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Buying Of Cabbage Seeds In Nigeria . - Agriculture - Nairaland

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Buying Of Cabbage Seeds In Nigeria . by kijames: 2:39pm On Sep 14, 2018
Cabbage is one of the vegetables that is very important in our society today in terms of eating e.g for salad,it as more of benefits and marketing ...Benefit for cabbage Green, leafy and wholesome, cabbage
popularly called ‘Patta gobi’ in Hindi,
‘Gos Koora ‘ in Telugu, ‘Muttaikose’ in
Tamil, ‘Mutta gose’ in Malayalam,
‘Kosu’ in Kannada, ‘Kobi’ in Gujarati &
Marathi, ‘Gobi’ in Punjabi, and ‘Bandha
Kopee’ in Bengali, is a low-calorie
vegetable. A popular choice in salad
recipes, this fiber-rich vegetable offers
a host of benefits. Read on to discover
the amazing benefits of cabbage.
What Is Cabbage?
Cabbage is an important member of
the brassica family which also includes
broccoli, cauliflower and Brussel
sprouts. where does cabbage come
from? It is a round and leafy vegetable
that is believed to have originated in
the Eastern Mediterranean and Asia
Minor. Available all the year round, it
forms a part of a healthy diet. Find out
here whether is cabbage good for
you or not. Several varieties of cabbage are
available to choose from – Savoy,
Wombok, January King, red, and green
cabbages. They can be eaten raw or
cooked. The taste varies from savory
to gently sweet. Being rich in vitamins,
iron, and potassium, they are widely
used in both Eastern and Western
cuisines. Given below are a few
different cabbages (1 ).
1. Green Cabbage
This is the most commonly used type.
It has smooth leaves packed tightly
and a round shape resembling a large
ball. It is also sometimes called as
Dutch white
2. Red Cabbage
Red cabbage, more commonly known
as purple cabbage, is a colorful variety
from the brassica family. This variety
is denser than the green one and has a
slight peppery flavor. It is more
nutritious than the green variety and is
also available in smaller varieties.
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3. Savoy Cabbage
This is a large ball shaped cabbage
having loose, darker outer leaves
varying from smooth to curly. Its
wrinkly leaves are great when wrapped
around different fillings. This
cabbage’s color varies from light green
to bluish green.
4. Wombok/Bok Choy
Also known as Chinese cabbage, this
variety is basically oval shaped with
crinkly leaves having white veins. It is
pale green in color and available in a
‘baby wombok’ size.
Cabbage Nutrition Facts
USDA Chart
Here is the detailed information about
nutritional value of cabbage:
Energy 25 kcal 1%
Carbohydrates 5.8 g 4%
Protein 1.3 g 2%
Total Fat 0.1 g 0.5%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 2.50 mg 6%
Folates 53 µg 13%
Niacin 0.234 mg 1.5%
0.212 mg 4%
Pyridoxine 0.124 mg 10%
Riboflavin 0.040 mg 3%
Thiamin 0.061 mg 5%
Vitamin A 98 IU 3%
Vitamin C 36.6 mg 61%
Vitamin K 76 µg 63%
Sodium 18 mg 1%
Potassium 170 mg 3.5%
Calcium 40 mg 4%
Iron 0.47 mg 6%
Magnesium 12 mg 3%
Manganese 0.160 mg 7%
Phosphorus 26 mg 3.5%
Zinc 0.18 mg 1.5%
Carotene-a 33 µg —
Carotene-ß 42 µg —
30 µg —
One serving or one cup of cabbage
provides a person with 91.7 percent of
the daily required value of Vitamin K
and 50.3 percent of the daily required
value of the Vitamin C. Vitamin B6,
manganese, folate, vitamin B2 and B1,
potassium, calcium, magnesium and
Vitamin A are abundantly found in
cabbage. It also consists of small
amounts of zinc, manganese, and iron.
Cabbage health benefits simply cannot
be ignored!
Now that we know the cabbage
nutritional value, let’s look into what
are the health benefits of cabbage.
Cabbage Benefits For Skin
Leafy greens are considered great for
skin, and cabbage is no exception.
Cabbage contains ‘indole-3-carbonile’
which is a powerful antioxidant. It is
responsible for detoxifying your liver.
This is beneficial for the skin as well
because it removes the toxins, which if
accumulated in the blood, cause dull
and blemished skin. Thus, the skin
benefits of eating cabbage are many.
