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High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 8:29pm On Sep 22, 2018 |
WHAT IS A SIGIL? The word ‘sigil’ is derived from the Latin, signum, a sign, and is also the root of sigillum, a seal. It is part of our common English words signature, sign and signal. It’s meaning can be seen in three ways; * A thing by which something is made known or represented * Anything visible that indicates the existence or approach of something else * Evidence of confirming, authorizing (or shutting and securing) something. Sigils are commonplace. In mundane terms, we use our name as a representation of ourselves, we use a signature as authorisation, and we see traffic lights or signals as evidence that a train is coming! A sigil is hence a visible symbol, representing something else. In esoteric terms, we have the signs of the Zodiac as representing abstract qualities given to each sign. For example, a sign represents qualities of balance, harmony, justice, and so forth. Magical literature is littered with seals, symbols and sigils used for various purposes. These are often drawn on talismans, staves, wands, pantacles, or inscribed on robes during ritual. They can also be drawn on the ground to act as magical circles of protection. However, a sigil has a far more specific use to the practical magician, and this is as a tool to effect changes in accordance with will. The esoteric artist, Austin Osman Spare (1888-1956) defined sigils as “the means of guiding and uniting the partially free belief.” By ‘partially free belief’ he meant anything desired that was not yet an obsession. This reminds us of Aleister Crowley’s injunction to work “without lust of result.” That is to say, if the change you require to take place is bigger than you, and you are not in control of it, then you are unlikely to succeed in bringing it about. Fanatical love or revenge spells rarely work if the person is consumed by the desire. It is far easier to bring change through already available channels in small ways than it is to change the entire universe to suit you! It is easier to work for promotion if you are already in a job; if you cast a luck sigil, start playing games of chance; and if you do decide on a love sigil, get out of the house more! There are many ways of describing or explaining exactly how a sigil – or any magick – works. These are fairly irrelevant to the chance of the spell working. You do not have to believe anything to perform the activities of sigil magick. Here are a few of the general beliefs that can be adopted: * Higher Powers When you cast a sigil you are calling upon unseen beings who can interact with the visible universe and bring about the changes you require. These beings have certain characteristics that you must know to work with them * Magical The universe is connected by occult links, which can be mapped by correspondences. Thus, by burning a red candle one can cause anger on the part of another person without there being a visible connecting agent. * Unconscious Our unconscious mind is tied to the rest of our species. By focusing on the desired aim we alert the racial mind to our need and it responds accordingly, usually through the actions of others. * Morphic Field An invisible field is generated or forms our species and that of other species. By casting a sigil we link to this field and cause resonant changes in our environment. * Retro-Temporal Engineering Time does not work in a linear fashion as we perceive it. All events have and are happening at the same moment. By casting a sigil we place ourselves in the universe where the desired event is taking place, even if this means that events in the apparent past must have happened to make the future event transpire. The sigil affects both apparent past and future. A lot of work goes into the preparation and casting of these Powerful Angelic, Magical & Spiritual Seals and Sigils. Such as: * Determining the purpose. * Choose appropriate planetary correspondences. * Days of the week. * Moon phases. * Sun phases. * Season. * Astrological alignment. Etc, etc, etc. These Sigils and Seals are usually prepared with natural materials. Order yours today. Alaafia.
