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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Pets / My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. (40795 Views)
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Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 2:50pm On Dec 29, 2018 |
OsuGanja: I was not there when the visitor was inside. How do you introduce your dog to people scared of dogs? |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by OsuGanja(m): 4:42pm On Dec 29, 2018 |
Jackofall: Google should be your best friend bro... I learnt a lot online..If you can make them roll up their hand in a fist like manner and offer the back of the hand to the dog to sniff it makes it a whole lot easier 2 Likes |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 11:27pm On Jan 05, 2019 |
So I noticed something about my dog, for the past week now, she has been calmer, more independent, and less noisy. ![]() It seems she is growing out of her childish and attention seeking characters... 2 Likes |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by areahints: 8:11am On Jan 06, 2019 |
OsuGanja: lool your username and that stick got me laffing 1 Like |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 7:33pm On Jan 06, 2019 |
Last night, she slept alone in the toilet till around 1:30am without crying. But she woke up, scratched the door and I opened it for her to come in. Luckily for her I didn't sleep early yesterday. |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 7:39pm On Jan 06, 2019 |
So I met a lady in my neighborhood yesterday whom I discovered also has a dog. She claimed its a male samoyed, but I am yet to meet her dog. Anyway she came to my house today with her siblings and friends. So I went to my room to carry my dog out for them to meet. I though to myself since they also have a dog they shouldn't be scared of a dog and can handle a small dog off leash, I was so wrong. ![]() The moment they saw the dog, they were like "awwwnn she is so cute", the moment I dropped her down, she ran frantically towards all of them, they almost broke the door down trying to escape. I made a mistake by dropping the dog down and she pursued the girls completely out of the compound, and even ran after them outside the compound(a big mistake, because anything can happen) I ran towards her, she was faster than I was. She got interested in an object on the ground, that was how I got hold of her. It was a very funny scene, when I told the lady outside the compound to enter so she can properly meet the dog, I attempted to close the gate, she almost scaled the fence when I tried dropping her to the ground. ![]() ![]() Lmao, I couldn't hold my laughter. So I told them to bring their samoyed tomorrow, but this time I would make sure I don't introduce the dogs off leash, it could be dangerous. 8 Likes |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by JAccksnow(m): 10:00pm On Jan 06, 2019 |
What a lovely pup. How often do you give her the vitamin pill and the cold liver oil ? |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 10:07pm On Jan 06, 2019 |
JAccksnow: I ground half a pill into her dry food, and add a quarter of a cap of cod liver oil into her food, then mix it all up. |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 1:03pm On Jan 07, 2019 |
Took her to the vet today for deworming, weight check and physical examination. She currently weighs 8lb(3.6kg). |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 12:33am On Jan 10, 2019 |
So last two days, my dog finally understands how to play fetch... ![]() |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by johnnyn1(m): 11:36am On Jan 10, 2019 |
Jackofall:that's a good one bro. Mine is learning to. I'm beginning to love this breed day by day. |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 11:12pm On Jan 10, 2019 |
johnnyn1: Thanks bro |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 5:20pm On Jan 11, 2019 |
I just discovered my dog runs faster than I do. I took her to a large open space on a leash for racing. She consistently outran me, pulling the leash ahead of me. ![]() I thought I was athletic until I met Beverly. 1 Like |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by fowlyansh181(m): 6:18pm On Jan 11, 2019 |
Jackofall:urmm, you thought you could outrun a dog before? 1 Like |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 2:26pm On Jan 13, 2019 |
Say hello to Beverly at 16 weeks old. 3 Likes
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 2:26pm On Jan 13, 2019 |
fowlyansh181:Yes, I mean she is just a puppy na ![]() |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by fowlyansh181(m): 2:51pm On Jan 13, 2019 |
Jackofall:lol.. dogs are foul legged, they have great speeds for hunting , I don’t think we can over run dogs 1 Like |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by braveboi4life: 11:07pm On Jan 15, 2019 |
