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Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 12:07am On Oct 18, 2018
Hello, dear friends. This is another of my story published by okadabooks


The book is available for just N100.

Please, all my friends, who are too numerous to mention, are all welcome.

Victims of Passion

© Copyright 2018. No part of this story can be copied or reproduced in any form without the express permission of the author’

Love Toread

Cover picture credit: terricks-noah-667153-unsplash

This story is dedicated to God and all those who believe in love.

Janet is a very beautiful lady from a wealthy home. Every other thing is working well for her, except her relationships with men. She doesn’t have a lasting and reliable relationship. When she catches her current boyfriend in the arms of another lady, barely four months into the relationship, she is convinced that something is wrong somewhere.
She meets Raphael, a dedicated and loving soul. Two things stand between her and Raphael: the fact that he comes from a lower social class; and more importantly, because her father is vehemently against it. She decides to please her heart. In the course of this, she learns a lot of things in the hard way, including those she never envisaged.

Victims of Passion

Janet put finishing touches to what she was doing and decided to call it a day in the office. It was already four p.m. and it was the closing hour. Students had, about an ago, closed for the day. The day students had gone home while the boarders had gone to the dormitory.

She opened her clutch bag and brought out her mobile make up kit. The face reflected in the mirror was a beautiful one. Janet smiled to herself as she ensured that the face was moderately made up.

She stood up from her seat, packed her personal things in her bag and rose to go. Her office was on the ground floor of the expansive building. Apez College was a five star secondary school that occupied wide expanse of land. It offered day and boarding facilities for those who desired quality secondary education and who could afford it.

Her parents, owners of the school, put her there to be the Administration Officer. She was to report directly to Mrs. Glory Kweku, the matronly Ghanaian School Administrator. There were other places Janet could have chosen to work, but she said she wanted the college.

As she moved towards the car park, she saw Raphael, the English language teacher for Senior secondary classes. He was coming out of the staff room, his bag strapped across the right shoulder.

'Hello.' He smiled, showing a set of white teeth good enough for toothpaste advert.

Janet waved back at him, smiled and moved on.

'Are you going to town?' Raphael looked at her briefly and looked towards the gate. 'I don't mind a lift.'

Janet answered in the affirmative. He joined her in the car. The interior smelt nice. She drove the Honda car while he sat beside her at the front seat. Raphael had always noted the simple and unassuming manner Janet always conducted herself. He respected her for that. At thirty one he was a bachelor but he would not dare cross his boundary. No matter how much he liked her, he would not try it.

'How was the job, today?' He hoped the question was not unnecessary.

'Not bad, although not very exciting either.'

He nodded as if he understood. There was silence. He could not find any other thing to say. To break it, she slotted a CD containing
selections of popular R & B music.

'Please, I'll like to get down at the next junction.' He offered a smile, hoping it would be a token of appreciation.

When he alighted, he thanked her for the ride and moved on.

'Have a nice day.' She smiled again and drove off.

Ten minutes later, she drove inside their duplex home at Ota.

Sule, the security man opened the giant gates for her. He was full of obeisance, as usual. As Janet parked her car, she was quick to observe that her oldest sister's car was already in the compound. It was a little unusual because Helen didn't usually come home until after eight in the night.

Janet wanted to go to her room but by instinct decided to go to her sister's own first. Without knocking, she opened the door. Helen was curled up on the bed, sniveling.

Janet's heart sank. 'What's the problem, sister?' She moved over to her bedside. The anxiety in her voice was unmistakable.

Helen would not answer her and she would not stop sniveling.

Janet was unsettled. Had anything bad happened to somebody? Before she left for work, all was well with every one as

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Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 5:21am On Oct 18, 2018
* * *

Rhoda was washing the plates in the kitchen when her madam called her. She quickly stopped what she was doing and wiped her hands with the table cloth.

'Rhoda!' The voice came louder.

'Yes, ma.' Rhoda, without further delay, moved to the sitting room to attend to her.

'Yes, ma'am.'

'Don't forget to wash those my clothes I said you should wash.'

'Yes, ma'am.'

Madam Rose picked up her handbag. She was ready to leave. Rhoda made to help her with the bag, but the madam brushed the offer off.

'Just come and lock the gate. The madam briefly looked around the sitting-room, as if trying to see that all was well. They stepped out of the sitting room. The morning sunshine was bright. Madam went to her SUV car.

'Don't also forget that no visitor or stranger must be allowed inside the compound. Do you understand?' Rose looked at her sternly.

'Yes, ma'am.'

Rhoda opened the gate for the car to pass out of the compound. Then she bolted it and went back inside the house. The madam would probably not be back until late afternoon or evening, as it had been in previous days. As for madam's oga, that one had travelled and Rhoda did not know when he would be back.

She went back to the kitchen to complete her task there. Rhoda was an eighteen years old Togolese who recently started working for madam's family. The journey of life had taken her from her village to Lome, and from Lome to Lagos. She still had the ambition to be a fashion designer but she must do this domestic job for now.

She was about to start work on the laundry when she heard hard knocks at the gate. Wondering who it could be, she went out to find out.

'Who is that?' She moved to the gate and stopped short.

'It's me.' It was a male voice. From the tone, the man was becoming impatient.

And it sounded like oga's own. Rhoda was surprised. She looked through the latch to confirm. Realizing that he was the one, she quickly opened the gate.

