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Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order - Politics (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order (40482 Views)

Senate Did Not Reject President Tinubu/ECOWAS Military Intervention In Niger / Legislature, Judiciary Autonomy: Govs Oppose Buhari Executive Order 10 / Buhari's Executive Order Number 6 (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Ndonu101: 10:10pm On Jul 11, 2018
i believe Many of you guys bashing the president and supporting the rep members do not understand what the executive order mean or just showing ur hatred for the president. pl b4 u comment try understanding what you read first.

I really don't think you get it. If you are really going to run a country based on believing on one man to decided for everyone every time and dishing out justice/injustice as he so pleases then why are we wasting money maintaining a legislator or judiciary? why do we even waste time on elections?

Buhari is a tyrant and a dictator and any legislation that he can not get through the NASS and get the people's representative to approve is definitely not in the interest of Nigeria. It does not matter how well intentioned it might look at the onset. The process is important!

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by ernieboy(m): 10:15pm On Jul 11, 2018
It’s very obvious majority of the you guys here are in support of curruption. Tell me how Nigeria can ever move forward when even the masses that are the supposed victims of corruption are supporting the very people that plunged them into this mess.
Just so you all know, if the corruption is not curtailed, you can never have the Nigeria of your dreams.
I live in the United States and I know executive orders is the best way to checkmate the excess of these law makers.
Keep supporting them to your detriment. Buhari has nothing to lose, he’s in his 70s and has achieved so much for himself. Y’all should be worried about your future.
so because we want to curtail corruption we should give the president the power to oppress anyone and trample their rights? there are in built checks and balances in any civilized society.

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Nobody: 10:20pm On Jul 11, 2018
The truth remains that even the members of the house of the Reps kicking against it is purely a self serving purpose even though they are pretending to be the harbinger of good democracy.

They are simply afraid that Buhari will use it to strip them off of their ill gotten wealth - Give them immunity before and after office over that executive order and see them vote without asking questions about the main content


We don't need an Authoritarian govt.

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Sapeleboy911(m): 10:29pm On Jul 11, 2018
Executive order for where, granting such executive order to Buhari. Is like asking an armed robber caught with a loaded riffle to test the riffle if it is working.
Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by SalamRushdie: 10:52pm On Jul 11, 2018

Well you're not always coherent, so.....

I am not coherent to you because of IQ disparity , you don't expect expect someone with an IQ of 65 to understand someone with an IQ over 140 .. The fact you still support Buhari says a lot about the quality of brain your packing.

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Nobody: 10:54pm On Jul 11, 2018

What is this one saying?

Do you fight corruption by rule of thumb.
The orders gives FG right to confiscate and freeze assets of suspected looters.

It may interest you to know that the word suspect Has a very broad definition in law. Even you that is arguing for bubu can be a suspect in a corruption allegation you know nothing about.

While I appreciate difficulty in prosecuting these cases,
Let him go through the courts to present his evidences and hopefully indict those alleged looters.

I rather try my luck in court than be subject to an executive order in the hand of a nepotic tyrant

It is to stop suspects from deliberately adjourning cases in other to weaken it. Your properties and accounts are frozen until the determination of your case. This will make you stop legal stunts.
Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Nobody: 10:56pm On Jul 11, 2018

I am not coherent to you because of IQ disparity , you don't expect expect someone with an IQ of 65 to understand someone with an IQ over 140 .. The fact you still support Buhari says a lot about the quality of brain your packing.

Your IQ is nothing more than 40. You defend corruption and argue on what you know nothing about. I can bet my ass you don't even understand the details of this order. You just against it because it comes from buhari.

I don't support buhari but I use my brain before criticising him.
Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Dharmiejoe(m): 10:57pm On Jul 11, 2018
in as much as the motive for adoption is right,i am afraid its not approached in a proper manner,with our institutions been weak and manipulative,it will only give the president absolute power to handpick and punish whomever he feels is found culpable. Nice one from the reps tho they are all rogues but it will bring a measure of sanity to our corrupt laden democracy

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by DozieInc(m): 11:06pm On Jul 11, 2018
With that Executive Order, PMB should just be given his uniform back and let him throw the Agbada away.

We do not need strong men any longer but strong institutions .
So right.

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by SalamRushdie: 11:06pm On Jul 11, 2018

Your IQ is nothing more than 40. You defend corruption and argue on what you know nothing about. I can bet my ass you don't even understand the details of this order. You just against it because it comes from buhari.

I don't support buhari but I use my brain before criticising him.

