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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Nigerian Pastors With Their Fake Miracles, Scamming Gullible Nigerians(must Read (774 Views)
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Nigerian Pastors With Their Fake Miracles, Scamming Gullible Nigerians(must Read by Wisdomkosi(m): 7:35pm On Sep 08, 2018 |
Nigerian Pastors With Their Fake Miracles, Scamming Gullible Nigerians By Wisdom Nwedene Recently, the media space went agog after a Nigerian Pastor by name David Elijah claimed he was attacked by armed robbers but the bullets couldn't penetrate his body. This Nigerian pastor after he claimed that the bullets which were shot at him sporadically didn't enter his body drove his car to his church and fainted. This pastor didn't report to the police, he didn't faint when he was driving his car, nobody was aware when the armed robbers attacked him. Hmmmmmm. The same pastor also organized a crusade the same day which he claimed that the armed robbers attacked him. According to report, the same pastor was spotted drinking bear before all of a sudden, he appeared from nowhere and claimed he was attacked by armed robbers. From investigation carried out so far, this pastor travelled to Malaysia recently and was pictured carrying wads of money. He is known to milk his members dry by telling them all sorts of lies in the name of performing miracle and doing other prophetic work. We have many of this type of pastor in Nigeria. They are good in enriching themselves by all means. They deceive gullible Nigerians. They tell them to sow seed if not God won't bless them while the Pastors keep sowing their own seeds in the bank, buying private jets, travelling to different countries. Their members cannot boast of three square meals in a day. The painful thing is when you try to educate their members about these yahoo Pastors, they will feel you want to deceive them. It's painful seeing them being brainwash every day. When I was a little boy, a pastor once organized a crusade in a school located in my town . The man's church was beside my father's shop. Then, I always stay in the shop whenever my father wasn't around. What I discovered that night was shocking. While the crusade was going on in the school, members were clapping and jubilating in the school, the pastor was busy having $3x with a lady inside his church. I couldn't believe the sound I heard that day. This is just a tip of an iceberg of what the Nigerian Pastors do. Mathew chapter 7vs 15- 22 says, “Be on the watch for the false prophets who come to you in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruits you will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? 17 Likewise, every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, nor can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. 19 Every tree not producing fine fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those men. 21 “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. 22 Many will say to me inin that day: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’' To those who still believe all the Miracles that Pastors do and always sow seed to them, it is time to learn more about God's word and stop being deceived by the Nigerian yahoo Pastors. (Wisdom Nwedene is a writer, freelancer, newspaper editor and motivational speaker. Contact : 1 Like 1 Share
Re: Nigerian Pastors With Their Fake Miracles, Scamming Gullible Nigerians(must Read by Wisdomkosi(m): 7:46pm On Sep 08, 2018 |
Cc Lalasticlala |
Re: Nigerian Pastors With Their Fake Miracles, Scamming Gullible Nigerians(must Read by Nobody: 7:52pm On Sep 08, 2018 |
You cannot emancipate the Nigerian Christian. They take delight in worshipping their Middle Eastern Gods. No wonder the Israelites had the audacity to tell us we have no culture. |
Re: Nigerian Pastors With Their Fake Miracles, Scamming Gullible Nigerians(must Read by Wisdomkosi(m): 8:09pm On Sep 08, 2018 |
kmcutez:It's painful seeing them being brainwashed every day. |
Re: Nigerian Pastors With Their Fake Miracles, Scamming Gullible Nigerians(must Read by MrPRevailer(m): 8:43pm On Sep 08, 2018 |
Wisdomkosi: For a knowledgeable christian, It's easy to see why their are many fake Pastors/miracles. The devil is a 419/deceiver. And he wants to do anything he can to deceive humanity even if it means appearing genuine to defeat the genuine. Ofcourse there are genuine Pastors with the heart of love and affection to save people, performing genuine miracles from God. Their motive is not money-oriented like the fake Pastors. They are also very few, while fake Pastors are exploding in numbers making it difficult for miracle seekers to find the real ones. |
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