1. Anti-Aging Benefits
Regular consumption of cabbage along
with other cruciferous vegetables can
provide anti-aging benefits to the skin.
The rich amount of Vitamin C in this
vegetable keeps the skin youthful and
delays the aging process. Moreover,
Vitamin A in cabbage juice works
together with Vitamin D to make your
skin clear and healthy. It also avoids
the destruction of skin cells due to
ultraviolet rays.
2. Healing Properties
Cabbage has excellent skin healing
properties. When used as a poultice,
cabbage is effective in curing skin
eruptions such as eczema, psoriasis,
acne, rashes, insect bites, leg ulcers,
and wounds. It helps cure arthritis as
well. You can prepare the poultice by
grating or processing some cabbage in
a blender. Wrap the content mixed with
some water in a cloth. Place it on the
affected area for about 15 minutes.
You can also crush the leaves and
apply them directly on the affected
areas. Regular application of this
poultice, as well as eating cabbage,
can help you heal faster.
3. Provides Flawless Skin
It is appreciable for its beautifying
effects, and it also has a role in
promoting healthy skin. If you are
suffering from pimples or other skin
irritations, cabbage can be the solution.
All you need to do is to steam the
upper leaves of cabbage and remove
all the veins. Compress the leaves
between a linen cloth and cotton to
make them smooth and soft. Place the
compress on the affected area
overnight and experience spotless skin
next morning,with cabbage you can be a milloniiare for just three month,to my the vegetables seed call Mr JAMES...07061570776...07089851982... thanks

Re: Buying Of Cabbage Seeds In Nigeria . by kijames: 10:13am On Jul 27, 2020
Cabbage is one of the vegetables that is very important in our society today in terms of eating e.g for salad,it as more of benefits and marketing ...Benefit for cabbage Green, leafy and wholesome, cabbage
popularly called ‘Patta gobi’ in Hindi,
‘Gos Koora ‘ in Telugu, ‘Muttaikose’ in
Tamil, ‘Mutta gose’ in Malayalam,
‘Kosu’ in Kannada, ‘Kobi’ in Gujarati &
Marathi, ‘Gobi’ in Punjabi, and ‘Bandha
Kopee’ in Bengali, is a low-calorie
vegetable. A popular choice in salad
recipes, this fiber-rich vegetable offers
a host of benefits. Read on to discover
the amazing benefits of cabbage.
What Is Cabbage?
Cabbage is an important member of
the brassica family which also includes
broccoli, cauliflower and Brussel
sprouts. where does cabbage come
from? It is a round and leafy vegetable
that is believed to have originated in
the Eastern Mediterranean and Asia
Minor. Available all the year round, it
forms a part of a healthy diet. Find out
here whether is cabbage good for
you or not. Several varieties of cabbage are
available to choose from – Savoy,
Wombok, January King, red, and green
cabbages. They can be eaten raw or
cooked. The taste varies from savory
to gently sweet. Being rich in vitamins,
iron, and potassium, they are widely
used in both Eastern and Western
cuisines. Given below are a few
different cabbages (1 ).
1. Green Cabbage
This is the most commonly used type.
It has smooth leaves packed tightly
and a round shape resembling a large
ball. It is also sometimes called as
Dutch white
2. Red Cabbage
Red cabbage, more commonly known
as purple cabbage, is a colorful variety
from the brassica family. This variety
is denser than the green one and has a
slight peppery flavor. It is more
nutritious than the green variety and is
also available in smaller varieties.
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3. Savoy Cabbage
This is a large ball shaped cabbage
having loose, darker outer leaves
varying from smooth to curly. Its
wrinkly leaves are great when wrapped
around different fillings. This
cabbage’s color varies from light green
to bluish green.
4. Wombok/Bok Choy
Also known as Chinese cabbage, this
variety is basically oval shaped with
crinkly leaves having white veins. It is
pale green in color and available in a
‘baby wombok’ size.
