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A Spark(getting Me Back) - Literature (6) - Nairaland

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Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by xamster(m): 9:30am On Sep 08, 2018
Xamster your palm wine is here buh bushmeat too cost so please manage this asun
okay then...Asun will do hunnay.
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 10:00am On Sep 08, 2018
THERE were greetings upon greetings, and I couldn't even believe it.How could he become conscious and still come to work the second day he was shot. I gave him a warm smile when he looked in my direction, which he returned after which I made my way to my office,I had a lot to do today.

It was towards the end of the day when I received a call from my father. The phone rang twice without me picking it up,ever since I discovered that I was good and trapped in a marriage to a beast I had grown hatred for my father because he forced me into this Godforsaken marriage.

The phone rang the third time, I hissed and put it on silent,no matter how much I hated someone I could never cut the call so I just let it ring.
A knock sounded on my office door and hearing how the person's knock was just"ko" instead of the normal kokoko I knew it was Helen.
"Come in if you're good looking" I said with laughter in my voice.
Hel waltzed in like she owned the place and I couldn't help but laugh,she sure knew how to make me forget my worries.
"Why you no dey pick your call na?"
"Abeg no mind the old man jare I no know why im dey call me self"
"Abeg pick am the noise wan dey destroy my pinna"
"Wetin be pinna"
"Olodo when dem say make you go school,you no go read you go dey follow follow kyle upanddown"
Somehow she mentioning kyle managed to take away the smile on my face,whoa its been more than seven years why is the pain still so fresh.
The phone rang again now. I looked at Helen and she gestured at me to pick it up, I sighed and proceeded to pick the call when I saw the caller I.d it was my sister the last time we spoke was exactly seven years ago when she had screamed at me to follow my heart and elope with kyle I had silently in grief told her to steer off my case,it was my life. And like it was yesterday I still remember what she said "its your life? Fine but when it all bounces back on your head don't remember you have a sister" I has cried and pleaded but kibby was like that she stuck fast to her words.

Still dazed I picked the call my hands were shaking. for her to call meant there was bad news.
"H...hello k...kib..by"
"Dad's dying he had an attack get here as soon as you can" was all she said before she hung up.

Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by pweetymhi(f): 11:22am On Sep 08, 2018
She was actually forced into the marriage but for wat reason
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by okafor200(m): 3:27pm On Sep 08, 2018
She was actually forced into the marriage but for wat reason

she was forced into the marriage for nakking reasons

oh sorry for banging reasonscheesy

baba olowo the long prick
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 8:25pm On Sep 08, 2018
BEFORE I knew what I was doing I had jumped in my car and was on my way to Benin. I had gone far before I realized I should have booked a flight.

No matter scratch that no matter how much I hated my father I could never wish him dead.
He was a nice man and he made sure my sister and I had all the necessities of life, back then whenever mom was stuck at work and had to most of the time come home late,he always took time out of his political career to be with us.
At nights like that he'd listen patiently to our childish whims and give an advice time to time,if not for what he did back then in the summer of 2009 when he made the decision that has ruined me uptill this day.

I DESCENDED the stairs slowly, taking my time to reminisce the years I had spent in this house. My dad was stable and was now asleep in his room upstairs.

I got to the sitting room and settled down in a lemon couch, it was exactly how I left it seven years ago,it was my couch my favorite and the only one I sat on for more than twenty years of my life.

I remembered kibby and I fighting over this particular couch,we had fought and fought and when my dad couldn't take it anymore he had made us wrestle for it. I had won and I remembered my dad crowning me with an empty custard container saying it was my coronation and he pronounced me chairlady kizzy owner of the lemon couch.

I laughed remembering those memories, this house held so much of them. I eased back into the chair and thought of the good old days,the good times, the funny,the time we fought,the time we made up and the most bitter time in our family history, kibby's marriage.

Father had arranged a marriage between kibby and the son of one of the party chairman in our country. Kibby had been smarter, she had eloped with her boyfriend and gotten married secretly in a small village parish and by the time my father found out it was too late.He had disowned her and she had refused to plead. They had gone right on without talking for two years before some family members pleaded on her behalf. I should have listened to her but instead I had followed dad like a lamb being led to his slaughter.

Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by pweetymhi(f): 8:45pm On Sep 08, 2018

she was forced into the marriage for nakking reasons
oh sorry for banging reasonscheesy
baba olowo the long prick
Lol.. U need Jesus
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by okafor200(m): 3:01pm On Sep 10, 2018

Lol.. U need Jesus

its really true i need jesus

but remember we all needs jesus

not only baba olowo the long prickcheesy
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by pweetymhi(f): 4:27pm On Sep 10, 2018

its really true i need jesus
but remember we all needs jesus
not only baba olowo the long prickcheesy
This ur long prick u are parading up and down sef dey give you over confidence
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 5:20pm On Sep 10, 2018
Been quite a while again and I know most people are gonna think I'm not interested in this story, nothing could be farther from the truth,but now I promise to update regularly and focus on this story.
Soooooo for now before the kunu is ready to be served why don't we settle down with this appetizer. Its a Japanese folktale I stumbled on



Long, long ago there lived, in Japan a brave warrior known to all as Tawara Toda, or "My Lord Bag of Rice." His true name was Fujiwara Hidesato, and there is a very interesting story of how he came to change his name.

One day he sallied forth in search of adventures, for he had the nature of a warrior and could not bear to be idle. So he buckled on his two swords, took his huge bow, much taller than himself, in his hand, and slinging his quiver on his back started out. He had not gone far when he came to the bridge of Seta-no-Karashi spanning one end of the beautiful Lake Biwa. No sooner had he set foot on the bridge than he saw lying right across his path a huge serpent-dragon. Its body was so big that it looked like the trunk of a large pine tree and it took up the whole width of the bridge. One of its huge claws rested on the parapet of one side of the bridge, while its tail lay right against the other. The monster seemed to be asleep, and as it breathed, fire and smoke came out of its nostrils.

At first Hidesato could not help feeling alarmed at the sight of this horrible reptile lying in his path, for he must either turn back or walk right over its body. He was a brave man, however, and putting aside all fear went forward dauntlessly. Crunch, crunch! he stepped now on the dragon's body, now between its coils, and without even one glance backward he went on his way.

He had only gone a few steps when he heard some one calling him from behind. On turning back he was much surprised to see that the monster dragon had entirely disappeared and in its place was a strange-looking man, who was bowing most ceremoniously to the ground. His red hair streamed over his shoulders and was surmounted by a crown in the shape of a dragon's head, and his sea-green dress was patterned with shells. Hidesato knew at once that this was no ordinary mortal and he wondered much at the strange occurrence. Where had the dragon gone in such a short space of time? Or had it transformed itself into this man, and what did the whole thing mean? While these thoughts passed through his mind he had come up to the man on the bridge and now addressed him:

"Was it you that called me just now?"

"Yes, it was I," answered the man: "I have an earnest request to make to you. Do you think you can grant it to me?"

"If it is in my power to do so I will," answered Hidesato, "but first tell me who you are?"

"I am the Dragon King of the Lake, and my home is in these waters just under this bridge."

"And what is it you have to ask of me!" said Hidesato.

"I want you to kill my mortal enemy the centipede, who lives on the mountain beyond," and the Dragon King pointed to a high peak on the opposite shore of the lake.

"I have lived now for many years in this lake and I have a large family of children and grand-children. For some time past we have lived in terror, for a monster centipede has discovered our home, and night after night it comes and carries off one of my family. I am powerless to save them. If it goes on much longer like this, not only shall I lose all my children, but I myself must fall a victim to the monster. I am, therefore, very unhappy, and in my extremity I determined to ask the help of a human being. For many days with this intention I have waited on the bridge in the shape of the horrible serpent-dragon that you saw, in the hope that some strong brave man would come along. But all who came this way, as soon as they saw me were terrified and ran away as fast as they could. You are the first man I have found able to look at me without fear, so I knew at once that you were a man of great courage. I beg you to have pity upon me. Will you not help me and kill my enemy the centipede?"