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 9:04pm On Sep 22, 2018 |
Historically speaking, symbol magic are nothing new, they existed way before Spare, they just weren't made by meshing letters together. Gematria, planetary tables, rose croix, nine chambers, possession drawings, these all were used just to draw magic symbols, not even speaking about audio symbols (mantras) or gestural symbols (mudra), even asanas (body postures) are all magic symbols. In our every day life we use a lot of symbolism, clothes we wear, our ethnicity, how white teeth we have, how expensive watches we possess, these all we use to create some image, this image is the symbol of us, when someone thinks about us, this is the image he sees, at least when we are lucky. It happens that our self-perception and the perception by others is slightly off, that's normal, if it is off a little bit more, we have a problem, because people give a different definition to ourselves, one we may not be satisfied with. If a company, or a celebrity has an unpleasant image, one that doesn't bring the bright future, this image is changed. A company changes the name, replaces the CEO, puts more money into PR. A celebrity buys new clothes, changes haircut, appears on some show, that's how it's done. We as mankind has a tendency to over-complicate stuff. It is very probable that symbol magick started in its pure form thousands of years ago and new generations then started attaching more requirements to it, like planetary correspondences, elements, deities, ceremonies, we really tend to do that, especially when our effort fails. Many people use this form of thinking: "The recent symbol didn't work, so maybe I did something different from before, maybe one has to be turned into the correct cardinal direction or it's in the day, last successful day was Saturday, maybe it works better on Saturdays". And new successes and new failures attach more and more rules to the mechanics, when the truth might be that you simply used a wrong intention, maybe it doesn't work at all or maybe it does something you haven't intended or you are somehow ignoring the real execution of your spell. Long ago, someone gave this suggestion to me when I told him I never had much success with money magick. He told me to make a symbol to be more receptive in receiving money. That method worked like a charm and I was thinking about why, does being more receptive to something makes it come true? Now I think the culprit was hidden somewhere else, my previous spells did work, not as flashy as finding N100k on the street the very next day, but they did work, I was just ignoring the indications, I was simply apathetic to what was happening all around me.
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 9:28pm On Sep 22, 2018 |
Symbols are keyholes to doors in the walls of space, and through them man peers into Eternity. — Manly P. Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, p. 357. Symbols possess an esoteric language, a secret code, which the [occult] student must decipher and whose meaning he or she must unlock. —Erwin W. E. Watermeyer, “Symbols: The Tools of Initiation,” Rosicrucian Digest, March 1985. ...symbols form a visual shorthand for ideas—and yet their functions and meanings extend to something much more than that. —Jack Tresidder, Dictionary of Symbols, p.6. Throughout the ages, certain symbols have been employed to communicate hidden mystical and religious messages. For practitioners of the occult and students of the “mystery schools,” these symbols are tools specifically used in communicating their secret doctrines. And while these symbols are often many centuries old, their meanings haveremained essentially the same. In fact, as the public extension of ancient occult teachings, the New Age movement has placed mystical symbolism squarely in the face of our modern culture. What makes this especially disturbing is that while the “marks” of occultism can be found throughout society, we no longer recognize their spiritual implications. Conversely, just because the average person doesn’t know the meaning of occult symbols, it in no way negates their significance. Manly P. Hall, one of the most influential occultists of the last century, wrote this of symbols: “They are centers of a mighty force, figures pregnant with an awful power….” (Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, p. 356) |
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 3:53pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
Symbols are a wonderfully simple form of magic and also one of my favorites. These little magical symbols are each coded with a unique purpose, allowing them to be incredibly direct and powerful while also being a very fast form of spell work. Since ancient times there was a belief in the power of symbolism, a belief that a certain image, certain word and certain posture executed in a certain time can cause a certain outcome. Origins of these symbols were usually an inheritance or a complex sets of mathematics and geometry, combined with mysticism. Some of these paradigms of deriving symbols were so complicated that only a person trained within this paradigm the whole life could execute such operation. Then one person came with a completely different perspective, this person was Austin Osman Spare. Spare had a very non-traditional and fresh opinion regarding symbolism, according to him you didn't need a complex calculation and the knowledge of position of all the planets in the Chaldean sequence. According to him all you needed was a desire, this desire was then converted into a symbol to alienate it for the conscious mind, and make it more available for the unconsciousness. Now we know, that unconsciousness is rather a symbol based than sentence based, a phrase is simply too chaotic for our unconscious selves, it contains words with multiple meanings, some of these can also be easily lost during the process of migration, but a symbol is whole, a symbol says it all, totally, without any losses, without any omitted words, a symbol is a reference link to what we want the most, a symbol is the most honest thing in the universe. A symbol is also something that keeps invading our minds, symbols are everywhere. When you e.g. hear about McDonald's, a symbol will appear right in front of your mind's eye, this symbol can be the M logo it can also be one of your favorite burgers, or, if you are into "healthy" diet, you will think about fat people and conservators. There is the association between the symbol and meaning, the reference link between the two. When you make the symbol yourself, through whatever technique you choose, you are not creating only the symbol, but also the reference link between the symbol and your desire. The symbol in itself is not important, it's its connection to the meaning that counts, after all, you don't want to pass a meaningless symbol to your unconsciousness, you want your desire to be fulfilled. Alaafia |
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 4:10pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
Sigil To Help Your Deepest Wishes Come True.
