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FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven - Business (3) - Nairaland

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Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by sylva1(m): 8:40am On Sep 30, 2018
"...if there is one." They are not even sure if they have a customer in heaven. Lols
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by emperorblog(m): 9:19am On Sep 30, 2018
They should sack their head if marketing department. All these clueless banks to keep money there now is even scary. When they come with all ds unreasonable policies and adverts my brother liquidation comes to mind.
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Martin0(m): 9:32am On Sep 30, 2018
Dry copy cats @ FCMB ,they should go and learn from sterling and Union bank handlers undecided

sent you something oogrin
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Nobody: 9:36am On Sep 30, 2018
Who go be the branch manager

Lala of course grin grin grin
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Nobody: 10:01am On Sep 30, 2018
good a thing it is just a mere believe not founded. as urself who even saw that heaven and who has been there b4. this human mind and nothing more. God story is scam and heave and hell are lies

God story is not scam. You didn't create yourself and neither can you control natural affairs like rain, sun e.t.c. we couldn't prevent ourselves from dieing and we couldn't raise the dead. There is someone above and beyond who control all affairs.
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Twoclans(f): 10:36am On Sep 30, 2018

sent you something oogrin

Ur problem is that you have too many girlfriends, biko its not me you sent anything to maybe its kia or all those que.en monikers . tongue tongue

Happy Sunday darlyn kiss

1 Like

Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Evince(m): 10:40am On Sep 30, 2018
have u seen that something b4? it is a pure scam. b4 the current god story, that has been diff god stories and they gradually modify it to what we have today. I dont worship any fucking god. here in chevron such question was even asked who believe in existence of god only the nigerians raised hand while all the whites who happen to be our oga them refuted it as scam

God story is not scam. You didn't create yourself and neither can you control natural affairs like rain, sun e.t.c. we couldn't prevent ourselves from dieing and we couldn't raise the dead. There is someone above and beyond who control all affairs.
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Benekruku(m): 10:53am On Sep 30, 2018
Abeg what exactly person go dey do for heaven if its real Bow down and worship God all day forever

Baba, forget that thing

We go still dey fvck for that way

Igbo boys go still smuggle codiene, cocaine, crack, tramadol, Marijuana and every enter that way

Forget the fear

Cat fish and ISIEWU sey background

Music dey, Fela and Da grin are there already
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Gerrard59(m): 11:07am On Sep 30, 2018
Yet they only have one branch in the entire Ondo state.

Just like GT Bank in Akwa Ibom state.
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Culin(f): 11:29am On Sep 30, 2018
All these baby banks sef, their social media handler is more active than their branches.
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by panicacid: 12:43pm On Sep 30, 2018
No wonder a friend once told me that the dead banks with fcmb
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Over10(f): 12:51pm On Sep 30, 2018
angry uh awon werey
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by saintneo(m): 1:07pm On Sep 30, 2018
Publicity stunt
Very Lame publicity stunt
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Edum13656: 1:29pm On Sep 30, 2018
this is blasphemy
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by McBrooklyn(m): 2:51pm On Sep 30, 2018
Dry AF...
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by AfDapone: 4:49pm On Sep 30, 2018
There is no banking in heaven.
Then where does all the tithes go?
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Ghedo99(m): 6:28pm On Sep 30, 2018
Who go be the branch manager
dat 1 weak me o
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Ghostmode2two(m): 7:38pm On Sep 30, 2018
Blasphemy is some places
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Martin0(m): 9:13pm On Sep 30, 2018

Ur problem is that you have too many girlfriends, biko its not me you sent anything to maybe its kia or all those que.en monikers . tongue tongue

Happy Sunday darlyn kiss
eh grin na wa ooo, see scope wey you take dey entergrin
Re: FCMB Wants To Open A Branch for Their Customers In Heaven by Evince(m): 2:07pm On Oct 21, 2018
Your ideology on how the world works is quite laughable and mundane but I’m going to pretend I didn’t notice how ill-informed, brainwashed and indoctrinated by the society you are, I’ll proceed to answer your questions/dysfunctional opinions stated herein.

Yes I only believe in what can be re-demonstrated and proven with irrefutable evidence after rigorous peer-review and not what I’m told by somebody who was told by somebody who was also told by someone else, which is the syndrome that afflicts most Nigerians. Juju as you call it is a myth but to the untrained eye it’s as real as it gets.

Voodoo, charms, black magic, juju are all words used by unintelligible illiterate black Africans (mostly) who wouldn’t reason for themselves even if their lives depended on it, they hold on to bronze-age beliefs passed on to them from their ancestors who didn’t know how to cure common cold because they had no antibiotics, they didn’t know where the sun went at night because they know not what revolution and rotation of the earth on its axis is, they wonder what rain, thunder and lightning is because they don’t know that when a positively charged cloud gets in contact with a negatively charged cloud it discharges electrons which can be seen in form of a bright streak across the sky. They have no idea what these things are so they are in awe and have no choice but to worship it and sometimes go a step further to worship it by way of libations and ceremonial rituals to appease it. Today we know what all these things are because they’ve all been demystified by science but yet some people exactly like you are still holding on to the era of the stone age despite being in the 21st century. Attributing things to an imaginary deity while holding a phone in your hand which integrates more than 20 different technologies in it simply implies the biggest irony of our time, an unfortunate anomaly.

