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Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by OyinO: 7:50am On Nov 25, 2018
Xtianity that steals and plays circular songs everyday?
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by Lomprico2: 7:51am On Nov 25, 2018
Happy sunday to you alI...
I really need your suggestions, because this has become a norm in almost all the weddings I have attended...

ugly milf...
but I wouldn't mind sucking those milk factory till I cum...
religious and holy pussy
I been think say na my cossy sef

The above is what you posted on the thread after this! And u are here trying to form "worried" over secular music! Fuçking hypocrite. angry


Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by Bizmagnet: 7:52am On Nov 25, 2018
Canality everywhere. What do you want to do with secular songs at your wedding if you are a christian? What motivation? What impartation? What message? It is well with the church of nowadays.


Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by CDMHELPDESK007: 7:55am On Nov 25, 2018
Happy sunday to you alI...
I really need your suggestions, because this has become a norm in almost all the weddings I have attended...

it is very wrong.
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by NumbEmotions(m): 7:57am On Nov 25, 2018
You want a short straight answer?nothing wrong with it. You want a more elaborate answer i'll give u in a sec...brb
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by bitcoin215: 7:58am On Nov 25, 2018
Good love songs aren't bad.......
BTW aren't the couples going to say lovely sweet words to themselves in the marriage

Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by mekussa(m): 8:01am On Nov 25, 2018
First of ALL, no sane person will play secular songs DURING his/her wedding(this is that one you do inside your church,mosque or shrine).
HOWEVER, where people DANCE and MAKE MERRY is called WEDDING RECEPTION and its normally held OUTSIDE your place of worship. At this point, if you want you fit show blue film.. E no concern anybody.
Besides, after your PARENTS have FORMALLY accepted your union(traditional marriage), you are officially married o!!!!

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Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by davibid: 8:02am On Nov 25, 2018
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by Blonchilli(m): 8:15am On Nov 25, 2018
If the songs have the right content and exude love, happiness etc.

You have no business playing Olamide and Wizkid at a church wedding.

You can play Timi Dakolo's songs like Iyawo Mi, Medicine or go old school with Sunny Neji and Paul Play.

Olamide and wizkid songs shouldn't be played at a wedding. They only talk booty and nonsense. Play those songs you recommend and some Ed Sheeran songs, Marc Anthony I need you can also be played

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Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by Jidibia(m): 8:18am On Nov 25, 2018

What sort of songs do you think was sang at tge wedding Jesus attended?
Go and ask Mohammed or you chief priest, they will give you the answer. Cus a true Christian will not ask this kind of derogatory question.
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by MsGood(f): 8:29am On Nov 25, 2018
By the grace of God, I will play any song I like on my wedding day but I don't like nonsense songs so no wahala.
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by Chukazu: 8:36am On Nov 25, 2018
One quote that guides me in such situations is this...

" In matter of STYLE swim with the current, in matter of PRINCIPLE Stand like a rock

Thomas Jefferson

So this is surely a matter of style of me , as it doesn't change my character and principle, so I can swim with the current- that to enjoy every moment of that wedding
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by tboig20(m): 8:42am On Nov 25, 2018
Is it right to go for Thanksgiving in the Church after a successful Traditional Marriage?
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by BenzEne1(m): 8:47am On Nov 25, 2018
Where in your bible, quran, torah and the other religious books is it written that you religious but ungodly folks shouldn't listen to secular music.

Most Nigerians possess an awkward religious belief that I often ask myself if they are sensible at all.

They claim it is ungodly to their God to listen to secular music yet the westerners who are the pioneers of christianity are the same people who brought about hip hop, pop, rock and other genre of music which the simpletons among Nigerians term as ungodly music.

Likewise the Arabs who are the pioneers of islam have their own version of hip hop, pop and the likes yet our folks over here believe its ungodly to listen to secular. Where is your sense?

Funny enough most of the gospel songs they listen to are styled in the secular way of music.

Your don moen, tye tribett, maher zain, najeeb al kareem and the likes sing pop/rock music while some sing hip hop (le crae, mali music) and some fuji/apala (mike abdul).

If you know something about a Muslim. Never use that to judge Islam. Islam has laid down rules. Whether Maher Zain or any other Muslim goes against the teaching of Islam. It doesn't make their actions right.