Cabbage Nutrition Facts
USDA Chart
Here is the detailed information about
nutritional value of cabbage:
Energy 25 kcal 1%
Carbohydrates 5.8 g 4%
Protein 1.3 g 2%
Total Fat 0.1 g 0.5%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 2.50 mg 6%
Folates 53 µg 13%
Niacin 0.234 mg 1.5%
0.212 mg 4%
Pyridoxine 0.124 mg 10%
Riboflavin 0.040 mg 3%
Thiamin 0.061 mg 5%
Vitamin A 98 IU 3%
Vitamin C 36.6 mg 61%
Vitamin K 76 µg 63%
Sodium 18 mg 1%
Potassium 170 mg 3.5%
Calcium 40 mg 4%
Iron 0.47 mg 6%
Magnesium 12 mg 3%
Manganese 0.160 mg 7%
Phosphorus 26 mg 3.5%
Zinc 0.18 mg 1.5%
Carotene-a 33 µg —
Carotene-ß 42 µg —
30 µg —
One serving or one cup of cabbage
provides a person with 91.7 percent of
the daily required value of Vitamin K
and 50.3 percent of the daily required
value of the Vitamin C. Vitamin B6,
manganese, folate, vitamin B2 and B1,
potassium, calcium, magnesium and
Vitamin A are abundantly found in
cabbage. It also consists of small
amounts of zinc, manganese, and iron.
Cabbage health benefits simply cannot
be ignored!
Now that we know the cabbage
nutritional value, let’s look into what
are the health benefits of cabbage.
Cabbage Benefits For Skin
Leafy greens are considered great for
skin, and cabbage is no exception.
Cabbage contains ‘indole-3-carbonile’
which is a powerful antioxidant. It is
responsible for detoxifying your liver.
This is beneficial for the skin as well
because it removes the toxins, which if
accumulated in the blood, cause dull
and blemished skin. Thus, the skin
benefits of eating cabbage are many.
1. Anti-Aging Benefits
Regular consumption of cabbage along
with other cruciferous vegetables can
provide anti-aging benefits to the skin.
The rich amount of Vitamin C in this
vegetable keeps the skin youthful and
delays the aging process. Moreover,
Vitamin A in cabbage juice works
together with Vitamin D to make your
skin clear and healthy. It also avoids
the destruction of skin cells due to
ultraviolet rays.
2. Healing Properties
Cabbage has excellent skin healing
properties. When used as a poultice,
cabbage is effective in curing skin
eruptions such as eczema, psoriasis,
acne, rashes, insect bites, leg ulcers,
and wounds. It helps cure arthritis as
well. You can prepare the poultice by
grating or processing some cabbage in
a blender. Wrap the content mixed with
some water in a cloth. Place it on the
affected area for about 15 minutes.
You can also crush the leaves and
apply them directly on the affected
areas. Regular application of this
poultice, as well as eating cabbage,
can help you heal faster.
3. Provides Flawless Skin
It is appreciable for its beautifying
effects, and it also has a role in
promoting healthy skin. If you are
suffering from pimples or other skin
irritations, cabbage can be the solution.
All you need to do is to steam the
upper leaves of cabbage and remove
all the veins. Compress the leaves
between a linen cloth and cotton to
make them smooth and soft. Place the
compress on the affected area
overnight and experience spotless skin
next morning,with cabbage you can be a milloniiare for just three month,to my the vegetables seed call Mr JAMES...07061570776...07089851982... thanks
Cabbage is one of the vegetables that is very
important in our society today in terms of eating
e.g for salad,it as more of benefits and marketing
...Benefit for cabbage Green, leafy and
wholesome, cabbage
popularly called ‘Patta gobi’ in Hindi,
‘Gos Koora ‘ in Telugu, ‘Muttaikose’ in
Tamil, ‘Mutta gose’ in Malayalam,
‘Kosu’ in Kannada, ‘Kobi’ in Gujarati &
Marathi, ‘Gobi’ in Punjabi, and ‘Bandha
Kopee’ in Bengali, is a low-calorie
vegetable. A popular choice in salad
recipes, this fiber-rich vegetable offers
a host of benefits. Read on to discover
the amazing benefits of cabbage.
What Is Cabbage?
Cabbage is an important member of
the brassica family which also includes
broccoli, cauliflower and Brussel
sprouts. where does cabbage come
from? It is a round and leafy vegetable
that is believed to have originated in
the Eastern Mediterranean and Asia
Minor. Available all the year round, it
forms a part of a healthy diet. Find out
here whether is cabbage good for
you or not. Several varieties of cabbage are
available to choose from – Savoy,
Wombok, January King, red, and green
cabbages. They can be eaten raw or
cooked. The taste varies from savory
to gently sweet. Being rich in vitamins,
iron, and potassium, they are widely
used in both Eastern and Western
cuisines. Given below are a few
different cabbages (1 ).
