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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / What Would You Do To Such A Wife? (3041 Views)
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What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by kindway: 2:18am On Jun 18, 2010 |
During one of the usual heated argument in your house. Your wife brought out a picture of "A FRIEND" removed your picture (The husband) from the standing mirror and place the picture of the guy there. Her Reason: Thinking about the guy always give her happiness so far she is not happy in your home. What will your reaction be? |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Nobody: 3:11am On Jun 18, 2010 |
stupidity at the highest level! if she is THAT unhappy, putting the picture of some dude isnt good enough, she should go and live with the guy.she will then have all the happiness she is seeking. unless he is family, nobody will hang pictures of strangers in my house. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Nobody: 6:09am On Jun 18, 2010 |
This is a joke. Joke section please ![]() ![]() |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by cpatra(f): 7:25am On Jun 18, 2010 |
Very funny woman indeed. Sure wanna make the hussy mad with jealousy. Only God knows what the arguement was all about, that'll make her react like that. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Nobody: 7:32am On Jun 18, 2010 |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Agluvs9ja(f): 7:34am On Jun 18, 2010 |
Boot her nd the stupid pictures outta ur house!. . . Silly woman!. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Nobody: 7:36am On Jun 18, 2010 |
This is a joke like rokiatu pointed out. The guy in question is he her blood relative? If both of them are blood relative then i can compromise/tolerate it otherwise she will pack her baggage out of my house immediately. This means she has long relationship/affair with the guy no doubt. Just send her packing to go and enjoy the full dose of happiness in the guy's house and move on. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Nobody: 7:48am On Jun 18, 2010 |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by cpatra(f): 8:12am On Jun 18, 2010 |
Boot her nd the silly pictures outta your house!. . . Silly woman!. Temper |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Nobody: 8:56am On Jun 18, 2010 |
@Chaircover i understand all your explanations. Unless the argument which the poster didn't tell us is on CHEATING. If the poster is cheating on the wife and the wife does that then the poster deserve more than that. But if it is one of these usual arguments in the home like he said and the wife does that to him then the joke is priceless. That is a taboo. @poster please tell us more on the arguments so that some of us will not wrongly advise you. Are you cheating on her, if yes prepare to get more than this from your wife as that is what you deserve. During my short period of NL membership, I understand that Posters dont always give full details in their threads probably they want to keep the urgly side that could haunt them. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by kindway: 9:37am On Jun 18, 2010 |
@rokiatu It is not a joke, This is like part 1 of the series of things that we've been through and you know that in our African settings, You don't tell other people about your family issues, they will tell you to endure it that all marriages are like that. @Big-Man I am about too go into a meeting now. I will give u the full story on my arrival. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by OAM4J: 10:21am On Jun 18, 2010 |
@OP It is a silly/childish way to get at you, and if you buy it, then she has achieved her aim. For me, I will just laugh over it - tell her that her friend in the pic is cute (even if ugly), then get back at her by telling her how nicer and inspiring I think her female best friend is. She will get my message. Two can play the game ![]() |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Nobody: 10:33am On Jun 18, 2010 |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by kindway: 4:28pm On Jun 18, 2010 |
@Big_Man, I worked in a financial institution holding an influential position, To me it's normal to get advances from women. I have always tried to separate my work from my personal life. This fateful evening, a text came from one of our clients " Good night my teddy bear". This particular lady that sent the text was fond of calling me Teddy bear because of my stomach, she always use it to staunch me that i should go to the gym. Immediately I saw the text, I was like na wah oo, My wife just said what is it, "I want to read the text". I told her not to read the text that it will hurt her feelings, she insisted and promised that it will not. On reading the text, She started reacting and I explained to her that I will take care of the situation that its not her(My wife's) battle, I know the kind of girl that sent the text and I will take care of the situation. This is not the first time i will be seeing or having such While having my bath, she lied to me that she want to call a friend using my phone, she picked the Lady's number. While I was away to work, she called the Lady