Hidesato felt very sorry for the Dragon King on hearing his story, and readily promised to do what he could to help him. The warrior asked where the centipede lived, so that he might attack the creature at once. The Dragon King replied that its home was on the mountain Mikami, but that as it came every night at a certain hour to the palace of the lake, it would be better to wait till then. So Hidesato was conducted to the palace of the Dragon King, under the bridge. Strange to say, as he followed his host downwards the waters parted to let them pass, and his clothes did not even feel damp as he passed through the flood. Never had Hidesato seen anything so beautiful as this palace built of white marble beneath the lake. He had often heard of the Sea King's palace at the bottom of the sea, where all the servants and retainers were salt-water fishes, but here was a magnificent building in the heart of Lake Biwa. The dainty goldfishes, red carp, and silvery trout, waited upon the Dragon King and his guest.

Hidesato was astonished at the feast that was spread for him. The dishes were crystallized lotus leaves and flowers, and the chopsticks were of the rarest ebony. As soon as they sat down, the sliding doors opened and ten lovely goldfish dancers came out, and behind them followed ten red-carp musicians with the koto and the samisen. Thus the hours flew by till midnight, and the beautiful music and dancing had banished all thoughts of the centipede. The Dragon King was about to pledge the warrior in a fresh cup of wine when the palace was suddenly shaken by a tramp, tramp! as if a mighty army had begun to march not far away.

Hidesato and his host both rose to their feet and rushed to the balcony, and the warrior saw on the opposite mountain two great balls of glowing fire coming nearer and nearer. The Dragon King stood by the warrior's side trembling with fear.

"The centipede! The centipede! Those two balls of fire are its eyes. It is coming for its prey! Now is the time to kill it."

Hidesato looked where his host pointed, and, in the dim light of the starlit evening, behind the two balls of fire he saw the long body of an enormous centipede winding round the mountains, and the light in its hundred feet glowed like so many distant lanterns moving slowly towards the shore.

Hidesato showed not the least sign of fear. He tried to calm the Dragon King.

"Don't be afraid. I shall surely kill the centipede. Just bring me my bow and arrows."

The Dragon King did as he was bid, and the warrior noticed that he had only three arrows left in his quiver. He took the bow, and fitting an arrow to the notch, took careful aim and let fly.

The arrow hit the centipede right in the middle of its head, but instead of penetrating, it glanced off harmless and fell to the ground.

Nothing daunted, Hidesato took another arrow, fitted it to the notch of the bow and let fly. Again the arrow hit the mark, it struck the centipede right in the middle of its head, only to glance off and fall to the ground. The centipede was invulnerable to weapons! When the Dragon King saw that even this brave warrior's arrows were powerless to kill the centipede, he lost heart and began to tremble with fear.

The warrior saw that he had now only one arrow left in his quiver, and if this one failed he could not kill the centipede. He looked across the waters. The huge reptile had wound its horrid body seven times round the mountain and would soon come down to the lake. Nearer and nearer gleamed fireballs of eyes, and the light of its hundred feet began to throw reflections in the still waters of the lake.

Then suddenly the warrior remembered that he had heard that human saliva was deadly to centipedes. But this was no ordinary centipede. This was so monstrous that even to think of such a creature made one creep with horror. Hidesato determined to try his last chance. So taking his last arrow and first putting the end of it in his mouth, he fitted the notch to his bow, took careful aim once more and let fly.

This time the arrow again hit the centipede right in the middle of its head, but instead of glancing off harmlessly as before, it struck home to the creature's brain. Then with a convulsive shudder the serpentine body stopped moving, and the fiery light of its great eyes and hundred feet darkened to a dull glare like the sunset of a stormy day, and then went out in blackness. A great darkness now overspread the heavens, the thunder rolled and the lightning flashed, and the wind roared in fury, and it seemed as if the world were coming to an end. The Dragon King and his children and retainers all crouched in different parts of the palace, frightened to death, for the building was shaken to its foundation. At last the dreadful night was over. Day dawned beautiful and clear. The centipede was gone from the mountain.

Then Hidesato called to the Dragon King to come out with him on the balcony, for the centipede was dead and he had nothing more to fear.

Then all the inhabitants of the palace came out with joy, and Hidesato pointed to the lake. There lay the body of the dead centipede floating on the water, which was dyed red with its blood.