'I've been horning the car for some time.' The man didn't find the delay funny. 'Until I banged the gate. Why didn't you answer me on time?'

'I'm sorry, sir. I no hear. Madam say you travel.' It was unmistakable that she spoke in faltering English.

'Yes. Person wey travel no dey return? I’m back.'

He went back to his car to drive in. Rhoda helped him to carry his bag and some sacks of foodstuffs from the boot of his car to the house.

'Is there bread and eggs in the house?' He looked towards the kitchen.

'Yes, sir.'

'Good. Fry some eggs for me. I'll like to have fried eggs and bread.'

Nonso went to have a shower and change of clothes. For the past two days, he had been to Benin city on business. Unlike before when his trip could take weeks, he hardly travelled now, and whenever he did, he would be back within a couple of days.

He was a successful transporter who had made his mark in passengers’ transportation business. His fleet of buses was doing well. At sixty,
Nonso had travailed the north, east, south and west of the terrain called Nigeria. He had four children, all grown up. The first two were in Europe while the third one was in Malaysia. The last born, twenty-two years old Sandra was studying Business Administration in a private university in Ogun state.

Nonso relaxed in the sitting room, awaiting the food being prepared by Rhoda. He was yet to tell his wife that he was back in Lagos. No need to do that for now, he reasoned.

'Food don ready, sir.' Her hands smelled of onions.

From his seat, he looked up and nodded. Of course, he had been had been waiting for the announcement.

He moved to the dining table. The taste of the food was as good as the aroma. Since Rhoda was employed, she had not disappointed in her culinary skills. Nonso ate the food with relish.

'Bring the fruit juice in the fridge here.' He always asked for juices. He would sip the drinks after the food.

As Rhoda cleared the table, something caught his attention. He had seen it before, but pretended not to have done so.

Surreptitiously, he had been staring at her boobs and bums. Now that he was home alone with her, he felt it would be a good opportunity to explore.

'So, you prepared this food or madam did?' He smiled at her.

It was an unnecessary question but she must answer it.

'I did, sir.' She curtsied.

He nodded his head approvingly. 'You cooked very well. Ever since you came, I've noticed that. Did you say you still want to go to school?'

'No, sir. I want to learn fashion design.'

'Oh yes, oh yes.'

He sat back on the chair relaxingly.

'See.' He tried to look sincere. 'All those things that you want are small things. They're things I can easily get for you, plus a big modern shop.'

Her face lit up in excitement. 'Thank you, sir. I go be grateful, sir.'

'Don't worry. It's a small thing.' There was smugness on his face. 'I've done things much bigger than that for people in the past. It's not a big
deal, as long as you're ready to cooperate.'

The girl paused and looked at him. 'Sir?'

'I said it's a small thing, but you must cooperate.'

'I no understand, sir. What you mean by cooperate?'

'Come, let me explain.' He beckoned at her.

As soon as she came within his range, he grabbed her breasts. Shocked, she hit his hands and recoiled from him the way she would do to a mamba.


Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 6:58pm On Oct 18, 2018
'I didn't mean to hurt you.' The explanation was gratuitous. 'See, I really like you and I will do all those things I said I would do. Just cooperate with me.'

Rhoda stared at him. The shock was still on her face.

He tried what he thought was a disarming smile again.

'I did that because I like you so much.' His smile broadened. 'See, if you prove to be a good girl, you will really enjoy in this house. I can promise you that.'

She still looked at him uncertainly.

'Don't you want me to take care of you? Don't you want me to treat you special?' He was intent on setting the booby trap.

'But, madam...what of madam? She no go like it.'

Her reference to madam buoyed him up, rather than dampening him.

'Who will tell her? Are you a baby that you'll tell her such a thing? Listen, even if she gets to know, am I not the master of this house? You have nothing to fear, my dear.'

The use of the last expression seemed to work on her.

She appeared to relax. Nonso noticed this and capitalized on it.

'You don't have to doubt me.' He touched his chest to give her assurance. 'I always do what I say I will do.'

He said it as if he was God.

'Listen, to show you how serious I am, come and take this.'

He brought out some naira notes of five hundred denomination.

Rhoda's eyes popped out when she saw the money. She first stared at the money, then at him.

'More of this will come if you cooperate. Come and have it.'

There was another slight pause.

He knew he would win. There was a leer on his face as he beckoned at her again. ‘Come on.’

Like a toddler with unsteady steps, she moved over to him and he grabbed her again. This time around, there was only a feigned little resistance.

The following morning, after the devastating news of her fiancé, Helen remained in her room. Her mother came to meet her and enjoined her to take things easy.

'You need to cheer up.' She gave her daughter a pat. 'If he would not be, somebody else would be. Come on, cheer up. It's not the end of the world.'

Julie ordered the maid to bring beverage drinks for her.

Janet too popped in to see her sister before she left for her place of work.

She wasn't there for long as she was conscious of not getting late to work.

She was soon in the school. She immersed herself in her work and forgot about any remote or immediate source of worry. During the long
break, she decided to call Emma, her heartthrob.

'Na so you dey do?' There was sarcasm in her tone. 'You didn't even bother to call me since yesterday.'

'I'm sorry, my dear. But I called you yesterday afternoon.'

'Since yesterday afternoon? That was long ago. That's about twenty four hours ago now.'

He laughed across the line. 'Once again, my apologies.'

'Apologies accepted, but don't do it again o.'

'Yes, your Lordship.'