and started ranting on her. The lady in question is not normal when it comes to things like that, Omo Unilag, She just "teard" for my wife on the phone, and even told her that now she has drawn the battle line and she will take her husband away from her. On getting home, I did not know what has transpired she started the quarrel as usual, I was like what I have i done again. she now told me how she called the lady and how both of them abused each other and , I just laughed and told her that "I have warned you that its not your battle, you should have allowed me to take care of the situation but naturally you won't listen to me. See the kind of disgrace you put urself in " My people b4 I land, the ground don scatter, From one bad word to the other suddenly she pull out my picture and replaced it with her guy , , ![]() |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by MyPeace(f): 4:35pm On Jun 18, 2010 |
you wont have made a scene out of the msg. if you never wanted her wahala, you shd have quietly deleted the msg without her knowing. l think u created this problem for urself. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Fhemmmy: 6:08pm On Jun 18, 2010 |
I think it is just her way of telling you, she is tired of fighting. However, replacing your pix while you alive? watch your back, bro |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Nobody: 6:12pm On Jun 18, 2010 |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by kindway: 6:28pm On Jun 18, 2010 |
@Chaircover and Big_Man, May be i should have delete the text but the question is why should I be hiding things from my wife. I don't lock my phones, I don't have affairs but I got a lot of friends (male, female, known and unknown to her). We were on the bed about to sleep when the text came in. i wanted to delete it immediately and she insisted that she want to read it. Knowing the kind of person she is, it would have been worse if i delete the text right away. Men Hell will let loose. I warned her not to, she refused , she even promised not to react. Sincerely I don't think I can trust her words again since the incident. @Chaircover, I have tried to give myself some distant from both of them, The wahala is just getting tooo messyyy before U know it, Pastor, Friends has started calling me for private meetings. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by OAM4J: 9:11pm On Jun 18, 2010 |
kind.way: @ Kind.way. The issue is not about her not trusting you, no woman will feel comfortable knowing there is another woman out there interested in her husband. I agree she shouldn't have called the other lady, but having done so, what she need now is your support and not your rebuke. Your wife expects you to take a stand with her against any outsider, please do that, you can correct her later, not now. As chaircover said, You need to handle this with lots of maturity before it gets out of hand. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by tpiah: 12:12am On Jun 19, 2010 |
You people should be playing adult games in bed with each other and not playing silly mind games i wonder oh. now, after reading the poster's explanation of what really happened, i wonder why the other woman thinks it's ok to text someone with a pet name? Is he her boyfriend? ![]() or why are they rolling like that when it's not nairaland where some with up to 3 wives and 2 mistresses [and vice versa] are still scouting for more. While having my bath, she lied to me that she want to call a friend using my phone, she picked the Lady's number. While I was away to work, she called the Lady and started ranting on her. The lady in question is not normal when it comes to things like that, Omo Unilag, She just teard for my wife on the phone, and even told her that now she has drawn the battle line and she will take her husband away from her. most likely her intention from the getgo. Unfortunately, you happened to let your wife see that late night text, and also unfortunately, your wife happens to be the fiery type who wouldnt keep quiet and let her husband philander. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by kindway: 5:15am On Jun 19, 2010 |
@Nlander, The worst she that she has done is that she took my picture away in the house I paid for.While I am still alive, bringing in somebody else picture into ur home. As somebody responded she is a fiery type, even telling me to do my worse, and did u know what I did. @1.00am that very night, I packed her stuff out of the house that she should go and meet that guy. she refused and packed her things inside. I forced her outside, locked my door and went to bed to sleep. She went to a family friend of ours and she stayed there overnite, After all the meetings with friends and co, she got back to the house around 1.00pm the next day. NB: This happened real life and by this time We are having a little boy. We are not resident in 9ija. Series of "things" has happened in my home and I am to make some decisions this year 'cause I can't continue this way. Its easier for me to express myself here. @Chaircover, If you won't mind, can I have your email add, so I can pour some more personal things to you. @OAM4J, OAM4J: What else did she want/need again when I told her initially that this is just one of the things that do happen and I assured her I was going to take care of the situation. She never listen, she always want things to be done in her way even going extra mile by calling the other lady bringing all of us into disrepute. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by OAM4J: 5:56am On Jun 19, 2010 |