The gratitude of the Dragon King knew no bounds. The whole family came and bowed down before the warrior, calling him their preserver and the bravest warrior in all Japan.

Another feast was prepared, more sumptuous than the first. All kinds of fish, prepared in every imaginable way, raw, stewed, boiled and roasted, served on coral trays and crystal dishes, were put before him, and the wine was the best that Hidesato had ever tasted in his life. To add to the beauty of everything the sun shone brightly, the lake glittered like a liquid diamond, and the palace was a thousand times more beautiful by day than by night.

His host tried to persuade the warrior to stay a few days, but Hidesato insisted on going home, saying that he had now finished what he had come to do, and must return. The Dragon King and his family were all very sorry to have him leave so soon, but since he would go they begged him to accept a few small presents (so they said) in token of their gratitude to him for delivering them forever from their horrible enemy the centipede.

As the warrior stood in the porch taking leave, a train of fish was suddenly transformed into a retinue of men, all wearing ceremonial robes and dragon's crowns on their heads to show that they were servants of the great Dragon King. The presents that they carried were as follows:

First, a large bronze bell.
Second, a bag of rice.
Third, a roll of silk.
Fourth, a cooking pot.
Fifth, a bell.
Hidesato did not want to accept all these presents, but as the Dragon King insisted, he could not well refuse.

The Dragon King himself accompanied the warrior as far as the bridge, and then took leave of him with many bows and good wishes, leaving the procession of servants to accompany Hidesato to his house with the presents.

The warrior's household and servants had been very much concerned when they found that he did not return the night before, but they finally concluded that he had been kept by the violent storm and had taken shelter somewhere. When the servants on the watch for his return caught sight of him they called to every one that he was approaching, and the whole household turned out to meet him, wondering much what the retinue of men, bearing presents and banners, that followed him, could mean.

As soon as the Dragon King's retainers had put down the presents they vanished, and Hidesato told all that had happened to him.

The presents which he had received from the grateful Dragon King were found to be of magic power. The bell only was ordinary, and as Hidesato had no use for it he presented it to the temple near by, where it was hung up, to boom out the hour of day over the surrounding neighborhood.

The single bag of rice, however much was taken from it day after day for the meals of the knight and his whole family, never grew less—the supply in the bag was inexhaustible.

The roll of silk, too, never grew shorter, though time after time long pieces were cut off to make the warrior a new suit of clothes to go to Court in at the New Year.

The cooking pot was wonderful, too. No matter what was put into it, it cooked deliciously whatever was wanted without any firing—truly a very economical saucepan.

The fame of Hidesato's fortune spread far and wide, and as there was no need for him to spend money on rice or silk or firing, he became very rich and prosperous, and was henceforth known as My Lord Bag of Rice.

Thanks guys*kisses*
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 6:37pm On Sep 10, 2018

I SETTLED my gaze on an orange coloured chair opposite me and the smile spread across my lips froze.

It was on that same chair I had first set my eyes on Daniel, he had sat on that chair beside his father and had stood up to shake my hand after we were introduced, then there were no marriage talks yet.

But then when the marriage issues were brought up,he..he...........he had changed..all of a sudden, so abruptly I had a time wrapping myself around it.

Then kibby had told me to get out of the river while it was still warm and safe,but I didn't want to disappoint dad the way Ibby did so I had agreed after weeks of pleading.

Since the sitting room was bringing in too much sorrow I stood up and headed for my old bedroom. I got inside the room and took in the scent,tobacco vanille most girls would never wear such masculine perfume,but I wasn't most girls I had wanted something unique and dashing and it had been perfect. It still was perfect.

I looked over at the wall and there hung a picture of Kyle and i. I smiled as I remembered, it was the first day we met,at shade's crazy river party.


EVERYWHERE was blasting cool music. We were at water view Ilorin, left to my devices I definitely would not have honored shade's request. But Helen had other plans.

Dressed in a pair of yellow tight short knicker,a blue armless turtle neck and gold sandals,hands in pocket I wandered across the sand terrain, looking around I could see lots of activities I was sure shade hadn't planned the whole thing in a day.

A few feet's away some guys from school were setting up a football arena,hhaaaa I thought, I was the queen of beach football, I heard a moan beside me and I knew it was coming from one of the tents I decided not to look and hastened my steps some people were just plainly animals.

