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Don't Scroll Without Reading This!!! by Simiwords(f): 6:48am On Nov 10, 2018

I watched a movie today based on a book written by Nicolas yoon. The title was everythig,everything. The movie was about a young girl suffering from a defect known as SCID. It weakened her immune system to fight against common bacteria, virus or fungi. It made her highly susceptible to any and every germ. Her situation was so complicated that if she tried to step outside for a second, she could fall seriously sick and die. Here's where I'm going with this story. At a point, this young girl fell in love and took the biggest risk ever!.
I have to emphasize some things before the picture I am trying to paint can be clear. She was sick! She could not go out! She could not relate with people! She had a very strict diet, she had been indoors for all eighteen years of her life! Under serious medical supervision. She was taught that living this kind of restricted life was the best way to remain alive but she could not understand why she had to try so hard to live if all she could see where the white walls that surrounded her and the only people she could talk to were her mum and nurse. She felt like she didn't exist!!. She fell in love with the next door neighbour ( you will need to watch the movie to understand). She packed her bags and travelled to Hawaii with her new boyfriend. A place she had always wanted to visit.
Now, here's the important part. She felt alive, she felt real, she finally felt like she existed. Thinking deeply about it I realised she had multiple choices she could pick from just the way we have multiple choices in life.she could easily have remained indoors, trying to be safe, trying to stay alive long enough to grow old and eventually die with no memories and without experiencing anything. Or she could continue her restricted relationship with her new boyfriend through texts and from the safety of her home, a huge glass separating them. Or she could go on and live! Experience, life, love and die smiling.
She chose the last option and when I thought about it, I understood her choice because " life is short and instead of trying to live carefully, experience nothing and die regretting, it is better to enjoy life as much as you can instead of sitting behind the scenes and living through other people's eyes." She took a risk. She made me understand that for something as huge as your happiness, you should be able to go beyond being careful, being scared, being trapped in a system and just do what you've always dreamed of doing.
Re: Don't Scroll Without Reading This!!! by AryEmber(f): 9:48am On Nov 10, 2018
If you're talking about 'Everything Everything', that movie is like the shittest movie ever! Who locks their only child up just because she didn't want to lose her? She forgot that reproduction would have given her more of her?
Re: Don't Scroll Without Reading This!!! by OluwabuqqyYOLO(m): 7:28pm On Nov 10, 2018
If you're talking about 'Everything Everything', that movie is like the shittest movie ever! Who locks their only child up just because she didn't want to lose her? She forgot that reproduction would have given her more of her?
She is talking about 'Everything, Everything'.
Re: Don't Scroll Without Reading This!!! by AryEmber(f): 7:38pm On Nov 10, 2018

She is talking about 'Everything, Everything'.
I thought as much, that movie pissed me of eh!
Re: Don't Scroll Without Reading This!!! by Simiwords(f): 9:26pm On Nov 10, 2018
I know, the story line is disturbing but I'm more focused on how the girl broke out of the cage than her mother's issues.
Re: Don't Scroll Without Reading This!!! by Kvngfrosh(m): 9:54pm On Nov 10, 2018
Glad ave watched it she doesnt have scid
Re: Don't Scroll Without Reading This!!! by aprilwise(m): 10:32am On Nov 11, 2018
Her mother were hidden something from her. Although I didn't watch it to the end.

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