See me following your thread,so interesting...more updates please ,how is beverly 1 Like |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 11:56am On Jan 17, 2019 |
braveboi4life: Ohh thanks for following. she is doing very fine.. |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 9:18pm On Jan 19, 2019 |
Beverly is exactly 4 months old today. Took her out for some photoshots. 6 Likes
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Leonardoreel(m): 1:41am On Jan 20, 2019 |
Bro.. I'm in love with this thread, I never had a pet dog before but I'm considering getting one, tho I'm a Muslim and don't know if my parents will permit me but sincerely I wish to have 1 If my parents permits me to have 1, I'm considering getting lhasa going by what I read on your thread... Would love to get more OT from you. 2 Likes |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Flattino(m): 1:45am On Jan 20, 2019 |
Leonardoreel:Cc Lukgaf What is the ruling about owning a dog ? 1 Like |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Lukgaf(m): 7:54am On Jan 20, 2019 |
Flattino: Praise be to Allaah. According to Islaamic Shareeah, it is not permitted to keep a dog except within narrowly-defined limits, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained: "Whoever keeps a dog, his good deeds will decrease every day by one qeeraat (a unit of measurement), unless it is a dog for farming or herding." According to another report: ". . . unless it is a dog for herding sheep, farming or hunting." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, 2322) Dogs are extremely naajis (impure, unclean). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "If a dog drinks from the vessel of any one of you, let him wash it seven times" (reported by Muslim, no. 279). According to another report: ". . . and clean it the eighth time with earth." (Saheeh Muslim, no. 280). It is forbidden in Islaam to sell a dog and to receive payment for it, as is reported in Saheeh al-Bukhaari from Abu Masoud al-Ansaari: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade (accepting) the price of a dog. (al-Fath, no. 2237) The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us not to resemble dogs by placing our forearms on the ground during sujood (prostration), as in reported in the hadeeth narrated by Anas ibn Maalik, according to which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Do sujood properly; none of you should spread his forearms like a dog does." (al-Bukhaari, Fath, no. 822). Whoever keeps a dog in his house is denied the blessing of the angels presence in his house, as the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 3225). Keeping dogs nowadays is the habit of the kuffaar, who adopt them as friends, kiss them, let them lick them and their clothes, sleep with them and even leave them money in their wills. Keeping a dog is an imitation of the kuffaar. Some Muslims may claim that they need to keep a dog at home for purposes of protection, to which we respond that nowadays there are burglar alarm systems and other measures one may take for security purposes, and there is no need to keep a dog, praise be to Allaah. It only remains for us to say that the fact that it is forbidden to keep a dog and interect closely with it does not mean that we should not be kind or feel compassion towards dogs if we see them in a pitiful state. These are two entirely separate matters. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that "a man saw a dog biting the dust because of thirst, so he took his shoe and started to scoop water up with it until the dogs thirst was quenched. Allaah appreciated his good deed and granted him entry to Paradise for it." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, no. 174). According to another report, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Whilst a man was walking he became very thirsty, so he went down to a well and drank from it. When he came out, he saw a dog panting and biting the soil because of thirst. The man said, He is suffering the same as I suffered, so he filled his shoe (with water), came out and let the dog drink until his thirst was quenched. Allaah appreciated his good deed and forgave him because of it." The people asked, "O Messenger of Allaah, will we be rewarded for how we treat animals?" He said, "In every living thing there is a reward." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, Fath, no. 2363). We do not want to omit reminding you of the importance of reading the Quraan properly and referring to it. You say in your question that the story of the thirsty dog is in the Quraan, and that is not the case, as it is reported in the Sunnah. And Allaah knows best. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 10:45pm On Jan 20, 2019 |
Leonardoreel: Thanks for the feedback. ![]() Well, I don't have much to say concerning the dog issue being a Muslim. But I don't think cats are Haram to Muslims, perhaps you could get a cat. 1 Like |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Leonardoreel(m): 11:25pm On Jan 20, 2019 |