"KIZZY" I heard someone call.
I looked up and my face connected with jafar's.
Jafar Jafar Jafar, where do I start from. Well to cut a story short Jafar was cultist who derived maximum pleasure in teasing me.

Unique child


1 Like

Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 6:09pm On Sep 11, 2018

Jafar steadily moved towards me,his goons at his heels before he motioned to them to stop.
"O baby chilling by the river side doesn't sound like the kizzy I know"
"And in case you still gat eyes in your sockets you'll know I'm not chilling or do I look the part?"

He scoffed and looked down to find me staring at the football field being set up. He smirked and ran off to the middle of the field. One of his goons came around and he whispered something into his ear,the other guy then announced a football competition between guys and girls, saying if kizzy was playing jafar the mighty would give to the winners a cash prize of 50,000Naira. Of course I didn't want to play but then the girls pleaded and persisted and that was how I ended up playing that evening.

After the football match in which I scored 5goals for the girls while shade scored two thereby making us win with a total of 7 goals to 4, shade pulled me aside to introduce me to her step brother, he was kyle Martin.
He eventually ended up driving me home,and during the journey in the car he complimented me on my football skills which I laughed off. We kept conversing through out the short trip and when we got to my apartment in offa garage we still kept talking till I gave him my digits and became friends and from fast friends to a relationship.

Everything was perfect until in our final year when I had gone home and dad had told me of the arranged marriage,then I had laughed it off, thinking I'd get a way around it but no. Then when school resumed I had told kyle but he had told me to tell my dad about him since his family were also rich no not rich wealthy.

I had thought that was everything until my father made it clear he was not after money and he was looking for a politically connected family so he could become a governor to our statesmen.
He was looking for a way to buy his way into our country's politics and luckily Daniel's father was the senate president then.

Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by pweetymhi(f): 6:10pm On Sep 11, 2018
I don chop am oo... Ride on
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 8:27pm On Sep 11, 2018
I don chop am oo...
Ride on
Thanks a lot sis
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by okafor200(m): 10:37pm On Sep 11, 2018
Sorry for been late here
but had to let u know i read ur last updates but i was really tired to comment

u know all i do is yabbing people for the fun
so everyone can get to laugh out a little bit

anyways i have eaten up mine and am filled up now

maddonna222 my stargirl keep it up

baba olowo the long prickcheesy
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Uniquechild(f): 12:21am On Sep 12, 2018
I don collect my own o. Ride on sis
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Ann2012(f): 10:02am On Sep 12, 2018
Thanks for the food, e make sense die cool
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by okafor200(m): 1:21pm On Sep 12, 2018
Thanks for the food, e make sense die cool

see come ann2012 looks like u joined nairaland here on the year 2012

why be say anywhere i dey see ur post my tin just dey stand anyhow so
see come u go stop to dey catwork anyhow for here o
u carry yansh like power bike so
abeg men dem dey skemp anyhow here o

abeg keep notice
before person go shout rape rape

abeg see come gentlegenius

no go reason me o
all na for the fun o cheesy

but my guy iambees u know the matter na
u don dey used to the yabbing na

abeg why i no con dey see my guy devilmaycry

i no know whether baba don run selfcheesy

abeg if na yabbing levels me i ready die for anybody here o

but yabbing get limits
no be the one make go bring fight come abeg count me out o

baba olowo the long prickcheesy
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 3:50pm On Sep 12, 2018
Sorry for been late here
but had to let u know i read ur last updates but i was really tired to comment

u know all i do is yabbing people for the fun
so everyone can get to laugh out a little bit

anyways i have eaten up mine and am filled up now

maddonna222 my stargirl keep it up

baba olowo the long prickcheesy
grin grin
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 3:51pm On Sep 12, 2018
I don collect my own o. Ride on sis
Hehe hope they packaged it well for you wink
Cause I told those waiters you dey VIP
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 3:52pm On Sep 12, 2018
Thanks for the food, e make sense die cool
Heeeeyyyy sis na me cook am oooo
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Ann2012(f): 4:10pm On Sep 12, 2018

