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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Business / How To Make 50k Or So Online Just By Reading News (1754 Views)
Earn 70k Reading News(free Entry) / Earn Free Money While Reading News Online - 100% Working, No Deposit / Earners Forum Whatsapp Group-opportunity To Earn While Reading News (2) (3) (4)
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How To Make 50k Or So Online Just By Reading News by Johnbosco1234: 7:15pm On Aug 09, 2018 |
HOW ABOUT MAKING 30K to 50k....JUST BY READING NEWS.....IF INTERESTED THEN READ BELOW..... Welcome to nnu ��� *HERE IS HOW nnu WORKS* ��� As a member you have 4 simple ways to make money daily into your Bank account. *1. On this platform you are paid #100 naira for each sponsored post you share on Facebook timeline daily.* *2. You're also paid #50 naira on your first login to your nnu income account every day* *3. You also earn #2 on any news topic that you read and comment on the site, all you do is just to comment on the news posts. And you can comment on as many news topics as you want let's say 100 t0 200 or more daily* *4. You earn #1000 for each person you invite to join nnu income program* *Assuming you can refer at least 20 to 30 or 50 people, do you know that's a whooping #20,000 to #50,000 monthly?* *5. Earn #100 by posting NEWS and get admin approval* *DAILY BONUS ==> The first person that shares sponsored post on his or her Facebook timeline earns #500 airtime or data* NOW LET'S DO SOME CALCULATIONS OF HOW MUCH YOU CAN EARN IN A MONTH��� *Let's calculate daily login to your nnu account #50 x 30 days =#1500* *Sharing of sponsored post daily #100 x 30 days =#3000* **Your daily comment on the site ==> 100, 200 x 30 days = #3,000 and #6,000 respectively* *Earn #100 by posting NEWS and get admin approval, you get paid for it #100 x 30days= #3000* *You make #1,000 for every person you refer to this program.* NOTE: Referral is optional and not compulsory as you still earn and get paid without referring anyone. *��TOTAL CALCULATION OF THE AMOUNT THAT WILL BE PAID DIRECTLY TO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT MONTHLY* � ==> Total amount of post shared #3000 ==> Total amount of daily login #1,500 Total amount of posting news on nnu site #3000 Total amount of comment made #3,000 or #6,000 *SUBTOTAL ==>* This is for those that can not refer others. #3000 + #1,500 + #3,000 + #3000 = #10,500 or 11,000 or more monthly respectively without referring anyone. *GRAND TOTAL* This is for those that can invite others to take advantage of this opportunity ==> NOW LET'S ASSUME YOU CAN INVITE 20 T0 50 PEOPLE MONTHLY ==> 20 people invited you earn #20,000 ==> 30 people invited you earn #30,000 Or any number of people you can invite as the case may be. *GRAND TOTAL CALCULATION* The number of people you invite monthly + #11,000. E.g #30,000 or 50,000 + #11,000 = #41,000 or #61,000 or more monthly directly paid into your Bank account. *With my above explanation you can see that there's no way you wouldn't make up to #10,000 or more monthly from this platform if you are active* *payment is carried out on 27th to 30th of every month with a minimum threshold of #5000* *Registration is #1,600* *It is just a one time payment, which means if you register and pay now, you earn with just #1,600 forever Message me on whatsapp on 08099549559 to get full info |
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