The two of them laughed.

'Don't worry. I'll make it up. This weekend, I promise to make it up.' His voice over the line was very unambiguous.

'O.k. That'll be nice. So, how's everything at your end?' She could even predict what his answer would be.

'All is well, dear. Every thing's cool.'

She nodded. 'Alright. Bye for now.'

'Bye bye.'

Janet cut the line. The office assistant knocked at her door and brought in the burger she had ordered for.

'Thank you.' Janet took the pack from her. Just then, her cell phone rang. It was Emma on the line again.

'Hello. I called to fulfill my promise to call.' There was a short laugh and he seemed to find his action very funny.

'Not so fast, mister. I expect you to call in a couple of hours’ time.'

'This one too is a call, darling.' He was a smooth operator but Janet would not fall for that.

'I know, but I'll still be expecting the other call in a couple of hours’ time, or so.'

'You win.' He laughed again. 'Alright, till then.'

She cut the line again, smiling to herself. She decided to have her breakfast. As she munched the burger, she opened the plastic bottle of
carbonated drinks she would take with it.

Her mind went to five months ago when she first met Emma. She was at Maryland ShopRite where she had gone for some shopping. She did
not know he had been observing and following her inside the expansive shopping hall.

As she was about to pay through the POS, he came to her side and offered to pay for everything she had bought by cash. She was pleasantly surprised by the offer, but he insisted he should be allowed to do it.

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Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 5:09am On Oct 19, 2018
Later, he chatted her up briefly at the car park. He appeared to be a bit overbearing from the on-set. He had introduced himself as a petroleum engineer and the son of a prominent politician. He got her number and they had started dating since then.

At twenty-eight, Janet had started looking forward to a lasting relationship. She would not mind having someone that would propose marriage to her, the one she would finally marry. Emma had not made any such proposition. Janet was still studying him, but he, so far, looked like someone who did not have marriage idea in his lexicon. But she might be wrong. Maybe he too was studying her and would soon make the move.

While Janet was thinking about her relationship with Emma, her sister, Helen too was ruminating over her past relationship with Richard. Helen had already started dreaming of settling down with him. Richard was a consultant in pediatrics. He had looked so promising, but an automobile accident had put an end to any further dream of him.

There was a gentle rap at the door and Helen was brought back from her reverie.

'Yes, who is it?' She sat up and looked towards the door.

'It's me, Zizi.' Zizi was the fat and lively housemaid.

'Come in.'

The latter gently opened the door and stepped inside.

Zizi grinned at her. 'Sorry to disturb you, but that your friend, sister Abi is around to see you.'

'Where's she right now?'

'She's in the sitting room downstairs, ma'am.'

'Please tell her to come up.'

Abi was Helen's good friend. They were the same age, but Abi had successfully settled down. About four months ago, Abi was joined in wedlock in a very lavish ceremony. Helen had been her best lady and had promised that her own wedding would be grander than Abi's own.

Abi knocked at the door and without waiting for an answer came in.

'I should have been here since yesterday.' There was apology over Abi's face. 'I'm sorry I couldn't make it. I'm so sorry to hear the news. What did you say happen to him?'

Helen told her.

Abi shook her head in sympathy. 'My condolence. Please, take heart.'

'Thank you.'

She sat next to her friend on the bed and sighed. 'I've been thinking about the incident since yesterday. Helen, don't you think this thing is not ordinary?'

Helen appeared to think over it. 'I don't understand what you mean.'

Abi moved closer to her friend.

'Listen carefully. This is your second fiancé to die within a period of two years. If I could recollect, you would've done your wedding before
mine. Your first fiancé fell ill and died before the engagement could come up. Now, this has happened again. Don't you think something is wrong somewhere?'

Helen had a far-away look. 'So, what d'you think is wrong?'

'I think it has to do with something spiritual. This kind of thing doesn't happen ordinarily. There's something mysterious about the whole thing.'

Helen appeared thoughtful. 'What can I do now?'

Abi's voice dropped to the level of a whisper. 'There's a baba I know. He is very powerful. Once you agree and I take you there, the mystery will be unraveled.'

Helen looked defiant. 'But, I don't believe in such things. I've never gone to such people before.'

'O.k. I didn't know you prefer that this mysterious occurrence should continue. No problem. Have your way as you wish.'

Helen could sense the impending indifference. 'No, Abi, don't talk like that. I know you're trying to help. But this thing you're suggesting sounds ...it sounds strange and... and...'

'Strange or not strange, this man I'm talking about will unravel the whole thing.'

Helen was in thoughts for some moments again. 'Alright.' She shrugged. 'Let me think over it. In a few days’ time, I'll let you know my decision.'

"I'll suggest that you act fast. The longer you delay, the more the problem deals with you. Remember that delay is dangerous.'

Helen nodded. 'I agree that indeed delay is dangerous. Thank you, my friend for the timely advice.'

Laji flipped from one channel to another. He loved music and entertainment and would spend hours watching one station or the other. It was a summer afternoon, his best weather since he came to live in the U.S.

His flat in Indianapolis was a moderate but cozy one. Laji, alias L.A, liked it like that. Laji was the first and only son of Leke LaVos, the business mogul from Nigeria. His siblings were Helen and Janet LaVos.

At thirty-two, he had no plans about marrying and settling down. Some months back when his mother called him from Nigeria, she had asked him how far were his plans about having a better half. Laji had laughed it off as if it was the funniest question on earth.