1. Green Cabbage
This is the most commonly used type.
It has smooth leaves packed tightly
and a round shape resembling a large
ball. It is also sometimes called as
Dutch white
2. Red Cabbage
Red cabbage, more commonly known
as purple cabbage, is a colorful variety
from the brassica family. This variety
is denser than the green one and has a
slight peppery flavor. It is more
nutritious than the green variety and is
also available in smaller varieties.
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3. Savoy Cabbage
This is a large ball shaped cabbage
having loose, darker outer leaves
varying from smooth to curly. Its
wrinkly leaves are great when wrapped
around different fillings. This
cabbage’s color varies from light green
to bluish green.
4. Wombok/Bok Choy
Also known as Chinese cabbage, this
variety is basically oval shaped with
crinkly leaves having white veins. It is
pale green in color and available in a
‘baby wombok’ size.
Cabbage Nutrition Facts
USDA Chart
Here is the detailed information about
nutritional value of cabbage:
Energy 25 kcal 1%
Carbohydrates 5.8 g 4%
Protein 1.3 g 2%
Total Fat 0.1 g 0.5%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 2.50 mg 6%
Folates 53 µg 13%
Niacin 0.234 mg 1.5%
0.212 mg 4%
Pyridoxine 0.124 mg 10%
Riboflavin 0.040 mg 3%
Thiamin 0.061 mg 5%
Vitamin A 98 IU 3%
Vitamin C 36.6 mg 61%
Vitamin K 76 µg 63%
Sodium 18 mg 1%
Potassium 170 mg 3.5%
Calcium 40 mg 4%
Iron 0.47 mg 6%
Magnesium 12 mg 3%
Manganese 0.160 mg 7%
Phosphorus 26 mg 3.5%
Zinc 0.18 mg 1.5%
Carotene-a 33 µg —
Carotene-ß 42 µg —
30 µg —
One serving or one cup of cabbage
provides a person with 91.7 percent of
the daily required value of Vitamin K
and 50.3 percent of the daily required
value of the Vitamin C. Vitamin B6,
manganese, folate, vitamin B2 and B1,
potassium, calcium, magnesium and
Vitamin A are abundantly found in
cabbage. It also consists of small
amounts of zinc, manganese, and iron.
Cabbage health benefits simply cannot
be ignored!
Now that we know the cabbage
nutritional value, let’s look into what
are the health benefits of cabbage.
Cabbage Benefits For Skin
Leafy greens are considered great for
skin, and cabbage is no exception.
Cabbage contains ‘indole-3-carbonile’
which is a powerful antioxidant. It is
responsible for detoxifying your liver.
This is beneficial for the skin as well
because it removes the toxins, which if
accumulated in the blood, cause dull
and blemished skin. Thus, the skin
benefits of eating cabbage are many.
1. Anti-Aging Benefits
Regular consumption of cabbage along
with other cruciferous vegetables can
provide anti-aging benefits to the skin.
The rich amount of Vitamin C in this
vegetable keeps the skin youthful and
delays the aging process. Moreover,
Vitamin A in cabbage juice works
together with Vitamin D to make your
skin clear and healthy. It also avoids
the destruction of skin cells due to
ultraviolet rays.
2. Healing Properties
Cabbage has excellent skin healing
properties. When used as a poultice,
cabbage is effective in curing skin
eruptions such as eczema, psoriasis,
acne, rashes, insect bites, leg ulcers,
and wounds. It helps cure arthritis as
well. You can prepare the poultice by
grating or processing some cabbage in
a blender. Wrap the content mixed with
some water in a cloth. Place it on the
affected area for about 15 minutes.
You can also crush the leaves and
apply them directly on the affected
areas. Regular application of this
poultice, as well as eating cabbage,
can help you heal faster.
3. Provides Flawless Skin
It is appreciable for its beautifying
effects, and it also has a role in
promoting healthy skin. If you are
suffering from pimples or other skin
irritations, cabbage can be the solution.
All you need to do is to steam the
upper leaves of cabbage and remove
all the veins. Compress the leaves
between a linen cloth and cotton to
make them smooth and soft. Place the
compress on the affected area
overnight and experience spotless skin
next morning,with cabbage you can be a
milloniiare for just three month,to my the
vegetables seed call Mr
JAMES...07061570776.. thank

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