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Christianity Has Lost The Light - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 8:38pm On Nov 18, 2018
Thank you, Lord. I am forever grateful.”
“Angels, put a crown on this person.”
“Lord, it is more than enough that You have saved me. The crown would be just too much for me. Thank you. I am so grateful that You saved me. I am more than satisfied just to live in Your presence.”
“Angels, kneel down and take this 10,000th son of Mine on your back.”
The angels answer, “Yes, Sir.” “Please get on my back.”
“It’s so comfortable. Am I doing this right?
Let’s get going.” The angel takes careful steps. “Would you like to go for a walk?”
“Wow, it is so beautiful here. How big is this place?”
“I have been going all over the place for several billion years, but I have yet to find its end.”
“Is that true? I must be getting heavy for you. You can put me down now.”
“We never run out of energy up here.”
“Thank you, but I want to stand on the ground of the kingdom of Heaven. Now where are all the righteous who arrived before me?”
" They are over there.” “Let’s go over.” Hallelujah!

They hug each other and smile and live happily ever after.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 9:43pm On Nov 19, 2018
Now imagine that a man who believes in Jesus but is still a sinner dies and stands before God. He also says that he believes in Jesus and admits that he is a sinner.

God says, “See if this man’s name is written in the Book of Life.” “It is not in the Book, Lord.” “Then look in the Book of Works.” “His name and his sins are in here.” “Then send this man to the place where he will never have to worry about the cost of fuel, and let him live there forever.” “Oh, Lord, it is so unfair...” He says it is unfair.

Why should he be sent to hell even though he believed in Jesus so fervently? The reason is that he was deceived by Satan and he only listened to half the truth of the gospel. If we misunderstand the true meaning of the redemption of Jesus, we will end up in hell, too.

This man believed in Jesus, yet he was deceived by Satan and thought he was a sinner. If he had heard the true gospel, he would have realized that his belief was wrong. But he failed to believe due to his egotistical attachment to his own mistaken beliefs. If you want to go to the kingdom of Heaven, you must believe in being born again of water and the Spirit. As it is written in Matthew 3:15, “for thus” Jesus took away all the sins of the world. You must believe in the salvation of the water and the blood.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 9:58pm On Nov 20, 2018
Whose names are recorded in the Book of Works? The names of those who have sin in their heart are recorded there.

If you choose to believe anything, like a good-natured person who never refuses another’s request, you may end up in hell. There are many good-natured people in hell, but in Heaven, there are true fighters who fought for what they believe in. Those who are in Heaven knew that they were sinners who were destined to go to hell and gratefully believed that their sins were washed away through the baptism and the blood of Jesus.

It is said that there are mounds of ears and mouths in Heaven. Because many people believe in the redemption of Jesus with only their mouths or ears, God throws the rest of their bodies into the burning fires of sulphur. Imagine that one who believes in Jesus but still has sin in his heart stands before God and says, “Lord, people called me righteous because I believed in Jesus, even though I still had sin in my heart. I believed that You would also look on me as sinless. That is what I learned and what I believed. I only believed as many people do. It was the most widely accepted belief where I come from.”

The Lord replies. “I cannot forgive those who have sin in their hearts. I washed away all your sins with the blessing of being born again of water and the Spirit. But you refused to believe in it. Angels! Throw this insolent man into the fires of hell.”
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 8:40pm On Nov 21, 2018
ANYONE WHO BELIEVES IN JESUS but STILL THINKS HE HAS SIN IN HIS HEART WILL END UP IN HELL. Listen to the true gospel of redemption and be delivered from all sin. Otherwise, you will burn in hell.

To say that you are sinless when you have sin in your heart is to deceive God. We can see how much difference there is between sinners and the righteous in the end. You will realize why I implore you to be redeemed. You will see the difference between those who believe in complete redemption (the baptism of Jesus and His death on the Cross) and those who do not when you stand on the crossroads to Heaven and hell. It will make a big difference. Some will enter into the kingdom of Heaven but others will go to hell.