He had come to the States since he was nineteen. That meant he had spent about thirteen years there. Over those years, he had acquired a Masters degree in Biotic Engineering from the State university. He worked for a computer firm and was quite doing well.

L.A was a young man of the world. He was a sociable man that loved clubbing and engaging in many social activities. He had many friends and followers on the social media. This early evening, the only reason why he was still at home was because Monica, his Latino girlfriend had called that she was on her way to his flat.

The door bell rang. Swiftly, Laji moved to it. Monica, the black-haired lady he was expecting was at the door.

'Hello, sweetheart.' There was complete delight in him to see her.

'Hello, honey.' She seemed very delighted too to be there.

They kissed passionately like lovers who had not seen each other for a long time.

'I'm so tired.' She yawned to show that she meant what she said.

'Don't worry. I'll help you.'

With that, he lifted her and took her straight to the bedroom.

'We didn't finish yesterday's game.' There was a lustful grin on his face as he flopped her on the bed.

'I know. Why the hurry? I'm gonna be here all night long.'

'The earlier the game starts the better.' The lustful grin was still on his face.

Before she could reply, his cell phone rang. It was a distant call from Nigeria.

Rhoda felt pain in the pelvic area of her body by the time Nonso was through with her. She was not a virgin, but she never found sexual intercourse anything pleasant. She found this particular one painful. It was the way he had handled her.

He was so forceful and so fierce, as if his life depended on it. She felt used and bruised. She wondered if he could really say he was delighted after the whole thing. Rhoda shook her head. She never understood men and their craving for sex. She had never really enjoyed engaging in the act and she wondered why some men acted as if it was indispensable and as if without it, they would die.

She went to the bathroom to clean herself up. There was a little bleeding coming from her private part. The man was not gentle at all, to say the least. He had handled her like a man with craze for sex. She did what she could do to clean the mess up and returned to her work. Her mind was in a frenzy. She knew madam must never hear what she and oga just did. She had only spent two weeks in the house and this had happened.

So, oga had been nursing those lustful thoughts since she started working there! Men, she thought in disgusts. Why were they never satisfied with what they had? Madam, although no longer a young woman and was on the fat side, was still attractive. Why couldn't oga be content with that? She knew the man was much older than her own father back in Togo. Why would a man like that stoop so low as to sleep with a house girl?


Re: Victims Of Passion by Ann2012(f): 9:11am On Oct 19, 2018
Another interesting piece

Kudos OP

1 Like

Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 3:20pm On Oct 19, 2018
Another interesting piece

Kudos OP

Thanks a lot. Be blessed.
Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 5:11pm On Oct 20, 2018
Maybe it was because you were still young, she told herself. Maybe as you grew older, you would understand things better. Then, her mind went to the promises oga made. Did he really mean those things, or was he just saying them just to have his way?
Rhoda wondered on the prospects of what she would do if the man should fulfill the promises he had made. She smiled to herself. That would mean she would be saying bye bye to poverty. But all these would be if he kept to his words.

An idea flashed through her mind. She had an aunty married to a timber magnate in Lome. Rhoda remembered that the aunty once boasted that she had the key to retaining the attention and the affection (if you could call it that) of any man that crossed her path. Rhoda smiled to herself again. It was time she consulted the aunty.

Janet woke up around six a.m. Then, she remembered that it was Saturday morning and she would not be going to work. She lazed on the bed for several minutes. She thought of what she would be doing with herself that weekend.

By noon, she would be visiting Emma. He had said he looked forward to seeing her again. Before she would leave, she would just relax and take things easy.

Still in her night wear, Janet went to the kitchen. The big refrigeration there had assorted juices. She poured the drinks generously in a big mug and returned to her room.

She played music on her i-phone as she sipped her drinks. Some minutes later, she decided to have her bath. She was still in the bathroom when Zizi came to inform that breakfast was ready.

After creaming her body, she chose to wear a white t-shirt and a short jeans skirt for now. Her parents were already eating by the time she got to the dining table.

'Good morning, dad, good morning, mum.'

"My baby girl, how are you?' Her father smiled up at her. It was the way he used to address her. At almost twenty-eight, her father still called her baby girl.

Her mother too smiled at her. Julie was a reticent woman. If anyone talked a lot in that house and raised so much fuss, it was daddy.

'Why is Helen not here?' The man looked at the chair on which Helen normally sat. 'Don't tell me she's still mourning that her boyfriend.'

'I think she'll soon be here.' Julie nodded and looked at her husband reassuringly.

The breakfast was toasted bread and beverages. It was one of Janet's favorites. She enjoyed the food and ate to her satisfaction. Truly, just as her mother said, Helen soon came to join them.

'Helen, baby. How 're you?' LaVos expressed delight that she had finally come.

'Fine, dad. Morning, mum.'

'How're you, my dear?' Julie looked at him briefly in I-told-you-so manner. She patted her daughter.

'Life goes on.' LaVos lifted the tea cup to his mouth. 'I don't understand why you should be brooding over him. You're still young, enjoy your life.'

The others did not say anything. Janet sometimes wondered how her father was able to take things as calmly as he did. For instance, the way he reacted to the death of Helen's fiancé was rather too cool, almost as if he was expecting the news.

Janet glanced at her mother. She was sitting calmly beside her husband. As far as Janet could remember, there was no time her mother had any serious argument with her husband, or raised her voice against him. She always seemed to agree with him - both in words and in silence.

