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Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? - Health - Nairaland

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Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by justinajp: 11:55pm On Oct 06, 2018
I have read in several places that if a pregnant woman consume (alcohol ) liquor during pregnancy , it poses a lot of risk to the baby , a sister of mine when she was about 2 and half months pregnant ingested(drank) a small plastic bottle (40%) alcoholic content of Captain Jack after which she took some water , she is 5 months pregnant now and has not been taking any form of liquor , she was not taking alcohol before that incident and has not been taking alcohol after the incident , my question now is does she have anything to worry about since it was just a once that it happened ?? and she has since abstained after serious warning from trying such again . i appreciate meaningful contribution . from our health experts .

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Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by justinajp: 11:55pm On Oct 06, 2018
lalastical Note please
Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by phrancys001(m): 11:59pm On Oct 06, 2018
No cause for alarm


Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by Nobody: 12:22am On Oct 07, 2018
Case of deform to be alarmed

Make she no go born deformed baby

My aunty in Abuja drank alcohol when she was pregnant like she wanted to remove the baby

She end up giving birth to a cripple baby

The baby is 4 years now but still like a new born baby

I pray nothing happens to your own IJN


Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by switch47(m): 7:47am On Oct 07, 2018
Case of deform to be alarmed grin

Make she no go born deformed baby
why the funny face, this is a serious matter and not a joke

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Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by dominique(f): 9:36am On Oct 07, 2018
I don't think there should be any cause for alarm. Chances of birthing a baby with foetal alcohol syndrome are slim to none because she consumed the liquor once.

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Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by useed(m): 9:46am On Oct 07, 2018
I have read in several places that if a pregnant woman consume (alcohol ) liquor during pregnancy , it poses a lot of risk to the baby , a sister of mine when she was about 2 and half months pregnant ingested(drank) a small plastic bottle (40%) alcoholic content of Captain Jack after which she took some water , she is 5 months pregnant now and has not been taking any form of liquor , she was not taking alcohol before that incident and has not been taking alcohol after the incident , my question now is does she have anything to worry about since it was just a once that it happened ?? and she has since abstained after serious warning from trying such again . i appreciate meaningful contribution . from our health experts .

Every substance is a poison the dose differentiates a poison from what is not--- Paracelsus. I av every right to believe your sister is okay and you have nothing to worry about because
1. She is not a chronic alcoholic, from what you wrote
Above that is her first time, the body will find a way to neutralize this toxins ( alcohol)
2. You also pointed out that she took a small plastic bottle of alcohol after which she also took water. She is safe if she doesn't return back to bottle.

Digressing a little bit, scientist believed that a bottle of alcohol a day is good for the body, the problem is that we abuse it, although the former was proved recently in August that no amount of alcohol is good . (lancet 23 August , 2018).

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Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by justinajp: 11:41am On Oct 07, 2018

Every substance is a poison the dose differentiates a poison from what is not--- Paracelsus. I av every right to believe your sister is okay and you have nothing to worry about because
1. She is not a chronic alcoholic, from what you wrote
Above that is her first time, the body will find a way to neutralize this toxins ( alcohol)
2. You also pointed out that she took a small plastic bottle of alcohol after which she also took water. She is safe if she doesn't return back to bottle.

Digressing a little bit, scientist believed that a bottle of alcohol a day is good for the body, the problem is that we abuse it, although the former was proved recently in August that no amount of alcohol is good . (lancet 23 August , 2018).
i very much appreciate you for taking out time to write a well thought out helpful response, she took two sachets of pure water immediately i told her about the danger involved she took it because it tasted nice (LOL) and she has not tasted such since then, thank you for your kind words of advise.


Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by justinajp: 11:45am On Oct 07, 2018
I don't think there should be any cause for alarm. Chances of birthing a baby with foetal alcohol syndrome are slim to none because she consumed the liquor once.
many thanks i appreciate . i tagged lalastical because i believe this topic will help educate others as well to completely avoid alcohol when pregnant .
Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by Liliyann(f): 12:26pm On Oct 07, 2018
Nothing wrong in taking alcohol during pregnancy!!
I know someone that drinks beer anytime she is pregnant!!


Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by spartoo: 12:26pm On Oct 07, 2018
Case of deform to be alarmed grin

Make she no go born deformed baby

My own na say make she no go born Alcoholic
Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by slawomir: 12:26pm On Oct 07, 2018
is all good bro
nothing to worry about

what about those pregnant urhobo women in the village that do zip enough chegbe(hot gin).


Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by Realisticallyme: 12:27pm On Oct 07, 2018

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Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by Nobody: 12:27pm On Oct 07, 2018
Ordinary 9month to avoid flexing for an Innocent soul, u cannot...Shame on u


Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by 7GaLaXy7(m): 12:28pm On Oct 07, 2018
Since it's once there's no need to worry na

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Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by eleojo23: 12:28pm On Oct 07, 2018
Fetal alcoholic syndrome not likely to occur since she just took it once.

The chances are high for women who are alcoholics.


Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by Nobody: 12:29pm On Oct 07, 2018
One of my hair stylist told me she took kai kai very well when she was pregnant and she ended up with a stubborn child, that her daughter is really stubborn.


Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by DWJOBScom(m): 12:29pm On Oct 07, 2018
Was she trying to abort the pregnancy??
Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by dayleke: 12:29pm On Oct 07, 2018
i very much appreciate you for taking out time to write a well thought out helpful response, she took two sachets of pure water immediately i told her about the danger involved she took it because it tasted nice (LOL) and she has not tasted such since then, thank you for your kind words of advise.

Tasted nice?
Was that part of her cravings?
I know about other cravings for pregnant women but alcohol is definitely not one of them.

She shall be okay las las noni.


Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by englishmart(m): 12:30pm On Oct 07, 2018
I take alcohol everyday, yet I'm not worried.

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Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by Austema(m): 12:30pm On Oct 07, 2018
Well, but one thing is certain; she is going to give birth to a drunkard


Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by Nobody: 12:30pm On Oct 07, 2018
Taking alcohol during pregnancy could cause fetal alcohol syndrome
When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, some of that alcohol easily passes across the placenta to the fetus. The body of a developing fetus doesn’t process alcohol the same way as an adult does. The alcohol is more concentrated in the fetus, and it can prevent enough nutrition and oxygen from getting to the fetus’s vital organs.
Damage can be done in the first few weeks of pregnancy when a woman might not yet know that she is pregnant. The risk increases if the mother is a heavy drinker.
According to many studies, alcohol use appears to be most harmful during the first three months of pregnancy. However, consumption of alcohol any time during pregnancy can be harmful,


Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by simbol(f): 12:31pm On Oct 07, 2018
Nothing to worry about.just make sure she doesn't take any again.


Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by Moneyspeakingz: 12:32pm On Oct 07, 2018
na u b the fada of the pikin?y u dey take panadol over anoda man headache? something tells me something is wrong some where
Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by Nobody: 12:34pm On Oct 07, 2018

Every substance is a poison the dose differentiates a poison from what is not--- Paracelsus. I av every right to believe your sister is okay and you have nothing to worry about because
1. She is not a chronic alcoholic, from what you wrote
Above that is her first time, the body will find a way to neutralize this toxins ( alcohol)
2. You also pointed out that she took a small plastic bottle of alcohol after which she also took water. She is safe if she doesn't return back to bottle.

Digressing a little bit, scientist believed that a bottle of alcohol a day is good for the body, the problem is that we abuse it, although the former was proved recently in August that no amount of alcohol is good . (lancet 23 August , 2018).


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Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by MrBONE2(m): 12:34pm On Oct 07, 2018
Da SiSi gat to seriously worried cos she is going to give birth to a DRUNKY MASTER grin

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Re: Alcohol & Pregnancy: Any Cause For Worry If The Expectant Mother Took It Once? by ladyprosper: 12:35pm On Oct 07, 2018
No problem dear....just don’t take it again

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