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Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) - Entertainment (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by dejavuh0007(m): 5:13pm On Aug 12, 2018
Looking at the pov, it's obvious that the camera abi cameraman is also walking on air.
Did it occur to u that the cameraman climbed onto higher grounds to get d pic?

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Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by Awaja(m): 5:13pm On Aug 12, 2018
Make en use d juju work plane.
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by ochardbaby(m): 5:15pm On Aug 12, 2018
That’s Sierra Leone,not Kenya .... Listen carefully to the Krio.

Secondly that guy is walking on a tight rope.


Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by realmindz: 5:20pm On Aug 12, 2018
grin grin This reminded me about my experience at Ekpoma in a club... A man was singing and jumping and dancing beside a very small boy of about 8years old,the boy just snapped his fingers when the man was jumping in the air and he couldn't come down i swear. The boy was asking the man what was making him happy? We later got to know the boy was a wizard! Till my last breath,i no go near any club again. So make we check this picture wella,this man fi don hang.

The man and the boy were working together..

It's only a trick and more people present were working together while you guys were just spectators, the rest were actors, the man, the boy, the people around the man the people around the boy etc were all on stage.

After the act, people present will add exaggerations to the story to make it more mysterious, then it passes from mouth to mouth and become a successful mystery.... But in reality, it was only a trick.

That's if this story is true by the way

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Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by Drguzzykola(m): 5:23pm On Aug 12, 2018

You know why we are underdeveloped, because a higher percentage of our population is poor in mental reasoning, lazy thinkers .....when something seems to challenge our mental strength, we end by screaming hmm magic!! ojuju!!! Etc

What a shame, this is nothing but pure tricks.

He was standing on a rope, I watched the video and I saw him climbing down from that rope. Next time, learn to reason things before being absorbed in unnecessary mysteries which simple thinking can resolve

mental reasoning ke, ??

I only gave the assertion base on the picture I saw, with good analysis up there,

beside, I never concluded it was magic ,
now u av to tell me what a shame..

u need evaluation,
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by realmindz: 5:27pm On Aug 12, 2018

mental reasoning ke, ??

I only gave the assertion base on the picture I saw, with good analysis up there,

beside, I never concluded it was magic ,
now u av to tell me what a shame..

u need evaluation,

Making assertions based on mere pictures in this age of photoshop is nothing but a poor thinking process...

And you said "it's not ordinary" and yes, it is ordinary eventually...

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Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by omooba969(m): 5:28pm On Aug 12, 2018

please enlighted one help and tell us what is happening here

It's called NONSENSE!
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by Born2Breed(f): 5:29pm On Aug 12, 2018

My dear, we all heard, it's like tales by moon light, it's fable.
Non of our generation was there.

Fabomo vowed never to play in Esanland again after the incidence and he almost quit music. That was the same time he relocated to the U.S.
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by deavicky(m): 5:38pm On Aug 12, 2018
Looking at the pov, it's obvious that the camera abi cameraman is also walking on air.
ur mind no tell u say u can as well get such view, when u take the video from an upstairs.
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by Nobody: 5:39pm On Aug 12, 2018
Looking at the pov, it's obvious that the camera abi cameraman is also walking on air.
nice Observation
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by Kennitrust(m): 5:40pm On Aug 12, 2018
This man was not walking � on air.

It magical trick

If he truly walks on air, he would have walked out of a particular line.

Look it very well, he was on one particular line

So, there is much in the belief that there was no invincible a tiny rob he was walking on.
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by HomeOfMe(f): 5:42pm On Aug 12, 2018
A Kenyan man who claimed to be magician performs in front of many crowd by walking on air.



That means the camera man also walked in the air with him. If he didn't make the cameraman float in the air along with him,then it's a big lie! The shot should've been taken from the ground.
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by Enzothebaker: 5:42pm On Aug 12, 2018
LIAR I know the origin of this story you just rephrased

Check my profile if you live in Jos and environs
same here

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Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by derecho(m): 5:46pm On Aug 12, 2018
Before dragging god of men into the discus,look at the pix very well.
I believe this than all these gods of men prophecies
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by marvinsync(m): 5:53pm On Aug 12, 2018
A Kenyan man who claimed to be magician performs in front of many crowd by walking on air.



