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Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? - Computers (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by snazzydawn(f): 9:39am On May 13, 2006
Here in Uyo,there are three major ISPs(I hope thats what they are called)and we are connected to the one called Webcenta.I don't think it is dial up because we don't make ue of telephone lines to connect.It should be broadband then,I suppose(Istand to be corrected),it is really fast.The speed is like 11.0Mbps.The package is quite good.You buy the radio for 70 thousand naira,and py a monthly subscription fee of 10 thousand naira(24hrs).There is also the package for 12 hours---6am to 6pm.That one costs 5 thousand naira monthly.Good,huh?
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by chelsea4su(f): 7:05pm On Sep 26, 2006
please have read all coment but no solution to mine ,can i use this netcom for a cafe comprises of 7 system,and can it work at alakuko lagos
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by bioye(m): 9:05am On Sep 27, 2006
I have used Starcomms for months now, and I am satisfied with it. I used the 6pm to 12am and 6am to 6pm plans. I used MTS last year and it was real hell. I really want to know which is better between Multilinks and Starcomms. I was of the opinion that starcomms link is better though I dont really fancy their customer service whenever I go to their offices. Any comparison between Starcomms and Multilinks? I guess if I have more dow, I'll probably go for this netcom thingy,
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by Curiousboy(m): 9:55am On Sep 27, 2006
The Fact is that all the Internet service provider in Nigeria are not fast, they may be reliable but not fast because they get their internet from europe, which is pretty far and it losses all its speed, the only way to get fast internet in Nigeria is if u build our own DNS Server and then we don`t have to get internet from abroad anymore.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by Seun(m): 10:03am On Sep 27, 2006
The Multilinks Internet service used to be pretty fast and reliable, but now it's unreliable. Sometimes pages only load halfway and downloads take forever. Sometimes the connection goes off for several hours.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by bioye(m): 11:01am On Sep 27, 2006
Going by what you say, Seun, then Starcomms seems to be more reliable than Multilinks then. My starcomms link never goes off. And the download is quite stable. I get about 70kbps steady though the max is 230kbps.
I know this from my Task Manager - Networking window. So, can anyone check the speed for Multilinks? You can also do a speed test online at http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest.

Sometimes, the link might misbehave because of certain settings on your computer or phone so it pays to constantly call customer service for assistance.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by Kc0022000(m): 12:28pm On Sep 27, 2006

Damn !!! Those ISP or operators at killing Nigerians with prices.75,000 Naira for wireless modem, well , its a new market in Nigeria and they are there to explore the market, sey ma netgear and Zyxel router no go work 4 naija,l need internet 4 house also
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by graciella(f): 12:36pm On Sep 27, 2006
Have any of you heard of Alphatess integrated services? wiith branches in Lagos and Owerri, they offer internet services at a cheap and affordable prices. for more information, call 08039198549, 08027741829.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by luridguy(m): 4:17pm On Sep 27, 2006
i have used starcomms, and some others but my netcom still stands out its what i use thou you have to pay up to 80 k to start up but you have prices ranging from 6000 naira for 24 hours so its worth it
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by leketoye(m): 4:31pm On Sep 27, 2006
I dumped intercellular for multilinks just about a month ago. So far, I haven;t enjoyed their service. I'm disappointed.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by techie(m): 5:57pm On Sep 27, 2006
@ chelsea4su

I have deployed Netcom VSAT severally and found their service to be reliable and 'fast' but their wireles modem is for sinlge users only not for commercial purposes


The Fact is that all the Internet service provider in Nigeria are not fast, they may be reliable but not fast because they get their internet from europe, which is pretty far and it losses all its speed, the only way to get fast internet in Nigeria is if u build our own DNS Server and then we don`t have to get internet from abroad anymore.

@ Curiousboy

Yes it would be nice if we had our own DNS servers but that would only marginally increase our speed. What we need to do is to obey the golden rule of the Internet "Keep local traffic local" if all ISPs in Nigeria could interconnect like the telephone companies are doing we would have less problems. I think NCC should step up and make it a requirement for all ISPs to be interconnected.

Imagine what would hapen if each time you wanted to call Celtel from MTN it had to go to the USA through Europe then come back to Nigeria Via Satellite. thats precisely whats happening to our Internet services.

Nitel is not Helping matters by the way they mange our fastest link via fibre to the internet. the make a mes sof it as most of their engineers dont undestand the technology.

angry angry angry
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by stillkay(m): 9:48pm On Sep 27, 2006
I use DOPC (Direct on PC) both at home and at work. They have really been reliable.
The tariff is as low as 15k per month.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by momoney1(m): 1:00am On Sep 28, 2006
since starcomms was introduced in Rivers State, i've not thought of visiting any cafe

they have been so wonderful. my dedication to my laptop is cus the speed is ok and they

(starcomms) give dedicated service too.

i will advice you subscribe from starcomms, time and price range from

6pm--11pm abt N6,000 mnth

11pm--6am abt N4,500 mnth

24hrs N15,000 mnth

not sure of the other time bracket ie during the day
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by kg(f): 8:07pm On Sep 28, 2006
I called multilinks today and I was told they have suspended their internet service for now.

I am going for starcomms before now I was using NITEL, it's extremely reliable but rather expensive for a heavy user like me.

My friend has been using starcomms 24hr service for several months now and he has not experienced his first disappointment yet.

So for me starcomms is it!!!
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by Nobody: 10:41pm On Sep 29, 2006
what about the best service to use in Ibadan


what internet connection do u use?
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by qleyo(f): 2:42pm On Sep 30, 2006
No one has mentioned Abuja :s isn't there anything in abuja?