DO YOU believe IN JESUS BUT STILL REMAIN A SINNER? Then you should realize that you ought to be born again of water and the Spirit. God sends those who have sin in their hearts to hell. Only those who believe in the complete forgiveness of sin can enter the kingdom of Heaven. DO IT RIGHT NOW. If you put it off, it may be too late. Be ready in advance. Before you end up in hell, believe in the redemption of the water and the Spirit and become sanctified.

Glory be to our Lord Jesus! We thank Him for His graciousness in making us SINNERS RIGHTEOUS. Hallelujah!
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 9:22pm On Nov 24, 2018

Can our sins be blotted out by repentant prayer? No, it is thoroughly impossible. That is one of the ways Satan deceives us.

Let’s read 1 John 2:1-2. “My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.” Can you see what is written here? Is there anyone who believes but still has sin in his heart? If you have sin in your heart but tell God that you do not, you are deceiving Him. And you are deceiving yourself, too.

But if you truly understand Jesus and believe what He did to wash away all sins at the Jordan, you will be completely free of sin. You can then say, “Lord, I was born again with water and the Spirit in You. I have no sin. I can stand before You without shame.” Then the Lord will reply. “Yes, you are right. As Abraham believed in Me and believed himself to be righteous, you are also righteous because I washed away all your sins.”
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 9:22pm On Nov 27, 2018
But consider a man who still has sin in his heart even though he believes in Jesus. He says, “Because I believe in Jesus, I will go to Heaven even if I have a little sin in my heart.” He wants so much to be admitted to Heaven that he tries to resist while standing before the judgment seat, but he will still end up in hell. Why? He didn’t know the blessed gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit.

Everyone should confess that he is a sinner during his days on earth. “I am a sinner. I will go to hell. Please save me.” A sinner is not redeemed with repentant prayers. Rather, he has to admit that he is a sinner and accept the redemption of the water and the Spirit to be delivered. He can only become RIGHTEOUS through the redemption of the water and the Spirit. It is false gospel to insist that only original sin is forgiven in Jesus and we should repent our actual sins to obtain salvation. This leads us straight to hell. So many believers doom themselves to hell by believing this false gospel and this tendency is even more prevalent these days. Would you know it if you had fallen into false gospel? Can you still be a debtor even after paying all your debts?

Think about it. If you still consider yourself a sinner while believing in Jesus, can it be said that you believe in Him properly? Are you a believer and sinner, or are you a believer and a righteous man? You can choose for yourself. You can either believe that all your sins are forgiven, or you can believe that you should repent every day for your transgressions. Your choice will determine whether you go to Heaven or hell. You have to heed the evangelist who tells you the true gospel.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 5:25am On Nov 30, 2018
Those who believe in false gospel still pray for the forgiveness of sins at every dawn prayer meeting, every Wednesday service, every Friday all-night prayer in a bid to wash away their sins. “Lord, I have sinned. I have sinned this week,” they say. Then they remember the sins of years ago and pray again for His forgiveness. That is defying the blessed gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit.

The wages of our sins must be paid for with blood. Hebrews 9:22 says , “Without shedding of blood there is no remission.” If you think you have sin, then are you asking Him to bleed for you again? Those who don’t believe in the complete redemption are guilty of turning the redemption of Jesus into a lie. They are in fact insisting that Jesus did not deliver us once and for all and that He is a liar. To be redeemed in Jesus, you have to believe in the truth of the redemption of the water and the Spirit.

Can you really be forgiven for sins with hundreds, thousands, millions of prayers? The TRUE GOSPEL redeems us once and for all. Become righteous, go to the kingdom of Heaven, and live a righteous life for all time.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 11:45am On Dec 03, 2018

Due to book shortages, the NLM workers has been unable to distribute any book for few weeks, but the books are currently available. So if you desire to have a copy of the FREE gospel books sent to you, then simply send your details; NAME, NUMBER AND ADDRESS TO 08135683431. The books are usually sent through post office or transport services and when it arrives to your location, the workers will call you to come and collect it. YOU ARE NOT TO PAY A DIME TO ANYONE AT ALL. Both the books and delivery are done absolutely FREE of charge.


Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 11:24pm On Dec 03, 2018
♪I live a new life in Jesus. The past is over and I have become a new creature. The wasted past has gone away. O, Jesus is my true life. I live a new life in Jesus.♪ You live a new life in Jesus. Regardless of whether you do not look as handsome as you would like to, whether you are too short, or a little too fat around the middle, those who are blessed with the gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit live a happy life. What does it matter that your nose isn’t the ideal shape, or that you are a little short?

Because we are not perfect, we are saved by believing in being born again of water and the Spirit in Jesus. But those who are conceited will end up in hell. Thank you, Lord. I always give thanks to the Lord. Because we believe in being born again of water and the Spirit, we will be welcomed in Heaven.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 8:25pm On Dec 07, 2018

Who will receive a crown of righteousness in the end? He who overcomes the untruth.

The untruth tells us that we have to repent every day to be forgiven, but the gospel of the water and the Spirit tells us that we are already completely forgiven and all we have to do is believe it. Which is the truth? Do we have to repent every day? Or is it right to believe that Jesus delivered us when He was baptized in the most fitting manner to take away all our sins? The truth is that Jesus took away our sins once and for all and in this proper way offered us salvation.

We have to triumph over the untruth in the spiritual war. Many people follow the untruth. “And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, ‘These things says He who has the sharp two-edged sword: I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is’” (Revelation 2:12-13). “To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it” (Revelation 2:17).
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 6:55pm On Dec 15, 2018

God cannot help anyone who hears and knows the truth of salvation of the water and the Spirit but doesn’t believe it. Such a person will surely end up in hell. Everyone has to decide for himself whether to believe in the salvation of Jesus.
Nobody kneels before you, begging you to believe and be delivered. If you want to be saved from sin, then believe in the salvation of the water and the Spirit. If you feel thankful for His love in salvation and His grace in saving us, then believe it.

If you are a sinner destined to go to hell, then believe in the water and the Spirit, the baptism of Jesus and His death on the Cross. THEN YOU WILL BECOME RIGHTEOUS. If you think you are not a sinner, you do not have to be redeemed by believing in Jesus. Only sinners are delivered from all sins by believing in the gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit. Jesus is the Savior of sinners and Consoler of the troubled. He is the Creator. He is the Master of Love.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 10:16pm On Dec 17, 2018
I sincerely urge you to believe in the gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit. Believe in it. You can be sure that Jesus will be Savior, Friend, Shepherd and God to you. Sinners should believe in Jesus. If you don’t want to end up in hell, you must believe it.

God does not beg us to believe the gospel of salvation. Do you want to be admitted to Heaven? Then believe in the gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit. Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. Believe in Me.” Are you saying that you want to be thrown into hell? Then do not believe. He says He has already prepared a place in hell for you.

God does not beg. A merchant welcomes people indiscriminately in a bid to sell his wares, but God gives the kingdom of Heaven for free only to those who are redeemed. God is Just. People say that the end of the world is near. Yes, I also think so. And it is foolish not to believe in the true gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit. Believe in the salvation of the blessed gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit. Let’s go together to the kingdom of Heaven. Won’t you go with me to the dwelling place of Jesus?
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 11:34am On Dec 19, 2018
ARE YOU a SINNER or a RIGHTEOUS man? A RIGHTEOUS man who has no sin in his heart.

Let us read from Romans 8:1-2. “There is therefore now NO CONDEMNATION to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” Jesus took away all our sins through His baptism and His death on the Cross. He saved all sinners who had to be judged for their sins.

God’s salvation consists of two things. One is the LAW and the other is His LOVE. The Law teaches us that we are sinners. According to the Law, the wages of sin is death. We can’t be saved by the Law. It only teaches us our sinful nature and fate. It lets us know that we are sinners.