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 4:18pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
Sigil For Good Fortune
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 4:26pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
Sigil To Help Receive Enough Money To Live Comfortably.
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 4:40pm On Sep 28, 2018 |
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 12:24pm On Sep 30, 2018 |
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 5:22pm On Oct 02, 2018 |
Ankh Symbol Alaafia
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 10:28am On Oct 10, 2018 |
Sigil For Money Flow In Your Life Alaafia
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 8:50am On Oct 11, 2018 |
Sigil For Being Successful & Attractive Alaafia
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 11:55am On Oct 13, 2018 |
Sigil For Being Powerful
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 8:15am On Oct 14, 2018 |
How Do The Symbols Work? How does a talisman or any other magical symbol work? There are many, many theories trying to explain this. Here are just few of them, most popular. Just remember - it doesn’t matter which theory you will agree with talismans and amulets, and other magical symbols do work - and that’s all you need to know. The Energy Theory - First theory is related to energy - so called “energy” sometimes referred as PSI, Ki, Chi, Prana etc. is a fuel for all magical activities. Why and how, nobody really knows. It is said that the talismans project specific types of energies that influence physical reality. This is happening because the symbols have been in use for thousands of years, and they have been charged with energies first. And now, we see the effects. In some magical workings such effect is called as “thought-form”. A thought-form can be described as energy programming (like HTML programming in web development terms). If enough number of people believe in symbol to be working, a thought form is created, a specific pattern of thinking that is shaping the universe around us. Therefore, if you're using pretty old and pretty popular symbol, it really works because great numbers of people were using the symbol for many, many years. That is why often magical objects like talismans that are being created on production line in a factory, often provide some level of magical energy radiation. I remember doing a psychic reading on a Celtic earing, definitely one of thousands produced at single day and it did radiate with magical energies, proving to me that thought-form theory is correct. • The Shape Radiation Theory - Another theory says that talismans owns specific shape radiation and it’s related to Sacred Geometry. Sacred Geometry is field of the occult sciences that says our Universe, everything in it is based on sacred shapes and geometrical figures and dimensions. Some objects that apply to most sacred shapes, generates specific energies that influence physical reality. This theory would be good, if it wouldn’t be for some symbols that do work, but have nothing to do with sacred geometrical shapes. Still, even if we can't say that all magical symbols work because of Sacred Geometry rules, some part of these symbols is based on this field of occult science, thus explaining why some symbols work. • The Belief Theory - Finally, the last theory says that talismans and amulets work only because the owner beliefs they work. And in reality, it is not the symbol that influence the reality, but our own mind and your own Will. Again, in case of some symbols this might really be the case. It is my personal belief that most of our life problems is caused by negative patterns that are caused by traumatic and emotional events from our life. Any magical symbols will therefore stand in the way of our negative thoughts, creating positive effects. In my personal opinion, all of above theories are correct, but only as whole - energy, shape and belief are important in the same way. Some magical symbols work because of the belief and specific intent. Some work because of shape radiation, and some work because they radiate with specific magical energies. But as I said - it doesn’t matter how do symbols work as long as they work. Just believe in the symbol, and it will do the trick. Basically, nearly every single magical tradition is based on your mind and your intention – what you want the symbol to do, it shall do. |
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 12:05pm On Dec 20, 2018 |
Keep safe this holiday season. Celebrate responsibly. Alaafia |
Re: High Angelic Sigils Of Power & Transformation by OmoOsanyin: 5:23am On Jan 27, 2019 |
Happy New Week Alaafia |
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