Mummy was too cool and pliant for Janet's liking.

Later that morning, she was in her room, watching the satellite television. Daddy and mummy had gone out. She suspected that Helen had gone out too. By eleven in the morning, she was watching Channel O, when Funmi, her friend came to visit

Funmi had been her friend since their secondary school days. As a matter of fact, they went to the same federal government girls college. Funmi was the only daughter of the Lawsons and they dotted on her. She was an almost spoilt child.

Funmi was still with Janet when Emma called her line.

'When are you coming, baby?' There was a sense of anticipation about him.

'By mid-day, I should be there.'

'Have you left home?'

'Not yet, but I'll soon leave.'

'How was your night?' The question was an afterthought.

'It was fine. How was yours?'

'Fine too. I'll be expecting you, baby.'

Janet smiled. 'Alright.' She dropped the phone on the bed.

'Your guy?' Funmi looked at her friend in what looked like envy.

Janet nodded in the affirmative.

'I guess I should be on my way. Have a nice time, Janet.'

With that, Funmi left the house.

Janet whistled softly to herself as she got up to dress up. Her large wardrobe had scores of clothes, some of which she had no worn from a long time. She checked them one after the other, wondering which one to pick. She finally settled for a designer t-shirt and jeans trousers.

She applied her designer make up and perfume. It was apparent Janet liked designer wears. She liked to look and smell good. Since she could afford the good things, nothing stopped her from having them.

She put her sunglasses on as soon as she got to the porch.

'Happy weekend, small madam.'

Sule always addressed Janet as madam despite the protest of the latter. He walked towards her with his trade mark grin.

'Good morning, Sule. How're you?'

'We dey fine o. We thank God.' He looked at her in expectation.

'Your car is ready.' He pointed at the car. It had been washed and it was glittering in the morning sun.

'I can see that.' She nodded in approval, smiling at him. He had, as usual, helped her to wash her car. She dipped her right hand inside her
clutch bag and brought some money out.

'Here, take this.'

'Ah, thank you so much, madam. This weekend will be very great.'

She entered her car and put the engine into life. He waved at her while Janet honked the horn. The car was still quite new and she handled it carefully. It was a gift from her father when she clocked twenty seven. She had complained that she was tired of jumping from one cab to another and he had gifted it to her.

The traffic was light. From Ota, she drove to Abule Egba on her way to Ikeja. Emma lived on a street off Shodipo Close at the GRA. By a few minutes after noon, she was at the front of the gate of his residence.

The man at the gate came to the side of her car to properly look at the person behind the wheel. 'Ah, good morning. You're welcome.'

Janet smiled at him. She was no longer a stranger there. She drove into the compound.

Emma came to meet her as she was stepping out of the car.

'My baby.' He was obviously glad to see her. He came over to give a kiss.

Taking her right hand, he ushered her into the expansive sitting room downstairs. Bottles of wine and champagne were already set on the center glass table.

'I was already expecting you.' He felt there was need to explain the scene.

'I can see that.'

When she saw that the bottles of exotic drinks were indeed many, she became curious. 'Are you celebrating anything?'

'Yes.' He laughed. 'Having you around calls for celebration. Take your choice.' He pointed at the drinks.

'Any that is good with the least content of alcohol.' Any where she went, she always showed that taking alcohol was not her passion.

He opened one of them with a plop as if there was need to make a toast. He then filled the glasses and handled one to her.

'To the flavour of a beautiful relationship.' He raised his glass up.

They clinked glasses. She took a sip to sample the taste. It was good. She looked at him with a smile. She had no doubt that the drinks were very expensive. Maybe he was a connoisseur. Janet did not fancy exotic drinks, but would really not mind to have it moderately if the taste was good.

They drank and chatted on this and that.

'Don't you think we should retire to the bedroom? Let me show you one or two things there.' There was a suggestive grin on his face.

'No o. This place is better. No need to go to any other place.' Her soft protest was significant.

'You mean you won't mind having the action here?' He laughed over his bawdy comment.

'I'm not talking about anything like that. Let's just chat for today.'


Re: Victims Of Passion by Ann2012(f): 12:12pm On Oct 21, 2018
Well done OP

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Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 5:57pm On Oct 21, 2018
'Maybe I should try to put you in the mood.' His right hand went to her chest suggestively as he wrapped his left one around her body.

'No. I didn't come for anything like that today. Don't even attempt to do that because the mood won't come.'

'What happens to the mood? Why is it always on flight?' He seemed to be discontent. 'We've done it only once, and that was about three weeks ago.'

'Yes. You should be satisfied, shouldn't you? It's not food, is it?'

Try as much as he did, he could not get her to do what he wanted.

They talked about other matters. She could see that he was not pleased with her refusal, but he should try to live with that, she thought.

When it was after one, she stood up to go. He forced a grin and accompanied her to her car.

'Thanks for the warm reception. You treated me like a queen.' She gave him a peck.

'You're welcome.'

He waved at her and she drove off. She joined the main road and drove towards Maryland. She could have driven straight to join Ipaja road, but she wanted to do a little shopping at the shopping complex in Maryland.

It was the same complex he had met Emma. She bought the laundry items she wanted to buy and realized that her phone was not in her bag.
She remembered that she had put it on the armrest of the chair she sat on in his sitting-room. She paid for the items she bought and drove back to Emma's place.