To pay the wages of sin, Jesus came down to this world, took away all our sins and paid for them with his life to save us from judgment. It is the love of God that saved us from all sin. We must triumph over the untruth. God gives the blessing of being born again of water and the Spirit to those who overcome the untruth. We are saved by believing in Jesus. By believing in His words, we achieve righteousness and understand the truth

Believe in the truth of being born again of water and the Spirit in your hearts, and you will be saved.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 3:37pm On Dec 22, 2018

Heb 7:11-19
Therefore, IF PERFECTION WERE THROUGH THE LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD (for under it the people received the law), what further need was there that another priest should rise according to the order of Melchizedek, and not be called according to the order of Aaron. For the priesthood being changed, of necessity there is also a CHANGE OF THE LAW. For He of whom these things are spoken belongs to another tribe, from which no man has officiated at the altar.

For it is evident that our Lord arose from Judah, of which tribe Moses spoke nothing concerning priesthood. And it is yet far more evident if, in the likeness of Melchizedek, there arises another priest who has come, not according to THE LAW OF a FLESHLY COMMANDMENT, but according to the power of an endless life. For He testifies: ‘You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.’ For on the one hand there is an annulling of the former commandment because of its weakness and unprofitableness, FOR THE LAW MADE NOTHING PERFECT ; on the other hand, there is the bringing in of a better hope, through which we draw near to God.

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Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 12:05pm On Dec 24, 2018

Who is SUPERIOR, the high priest Melchizedek or the earthly high priest of the order of Aaron? The high priest Melchizedek.

In the Old Testament, there was a high priest named Melchizedek. In the time of Abraham, Chedorlaomer and the kings allied with him, took away with them all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham armed his trained servants, who were born in his household, and led them into the war against Chedorlaomer and his allies. There, he defeated Chedorlaomer, the king of Elam, and the kings allied with him and brought back his nephew Lot and his possessions.

After Abraham returned from defeating his enemies, Melchizedek, King of Salem and the priest of God Most High, brought out bread and wine and blessed Abraham. And Abraham gave him a tenth of everything (Genesis chapter 14). In the Bible, the greatness of the high priest Melchizedek and the high priests in his order is illustrated in detail. The high priest Melchizedek was “king of peace,” “king of righteousness,” without father, without mother, without genealogy. Having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, he remains a priest continually.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 6:22pm On Dec 27, 2018
The Bible tells us to consider carefully the GREATNESS of Jesus Christ, who was the high priest of the order of Melchizedek, by comparing the priesthood of Jesus of the New Testament and that of the high priest Aaron of the Old Testament.

The descendants of Levi became priests and collected a tithe from the people, that is, their brethren, even though they were descended from Abraham. But when Abraham gave tithe to the high priest Melchizedek, Levi was still in the loins of his father.

Were the priests of the Old Testament GREATER than Jesus? It is explained in the Bible. Is Jesus greater than the earthly high priests? Who should be blessed by whom? The writer of Hebrews talked about this from the beginning. “Now beyond all contradiction the lesser is blessed by the better.” Abraham was blessed through the high priest Melchizedek.

How are we to live in our faith? Should we rely on the commandments of God through the sacrificial system of the holy tabernacle of the Old Testament, or should we rely on Jesus Christ who came to us as the heavenly high priest through His sacrifice of the water and the Spirit? Depending on which interpretation we choose, we are either BLESSED or DAMNED. Do we live according to the word of God and offer sacrifices every day, or do we choose to believe in the salvation Jesus has given us by offering Himself once for all with water and blood? We have to choose one out of these two.

Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 10:21pm On Dec 29, 2018
Why did God SET ASIDE the first covenant and establish the second? Because man was too weak to live according to the first covenant.

In the Bible, the people of Israel took an oath to live by the commandments of God in the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. God proclaimed each commandment to them and they said “Yes” to every commandment without hesitation. However, we can see that after Deuteronomy, from Joshua on, they have never lived according to the commandments of God. From Judges on to 1 Kings and 2 Kings, they began to discredit their leaders, and afterwards, they had decayed as much as to change the sacrificial system of the holy tabernacle.