Ofcourse I know the order is 200 percent illegal not just law but also in motive and reality .. I will tell you for free the order is targeted at stifling funding of those opposing tour tyrant and nothing else ... Nigeria will not be turned in to banana republic where the madness of your tyrant will be made law under any guise... the fact you cannot spot the fabric of illegality in the so called executive order shows the low grade intelligence your brain is emitting ... To support Buhari till this stage takes an IQ of below 65

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Nobody: 11:13pm On Jul 11, 2018

Ofcourse I know the order is 200 percent illegal not just law but also in motive and reality .. I will tell you for free the order is targeted at stifling funding of those opposing tour tyrant and nothing else ... Nigeria will not be turned in to banana republic where the madness of your tyrant will be made law under any guise... the fact you cannot spot the fabric of illegality in the so called executive order shows the low grade intelligence your brain is emitting ... To support Buhari till this stage takes an IQ of below 65

You claim to have a high IQ yet support looters, that shows the level of your IQ. Just so you know, your legislooters can't do shit about this executive order. It stands. You are afraid because your masters might not be able to pay your peanuts for defending them online everyday.

Your looted assets will be confiscated until you prove your source of amassing such wealth. Nigeria must be sane. Nobody will succumb to your blackmail.
Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Nobody: 11:14pm On Jul 11, 2018
in as much as the motive for adoption is right,i am afraid its not approached in a proper manner,with our institutions been weak and manipulative,it will only give the president absolute power to handpick and punish whomever he feels is found culpable. Nice one from the reps tho they are all rogues but it will bring a measure of sanity to our corrupt laden democracy
I hope you know the legislators have no power to stop an executive order.
Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by SalamRushdie: 11:22pm On Jul 11, 2018

You claim to have a high IQ yet support looters, that shows the level of your IQ. Just so you know, your legislooters can't do shit about this executive order. It stands. You are afraid because your masters might not be able to pay your peanuts for defending them online everyday.

Your looted assets will be confiscated until you prove your source of amassing such wealth. Nigeria must be sane. Nobody will succumb to your blackmail.

The executive order is illegal and will be challenged till the highest court of the land ... Nigeria will not allow one man illegal laws targetted at victimising opposition and minorities Buhari hates ..... Show me one corrupt person I support or keep quiet ...Who is more corrupt than Buhari in actions and inactions in Nigerian history and yet you support him ...

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Nobody: 11:25pm On Jul 11, 2018

The executive order is illegal and will be challenged till the highest court of the land ... Nigeria will not allow one man illegal laws targetted at victimising opposition and minorities Buhari hates ..... Show me one corrupt person I support or keep quiet ...Who is more corrupt than Buhari in actions and inactions in Nigerian history and yet you support him ...

You have a reputation for defending criminals. Stop hiding behind a finger. Since you are wise enough to know that only the court can stop it why not STFU?

The order will stand at the end of the day so better start looking for job.

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by maestroferddi: 12:49am On Jul 12, 2018
To bring it down to your level.

The House members aren't kicking against it because they love you so much but they are covering their own ass, because their hands are so dirty.

Bottom line is : Nigeria is fantastically corrupt that any idea to kill corruption won't breath because corruption is part of our national life and we all are involved.
What crap are you yapping about?

Which kind of corruption are you fighting when Buhari refused to produce his certificate there ruling the country without being eligible?

Could you use your head?

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by UnchangeableGod: 1:10am On Jul 12, 2018
[b]The truth remains that even the members of the house of the Reps kicking against it is purely a self serving purpose even though they are pretending to be the harbinger of good democracy.

They are simply afraid that Buhari will use it to strip them off of their ill gotten wealth - Give them immunity before and after office over that executive order and see them vote without asking questions about the main content[/b]So Mr Judge how do you know that the wealth the president wants to confiscate with the executive order he is seeking is ill gotten. I believe the motive of the legislators may be selfish but what about the motive of the person seeking such arbitrary powers? Don't you think he can abuse
such powers? Doesn't he have enemies he can use it against?

Please how are they thieves? Mr Judge, how are you sure their money is ill gotten? Don't you know it is dangerous to vest a human being with such powers? Don't you know that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by LaudableXX: 1:49am On Jul 12, 2018
Only him wants to be d Judge, Jury and Executioner... It is obvious d President still thinks and operates like dis is a Military rule... If U finish signing d executive order, com and pass it...
What da heck is an Executive Order doing in a democratic regime? shocked Who advised PMB to do this rawbbish for goodness sake? Who came up with dis daft idea?

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Nanadc: 2:06am On Jul 12, 2018
so because we want to curtail corruption we should give the president the power to oppress anyone and trample their rights? there are in built checks and balances in any civilized society.
Apparently your allegiance is with the looters, either you are one of them or you are related to them. Only in Nigeria will you see people openly supporting corruption, little wonder why the country is in such a mess .
With people like you, there’s no hope for that country
Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by otokx(m): 3:06am On Jul 12, 2018

What da heck is an Executive Order doing in a democratic regime? shocked Who advised PMB to do this rawbbish for goodness sake? Who came up with dis daft idea?

Do Executive Orders exist in the USA?
Is Nigeria more Democratic than the USA?
Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by elijah24(m): 6:41am On Jul 12, 2018
I have said before and i am saying it again. Buharii is like a leaking Jerry can. The more his supporters try to patch one side, another side will start leaking

Bros u killed it i swear.. Best comment so far

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Teacher1776(m): 7:23am On Jul 12, 2018
The truth remains that even the members of the house of the Reps kicking against it is purely a self serving purpose even though they are pretending to be the harbinger of good democracy.