Nothing flows from the inexistent spiritual to the physical (you wish it did but it doesn’t and if you can prove it does then you can be a recipient of a Nobel award). The physical is all there is (sorry to burst your little bubble).

Do you even know the history behind your Christianity? (All religions of the world are equally as silly as the next religion but for this purpose let’s take your choice religion, Christianity, as a case study). Have you ever heard of Emperor Constantine and how he held this epic meeting bringing together all priests and Heads of different religions at the time, sat them down and ask all of them to formulate one single religion to unify all of the pagans together. That day many pagan religions were fused together and the name Christianity was adopted. All those who didn’t approve of it were executed immediately, these are historically verifiable facts, read about “The meeting at Nicea”. Your religion is a joke which was handcrafted by men like yourself and forced on people for thousands of years by burning unbelievers at the stake and always keeping the next generation of adults indoctrinated from birth by immediately instilling religious dogma in them from birth so at an early age they already have developed “Cognitive dissonance”

Isn’t it funny that your parents are Christians and youre also a Christian. Your religion is the right one while that of others are all wrong … but this is what all Muslims, Buddhists, Zoroastrian etc. also say, mine is right while every other person’s own is wrong.

Geography, your religion is a function of the geographical location you were born. If you were born in Pakistan, today you’ll be defending your variant of Islamic faith till your last breath.

Let me quote you, “…This is why Christians pray…”

Yes they do pray but their prayers lacks efficacy and it’s redundant by all standards once you step out of your confined mental box to really look at it. Remember all the hashtags, pray for London, pray for Amsterdam, pray for Cote de voire, pray for Paris, pray for Turkey, pray for nice, pray for Brussels, pray for Paris (again), pray Kenya but again and again the events still keep resurfacing because the prayers aren’t working (there are many applicable slimy excuses on God’s behalf but none of it is plausible). Surely by now someone would have already thought of averting it from happening by praying proactively and giving us a society with a perfect system and harmony, but no, reality hits, it happens again and again till we run out of hashtags.

Prayer is an illusion which makes you feel you’ve played your part in something by closing your eyes, muttering words to yourself while communicating with a man tucked away in the sky billions of miles away. In reality, your intergalactic super cosmic chit-chat boils down to zilch, zero, nothing. It’s all imagination and a laughable practice.

Science have been able to eradicate many diseases, most recent was polio. But, billions of hands clasped together in prayers were not able to eradicate any disease for thousands of years until science came along. Hence, a single hand in the science lab shaking and mixing burettes and pipettes is much productive than billions of hands held together in prayers.

I’m still surprise you don’t know that Christianity is a pagan religion majorly remodeled after Mithraism, same wine new bottle. You talk about juju worshippers carrying out ritualistic sacrifices but you forgot that eating of bread and drinking of wine is an actual ritual where real flesh and wine were eaten by worshippers in the past until it was reformed by modern Christians into what it is today because it would look grotesque in these times. Talking about sacrifices, read your bible and find out how many times your lord your God asked for sacrifice, I mean human sacrifice, spilling of human blood to his glory. It’s quite numerous if you navigate your bible well enough or just do an online search if you’re too lazy to read the whole book. Even the devil in the bible never sacrificed anything (though the devil is also an imaginary being just like God, Jesus, demons angels etc.). Theological scholars and statisticians have been able to peg the amount of people killed by God in the bible in comparison with amount killed by Satan. Guess what, God killed 2.5 million people (excluding those who died in the flood) while the devil killed 10 people (family of Job: he took a bet with God regarding Job and got permission from God to do the killings). So who is the bad guy between both imaginary creatures? All pseudo-facts here were retrieved from your fairy-tale book called the bible which shows your God is a blood thirsty psychopath or a monster compared to the devil (despite both being work of fiction).

Read about “Flavius Josephus”, the Jewish scholar who was coerced by the Roman Empire to write the book of the gospels and create an agreeable character called Jesus Christ. Yes his pen created your lord and savior. This was forced on the citizens for centuries until all traces of the scam was lost, unless you read history books and see for yourself which you might not want to in order not to tarnish your delusion.

I quote you again “…either you’re serving Jehovah God or you’re serving the devil ”

Well, do you know how many religions exist in the world? There are about 3700 religions and Gods out there being worshipped but yours happen to be the correct one, how lucky of you. Do you know how many denominations the Christian faith has? I bet you don’t, it about 40,000 denominations (go Google it). So being born a Christian isn’t enough you still have to push your luck further and make sure you’re born into the right denomination or you risk hell fire (more fiction). I hope you’re in the right sect otherwise this would have been for nothing.