Instead of driving inside the house, she parked by the gate and got down from the car. The security man was surprised to see her again.

'Sorry, I forgot my phone. I've come back to pick it.' She smiled apologetically.

'Your phone?' The question came as if he had not heard her well.


The man was a bit reluctant to open the gate.

'Make I go get am for you.' He scratched his head and awaited her nod.

'No, no.' Janet would not want to bother him. 'Let me do it myself. Besides, I want to tell him something.'

She moved the gate aside herself and went inside. Without bothering to knock, she opened the sitting room door and stepped inside. The scene she saw shocked her.

Right there on the three-seater, Emma was on top of a lady. They were half naked and he was smooching all over her.

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Re: Victims Of Passion by Ann2012(f): 6:09pm On Oct 21, 2018
God don catch Emma

Now he'll say it's d hand work of devil


Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 5:14am On Oct 22, 2018
'What! What's going on? Emma, what are you doing?' Her eyes were wide in surprise.

He paused in doing what he was doing but did not say a word. He was probably too surprised to say a thing.

'And who's this? How dare you enter without knocking!' The lady that was with him was full of admonition. She glared at Janet.

Janet looked at Emma again but he remained mute. She had no business with the lady, so she decided to ignore her. Emma and the lady still remained as they were, without bothering to cover up their semi unclothedness. Shameless lot, Janet thought. She remembered she had come there to pick something.

'Sorry, I actually came to pick my phone. I forgot it.'

The phone was still where she had left it. She picked it up and without any ado left them to their shame.

She went back to her car and zoomed off. Oh God! Her mind was in disarray. How could Emma behave like this? How could he bring another lady into the house? Emma had terribly disappointed her. How long had he been doing that? She had left the house just about half an hour ago; and within that short time, he had brought another girl!

Janet reflected over her past relationships. They all seemed not to last. In fact, that was an understatement: all her previous serious relationships did not last. The longest was four months. Why? The fault was never hers. This very one for example, was it her fault that she caught them in that lascivious position?

Before she met Emma, there was Niyi who had looked so smooth and promising. Janet had thought she would end up being his wife. A call to his number one evening shattered the idea. It was a lady that had picked his call.

'Is that Janet?' The voice was cold, to say the least.

'Yes, please. I'll like to speak with Niyi.'

'I saw your number stored as ‘’Janet darling’’. Thank God you called.' Now, the tone was icy. 'I was planning to call you, but now that you've called, that’s good. I’ve heard a lot about you. Listen and listen well. I want you to stop prostituting yourself with my husband.'

'Excuse me.' Janet wasn't sure she had heard correctly.

'You heard me! I’ll say it again. Leave my husband alone, you husband snatcher. Ashewo! Slut! Useless woman...'


Re: Victims Of Passion by donkelz(m): 10:07am On Oct 23, 2018
Nice story. However, I went to buy it on okadabooks and paid #100, only to see just two (2) pages. Please clarify me.
Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 5:48pm On Oct 25, 2018
Nice story. However, I went to buy it on okadabooks and paid #100, only to see just two (2) pages. Please clarify me.

The problem is from Okadabooks server. The story I uploaded has 52,000 words (about 182 pages). I will inform the admin.
Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 5:54pm On Oct 25, 2018
She had gone on to use the kind of expletives Janet had never heard before. Janet had cut off the line, feeling terribly embarrassed and shocked.

Somewhere in her mind, she had imagined that Niyi would call and tell her it was all a very big joke, or an error, or something. He never did.
Two days later, when he eventually called her, he said he had called to say goodbye. Just like that!

Now, this latest incident was beginning to make her get worried. Why was she so unlucky with the men she had been encountering? Why were her lovers unfaithful men? Why was it that even when she was trying to show a lot of commitment to building a lasting relationship, the other partner never cared?

As she drove home in dejection. Janet had the conviction that something must be wrong somewhere.

Abi drove down the dusty road and parked the car under a big mango tree. The whole surrounding left no one in doubt that it was a sleepy, rural area.

Abi and Helen got down from the car. Helen looked around the place disapprovingly.

'Are you sure we're in the right place?' Helen stared at Abi, hoping she would get an expected answer.

'Of course, we are. Come on, let's go.' Abi was certain she had not made a mistake.

Helen followed her friend. After careful consideration, Helen had decided to follow the advice of her dear friend. They had come to the see the man Abi said could give her spiritual help.

They went to an old house which only claim to modernization was the rusty corrugated iron sheets. The interior hardly looked better. To make matter worse, the place smelled of something Helen found unpleasant.

The baba welcomed them with what looked like a sly grin.

'You're welcome, my children.' His greeting was meant to make them feel at home, but Helen would not see anything homely about him or the place.

'Thank you, baba.' Abi was deferential. 'I've brought my friend,' She pointed at the taciturn companion. 'She needs help. I've told her a lot about you. I believe you can help her.'

The old man turned his attention to Helen. 'My daughter, you're in the right place. Tell me what the problem is.'

Helen, in spite of her feelings must open up on her problem and on what had brought them to the place. She briefly told him how she lost two suitors within a short time and how the two had died some months to the fixed days of wedding. The last one happened some days ago and she had become very dispirited. That was when her friend mentioned baba and his prowess in handling such a situation.

The old man nodded his head meaningfully.