I have to say for all of you "outside" Nigeria that seem to be trying to compare internet speeds - come on. Experience walking before running, a time will come when 5 out 10 households will own online computers - economics will play its role, the same thing that happened to GSM will happen that is SIM cards go from N20,000 to whatever it is now and phone calls from N50 to N30 (or less?).

I pay about £30/month (line rental + BB fee) to BT (so sort of the same thing you pay) but I'm on 8MB, I would almost die on anything less than 1mb (but there was a time when I was satisfied with my 56k). There was an internet situation a week ago or so in London, we actually couldn't do anything at work - we couldn't access any stock photo sites, we couldn't get client feedback which is all online, we couldn't send external e-mails, we were all just staring out our cinema displays - crazy.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by Chuckdee(m): 10:17pm On Oct 01, 2006
Hey good people. From what i have been reading here i see that NETCOM are offering a very good service at the moment. Pls can anybody get me connected to any of there engineers at their office so that i can reason out some things personally with them to see if they can offer my office(an ISP located in the eastern part of Nig) the kinda services that will warrant our switching to their VSAT link. We are currently hooked onto IWAY AFRICA and they are really messing things up of recent.

Thanks all
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by stillkay(m): 4:14pm On Oct 13, 2006
Go try out Direct On Pc (DOPC) - They will serve you
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by chelsea4su(f): 5:23pm On Oct 14, 2006
@Chuckdee ,why not visit  thier website www.netcomng.com
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by mannyem(m): 12:25pm On Oct 18, 2006
pple in ibadan, are we not part of nigeria? pple are mentionn, abuja, lagos, ph what about ibadan, which one can we use to get connected to our room, i really wantt to get one but i dont know which one to go for, pple are just saying multilinks and some o'net, pls advice me which one to use. i mean pple leavn in ibadan.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by stillkay(m): 4:13pm On Oct 18, 2006
Do a research on all the the ISP mentioned so far to know which one is available for you.Gaskia wink
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by nosa101(f): 6:33pm On Oct 20, 2006
Starcomms is trash angry
This is from personal experience
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by anusule(m): 8:38pm On Oct 20, 2006
why should we pay so much for internet in nigeria? over here in the uk its £10 per month 24 hours with cable tv, broadband internet, not dial-up o!!! imagine?
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by OldGlory1(m): 8:45pm On Oct 20, 2006

You can T-1 speed in the US for that price in Pounds. I pay about $49.99 per month for my Cable, High speed Broadband Internet and Phone!! Nigeria is really expensive, so is the UK.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by anusule(m): 9:20pm On Oct 20, 2006
$49 is about 12000 naira, £10 is just like 2500naira. i didnt even include telephone.

£10 a month for broadband, digital tv, telephone is cheap abeg
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by bioye(m): 6:29am On Oct 21, 2006

Starcomms is trash angry
This is from personal experience

Please, can you elaborate? When did you use it? How long did you use it for? Where are you located? What exactly were the problems you faced? And what are you comparing it to?

Because I have been using it for months now and I think it's quite ok.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by nosa101(f): 4:38pm On Oct 21, 2006

Please, can you elaborate? When did you use it? How long did you use it for? Where are you located? What exactly were the problems you faced? And what are you comparing it to?

Because I have been using it for months now and I think it's quite ok.
I am using it right now
They have a lot of downtimes and it is mind boggingly slow.
I am comparing it to NTL (it's British) grin
But it's just too slow to be honest. Maybe it's because I am used to zip fast internet but Starcomms takes the piss. I don't think you can download with torrents using it because it's too slow. My streaming takes too long to buffer 10 seconds of video with it.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by bioye(m): 7:42am On Oct 23, 2006

I guess you are in Lagos. I almost never have downtimes with Starcomms, and when it happens, it is speedily resolved. Maybe, the reception in your location is not so good, do you have problems making/receiving calls too? But I think their internet server is ok. Don't hesitate to call customer care[b] *123[/b] to share your problems. At times the problem is with some setup on your computer. I had that issue at least.

Also, it appears you are expecting too much from a dial-up connection. My average speed is about 115Kbps which I think is ok. And I use utorrent and bitche for torrents, and I have downloaded full-length movies with my starcomms. Though, it takes days. I usually reach torrent download speed of 8 kB/s. I rarely do streaming except for very small movies. If download is possible, I use DAP.

So, if Starcomms is so bad, why haven't you tried the alternatives?
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by Seun(m): 10:55am On Oct 23, 2006
Multilinks doesn't seem to allow file-sharing or VOIP on their network. This probably keeps the network stable.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by nosa101(f): 11:15am On Oct 23, 2006


I guess you are in Lagos. I almost never have downtimes with Starcomms, and when it happens, it is speedily resolved. Maybe, the reception in your location is not so good, do you have problems making/receiving calls too? But I think their internet server is ok. Don't hesitate to call customer care[b] *123[/b] to share your problems. At times the problem is with some setup on your computer. I had that issue at least.

Also, it appears you are expecting too much from a dial-up connection. My average speed is about 115Kbps which I think is ok. And I use utorrent and bitche for torrents, and I have downloaded full-length movies with my starcomms. Though, it takes days. I usually reach torrent download speed of 8 kB/s. I rarely do streaming except for very small movies. If download is possible, I use DAP.

So, if Starcomms is so bad, why haven't you tried the alternatives?
I don't have problems making or receiving calls. The Starcomms office is even 10 minutes away from my house. Torrents don't usualy take days.
The only reason I haven't tried alternatives is because I don't pay for it, my mom does. She won't get a refund for the crap service and she isn't ready to accept her losses.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by selade(m): 11:54am On Oct 23, 2006
So much about Lagos. Can anyone advise on the best value Service Provider in Port Harcourt.
Re: Best Home Internet Service In Nigeria? by LoverBwoy(m): 1:07pm On Oct 23, 2006
ask "otoks"

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