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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe (6458 Views)
Ghana Millionaire Says He Does Not Pay Tithe / Pay Tithe From The Money You Got From Gambleing, Right Or Wrong? / Do I Need To Pay Tithe Form My Gamble Wins? (2) (3) (4)
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Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by femmy2010(m): 11:44am On Jun 14, 2010 |
All you have at the moment is N10k and would not have any other funding till about after a month from now. You owe an overdue debt of N9,000k and your equally overdue tithe payable is exactly N9,000k. Which would you pay if you were to be in this shoe and having in mind that the creditor remains very much on your neck and has promised hell on earth if you do not pay him within the next 3 days and your investigation into your fortune dried up revealed that things got worse simply because you refused to pay your tithe in the past. What would you do? |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by KunleOshob(m): 1:32pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
If tithing truely works like those scammers preach, then you shouldn't be in this financial quargmire in the first instance. A christian has no obligation to pay tithes, stop being deceived. 1 Like |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Falajuro(m): 1:53pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
I might sound fanatic to you, @KunleOshob@, but be informed that "harmless" comments like these do go away without some kind of effect. If you have been through certain situations in life, like I have, you will agree with me that History is mostly correct. This includes the Holy Bible. As an average muslim if "Zakat" helps, you will be surprised what the result is in giving alms to the needy. @Poster@ Pay the tithe first and you will be surprised your creditor will be less demanding for you to meet that committment. ![]() |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by femmy2010(m): 2:49pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
Kunleoshob, I very much understand your point of view but if you went through mu write-up i said the person's fortune nose dive and after a careful investigation it reveals that things started going bad when he cease to pay his tithe. Falajuro, I believe tithing is paramount too and just wanted to hear peoples view. I told him to leave the debt unpaid and pay the due tithe and he would be surprised at the great positive opening and great influx of progress in his world. God help us to do this will. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Nobody: 3:50pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
How com no tither are among the richest men in the world today? Even in Nigeria can you claim that the richest people in Nigeria pay their tithes.Someone like Dangote is not even a christian let alone paying his tithes ,yet he remains among the richest men in Nigeria.Why haven't his fortunes nose-dived ? 1 Like |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by KunleOshob(m): 3:52pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
@femmy Apart from the fact that is has been proven severally that tithing doesn't and there is more than enough evidence to show that tithers don't enjoy any special priviledges that non-tithers don't, the question we should ask ourselves is if tithing as it is preached today is basef on sound scriptural doctrine or even if the tithing spoken of in the bible is similar to the adulterated version practised today or if it was ever directed at christians. If you genuinely want to know what God's instruction as per tithing is I suggest you meditate over deut 14:22-29, if you do you would realize that Mal 3:10 is not only being twisted and manipulated, it is being used abuse christians and is distorting christian values as preached by christ and the apostles. 1 Like |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Nobody: 3:57pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
Non-christian countries like China have far better economies and better standard of living than tithe paying Nigerians. Our Lord Jesus plainly told us that God makes the rain to fall on both the good and the bad,he does not discriminate when he comes to his gifts. The obsolete Jewish law of tithe never involved money and was never practiced by Christians of the first four centuries of Christianity. 1 Like |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by femmy2010(m): 4:00pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
Are you saying Tithing is wrong and God does not shower his infinite blessing on a fair tither? |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Nobody: 4:12pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
Are you saying Tithing is wrong and God does not shower his infinite blessing on a fair tither? Every christian is enjoined to contribute to the financial strength of his church,however it must be of one's own freewill as plainly stated in 2 cor 9:7.There is no where in the bible Christians were asked to pay tithes . However if you have decided on your own to contribute 10% of your incomes to the church it is okay,but don't make it a law for others |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by nuclearboy(m): 4:15pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
feemy: Are you honestly in search of the truth about tithing or you just (like most NLers) want an argument? I ask because we can put together a short writeup that I would sincerely wish you read and take up with your pastor - lets see if he can answers the questions or if he will "da si rough". As a teaser, someone posted something here a few days back. Let me put down a short excerpt from it and beg you to answer these few questions. Your answers will tell you just how much you know about "tithing" The Tithe Test 1. How many Bible authors wrote commands about the tithe - its purpose, amount and procedures? 2. Who are they? 3. What was done with the third and sixth year tithe? Who had access to it? 4. Can you explain the “tithe cycle” of the Israelites? 5. What was done with the tithe every seventh year? 6. Explain Abram’s tithe. What did Abram give Melchizedek? 7. Did any of the Levites tithe? If so, to whom and how much? 8. How much money did the tithers give to the Levitical Priests? 