They are simply afraid that Buhari will use it to strip them off of their ill gotten wealth - Give them immunity before and after office over that executive order and see them vote without asking questions about the main content


My friend, stop wailing. This is a democratic dispensation where the constitution reign supreme. Decrees Such as this particular one is often self-serving. No matter how good the intention, the law must pass thru a process before it is passed and signed. So far, we have seen the selective nature of this fight. The harassment and intimidation of dissenting voices all tied into war against corruption. Enough of the charade.
Institutions like the EFCC and IcPc should be properly trained, equipped and motivated to perform their tasks.
In governance, achievement is not counted on the number of people you were able to put behind bar, but on how the common man was empowered.

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Musa322(m): 7:44am On Jul 12, 2018
Executive order !!!.......what a decree ......I guess this means instant judgement, e be like say we go go back to military rule....

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by somehow: 7:49am On Jul 12, 2018
This thread further proves that Nigerians love, respect and worship corruption.

Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Neoteny(m): 8:09am On Jul 12, 2018

I am not coherent to you because of IQ disparity , you don't expect expect someone with an IQ of 65 to understand someone with an IQ over 140 .. The fact you still support Buhari says a lot about the quality of brain your packing.

Blah blah

Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by 1miccza: 8:58am On Jul 12, 2018
According to the House, the President cannot approbate and reprobate unilaterally without the inputs of the legislature and the judiciary which made up the pillars of democracy in the country.
They also said it is the usurpation of legislative powers constitutionally inherent in the National Assembly to make laws for the country

Corruption is as old as the existence of man.Everyone have the right to acquire wealth/property but It's left for government to prove in a competent court of law that such were illegally acquired & not via executive fiat.

Any wonder the clueless government keep losing even high profile corruption cases they could have easily bootstrapped Meanwhile that is how tyrannts behave-very lawless.

This is only for the learned to understand not for the partisan boot and a s s lickers..
Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by malakasea(m): 9:48am On Jul 12, 2018
To bring it down to your level.

The House members aren't kicking against it because they love you so much but they are covering their own ass, because their hands are so dirty.

Bottom line is : Nigeria is fantastically corrupt that any idea to kill corruption won't breath because corruption is part of our national life and we all are involved.
So they are people out there that understand the situation our nation is going throw,my brother keep saying thd truth even at the point of death.

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by malakasea(m): 10:00am On Jul 12, 2018

Low IQ is the problem in this country ..what makes You think I didn't understand what you wrote at first? There is a reason why we have proscribed processes on how to get properties forfeited all over the world whether or not house of rep are trying to protect their loot doesn't change the fact that the executive order is lawless and a breach of our laws ... we have laws and processes for reason and not for sentiments.
What law are we talking about,the law that gives corruptable person the bloody right to remain in bublic offic.Look my brother let us speak the truth even if it not fevouring us.
Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Truckpusher(m): 10:07am On Jul 12, 2018
Even if their motive is selfish the fight will profit the general good so let it be. We wont give a tyrant a loaded gun
Exactly what I've been trying tell some dumbfuck in this forum.

Buhari isn't the kind of man you'll vest such power on without him running amok causing havoc but still it is important to have some form of executive order considering the high level of corruption in this country by the political elites.

Buhari lost his chances in convincing anyone to believe him when members of his own cabinet are well known for corrupt practices ,yet he pretends to be deaf ,dumb and blind.

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Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by malakasea(m): 10:08am On Jul 12, 2018
Please how are they thieves? Mr Judge, how are you sure their money is ill gotten? Don't you know it is dangerous to vest a human being with such powers? Don't you know that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?
Ok tell me the reason of suspensing 2 senators and 1 reps?
Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by Truckpusher(m): 10:09am On Jul 12, 2018
What law are we talking about,the law that gives corruptable person the the bloody right to remain in bublic offic.Look my brother let us speak the truth even if it not fevouring us.
Why are you even responding to that simpleton that runs with an IQ of a third world rodent.
Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by opeyemicollins(m): 10:20am On Jul 12, 2018
Im not surprise our lawmakers Are all thieves ,they know PMB is coming for them one by one that is the sole reason of rejecting the order.
Re: Reps Reject President Buhari’s Executive Order by aribisala0(m): 10:28am On Jul 12, 2018
Exactly what I've been trying tell some dumbfuck in this forum.

Buhari isn't the kind of man you'll vest such power on without him running amok causing havoc but still it is important to have some form of executive order considering the high level of corruption in this country by the political elites.

Buhari lost his chances in convincing anyone to believe him when members of his own cabinet are well known for corrupt practices ,yet he pretends to be deaf ,dumb and blind.
Let us forget Buhari for one moment.

There is no kind of man that you want to vest such power in.
As things are our President already has far too many powers and responsibilities which need to be reduced not increased

The power to freeze assets already exists and has been used against many people e.g Patience Jonathan through the courts

Those who compare Nigeria to the US are mistaken. Their constitution provides for Executie orders.Ours does not

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