Heeeeyyyy sis na me cook am oooo

Very sweet

Abeg cook another one, I dey H badly kiss
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by okafor200(m): 4:42pm On Sep 12, 2018

Very sweet

Abeg cook another one, I dey H badly kiss

abeg try come my house con collect another food na

i no fit finish this 8 derica of rice i cook here so

abeg come enjoy enough for my house o

there is enough eating and drinkingcheesy

baba olowo the long prickcheesy
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Ann2012(f): 8:59pm On Sep 12, 2018
I no chop


abeg try come my house con collect another food na

i no fit finish this 8 derica of rice i cook here so

abeg come enjoy enough for my house o

there is enough eating and drinkingcheesy

baba olowo the long prickcheesy
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by okafor200(m): 8:04am On Sep 13, 2018
I no chop

come chop na

the food go sweet o

u be my sweet potato

baba olowo the long prickcheesy
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 11:30am On Sep 13, 2018
WHEN I had caught wind of what father was after,I had been broken and had ran away from home to stay with Kyle.

it was disastrous the day father found out where I was hiding, he had come to Ilorin all the way from Benin to "drag" me home. I was broken.
My dad had slapped kyle calling him names while he had dragged a crying me away.
kyle had still not given up and had come to Benin to settle things with my father,he was not allowed into the house he has stood in front the gate banging it and shouting for me to come out.
Then it had started raining,he never moved.

Under the pouring rain he had cried for me to please see him. when I couldn't take it anymore I had begged my mom to please send a maid to give him an umbrella and a note. in that note I had told him to forget me and move on,I had written that I felt nothing for him anymore and I had found true love with my betrothed but what I never told him was that I had lied to protect him from getting murdered. He had stood in front of my gate in the rain and cried before a van pulled up beside him and his sister whisked him away.

I scoffed and left for the master bedroom,my father's room.
I was about to knock when I heard voices inside the room,I wouldn't have bothered eavesdropping if I hadn't heard them say Daniel.
"I think he's maltreating her" it was my mom's voice.
"I have also been observing her she seems different and so vibrance lacking I don't know how to approach her on the subject,but if that idiot has been abusing her I swear I'll destroy him,I am a senator already and I don't need anything from his family anymore, they have no hold over me" my dad joined in.

Bile rose in my throat and I felt like puking, so if he had still needed something from his family he would have left me to suffer in silence.

I jerked open the door and faced them,they both were shocked and raised their head I wanted to tell them of my sorrow,of how Dan hit me always,how I held no freedom, how I had no happiness but.... one look at their worried faces and all that came out of my mouth was.
"Dad mom Dan isn't abusing me in any way and I think you should get over your guilt dad, what's meant for me will surely be mine even if it takes a thousand years it'd surely come right back around,if kyle and I were meant to be then we would be together in the end" I looked at their faces and my inner mind said you've done well its well worth the smile on their lips.

And that was how I found myself hugging my parents and kibby who was by the door all along I booked a flight back to Ilorin and while trying my best not to fall asleep during the journey I suddenly remembered.

Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Ann2012(f): 2:58pm On Sep 13, 2018
Thanks for the update dearie
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 12:36pm On Sep 15, 2018
CHAPTER DEDICATED TO ann2012(sure sis)....

I ARRIVED Ilorin some minutes past 9:00pm
I was so anxious to get home, I decided to call Dan to offer an explanation when I couldn't find my mobile,I literally looked like a mad woman,with my hair wild my eyes frantic,and rummaging frantically through my bag.

Alas!!! the truth hit home, I had forgotten my phone at Benin."whoa"I breathed out"way to go kizzy,way to go".
I searched my bag for my purse so I wouldn't be stuck further,luckily and unluckily I found it,luckily because there was cash in it and unluckily because there was just 500naira,well good thing I live in Ilorin,things are quite cheap here.

I moved out of the airport and signalled a cab. An old man was behind the wheel, and judging by his features he understood no English, I decided to try pidgin.