9. In the “to the Levites” tithing years, did all the tithe go to the Levites? 10. What group did Jacob give his tenth to? 11. What were the conditions God must meet before Jacob would give that tenth? 12. When was the tithe “rediscovered?” 13. Who is credited with that “rediscovery?” 14. What was the catalyst for that “rediscovery?” 15. Is tithing the number one responsibility for the Christian and his/her money? 16. What kind of curse should the Christian expect for failing to tithe (Mal 3:7-9)? 17. Where did Jesus tell Christians to bring their tithe? 18. Where did Paul, or the other New Testament writers, tell Christians to bring the tithe? 19. When the Corinthians, and others, were making their collection for the saints, what was done with that collection before Paul and company took it to Judea? 20. Can the tithe be given to parachurch ministries? 21. What book of the Bible contains details of the law of tithing? 22. Who was God talking to in Malachi? (you'll need to read from Chapter 1, verse 6 to know this) Sincerely, I would be most glad if your pastor can help you answer these! THEN WE'LL TALK since you'll suddenly know so much more than now. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Nobody: 4:18pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
Mind you even in the Jewish era, tithes never involved money and was never payed on or monthly basis Today's pastors have quoted tithes out of it's original context as stated in deut.14;22-29. They keep mentioning Malachi3:10 because that verse was not explicit enough.Widows,orphans and strangers who are meant to benefit from the tithe have been completely cut off,why pastors that has nothing to do with the Jewish tribe of Levi(who are empowered to collect tithes) have completely taken over 1 Like |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Ganjaseed: 4:30pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
@ Poster Clean up your heart concerning this lies you may have been told by your pastor. There is no where in the bible where it is stated that ones blessing is tied to paying of tithe nor sufficiency is based on your tithe. If Jesus was made poor so that we can be made rich in Him, how does tithing hold ground there? If the bible said " Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto you" this is not talking about tithing. If the " blessings of God makes one rich and added no sorrow to it" how does that talk about tithing? God is not a money doubler. If tithing was a prerequisite to richness then the poor will still remain poor while the rich who can give much will keep getting rich. God is not a man HE IS GOD. Try to understand that. I have been to white churches in Holland no one ever say anything about tithting you will only hear that from America and Nigeria Pastors. Barawo people!!!!. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Zikkyy(m): 5:03pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
nuclearboy: This your test no easy ooo. It looks like its essay type questions; convert it to multiple choice na, to make it easy for the guy. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Zikkyy(m): 5:04pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
femmy2010: @ Poster Like Kunle noted, if you are truly a tither, there is no need for silly question like the one above. A true tither knows and believes that tithing is the solution to all financial problems. So my friend, pay your tithe and watch your debt disappear. It’s that simple. If the debt refuses to go away, it possible your tithe was not accepted. You then need to see your pastor for advice or refund. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by KunleOshob(m): 5:17pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
@nuclearboy Nice test ![]() @femmy Whilst you are at it, I suggest you read Galatians 5:4 and see what it says of christians who are trying to justify themselves by keeping the law of which tithes is an integral part. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by femmy2010(m): 6:03pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
Nuclearboy, what i seek is the truth behind tithing and not to engage in an unneeded argument. Zikkyy, i am a Christian and i take so many things for granted but in recent time i have been getting to learn how to live the live of a real Christian and though i am still very far away from what one can call a model Christian but i am trying. Frankly,i never knew before now that tithing was not mandated anywhere in the bible and again i am accomplishing the aim of the thread and which is learning. 1 Like |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by nuclearboy(m): 7:53pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
@FEMMY: What if I told you the average pastor cannot answer it anymore than you can - please try me and pass it across to your pastor. By the time anyone studies to find himself approved as the Bible says and can answer ANY 75% of those questions, I'd like to see them argue for tithing in Christianity. It would be fantastic if you could study so you know the truth to prove me a liar. By the way, I support that you give willingly and copiusly to the Church of Christ. I just do not feel it is right to lie and misquote Scripture to armtwist people to "pay" an obligatory tithe. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by femmy2010(m): 7:55pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
Thanks for the great insight and indeed i have learnt today. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by nuclearboy(m): 8:27pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