And finally in Malachi, they brought animals not fit to be offered despite God’s instruction to offer one without blemish. They asked the priests, “Please overlook it. Please accept this one.” Instead of offering sacrifices according to the law of God, they changed it arbitrarily. The people of Israel never kept the law of God completely even once in the time of the Old Testament. They forgot and simply ignored the salvation revealed in the system. Therefore God had to change the sacrificial system. In Jeremiah, God said, “I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.”
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 6:49pm On Dec 30, 2018
Let’s us look at Jeremiah 31:31-34. “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah―not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the Lord. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”

God said that He would make a new covenant. He had already made a covenant with the people of Israel, but they failed to live by the word of God. Thus, He decided to make a new covenant of salvation with His people. They had taken an oath before God, “We will worship only You and live by Your Words and commandments.” God had told them, “You shall have no other gods before Me,” and the people of Israel had said, “Sure, we would never worship any other god. You are the only God to us. There can never be any other god to us.” But they failed to keep their oath.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 8:02pm On Dec 31, 2018
The core of the Law consists of the Ten Command- ments: “Do not have any other gods before Me. Do not make for yourself any carved or craven image, or any likeness of anything and bow down to them nor serve them. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Honor your father and your mother. You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house” (Exodus chapter 20).

It is also subdivided into 613 detailed articles which were to be kept throughout their lives. “What not to do to daughters, and what not to do to sons, what to do to stepmothers....” The law of God commanded them to do all good things and not to do any evil things. These are the Ten Commandments and 613 detailed articles.

However, AMONG ALL OF HUMANKIND, there has not been even one person who could keep all the articles of His Law. Therefore God had to determine ANOTHER WAY for them to be saved from all their sins.

Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 3:20pm On Jan 03, 2019

After Jesus came to this world, the priesthood changed. Jesus TOOK OVER the priesthood from all the priests of the order of Aaron. He SET ASIDE the sacrifice of the tabernacles that was the inherent right of the priests of the order of Levi.

He alone ministered the HEAVENLY HIGH PRIESTHOOD. He came to this world, not as a descendant of Aaron, but as the descendant of Judah, the house of kings. He offered Himself as a sacrifice through His BAPTISM and His BLOOD on the Cross and saved all of humankind from their sins. By offering Himself, He made it possible for us to resolve the problem of sin. He washed away all the sins of humankind through the sacrifice of His baptism and blood. He offered for all time one eternal sacrifice for all sin.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 8:43pm On Jan 04, 2019

What is the changed law of salvation? The one eternal sacrifice of Jesus Christ

Dear friends, the priesthood of the Old Testament was CHANGED in the New Testament. In the days of the Old Testament, the high priest among the descendants of Aaron, of the house of Levi, offered the sacrifice to atone for the Israelites’ sins over the past year. The high priest entered the Most Holy Place. He went before the mercy seat with the blood of the sacrificial animal.

Only the high priest could go beyond the veil, which was the Most Holy Place. But after the coming of Jesus, the priesthood of Aaron was passed on to Him. Jesus took over the eternal priesthood. He ministered the eternal priesthood by offering Himself, so that all of humankind could be saved from all their sins.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 12:32pm On Jan 07, 2019
In the Old Testament, the high priest also had to atone for his sins by laying his hands on the head of the bull before he could minister for all his people. He passed on his sins by the laying on of hands, saying, “God, I have sinned.” Then he killed the animal and sprinkled its blood on and in front of the mercy seat seven times.

