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Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? - Religion - Nairaland

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Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by AmiableOne: 10:16am On Sep 09, 2018
By Adekanmi Jonathan

Have you ever wondered why Jesus had to come to this earth? Read on to find out!

Some think Jesus came so we can become rich. Well, that’s wrong because before Jesus came, many people have been rich. The trend continues today because even people who do not believe in Jesus are also rich!

During his earth walk, people thought Jesus was going to become a political leader and save the Jews from the Romans. Even his disciples thought along these lines. But that was not why Jesus came!

So why did he come?

The answer can be found in Matthew 1 when an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph, Mary’s husband. Let’s do a quick read of what the angel said.

Mat 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Mat 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Mat 1:22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
Mat 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

The angel instructed Joseph to name the child Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.

Some think what the angel meant was that Jesus would die for the sins of people. Well, that’s not exactly correct. The word “save” confirms it. So what did the angel mean?

In essence, the angel was saying that Jesus would come and give people the ability to live above sin. He was going to give them the power to live a sinless life.

The word “save” as used by the angel connotes that sin is a master of everyone that descended from Adam. And that’s true! Everybody born into this world is an automatic slave to sin.

Even David was not free from this because he acknowledged this problem in his prayer to God.

Psa 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

He affirms that everyone who is conceived and born received the Adamic nature which is forever subject to sin. Why is that?

Rom 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

By this principle, whoever we willingly obey is our master. So, when Adam willingly followed the suggestion of Satan in the garden, he yielded his control and independence to Satan.

Adam reproduced in that state of submission to sin and the devil, which is why all humans born are subject to sin.

No one teaches a little child to lie or steal. He/she just naturally expresses his submission (slavery) to sin. This was why Cain could kill his brother, Abel, even though nobody before him had died.

Who taught Cain how to kill? No one! How then did he “invent” murder? The answer is sin. Sin will always find expression and that’s what happened.

So, the angel was telling Joseph that Jesus will save people from their sins. Above paying for their sins, he will set them free to live a life where sin is no longer in control.

Today, we have people who are slaves to many things like adultery, fornication, drug abuse, stealing, lying and other works of the flesh. They want to be free but they can’t seem to stop. If you’re one of those under the hold of sin, you’re the reason why Jesus came!

A look at Jesus saving a woman from Sin

In John 8, a woman was caught in adultery and was brought to Jesus. Now, the Law of Moses, which was like a constitution for the people of Israel at that time, said such people caught in the act deserved death by stoning. (Deut. 22:21-22)

So, they brought the woman to Jesus. Rather than approve her death, Jesus saved her by divine wisdom such that everyone that was ready to stone her left her alone. Let’s read a short portion of that story.

Joh 8:10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
Joh 8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

Jesus told her he won’t condemn her. Notice that Jesus didn’t deny that she did wrong; he just said he won’t condemn her. It’s like saying, “I don’t want to blame you even though you did it; instead, I want to help you.” Isn’t Jesus wonderful?

When he saved her from her accusers, he then told her to go and sin no more. He saved her from the consequence of her sin and empowered her with those words to go and sin no more. Beyond that, he would later go to Calvary and pay for her sins. How gracious!

Jesus still saves today!

Friends, no matter what sin that has caged you and it seems there is no freedom for you, I want to let you know that Jesus came to save people from their sin.

Jesus can save you from that grip of sin if you desire to be free. He won’t condemn you! He won’t blame you! Instead, he wants you to come as you are so he can help you. See what he said:

Luk 5:31 And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.

You don’t have to wait till you’re fine to go to the doctor; your sickness qualifies you for his attention. Likewise, don’t wait till you’re good enough before you come to Jesus.

Come as you are! He wants to help you.

Will you let Jesus help you today?

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Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by AmiableOne: 10:16am On Sep 09, 2018
If you would like to accept Jesus as your saviour, say the following prayer.

“Dear Lord God, I come unto you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus died and rose again. I receive the eternal life you promised into my spirit. I am saved by the finished works of Christ. I’m born again. I’m a now a child of God. Amen.”

If you just said that prayer, congratulations! Welcome to the family of God!

For prayers and counselling, I encourage you to send me a PM. God loves you dearly! smiley

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Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by emmanuelpopson(m): 10:44am On Sep 09, 2018

other prophets that came ahead couldn't redeem human kind..they can heal, deliver but couldn't lay down there lives to bring man back to God...That is what differentiate Jesus from them...
John 10:10


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by tetralogyfallot(m): 10:49am On Sep 09, 2018
The entire concept is a pretty arbitrary one. Why did God have to go through the rigmarole of blood sacrifice to forgive sins?


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by Groovenaija360(m): 10:50am On Sep 09, 2018

Jesus is God himself

And God himself is Jesus

And God himself came down to earth to save man

Who is man

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Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by danemenike: 10:50am On Sep 09, 2018
Christ came to redeem the world.

1 Like

Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by Bawizzo(m): 10:50am On Sep 09, 2018
To die for our sins, so yhu & I can be redeemed

1 Like

Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by 93Miles: 10:50am On Sep 09, 2018
Believe this Jesus story at your own peril


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by luvinhubby(m): 10:51am On Sep 09, 2018
He came to give His life a ransom for many.

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Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by fineboynl(m): 10:52am On Sep 09, 2018
it was predicted and divine
Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by helinues: 10:52am On Sep 09, 2018
Sent him to come and do what?