Answers to the questions above 1.One. 2. Moses. In Malachi, God was speaking and simply reiterated the commands in the Law. 3. It was kept in the local town. Four classes of people SHARED IT - Aliens, Orphans, Widows and the local Levites. They SHARED it! 4. Year one, two, four and five were taken to the designated place (eventually Jerusalem). Year three and six - see question 3 answer. Year seven - see below. 5. There wasn’t one. There was not one on year fifty (Year of Jubilee) either. 6. He gave him 10% of the choicest spoils of a bunch of stuff he had no intention of keeping anyway. He gave nothing of his own possessions. 7. Yes. Those Levites not of Aaron’s family gave a tithe of the tithe they received. They gave it to the priests of Aaron’s family. 8. None. The tithe was never money. 9. The tithe of year one, two, four and five was shared by the tither with the Levite in a celebratory meal when the tithe was given. What was left over stayed with the Levite. In year three and six, the tither deposited the whole amount in the local town without partaking of any of it. 10. There was no “group” to give it to of which we know. If the testee simply says, “God,” go ahead and give him/her credit. The testee is still going to flunk. 11. God had to be with him, keep him on his journey, give him food to eat, give him garments to wear, and return him safely to his father’s house. At that point, God would be his God. The tenth came (we assume but not sure) twenty years later. It was a vow fulfillment. 12. After the Bill of Rights was adopted in the United States. 13. American Theologians in the Higher Criticism of Systematic Theology. 14. The loss of the church’s ability to tax citizens (The First Amendment in the Bill of Rights) caused a financial crisis in the church. That led to this “rediscovery.” 15. No. Family obligations are number one. There is no tithe for Christians anyway. 16. There aren’t any. Christians are not Jews under Law. 17. He didn’t, because there isn’t one. 18. They didn’t, because there isn’t one. 19. It was saved - probably at home by each contributor. 20. There is no such thing as a parachurch ministry, and there is no tithe for the Christian either. All the assumptions in this question are nonsense. 21. Deuteronomy. 22. God was talking to the "priests" of Israel. From Mal 1:6, God keeps saying, "o ye priests" and making sure till 3:3 that He was talking to them ONLY. 50% answered correctly shows uncommon knowledge but is that good enough for knowledge of God' Will over a matter? Will you give 10% of your gross income each week - for life - based on half being right? Go ahead if you want. Please give (WILLINGLY) as much as 90% or even 100% if led by the Holy Spirit inside you. But not as a "law" or "obligation" |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Nobody: 8:44pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
Nuclearboy i told u to leave that ignorant mudley,u can see the end now. All ended in futility 1 Like |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by nuclearboy(m): 8:52pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
No, my brother, it wasn't futile. NOW he knows there are people who will go the hog with him in his tirades and that he actually has little ammo for such. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Nobody: 9:58pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
nuclearboy:I love ur courage&that of viaro. U guys really give me joy,when u stand ur ground in defence of ur belief. The mumu at one point admitted ur intellectual capability when u pushed him beyond limit. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by nuclearboy(m): 10:02pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
toba: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Nobody: 10:31pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
Hahahahaha.loool |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by mantraa: 11:30pm On Jun 14, 2010 |
@poster If you had agreed to pay your creditor back within the three days you have left, then the decent and resposible thing to do would be to honour that agreement and pay back your dept. Imagine if someone owed you that money but did not pay you back even if they had it, but instead gave it to their pastor. Imagine if you really needed that money to pay for an operation, your rent, food, etc etc. Pay back the money you owe, otherwise you will have to try to explain to your creditors that you had the money, but gave it to your pastor instead. Put yourself in your creditor's shoes. Do you think they will be happy with that or will they assume that you are trying to steal their money. Honour your agreement with them first and do not borrow any more money unless you intend to pay it back when you are supposed to. If you borrowed this money, it is not yours to be giving to the church anyway. It belongs to your creditors so give it back to them. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Joagbaje(m): 7:28am On Jun 15, 2010 |
femmy2010: Concerning your bill. It is a thing of faith . If your faith carries paying the tithe first , go ahead but if not pay your bill .God is not angry with you .You should learn to be paying your tithe first thing before other expenditures to avoid being in such tight situation. But if your tithes have pilled up , You Don't have to be under such bondage. Just start from next one and move on. Tithing is Gods form of financial security for us .Talk with your pastor. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by femmy2010(m): 12:28pm On Jun 15, 2010 |
I guess everything boils down to faith and discretion ? |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by abhosts(m): 12:42pm On Jun 15, 2010 |
If you pay your tithe based on other people's opinion, you are greatly mistaken. Tithing is a personal thing done in faith. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by natume: 1:02pm On Jun 15, 2010 |
Frankly,paying ones tithe regularly pays. I do not care what is used for but the fact that i gave it to the body of christ gives me the joy and i never equally lack in payment of other forms of tithing which has to do with giveing these that need help the much needed help. We can not cow God by just paying tithes alone and not doing other form of tithing outside the church. But in all i belive in tithing and nothing can make me believe otherwise |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by Nobody: 1:06pm On Jun 15, 2010 |
Tithe is most Important imo. . . But der waz a tym i had 2 settle my debt 1st, den paid my tithe on the net income though. |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by omar22(m): 1:10pm On Jun 15, 2010 |
How come tithe was never mentioned in the New Testiment? |
Re: Pay Debt Or Pay Tithe by natume: 1:12pm On Jun 15, 2010 |
do you know we run into debt a time because we refused to see imortance in the payment of our tithes?I would pay my tithe first and i know God would suprise me because it shows great faith for me to have done such. |
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