If the high priest Aaron himself was not complete, you can imagine how infirm the people were. A son of Levi, the high priest Aaron himself was a sinner, so that he had to offer a bull to atone for his own sins and those of his family. The Lord said in Jeremiah chapter 31, “I shall break the covenant. I have made the covenant with you, but you have not kept it. Therefore I shall set aside the covenant that could not sanctify you and give you a new covenant of salvation. I shall no longer save you through My commandments, but rather offer you salvation through the gospel of the water and the Spirit.”
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 3:29pm On Jan 10, 2019
God gave us the NEW COVENANT. When the time came, Jesus came to this world in the likeness of man, offered Himself to take away the sins of the world and bled on the Cross to save us who believe in Him. He took away the sins of all of humankind through His BAPTISM. The law of God was set aside and replaced. The people of Israel could have been saved if they had lived according to the law of God, but they failed to do so. “For by the law is the knowledge of sin” (Romans 3:20).

God wanted the Israelites to realize that they were sinners and that the Law could not save them. He saved them through the law of salvation of the water and the Spirit, not through their works. In His infinite love, God gave us a new covenant by which we could be saved from all the sins of the world through the baptism and the blood of Jesus. If you believe in Jesus without knowing the meaning of His baptism and blood, all your faith is in vain. When you do that, you are more troubled than when you did not believe in Jesus at all.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 3:58pm On Jan 11, 2019
God said that He had to make a new covenant to save humankind from their sins. As a result, we are now saved not by the law of our works, but by the righteous law of salvation through the water and the blood. This was His eternal promise and He fulfilled His promise for us who believe in Jesus. And He told us about the greatness of Jesus. He told us how great He is by comparing Him to the priests of the order of Aaron in the Old Testament. We become special by believing in salvation through the water and the blood of Jesus.

Please consider this carefully. No matter how learned and well spoken your pastor is, how can he be greater than Jesus? There is no way. We can only be saved through the gospel of the water and the blood, never by simply obeying the commandments of God. Because the priesthood was changed, the law of salvation was also changed.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 10:58pm On Jan 16, 2019

Which one is superior, the love of God or the law of God? The love of God. We can only be saved when we believe in Jesus. Knowing how Jesus saved us, how great the love of God is for us. What then, is the difference between faith in the commandments and faith in the greatness of the love of God?

The LEGALISTS attach more importance on their own denominational doctrines and personal experiences than on God’s word. However, true and complete spiritual faith in Jesus comes about by believing in the greatness of the salvation fulfilled through the water and the Spirit.

Even today, many people say that original sin is forgiven, but that they have to repent every day for their daily sins. Many people believe this and try to live their lives according to the commandments of the OLD TESTAMENT. They are still unaware of the superiority of the salvation of Jesus that came by water and the Spirit.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 8:53pm On Jan 18, 2019
In the Old Testament, the Israelites had to live by the law of God to be saved from their sins, but they couldn’t be saved. Because the Lord knows our weaknesses and the fact that we are incomplete, He set aside His commandments. We can never be saved through our works alone.

Jesus said that He would save us through His gospel of the water and the Spirit. He said, “I shall deliver all of you from your sins Myself.” God prophesied thus in Genesis. “The Seed of woman shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel” (Genesis 3:15).

After Adam and Eve sinned and fell, they made garments of fig leaves in a bid to keep their sinfulness from God. But God called them and made garments of skin as a symbol of salvation. Genesis talks about two kinds of garments of salvation. One was made of fig leaves, and the other was made of skins. Which one do you think is better? Of course, garments of skins are better because the life of an animal was offered to protect man.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 8:26pm On Jan 28, 2019
Garments of fig leaves soon wither away. As you know, a fig leaf looks like a hand with five fingers. So, to put on a garment of fig leaves means to hide one’s sins behind good deeds. If you put on garments of fig leaves and sat down, the leaves would soon be torn to pieces. I used to make armor out of arrowroot leaves to play soldier when I was a child. But no matter how carefully I wore them, they would be torn apart by the end of the day.

In the same way, humankind’s fragile flesh makes sanctification impossible. But the salvation of the water and the blood, the baptism of Jesus and His death on the Cross saved more than enough sinners to testify to the greatness of the love of God. That is how superior the love of God is to the law of God.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 10:04am On Jan 30, 2019

Why do legalists make new garments with their works every day? Because they don’t know their works cannot make them righteous. Those who make their garments with fig leaves are leading legalistic lives. These misguided believers have to change their garments on a regular basis. They have to make new garments every Sunday when they go to church. “Dear God, I sinned so much last week. But Lord, I believe that You saved me on the Cross. Lord, please wash away my sins with the blood of the Cross!”