Jackofall: I'm not into cats I prefer dogs and I've spoken with my parents, they seems not to oppose to that. My main concern now is, I need a pet dog that won't consume much of resources in terms of feeding cuz presently I can't afford to feed a dog over 10k budget in a month... What breed of English dog would fall within that budget and I don't want an aggressive dog, it should be quite tame and very friendly 1 Like |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by OsuGanja(m): 1:20am On Jan 21, 2019 |
Leonardoreel: One thing I’ve learbt from life... Whatever you want to do,whatever makes you happy,do it... You don’t need no ones permission.. I’m also a Muslim and when I wanted to get my dog my dad tried his best to discourage me.. All I told him was “popsy I’m not asking for your permission to get a dog,I’m only telling you. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 6:49pm On Jan 21, 2019 |
Leonardoreel: Very friendly you say. Eskimos are known to be very friendly, and they fall under toy/small breed. They don't consume much considering their body size. You can get that. And also read up on Eskimos before making the decision. Anyway if you don't want your dog to be aggressive, play with her often, let her meet a lot of people and other dogs and animals, take her out often, let people play with her, make sure all her interactions with people and animals are positive ones. Don't ever beat her or try to be aggressive with her, dogs get aggressive when they are scared. Always make sure she is sitting down or lying down before giving her food, so she will respect you. Don't always give her everything she beg for, only what she needs, so she knows you are a leader and in charge, thereby respecting you. But make sure you ask your vet first before taking her out to play and meet people because of her low immunity at young age. 4 Likes |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 8:46am On Jan 23, 2019 |
My dog is neither food nor territorial. I always give her something else in place of what she is eating, or I add more food for her if I am coming closer to her food. So she knows I don't intend to just steal her food. So yesternight something funny happened, I gave my dog chicken wings to pass time, but I know it's dangerous. So I monitor her while she is eating, and once the bones are broken into small dangerous pieces, sometimes I take it away so it doesn't splinter and hurt her in the mouth/throat/intestine. Anyway I attempted to collect the bones, moved my hand closer to her mouth and she growled and almost bite me, I removed my hand immediately without getting bitten. She left my side to eat in peace, after some minutes she brought the bone right next to eat it right beside me without being called or anything. So that got me thinking, is the dog trying to apologize or I'm just imagining things? ![]() 3 Likes |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 11:48am On Jan 24, 2019 |
So today my dog still exhibiting aggression, when I tried to wear her newly bought cloth she was uncomfortable with me wearing it on her. I tried forcing her and she cried and growled and left me. So I was determined to find the solution. I asked a known dog trainer in Lagos for solution after explaining the situation to him, but I didn't like his solution as it involved restrains, force and pain. I know those things would only make a dog more aggressive and won't solve anything. So I decided to search for a book for behavior modification for dogs, and I saw a book by Sophia Yin, a renowned animal behaviorist that uses positive reinforcement and scientifically proven methods of behavior modification without the use of force nor pain. Book titled Less stress handling restraint and behavior modification of dogs and cats for developing patients who love their visits. Sophia Yin. So far so good, I'm loving the book as it discourages bullying and frustrating your dog, she is against the method used by the dogs whisperer on NAT GEO WILD Cesar Millan, because he uses forces, pains and bullying which only makes aggressive dogs worse or make them handicapped by repressed fears waiting to explode one day. 3 Likes |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 9:31pm On Jan 24, 2019 |
Moments ago my dog just dry rumped a teddy bear again the second time I am catching her in the act. ![]() 1 Like |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Cassie56: 10:55pm On Jan 24, 2019 |
Jackofall: Please where did you get the tick collar, as well as the treat dispenser. I have a big energy 14 weeks old GSD I need of these and a lot more. Is there a particular store you shop for toys. Also any idea where i can get a clicker? P.S welldone on taking care of Beverly. |
Re: My lhasa apso, Beverly is on heat again. by Nobody: 1:45am On Jan 25, 2019 |
Cassie56: Thanks for stopping by. ![]() You can visit online and order for the toys or visit one of their branches at Maryland or island. 1 Like |
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