'You have come to the right place.' His smile revealed brown teeth. 'Let me consult the oracle.' He brought a traditional 'string', made some incantations and spread the 'string' on the floor. He stared at the ground for some moments and then repeated what he just did. Then he looked up to stare at them.

'I can see that you've got a big problem here, but nothing is too difficult for my god to do.' He stared up the roof as if he was discerning some messages.

'My daughter.' He turned to Helen and paused briefly. 'You have a spiritual husband who is very jealous. He's the one who does not allow you to have any earthly husband.'

Helen stared at the old man. There was confusion in her countenance. 'It's like you didn't hear me well.' She made a solemn look. 'I've not yet married. We're just planning it and...'

'I heard you well.' His interjection had some hints of impatience. ‘And I'm talking about spiritual husband. You're married in the spirit to a very powerful man.'

Helen opened her mouth but did not say anything.

'Tell me. Don't you sometimes dream that a man was making love to you?' He stared hard at her.

Abi and the man looked at her expectantly for her answer.

Countless of times, she had had such dreams. She would wake up to remember them and subsequently throw them at the back of her mind. To her, they were inconsequential.

Helen nodded. 'Yes, but it's just a dream.'

The man shook his head almost triumphantly. 'No, it's not just a dream. That was your spirit husband in action. He's the one taking those men who desired to marry you away.'

'Baba, please help us, now. What's the solution to it?' Abi felt her intervention was necessary.

'Yes, help me.' Helen could only echo what her friend had said.

'There's a solution.' It was a declaration of hope from the old one. 'There must be a sacrifice to appease him.'


Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 6:21am On Nov 03, 2018
He went on to list things that would be needed for the sacrifice and the amount of money she would bring.

Abi and Helen thanked the man and promised to be back soonest with all the things they would need for the sacrifice.

This Monday morning would be busy for her in the school. By ten o'clock, inspectors from the Ministry of Education would be visiting the school. Mrs. Kweku had been hammering on it as if U.N inspectors on weapons of mass destruction were coming.

Janet was in Mrs. Kweku's office and they were going through some files. Her door was ajar. It was widely opened as the V.P Administration entered.

'Good morning, madam, good morning, Miss LaVos.' He smiled genially.

The women reciprocated the gesture.

'I've come to report a case to you, ma'am.' He face Mrs. Kweku.

Before he went on, he sat down and wiped his face. Despite the coolness of the morning, Mr. Aremu was perspiring. It was not a surprise as he did that a lot.

'An SS2 student, Agnes Bamishe made a complaint against one of the teachers. The complaint was that the man was sexually harassing her. Mr. Layi, of course, denied the allegation.'

He paused to gauge the attention of his listeners. They were attentive.

Mrs. Kweku sighed. She wondered why the case of sexual harassment was becoming prevalent. In the past three months, two teachers were dismissed over similar cases.

The school had zero tolerance for sexual misconduct and had always warned any staff against it. The punitive measure was stiff.

Despite all these, a similar case was coming up again.

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Re: Victims Of Passion by Ann2012(f): 1:20pm On Nov 03, 2018
Thanks for the update

1 Like

Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 2:08pm On Nov 04, 2018
'We'll revisit the issue later this afternoon,' Mrs. Kweku would not want distraction anon. 'For now, let's concentrate on the inspection matter.'

The V.P rose to go. 'Alright, madam.'

'Those files I told you about, are they all ready?'

'Yes, they are.' He smirked.

'Good. Well done.'

'Thank you.'

He left the office.

'I dont't know what's wrong with some of these teachers - these male teachers.' Mrs. Kweku grinned ruefully. 'Can't they leave the girls alone?'

'I wonder too.'
Janet actually wondered why some male could not control themselves on sex matters.

Her mind wemt to Emma. Wjy on earth did he do what he did? Why did it make it look like life could not be without sexual desires? For some people, there was no restraint and inhibition. Why?

Nonso rolled on the bed and yawned again. His wife watched as she creamed her body. She had already taken her bath and had her towel round her body from the chest down to her knees.

'It's already past eight in the morning, are you not going to work this morning?' She had her back to him as she primed herself up.

He stretched his body. 'I'll go later, although I have a slight headache now.'

Nonso was his own employer and boss. He always did things at his own pace. And as he wished. Nobody would raise an eyebrow if he went to work late or not.

'Headache?' his wife turned to look at him in concern.

'Yes, just a slight one.'

'That means you need to eat and take some analgesics.'

Still lying on the bed, he nodded and half-studied his wife. With age, she had grown to become fat. Even her arms had lumps of fat. His mind flashed back to thirty years ago when she was still young and fresh. She was slim, light in complexion and beautiful. She was the cynosure if all eyes. Now, things had changed, and Nonso did not really fancy the changes.


Re: Victims Of Passion by Ann2012(f): 2:55pm On Nov 04, 2018

1 Like 2 Shares

Re: Victims Of Passion by Mztemmy(f): 10:06pm On Nov 07, 2018
Nice story. However, I went to buy it on okadabooks and paid #100, only to see just two (2) pages. Please clarify me.
it is the same with me too.... Just two pages
Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 8:19pm On Nov 09, 2018
it is the same with me too.... Just two pages

You can send your e mail to: lovetoread604@gmail.com
I will send the pdf version to you
Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 8:22pm On Nov 09, 2018
Nice story. However, I went to buy it on okadabooks and paid #100, only to see just two (2) pages. Please clarify me.

