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Earn Money With Qunqun When You Post And Comment On Posts. - Business - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Business / Earn Money With Qunqun When You Post And Comment On Posts. (782 Views)

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Earn Money With Qunqun When You Post And Comment On Posts. by nancyv(f): 10:29pm On Jul 07, 2018
Register on Qunqun and earn money when you share and comment on posts.
qun qun is just like facebook but the difference is that you earn when you post or comment on people's posts.

use ZLSXAP as referral.

qunqun is a completely new incentive community platform based on blockchain technology. On QunQun, users can easily create their own theme community without encoding and deploying, and obtain extra tokens from the reward pool through operating it or submitting contents to the communities.
QunQun platform provides an innovative Social Community. Like an autonomous “Twitter”, each community is independent of each other. Members in the community can perform dynamic release and follow with each other. All dynamic release of members can be collected on the in-site public Timeline channel in community.
Community exchange
Community managers can obtain Token incentives every day by operating their own community. Besides, the community value can grow up with the improvement of user scale in community. QunQun provides a community exchange market. The key information of each community such as POA, revenue information, user scale and activity are recorded on the blockchain publicly as an evidence for value identification of the community. The communities with high activity will have a chance to be sold at higher prices.
Economic System
Token Incentives effectively reduce the operating threshold of each community, enabling rapid start-up and prosperity of the community, and ultimately achieving business returns through cash flow and eco-consumption
Proof of Activity: Reward tokens to each community from the reward pool by calculating its activity based on the valid DAU, posts, users and other related data.
Proof of Contribution: Reward tokens to each community builder by calculating their contribution to the community based on the behavior data.
In order to deal with the islanding effects of community and promote the content circulation and social development of community platform。After finding other communities in QunQun, users can browse other communities as tourists based on the passing account system. If users are interested in a content of the community and want to share it with other members of their communities, they can use “Transmit” function (only available in QunQun) to share the content and creator to their own communities, as well as synchronously read the dynamic release and perform interaction on the off-site Timeline.
There are three layers included in the overall technical architecture of QunQun: client, community platform and underlying architecture.
Client refers to various terminal products QunQun has provided for users to meet the demands of different users, which includes iOS, Android, H5, etc.
QunQun also provides a full-featured RESTful API. Anyone or company developer can develop efficiency tools or games based on the API.
QunQun provides site-master/ management team with a community management tool (Dashboard) which includes theme templates, function options, management of application plug-in, etc.
Underlying architecture
The “smart contract” of Ethereum is Turing-complete. Various constraints shall be written into the smart contract in QunQun ecosystem. The realization of some community-related contracts is shown as follows.
Apart from the above functions, the smart contract of QunQun will also save the core operational data such as user scale, active reservation, eco-reward, etc.
Community platform
In order to provide RESTful API with high availability, high concurrence and high performance, the components such as load balancing, log storage, service monitoring, message queue, authorization checking, account unification and data statistics will be established within the QunQun platform.
Account module provides basic accounting service for QunQun ecology. QunQun Account will combine with Ethereum account in an optimal fashion. Statistics module aims to record and save all core operations of QunQun system so as to perform various data analysis.
QunQun will provide a developer platform. Any developer can develop the third-party applications that are fit for QunQun ecology based on the interfaces provided by QunQun.
IPFS network is fine-grained, reliable, distributed and easy-combined content distribution network. The photos, videos, documents generated by users in QunQun ecosystem will be stored on IPFS.
QunQun Platform is conceptualized by the members from Qihoo 360 and the original members from the founding team of Huajiao Live.The team is good at creating Internet products which exceeds expectations.
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Construct group
A one-stop solution has been provided QunQun for anyone to create a unique community without any threshold.
Shared user
QunQun provides a unique cross-site interaction mechanism by which users c stroll to other communities and “transfe anybody with an interest to the community.
People can obtain Token incentives fro QunQun reward pool by operating their own QunQun community or participating the contributions of other communities.
Community managers can obtain Token incentives every day by operating their own community.The communities with high activity will have a chance to be so at higher prices.
Community information: Anyone can establish a community by paying certain amounts of QUN in QunQun ecosystem. In order to mark the uniqueness and ownership of the community, the community information and ownership will be written into smart contract of QunQun.
Create a community: Community information and ownership will be written into smart contract of QunQun.
Purchase a community: If users want to purchase an on-sale community, they can perform the fee purchasing .

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