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The Best Emr/hmis Solution For Hospials In Nigeria - Health - Nairaland

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The Best EMR Solutions For Nigerian Hospitals In 2025 / The Best EMR Solutions For Nigerian Hospitals In 2025 / 6 Best Electronic Medical Record Software (EMR) For Nigeria Hospital (2) (3) (4)

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The Best Emr/hmis Solution For Hospials In Nigeria by iamakinfemi(m): 9:16am On Oct 24, 2018
The best EMR/HMIS solution in Nigeria is Genesys. It is a digital medical record system of patients in hospitals that coins either from an electronic format or is transformed from paper to an online format, it includes patients contact information, past and future medical appointment, vitals, Doctors prescription, billing information and lots more. Genesys introduces and incorporates the IT world into the health sector. It is widely known that Information technology is used in mostly all facade of industries in this 21st century and it exhibits a lot of benefit which are; improved data storage, improved financial management, cut cost of operation, improved business to customer relation etc., hence the need for all hospitals in Nigeria to get their self a Genesys.
This essay will outline some basic reasons why Genesys is the best electronic medical record solution for hospitals in Nigeria. Firstly, Genesys eradicates the physical storage space used for storing paper files and introduces the digital storage method which is as handy as a laptop or mobile device. With Genesys all records in the hospitals are digitized, all the problem associated with paper storage are automatically eliminated, more spaces are created in the hospital to incorporate more lifesaving facilities.
Secondly, accessibility of data, it is well known that paper file document can only be in one place at a time thereby creating a sort of restriction, with Genesys on board, all document and file will be accessible to authorized personnel only at any point in time,. In addition, there is also a form of information exchange when authorized clinicians from different location have access to the same patient information giving room to coordinated activities in case of an emergency.
Moreover, Genesys increases workflow and productivity at the hospital, this is possible by the elimination of time spent on queues waiting to get file record or test result or to see the doctor. Genesys takes care of all this from the moment the patient steps into the hospital, from the record department to the clinician to the pharmacy to the payment point, all that is required is just a “send button” or a click. This is made possible by the use of real time record system, nobody has to carry file from place to place as the medical team are automatically updated unlike the paper chart system and more patients are attended to, more life are saved, and there is an increase in productivity.
Furthermore, Genesys improve diagnosis of patient, this it does by taking into consideration all details of patient that would have been overlooked by the clinician. By virtue of its storage capabilities, Genesys can compare symptoms in patient down to the family line in case of a hereditary disease and it can also compare prominent symptoms in patients over a period of time, this is effective in outbreak control. With Genesys, decision making process is faster and more efficient.
From the above, it is clear that incorporation of Genesys into Nigerian healthcare sector would skyrocket the level of its service delivery as it is both beneficial to the health sector and the patient at large.

Re: The Best Emr/hmis Solution For Hospials In Nigeria by JamesNunn: 2:28am On Jan 31, 2019
Hospitals today need to have all of their EMR's migrated to the cloud in order to stay competitive and provide the best possible patient care. The shift has already begun where patients have ONE health record that is centrally located in the cloud and is updated by all different types of providers in separate locations. Obviously this scenario is not possible today since practically every healthcare facility utilizes a different type of record. Some providers have not even transferred over to electronic health records and are still using. OutsourcedMedical provides a real easy way of migrating an entire medical record database into the cloud.
Re: The Best Emr/hmis Solution For Hospials In Nigeria by OlADIPU: 2:47pm On Jan 20, 2023
Whether you have problems with the once promising EMR you subscribed to or you have just gotten phone, tablet and computers for your hospital computerization, I know you want another facility to recommend to you the good EMR they are using. If you are tired of all this EMR that want to milk you dry or are too complex for your work environment, what you are about to reach will raise your hope. You can not give up because what heard as a benefit of EMR is inspiring you to continue thesearch. You will get it somedays. I want to tell you what AjirMed EMR customers are saying.

“The way I am using ajirMed usually surprise other private practittionals. I can be in a AGPMPN meeting after examining a patient, recomended a test at Atlantic. I 'll received an alert of result when ready at the meeting, and login to continue treatments there.”Atlantic Hospital, Lagos. Emeka Nwani, CEO

“ajirMed has brought many positive changes to Lade hospital. The most significant was the time saved during Prescription. We used saved Prescription/Hints that incorporates suggested treatments based on patient diagnosis characteristics to save time.” Lade Hospital, Lagos. Onafujabi Adebayo, CMD

“ajirMed is the only way for us to have transform wholesome medical practice. They easily integrated diet treatment, physiotherapy treatment into the core of our operation simply with the click of a button and regularly attends to our demands to turn our paper forms into interactive digits”. Parkview Hospital, Lagos. Nathaniel Lulu, DMS

“ajirMed provides us with an interface where we can administer special ENT treatments, a highly customizable way of applying medicine and tracking usage, as well as great reporting tools with dashboard capabilities. ” Ade Tokunbo ENT Clinic, Lagos. Yinka Makinde, MD

‘' Grace hospital has found ajirMed to save us cost on paper records we used to carry from house to house, which has both minimized administrative overheads and assists to have mobile medical records of patients wherever and whenever we visit. ”Grace Hospital, Osogbo. Dorcas Eleka, CMD

‘'We have found that the customization with ajirMed is orders of magnitude. The customization of our inventories at the pharmacy and creation of user segregation of duties with needed attached privileges has made a huge difference to us.” Wemimo Hospital, Ibadan. Gbenga Adekunle, MD.

We hope you find any of these useful in our case. For additional information, visit www.ajirmed.com, book your own demo, check the price. It is very affordable. You can also call them or send whatsapp messages if you needed help or answers to your questions. We sincerely hope you also have good to say about this EMR, it will be the end of your search.

Also, check this link


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