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Please Help!.... My Weight Is Spiraling Out Of Control - Health - Nairaland

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Please Help!.... My Weight Is Spiraling Out Of Control by Nobody: 3:01am On Jul 16, 2018
Dear friends, I need your help. I recently moved to a new job where I have reduced physical activity and my weight started moving up with speed to the extent that I have added 7kg in the space of 3months. When I noticed this, I changed my diet and started going to the gym during the weekends but it seems it's not working and I keep increasing. Although I used to have weight issues sometimes ago, but for close to 3 years before now I had managed to keep my weight at a stable good range only for it to come back all over again now. The annoying part is that I gained all these weight within a very short period of time.
I know reduced physical activity is the major culprit here and I have noticed that lack of adequate sleep is also a contributing factor but I don't know how to overcome these two as my job does not allow me that flexibility.
I feel so bad about how I look and people around me seem to make it worse with their comments as if to I'm to blame. I'm hardworking, I don't eat too much, I select what I eat and I'm already working out yet no positive result. It makes me look older and I'm on the short side too. I'm becoming really depressed and losing my self-confidence daily. Now I hide from people because I don't want them to see me
and make depressing comments about my weight.
Please what can I do? Is it a hormonal imbalance thing? Do you think something in my body is not working properly again? (I know it's genetic cos my dad was on the big side) Are there some tests I need to run to know what is really wrong with me? Please help I'm slipping into depression.
Re: Please Help!.... My Weight Is Spiraling Out Of Control by ipobarethieves: 3:28am On Jul 16, 2018
sad undecided sad 21 days dry fasting.No food just only water.
Re: Please Help!.... My Weight Is Spiraling Out Of Control by godfatherx: 4:36am On Jul 16, 2018
Try to move about at work, except you are a bsnk cashier, otherwise, every 30 mins, get up from your seat, take a few strides around the office for a minute or 2.

Continue with you weekend gym regiments and don't eat in between meals especially juncks.

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Re: Please Help!.... My Weight Is Spiraling Out Of Control by MANNABBQGRILLS: 4:42am On Jul 16, 2018

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Re: Please Help!.... My Weight Is Spiraling Out Of Control by Nobody: 1:47pm On Jul 16, 2018
Please I still need your opinion. Thanks.
Re: Please Help!.... My Weight Is Spiraling Out Of Control by ppeessuu: 5:03pm On Jul 16, 2018
U re storing toxins in your body and it reflect as weight gain. If I'm to advise u I will suggests colon cleanse follow by using quality probiotics. Take green tea while u re in the office also continue ur gym and watch what u eat.
Re: Please Help!.... My Weight Is Spiraling Out Of Control by Nobody: 5:45pm On Jul 16, 2018
U re storing toxins in your body and it reflect as weight gain. If I'm to advise u I will suggests colon cleanse follow by using quality probiotics. Take green tea while u re in the office also continue ur gym and watch what u eat.

Thank you very much. Very useful. What is this colon cleanse? Is it something I need to go to the hospital for?
Re: Please Help!.... My Weight Is Spiraling Out Of Control by lazoi(m): 5:58pm On Jul 16, 2018
This is a very common problem now a days. you should consult a dietitian who is experienced. You can do online on lazoi.com or also you can look for bariatric surgery, commonly known as weight loss surgery. For more details write to us at info at lazoi.com
Re: Please Help!.... My Weight Is Spiraling Out Of Control by Chubhie: 8:56pm On Jul 16, 2018
Increase the intensity of your workouts and always try to get 8 hours of sleep at nights.

You could also save yourself the stresses of exercise and go under the knife.

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