They sew up a new set of garments right then and there. “Oh, praise the Lord. Hallelujah!” But they soon have to make another set of garments at home. Why? Because their old ones have worn out. “Dear Lord, I have sinned again over the last three days. Please forgive me.”

They make and wear new garments of repentance again and again. In the beginning, the garments may last several days, but after a while, they need a new set every day. As they can never live by the law of God, they become ashamed of themselves. “Oh, this is so embarrassing. Lord, oh, Lord, I have sinned once again!” And they have to make new garments of repentance. “Oh, Lord, it is so difficult to make garments of fig leaves today.” They work so hard to sew up a new set.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 11:14pm On Feb 03, 2019
Whenever such people call out to the Lord, it is to confess their sins. They bite their lips and call out to God, “Go~d!” and keep making up new garments every day. Then, what happens when they get tired of it? Once or twice a year, they go up to the mountains and fast. They try and make stronger and more hard-wearing garments. “Lord, please wash away my sins. Please make me anew. I believe in You, Lord.”

They think it better to pray at night. So, they rest during the daytime and as soon as darkness falls, they hang on to trees with all their might, or go into dark caves and cry out to God. “Lord, I believe!” “♪I repent and fill my heart with a contrite mind♪” They pray loudly and shout, “I believe.” In this way they make special garments which they hope to last a long time, but they never do.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 11:03am On Feb 06, 2019
How invigorating it is to come down after mountain prayers! Like a refreshing breeze, or like a spring rain sprinkling over trees and flowers, their souls are filled with peace and the grace of the Almighty. Feeling purer than the spirit of the mountain, they face the world wearing their special new garments. But as soon as they get back to their house and church, and start living again, the garments get dirty and begin to wear out.

Their friends ask, “Where have you been?” “Well, I have been away for a while.” “You look like you lost some weight!” “Well, yes, but that’s another story.” They never divulge that they fasted, they just go to church and pray. “I shall never lust after women. I shall never lie. I shall not covet my neighbor’s house. I shall love all people.” But the moment they see a beautiful bosomy woman with slim legs, the holiness in their hearts changes instantly into pure lust. “Look how short that skirt is! Skirts are getting shorter and shorter! I’ve got to see those legs again! Oh! No! Oh, Lord! I have sinned again!”
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 10:21am On Feb 08, 2019
Legalists seem pious, but you should know that they have to make new garments every day. Legalism is the faith in garments of fig leaves, the wrong faith. Many people try so hard to live piously according to the law of God. They bellow at the top of their lungs on the mountains so that their voice begins to sound quite pious.

Legalists cut an impressive figure when they lead prayer meetings at church. “Holy Father in Heaven! We have sinned this past week. Please forgive us...” They break into tears and the rest of the congregation follow suit. They think to themselves, “He must have spent a long time in the mountains praying and fasting. He sounds so pious and faithful.” But because his faith is legalistic, even before the prayer ends, the legalist’s heart begins to fill with arrogance and sin.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 10:34am On Feb 12, 2019
When people make up special new garments of fig leaves, they may last as long as two or three months. But sooner or later, the garments become rags and they have to make up a new set and carry on with their hypocritical lives. This is the life of legalists who try to live up to the law in order to be saved. They have to continuously make new garments out of fig leaves.

Legalism is the faith of fig leaves. Legalists tell you, “You have all sinned over the past week, haven’t you? Then, repent.” They shout at you in a loud voice. “Repent! Pray!” A legalist knows how to make his voice sound holy. “Lord! I am sorry. I didn’t live by the Law. I didn’t keep Your commandments. Forgive me Lord, forgive me just once more.” They can never live by the Law even though they try valiantly to do so. In fact they are challenging the law of God and God Himself. They are arrogant before God.

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