"baba you dey go GRA side??"
"ha ewo tu lebo bai" (what's with the English)
the man didn't understand pidgin, so good I understand Yoruba.
"mo sope she n lo si GRA " (I asked if you were heading towards GRA)
"HA o gbo Yoruba lo wa n sebo tele,osi pamilerin,mi o lo GRA OO amo je kin sanu e San 750"(I'm not heading towards GRA but I'll help you,pay 750)
"haha 500 jalejale" (500 last last�)
"ha san na buredi no dakun jadanu" (note; me I don't know how to translate this ooo)
After much haggling the man eventually agrees at the set price and off we went,during the long ride I had a feeling I was being watched,I turned around and saw a car behind the taxi,it was no big deal there were lots of cars on the road but something about the straight faced men in the car set me on edge,I dismissed the thought and concluded I was just being paranoid, and I focused my entire being on creating the perfect set of words to explain to Dan why I was late in coming home......

I HAD KNOCKED and knocked on the gate but no answer was forthcoming, I wondered what was wrong with chuks,was he asleep or had he sneaked out,I was still contemplating on what on what to do,when I heard a ratlike voice talking.
"madame, Madame" I discovered it was coming from chuks window, I moved nearer and I barely recognized his face in the darkness, it was battered all over.
"JESUS!!!! chukwudi,what happened to you did you get in to a fight,how.... what.... what happened" chuks looked like he was going to cry.
"madame I suggest make you find place sleep for tonight,tomorrow afternoon make you dey come home,when oga go never come back make u cook im favorait soup or something,so that if im go do... um anything by the morning it would have disappeared"
he said looking at me with pity.

"chuks what happened"
"oga talk sey make I no open gate for you when you come back, I con think sey make I beg him on your behalf, na so oga troway me slap,I dey look am I no know if na DAT one anger am I'm just start beating, chain even my papa and my mama never beat me for dis life wet I come" his eyes were filled with tear" useless life" he muttered under his breath.

"chuks....abeg no vex when I come I..I. chai I go sleep elsewhere" I turned to go
"madame..." chuks called,I turned back. His eyes were laced with so much pity,I h
almost choked on my saliva.
"madame why...."
"why what" I asked slowly.
"why you no fit end dis thing, I swear if u end am,men plenty wey go rush u,I thin...." I interrupted him before he could finish.
"chuks thanks for caring but its my cross okay??" he nodded and waved as I walked down the street,I had no idea where to go if I had my phone I would have called Helen, or if I had some money I'd have gone to her house but I had none so I was stranded.

I had sat on the side walk for more than an hour thinking of how differently my life could have turned out.

A car pulled up beside me,I looked up and a gasp escaped my lips,he halfsmiled at me and walked nearer God what was I going to tell him I was doing outside my house near midnight.......


SOOOOOOOOOO HAHA Dan's crazyness has escalated to the point he beats up his employee??,and who is the knight in shining armor who's come to rescue kizzy,it depends on you guys KYLE,TIMI,OR.....JAKE??
the person with the highest vote will be the one to appear in the story...

till the next update tonight.


Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Ann2012(f): 2:32pm On Sep 15, 2018
Thanks for the dedication and update Sis kiss

Oya chop kiss kiss
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by excelmerry: 8:58pm On Sep 15, 2018
Abeg give am to Kyle. The way u described their luv was sensational. Jake is the "mofo" who was busy insulting her in his mind the first time they met kyle in the restaurant. He doesn't deserve her luv.
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Uniquechild(f): 9:24pm On Sep 15, 2018
Chai! This one no be marriage na "manage" o. What type of man is that Daniel sef? Will he be happy if his sister is being treated this way?
Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 5:48pm On Sep 19, 2018
Thanks for the dedication and update Sis kiss

Oya chop kiss kiss
hey!!! I don chop am hahaha grin[quote author=Ann2012 post=71224625]Thanks for the dedication and update Sis kiss

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Re: A Spark(getting Me Back) by Maddonna222(f): 5:51pm On Sep 19, 2018
Abeg give am to Kyle. The way u described their luv was sensational. Jake is the "mofo" who was busy insulting her in his mind the first time they met kyle in the restaurant. He doesn't deserve her luv.
Haa you know Jake also lost his wife,so he is not open to love for now and even though we don't know what kyle has become Jake is sure angry at kizzy for being the reason behind his BFF'S change in attitude, thanks bro.

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