy29(f): 10:54pm On Jul 09, 2018
i won't as much as we need you here too esp...okay
Heyyy...I'm waiting for food.
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Sagamite(m): 1:30pm On Sep 11, 2018
There is no need for this "movement" on this website because there is a monicker called SAGAMITE that has been singlehandedly trying to do this on Nairaland for almost a decade but despite his best efforts,many guys are still slaves to the pussy_.My brother,this is an unwinable battle

Thanks for highlighting the gospel!
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Sagamite(m): 1:31pm On Sep 11, 2018

I never desired commenting, but I feel something ought to be corrected.

Sagamite is very different from most of you. He does his in a rational and logical manner. Last I checked, dude did not kill anyone like your ilks did. So you cannot compare how he does his to the way most of you do yours.

GBAM! cool
Re: Emancipating Men From Pussy Slavery. by Ragnorak: 1:48pm On Sep 11, 2018
Carry on comrades

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