Omo see Jesus father!!
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by MrBONE2(m): 5:59pm On Aug 12, 2018
If you didn't see the rope that the man is walking on, go back and look at the photo...
Optical illusion is bae
Poor camera will not allow us to see it

Meanwhile, today is my birthday and I have a free gift for all Nairalanders. Please get yours here !

Happy Birthday Sisi grin
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by southernbelle(f): 6:04pm On Aug 12, 2018
grin grin This reminded me about my experience at Ekpoma in a club... A man was singing and jumping and dancing beside a very small boy of about 8years old,the boy just snapped his fingers when the man was jumping in the air and he couldn't come down i swear. The boy was asking the man what was making him happy? We later got to know the boy was a wizard! Till my last breath,i no go near any club again. So make we check this picture wella,this man fi don hang.

Lol..I am so glad a lot of people here have called you out for what you are: A LIAR!!!
You wanted to say something that will make people discredit and insult people from Edo State huh?? Sorry, joke's on you.
Annoying nitwit.
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by Nobody: 6:07pm On Aug 12, 2018

It's called NONSENSE!

hmmmmm, i never knew, you really are an enlightened one.
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by chijokz(m): 6:10pm On Aug 12, 2018
[quote author=labake1 post=70214001]Fear Africans
I need such powers, I don't want to be walking on the ground anymore. Nigeria roads are bad[/quoteo]
There's nothing to fear..he's walking on a thin rope or photo shop.
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by olmoRoc: 6:23pm On Aug 12, 2018
Looking at the pov, it's obvious that the camera abi cameraman is also walking on air.

Very good observation.
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by Imoala: 6:25pm On Aug 12, 2018
Until he walks on water then I will take him serious
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by stblessing(f): 6:28pm On Aug 12, 2018
Heeeyyyyy, my eyes have seen my ears this evening! Is there any scientific explanation for this biko? grin
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by mysteryman2014: 6:29pm On Aug 12, 2018
Optical illusion. Just watch YouTube and you will catch my drift.
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by shekwoladu: 6:29pm On Aug 12, 2018
That doesn't look a magician to me. He is a line Walker. The second picture is showing someone that is balancing himself. The third picture shows him walking on a straight line. is he learning how to kat walk? No, he is walking on a ROPE[color=#990000][/color].
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by Xinzu: 6:34pm On Aug 12, 2018
If this isn't pure magic then there must be some scientific explanation to this. Hoping no one calls him Jesus of kenya though! grin

My crush DAT year..

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Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by Tomoyayi(m): 6:42pm On Aug 12, 2018
LIAR I know the origin of this story you just rephrased

Check my profile if you live in Jos and environs

Elder Czarina

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Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by Tomoyayi(m): 6:43pm On Aug 12, 2018
Until he walks on water then I will take him serious

Dynamo walked on water.
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by Ficogenic(m): 6:46pm On Aug 12, 2018
grin grin This reminded me about my experience at Ekpoma in a club... A man was singing and jumping and dancing beside a very small boy of about 8years old,the boy just snapped his fingers when the man was jumping in the air and he couldn't come down i swear. The boy was asking the man what was making him happy? We later got to know the boy was a wizard! Till my last breath,i no go near any club again. So make we check this picture wella,this man fi don hang.
people wee just be lying Upandan.hai...Bros, I remove cap for you
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by biafrasun: 6:51pm On Aug 12, 2018

dont think its just ordinary, see the pic and watch the level of height reference to the little girl on red, rope should b straight and not stepwise na,

beside, if it was rope, where did he see the invisible rope, av u seen one before?? which will now b hidden from all those gathering there??they aren't fool na,

there mind will focus on the leg to see if there is any stepping stuff there na,

between. how ll he come down too , they would av gotten him if tbere was rope na,

reason am..
bros just watch why is he putting his leg in front of another or is there no air by his side ,abeg u be pikin
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by kyinusa: 7:03pm On Aug 12, 2018
This is called otumokpo grin

na so!
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by uuzba(m): 7:18pm On Aug 12, 2018

That acronym 'pov' you must be watching some amateur Indecency grin

POV = Point Of View
The angle at which the camera man pointed the camera at the man so you won't see the rope.
Re: Kenyan Magician 'Walking On Air' (Photos) by czarina(f): 7:19pm On Aug 12, 2018

Elder Czarina
grandpa cheesy

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