I guess he was also sent to Andromeda galaxy


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by coolestchris(m): 10:52am On Sep 09, 2018
Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by gaby(m): 10:54am On Sep 09, 2018

Religious topics are too sensitive to delve into and analyze critically without ruffling feathers and offending many.

It could make or mar one so, I'm gladly passing on this like I usually do even though I might have an opinion.

Those in favour say aye, those against say nay...

The ayes have it.

Enjoy my siggy


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by Firefire(m): 10:56am On Sep 09, 2018
Jesus is Lord.

Thank you Jesus for the salvation of my soul.

Are you Born Again? Tomorrow may be too late.


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by Adalberto(m): 10:56am On Sep 09, 2018
I doubt

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Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by rottenPussy: 10:58am On Sep 09, 2018
Jesus is Lord!

1 Like

Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by Grace001: 10:59am On Sep 09, 2018
Religion is a tool to control mind and to create seperation.

16 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by Nobody: 10:59am On Sep 09, 2018
Sent him to come and do what?

I guess he was also sent to Andromeda galaxy
i tire o

1 Like

Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by Mekanus(m): 11:01am On Sep 09, 2018
Who the fu^ck is Jesus??


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by omoalayo(m): 11:02am On Sep 09, 2018
That's great.... Jesus came to save Us from SIN... it means SIN... was a master ... that is why it was difficult for people to live without sin... because a soul will do what is the will of His master...
Since death is the reward for sin.. someone had to die for Man before Man can be freed... and it cant be a Man who was born under sin that will die for Man..its not possible.. a sinner cant take the place of a sinner...

So Jesus had to come.. a God in the image of Man..(He is the seed of God.. their was no need for the DNA of a Man to get Him in d womb of Virgin Mary..which cant be explained with biology.. His seed was spiritual nd that's Why He is the Son of God..so He was free from SIN right from the womb)

.. .. He died for Man and freed Him from SIN.. so a Man can decide to give His life to God .. and Live without sin...but the nature of Man cannot achieve this on its own... it was therefore needed for God to give the Holy Spirit to help Man live a life of Dominion..

Life is not all about eating and drinking... there is a presence that is superior to Man.. that U cannot see with Ur eyes. Feel with Ur body .. hear with Ur ears or touch with Ur hands.. the sooner U believe this... the better ..enough of religions that doesn't make reference to Ur place in the Spirit...

This is the true gospel

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Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by frowland(m): 11:04am On Sep 09, 2018
Sent him to come and do what?

I guess he was also sent to Andromeda galaxy

To come and die. I don't even get why he have to die in the first place sha.
The reason he have to die is not rational but what do I know? Let them believe whatever they deem best.


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by Fididiguy(m): 11:06am On Sep 09, 2018
For me and you
Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by musicwriter(m): 11:06am On Sep 09, 2018
There's no historical record that a man named JESUS ever lived here on earth. This story is work of literature written by Rome to control slaves and wider population in the Roman emire by putting fear of God in citizens. Its time you all stop worshiping satan who've deceived you to call him Jesus.

How I discovered Jesus is fake https://www.nairaland.com/4494140/how-discovered-jesus-christ-fake


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by helinues: 11:10am On Sep 09, 2018

To come and die. I don't even get why he have to die in the first place sha.
The reason he have to die is not rational but what do I know? Let them believe whatever they deem best.

Me self tire oo

Even the white people that brought the religion have moved on

"If what you believe on is not working for you/life, you better change your mind"


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by slivertongue: 11:12am On Sep 09, 2018
He came to reconcile us to GOD,
to give us a second chance to amend our ways,
to help us to obtain mercy from d father


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by Dalam0n: 11:13am On Sep 09, 2018
According to the story Jesus came to sacrifice him self unto him self over the weekend so that mankind can have a personal relationship with him.

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Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by Tokziby: 11:13am On Sep 09, 2018
That's great.... Jesus came to save Us from SIN... it means SIN... was a master .. that is why it was difficult for people to live without sin... because a soul will do what is the will of His master...
Since death is the reward for sin.. someone had to die for Man before Man can be freed... and it cant be a Man who was born under sin that will die for Man..its not possible.. a sinner cant take the place of a sinner...
So Jesus had to come.. a God in the inage of Man.. .. He died for Man and freed Him from SIN.. so a Man can decide to give His life to God .. and Live without sin...but the nature of Man cannot achieve this on its own... it was therefore needed for God to give the Holy Spirit to help Man live a life of Dominion..

Stop the confusion...

Do u even know the meaning of SIN? u are making it look like an entity that no one has dominion over..
To sin is to transgress against God's law which is like committing a crime. A crime is committed when the law is transgressed. Now if a law is broken, the authority has the right to pardon or punish depending on the offence committed.
So why would God who is the author and the judge of this laws come down to pay for the sins of human that HE alone could pardon or punish?
why would HE punish Himself for what he could have decide to pardon or punish


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by GentleMoney: 11:17am On Sep 09, 2018
Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by Geo3impact: 11:19am On Sep 09, 2018
This is religion in a nutshell


Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by ollah2: 11:27am On Sep 09, 2018
It's unfortunate that many people believe this nonsense and they keep selling it to people in 2018.

Jesus and his stories are pure myths stolen from ancient Egypt

Horus was a God born of virgin. They replaced Horus with Jesus
Anup baptised Horus. They replaced Anup with John

If you need to learn more then research and unlearn this nonsense while relearning the truth

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Re: Why Did Jesus Really Come To The Earth? by mmsen: 11:27am On Sep 09, 2018
There's no evidence that he did.

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