kind.way: My Guy, I think there are lot more involve than you are telling us. You mean you sent your wife out (possibly with your baby) because of this matter? Because of a stranger? This is not the best. This matter shouldn't get to this if you've handle it maturely. And I think you are overreacting on the picture removal incident. She was only trying to get back at you. Now you want to end your marriage because of a stranger? or are there more to this other lady than you are telling us? kind.way: She made a mistake calling the other lady. But you should overlook that for now and forgive that, because it is understandable, she is only protecting her territory from an invader. Like I said, the last thing she expects of you is to take up a fight with her because of the other lady. By the way, whose side are you? your family or the other lady?, Who is more important to you? Your wife or the other lady? |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Nobody: 7:55am On Jun 19, 2010 |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Nobody: 8:40am On Jun 19, 2010 |
Why are kids allowed to marry these days? do you's think marriage is chewing gum and ekpa? ![]() ![]() Well 1.what exactly is your first priority in life as a married man? 2. What kind of limitations did you set at work? 3. Search yourself, do you really think this simple matter should have gotten to this stage? 4. You think you are reasonable catch now and can get any woman you want when you want to, thats if your wife leaves(infact thats if you dont have one already), a day will come when you'll want the mother of your child and it will be too late for you 5.please define the word MAN, are you one? 6. Your wife obviously loves you , at this stage shes doubting the love you have for her , hence the picture just to get the answer. 7.Even i myself will react a little bit (nt over the board) if someone calls my man teddy bear abi na sugar pie ![]() Whatever stopped you from dialing the womans number there and then and asking her why she sent you that message, what issues did you want to deal with, or rather let me borrow your words, " what battle couldnt you deal with right in your wife's very before? what have you got to hide you have got issues here(the bigger issues), how can a woman who knows you are married(thats if you told her) send u such an sms at that time of the night, what will bring about such familiarity? what are you looking for outside your home? As for Your wife oh lawddyyyy me, calling a woman up, thats stupidity at its best And you, the earlier you know that women have the power to make you ,break you, and render you useless the better for you Your wife can make you, shes gonna secure a loving home for yourself and your kids, a brighter tommorrow she will bring into that family, what will your mistresses do for you? break you and render you useless, you know why? because they know thats the only thing they can achieve if they know they cant come into that home A word is enough for the wise, but you are not, so . . . . . . . |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by cantell(m): 8:53am On Jun 19, 2010 |
^^^I can sense the female chauvinist in you. One sided comment. You should read chaircover's comments and you can compare with yours. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Nobody: 8:56am On Jun 19, 2010 |
not interested in comparing ![]() Poster either accept it or vamoose |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Busybody2(f): 9:28am On Jun 19, 2010 |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by cantell(m): 9:56am On Jun 19, 2010 |
jennykadry:Forceful personality?? |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Busybody2(f): 10:06am On Jun 19, 2010 |
Is that Jennykulikuli herself ![]() |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Nobody: 10:20am On Jun 19, 2010 |
Busy_body: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by kindway: 9:21pm On Jun 19, 2010 |
@JennyKadry, I have seen your comments: 1: I never believed and will continue to tell every man that it is a woman that makes man: "See a man is diligent in his work, He will stand be4 kings" It is not a man that worship woman. I pointed out 2 extreme actions taken by her be4 I did my own madness. I was just laughing that the U know like This woman, you have carried this ur attitude outside and be4 I land , she has picked on me and started displaying a fiery attitude. Please note the lady that sent the text is NOT MY MISTRESS OR GIRL FRIEND. may be you should try it with your husband. ant any slight argument take away his picture and replace it with ur boyfriend and see may be he will now knee down and be worshiping you. |
Re: What Would You Do To Such A Wife? by Igwe9(m): 11:06pm On Jun 19, 2010 |
This one na real wahala ![]() It seems you prefer your job to your wife. Oh Lord, save us from this kinda costly mistake. |
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