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Charles Soludo On Massive Mismanagement Of The Economy - Politics - Nairaland

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Charles Soludo On Massive Mismanagement Of The Economy by Ovamboland(m): 6:48am On Oct 15, 2018
"Whoever wins 2015 will NEVER find it easy to govern. Over 30 trillion is mismanaged, unaccounted for or missing under Jonathan."
*~ Prof Charles Soludo*

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Re: Charles Soludo On Massive Mismanagement Of The Economy by Nobody: 6:49am On Oct 15, 2018
"Whoever wins 2015 will NEVER find it easy to govern. Over 30 trillion is mismanaged, unaccounted for or missing under Jonathan."
*~ Prof Charles Soludo*
Under GEJ >>>

CC onyeoga madridguy buhariguy omenka shalomc iceberg3 yarimo odvanguard pointzerom t9ksy imperialyoruba odvanguard yorubaassasin alariiwo lzaa ngeneukwenu captaing00d roger3d IbrahimDamola jumpandpas greenback amarabae tossie101 goodnessme1 0monnak0da resurgent4oodua butterflyleo

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Re: Charles Soludo On Massive Mismanagement Of The Economy by Ovamboland(m): 7:40am On Oct 15, 2018

Under GEJ >>>

CC onyeoga madridguy buhariguy omenka shalomc iceberg3 yarimo odvanguard pointzerom t9ksy imperialyoruba odvanguard yorubaassasin alariiwo lzaa ngeneukwenu captaing00d roger3d IbrahimDamola jumpandpas greenback amarabae tossie101 goodnessme1 0monnak0da resurgent4oodua butterflyleo

it's sad when educated people talk like this, the maximum annual growth rate of the GDP under GEJ was about 7% mainly driven by high oil prices. How did that translate to 100% growth of the GDP that was not rebased for 25 years before 2014?

Did the GDP jump from $260 Bn to $500 Bn in 5 years? Why did the growth rate plummet to about 2% each quarter immediately oil prices crashed? What exactly did Jonathan do to bring about the sustained growth rate, while poverty rates was also increasing? Why did those things disappear immediately he left?

Are one of the educated who analyse economics on the basis of this president has goodluck and this one came with badluck? That should be the forte of the lowly educated and uneducated.

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Re: Charles Soludo On Massive Mismanagement Of The Economy by Nobody: 7:42am On Oct 15, 2018

it's sad when educated people talk like this, the maximum annual growth rate of the GDP under GEJ was about 7% mainly driven by high oil prices. How did that translate to 100% growth of the GDP that was not rebased for 25 years before 2014?

Did the GDP jump from $260 Bn to $500 Bn in 5 years? Why did the growth rate plummet to about 2% each quarter immediately oil prices crashed? What exactly did Jonathan do to bring about the sustained growth rate, while poverty rates was also increasing? Why did those things disappear immediately he left?

Are one of the educated who analyse economics on the basis of this president has goodluck and this one came with badluck? That should be the forte of the lowly educated and uneducated.
Receive sense, my brother.
Reject sai babarism.

Under GEJ >>>

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Re: Charles Soludo On Massive Mismanagement Of The Economy by Ovamboland(m): 8:01am On Oct 15, 2018

Receive sense, my brother.
Reject sai babarism.

Under GEJ >>>

Yours is a lost case, your wailing licence will be renewed for another 4 years.

You could not answer one question, just he same rhetoric that led to the 2015 electoral failure

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Re: Charles Soludo On Massive Mismanagement Of The Economy by Nobody: 8:03am On Oct 15, 2018

Yours is a lost case, your wailing licence will be renewed for another 4 years.

You could not answer one question, just he same rhetoric that led to the 2015 electoral failure
Calm down and Atikulate

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