You can send your e mail to: lovetoread604@gmail.com
I will send the pdf version to you
Re: Victims Of Passion by donkelz(m): 9:08am On Nov 10, 2018

You can send your e mail to: lovetoread604@gmail.com
I will send the pdf version to you

I sent you a mail with my gmail; kelzewah@gmail.com.
Re: Victims Of Passion by Chumzypinky(f): 6:12pm On Nov 10, 2018

You can send your e mail to: lovetoread604@gmail.com I will send the pdf version to you
can I transfer d 100naira to ur account and get d PDF
Re: Victims Of Passion by TomiDanesi: 6:46pm On Nov 10, 2018
can I transfer d 100naira to ur account and get d PDF

Buy N100 etisalat recharge. Send the pin number to lovetoread604@gmail.com
I will send the pdf version.
Thanks for your interest.
Re: Victims Of Passion by Nobody: 7:27pm On Nov 10, 2018
Nice one

1 Like

Re: Victims Of Passion by boomssey(f): 10:32pm On Nov 10, 2018
U started this story n never mentioned me lovetoread oga o! Anyway a very nice story as usual.

1 Like

Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 5:22am On Nov 11, 2018

can I transfer d 100naira to ur account and get d PDF

Thanks for you interest. You can send GLo recharge pin of N100 to lovetoread604@gmail.com. I will send the pdf.
Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 5:28am On Nov 11, 2018
U started this story n never mentioned me lovetoread oga o! Anyway a very nice story as usual.

I am sorry my dear sister. The oversight will not happen again.
Re: Victims Of Passion by Xandrose(m): 12:05pm On Nov 11, 2018
Nice story Love to read, I have interest in getting this story in PDF format . I will contact you via your mail.

1 Like

Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 5:07am On Nov 12, 2018
It was not that things were bad outright. Even at fifty five, Rose was a beautiful woman. A man could have thanked God that his wife had grown to be chubby and graceful, but not Nonso. He was too fastidious to glorify God with the life of his wife.

Previously, some fifteen years back, he had complained about the increasing fat. Rose had taken the matter seriously and had enrolled in a keep-fit class. She was able to shed some weight and her husband had been impressed.

Soon afterwards, the keep-fit exercises could not be sustained and the fat came back with vengeance. Since then, Rose had remained helpless about the situation.

She finished the creaming and removed the towel to wear her under wears and clothes.

Nonso closed his eyes. He knew more fat would assail his sight, especially in the chest, the tummy and from the waist to the hips. In a broad daylight like this, he would rather not see them.

'What do I ask Rhoda to prepare for you as breakfast?' Rose strapped her extra-large bra in place.

At the mention of Rhoda's name, his heart skipped a beat. To him, Rhoda's slim - but bosomy - physique was the ideal body a woman should have. Nonso believed that a man had the right to become fat; but not a woman. But maybe some men liked them fat. Such men could go ahead and encourage their women to become as rotund as possible; that would be their choice. For him, the slim one was the beacon of attraction.

'What d'you want for breakfast?' Her repetition was necessary since he appeared to be lost in thoughts.

'I think yam and fried eggs will be o.k.'

'Alright.' Rose put on a flowing gown that made her look even more matronly. She applied a perfume.

'I'm on my way out. Take care of yourself.' She smiled as a way to say goodbye.

'See you.' He turned lazily on the bed.

She picked her handbag and left the large bedroom. Nonso waited to hear her drive out of the compound. Then he stood up and wore his slippers. He had lied when he said he had headache. Nothing was wrong with him.

Still in his boxer, he walked down the stair case half naked. Rhoda was in the kitchen peeling a tuber of yam.

'Good morning, sir.' She briefly stopped the peeling to give a smile.

'Good morning, my dear. How're you?'

'Fine.' She cut the yam into slices.

Any time the two of them were together, he had decided to be addressing her as 'dear.' Rhoda never protested against that. As a matter of fact, she liked it.

‘You’re preparing yam?’ The question was absolutely unnecessary as it was obvious that she was doing so.

‘Yes. Madam say make I prepare am.’

‘Good.’ He walked to her side and fondled her bust.

‘Oga, I dey busy o.' The protest was feeble and half-hearted.

‘I know. I dey busy too.’ He mimicked her and laughed at his own joke.

‘Alright, I will leave you for now.' He stopped the infamous act. 'We still have plenty of time later. Today, I’m going to teach you some tricks.’

She giggled softly. There would be no going back on the secret things they shared. Rhoda had been able to contact her aunty in Lome through the telephone over the weekend. That one had congratulated her over the big 'fish' she had caught. She had gone ahead to reveal what she could do in order not to lose him. Rhoda would do all she was asked to do.

There was a sound of the gate being opened and somebody entering the compound. Nonso was just about to resume the handling, but stopped. He winked at her and went back upstairs.

[For complete reading: https://okadabooks.com/book/about/victims_of_passion/23232]

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Re: Victims Of Passion by Ann2012(f): 9:29am On Nov 12, 2018
LoveToRead, I just bought the book on Okadabook's but it's blank
Re: Victims Of Passion by LoveToRead: 11:24am On Nov 12, 2018
LoveToRead, I just bought the book on Okadabook's but it's blank

I am so sorry to read that. The error is from okadabooks.
You are one of my cherished readers.
PS, send me an email to lovetoread604@gmail.com
i will send the pdf version to you ASAP.
Sorry for the trouble.

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