It’s all superstition to believe a man was made of mud, the whole world was created from nothing but the incoming woman had to be cloned from a rib bone and a talking snake (seriously?) deceived this woman to eat some fruit which made us all sinners … the story is out rightly comical, might as well have been written by a circus clown, that’s how funny it is if you had grown to the age of 19 and this story was presented to you for the first time. But since it was told to you since infancy you take it as true. If you step outside your dogma you might even notice how silly it is even right now.

If I told you that a donkey spoke to me you would instantly conclude that I’m crazy or you’ll ask to see the donkey yourself for evidence, hence you dismissed me on some rational grounds. But the minute you read it from the bible, rationality goes straight out the window and you believe in talking snakes and donkeys. So you believe in an ancient book written by ancient goat herders without evidence rather than your own critical reasoning.

It’s also superstition when washing of sins needs a human sacrifice (I’m talking of human ritual), nailing someone to a cross to remove sins is actually human ritual, which is what your God practices. Also it’s stupid to feel that one act can affect the other, how can the death of someone on a cross affect the cleansing of sin? What’s the correlation? This requires ignorant gullible people to believe, as a rational mind cant process the depth of foolishness involved to accept this as fact.

You called me gullible. Biggest laugh I’ve had in a long while. How is it that I’m the gullible one? You’re the one who believes ridiculous things like a girl supposedly a virgin magically delivers a baby boy by way surrogacy, this baby happens to be the son of God, this son also happens to be God himself also (talking about trinity, do you know the whole trinity thing and resurrection was only recently added to the bible by some monks less than a thousand years ago, it wasn’t there before). He died to wash away sin yet people still sin till this very day, how pathetic. How else do you define gullibility other than a bunch of people giving their money to a self-acclaimed minister of God for him to read from a book you all have a copy of once a week.

Nigeria loses over 20 percent of its internally and externally generated revenue to pastors who fleece more than 40 percent of the population with tax-free returns. Imagine billions of naira being lost all around the nation every Sunday, if these monies were diversified elsewhere we would be in the same league with irreligious countries like Japan, Sweden, Denmark etc. all their monies circulates within the economy and they just keep prospering. Our economy is being raped in the guise of religion.

Religion is make-believe.

Science is evidence-based.

Why don’t we see pastors in hospitals healing people in droves and emptying clinics off their patients? We see only doctors there using equipment and apparatuses provided by science because prayers won’t heal (forget the show you see on TV) you need drugs provided by science despite having faith as huge as a mountain in your choice deity. Since you like make-believe so much then just remain encased in your cocoon called religion and dream on. Zero advantage to be derived from it in the real world.

I don’t blame people like you and how you view the world because science is hard so why not believe the most simplistic tailor-made answer; Genesis 1:1 God create the heavens and the earth. Period. Ponder no more. Now, you don’t need to bother about finding out about “Abiogenesis” which is a tougher story to digest, no need to read heaps of science books, rather stick to that book written to keep you deluded for life.

God didn’t create man.

Man created God.

Man created god to explain away all the difficult questions.

Imagine 5000 years ago, a prehistoric man sees lightning zipping across the sky and even this lightning to his bewilderment strikes trees and causes fire. He had no explanation for this, so he begins to revere lightning, next he begins to worship trees struck by lightning, he worships rivers, rocks, sculptures and calls it God. Now, he passes this practice his sons and daughters, who also passes it on to their sons and daughters and now it has been passed to you through the ages (it has gone through many, reformations, reinterpretations, customizations, diversification etc.) and now you are going to pass it on to your sons and daughters too, they’re also going to pass it on too and it goes on like that. It’s the oldest running scam in history ever since medieval politicians understood the massive gains and benefit they could acquire from people’s gullibility (Read about: “East meets West” Greeks and Roman politicians partner up to form the biggest religion, Christianity)

Also, whenever you catch yourself quoting the bible like you did earlier, just know it’s all “circular reasoning”, the worse of its kind.

How do you know the bible is true?
Because it’s the word of God.
How do you know it’s the word of God?
Because it’s written in the bible.
How do you know the bible is true?
Because it’s the word of God.
How do you know it’s the word of God?
Because it’s written in the bible.

Circular reasoning because each need the other to prove the other and can’t be proven independently. Both of which, God and the bible has no irrefutable evidence to back its claim of existence and infallibility respectively. Since God has been camera shy for the last 2000 years and only resides in peoples heart it would be pretty tough to prove if he exists.

And as for the slavery thing you spoke about, you don’t want to get me started on that slavery write-up you made which was riddled with erroneous assumptions, it would only open up a different can of worms unfavorable to your argument.

Enough has been said.

Rise above superstition!

God story is not scam. You didn't create yourself and neither can you control natural affairs like rain, sun e.t.c. we couldn't prevent ourselves from dieing and we couldn't raise the dead. There is someone above and beyond who control all affairs.

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