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Why Do Most Women Believe That Pvssy Reward Is Enough Pay Back For Anything - Romance - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / Why Do Most Women Believe That Pvssy Reward Is Enough Pay Back For Anything (615 Views)

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Why Do Most Women Believe That Pvssy Reward Is Enough Pay Back For Anything by fairplay90(m): 12:57pm On Jul 06, 2018
My worries is that some of them cannot even open their mouth to say "Thank you" even if you give them our National stadium in Abuja, And you have just a 3mins short time with her, my brother she don pay for the stadium oo

guys Sharp Up!!!!!
Re: Why Do Most Women Believe That Pvssy Reward Is Enough Pay Back For Anything by Rhozabeth(m): 1:11pm On Jul 06, 2018
The reason is simple, a lot of men pay heavily for that same p*ssy, so their thinking is why shouldn't you pay that much!
Re: Why Do Most Women Believe That Pvssy Reward Is Enough Pay Back For Anything by fairplay90(m): 1:28pm On Jul 06, 2018
The reason is simple, a lot of men pay heavily for that same p*ssy, so their thinking is why shouldn't you pay that much!

hahahaha I see
Re: Why Do Most Women Believe That Pvssy Reward Is Enough Pay Back For Anything by Nobody: 3:18pm On Jul 06, 2018
It's Men's fault. We've spoilt our women like a parent would spoil a child. Can you imagine that now, women have the power to vote? I guess that's what happens when you've been in charge for too long; you become weak, soft, forgetful of how dangerous females can be. We will learn very soon. We will pay dearly for this.

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