Allaah says in Soorat Luqmaan (interpretation of the meaning):

“And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing) to mislead (men) from the path of Allaah…” [Luqmaan 31:6]

Al-Sa’di (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: this includes all manner of haraam speech, all idle talk and falsehood, and all nonsense that encourages kufr and disobedience; the words of those who say things to refute the truth and argue in support of falsehood to defeat the truth; and backbiting, slander, lies, insults and curses; the singing and musical instruments of the Shaytaan; and musical instruments which are of no spiritual or worldly benefit.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Do you then wonder at this recitation (the Qur’aan)?

And you laugh at it and weep not,

Wasting your (precious) lifetime in pastime and amusements (singing)”

[al-Najm 53:59-61]

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Among my ummah there will certainly be people who permit zinaa, silk, alcohol and musical instruments…” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari ta’leeqan, no. 5590; narrated as mawsool by al-Tabaraani and al-Bayhaqi. See al-Silsilah al-Saheehah by al-Albaani, 91).

This hadeeth indicates in two ways that musical instruments and enjoyment of listening to music are haraam. The first is the fact that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “[they] permit” which clearly indicates that the things mentioned, including musical instruments, are haraam according to sharee’ah, but those people will permit them. The second is the fact that musical instruments are mentioned alongside things which are definitely known to be haraam, i.e., zinaa and alcohol: if they (musical instruments) were not haraam, why would they be mentioned alongside these things? (adapted from al-Silsilah al-Saheehah by al-Albaani, 1/140-141)

Islam permits singing that reflects on the teachings of the religion, which however must be done vocally without instruments. Also it must be composed in a way that it doesn't draw one into dancing or other haram acts. Don't judge Islam based on a muslim, judge Muslims based on Islam. Allahuallam

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Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by Nobody: 9:12am On Nov 25, 2018
How does this help Christians to be better? Why trying to water down and make gullible Christians and intending converts hate Christianity and lose their eternity. Are you for GOD or satan? on Friday, things that edifies Islam. Same should be for Christianity on this day.

In what way will the topic make Christian lose eternity? Think and give the best answer.

Rubbish undecided
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by intergral(m): 9:18am On Nov 25, 2018
it just like saying can you play circular song during church service ?. galatians 5 :25
every Christian song is a circular song the only difference is that they mention Jesus or lord inside... And 99% of Nigerian musicians are Christians and they goto church and also pay juicy tithes... By the way church are like mini clubs, Infact it is where most Christians learn how to dance the only difference is that they don't drink and smoke and you know 90 percent of Christians drink so very soon they will take it to church.... Time is all that matters... Una eye go soon clear... Shey una dey worship God weh dey die...
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by kingchris30(m): 9:23am On Nov 25, 2018
Personally, there is nothing like christian wedding. Wedding is not a christian thing, our african mentality is affecting us. it is just a party. is like saying christian club because we have so- called Christian there.

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Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by MrPRevailer(m): 9:47am On Nov 25, 2018

The love of world is enemity with God.
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by peacezy555: 10:05am On Nov 25, 2018
if it's the reception, then u can play secular music because I believe it's a social gathering and not a Christian gathering
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by Bouncingbabyboy(m): 10:09am On Nov 25, 2018
Happy sunday to you alI...
I really need your suggestions, because this has become a norm in almost all the weddings I have attended...
is it right to collect tithes from secular musicians
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by iliyande(m): 10:12am On Nov 25, 2018
Nothing like church wedding
white wedding is not biblical and not ordained by God

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Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by elderhimself(m): 10:21am On Nov 25, 2018
Ah,.. u need to listen to Chioma Jesus during receptions oh... or else, ur marriage crash within the week
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by QuietHammer(m): 10:42am On Nov 25, 2018

Go and ask Mohammed or you chief priest, they will give you the answer. Cus a true Christian will not ask this kind of derogatory question.
So I'm not Christian to ask the question so therefore I'm either a Muslim or a 'pagan'. Wow. You are really intelligent.

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Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by Jidibia(m): 10:45am On Nov 25, 2018

So I'm not Christian to ask the question so therefore I'm either a Muslim or a 'pagan'. Wow. You are really intelligent.
A true Christian should not ask such a question. Church going doesn't make you a true Christian. Imagine a Christ like someone asking such a question.
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by Nobody: 10:54am On Nov 25, 2018
Happy sunday to you alI...
I really need your suggestions, because this has become a norm in almost all the weddings I have attended...

It is wrong to be stupid.
Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by QuietHammer(m): 11:01am On Nov 25, 2018

A true Christian should not ask such a question. Church going doesn't make you a true Christian. Imagine a Christ like someone asking such a question.
Answer the question or be a hypocrite and stop replying.

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Re: Is It Right To Play Secular Songs During Christian Weddings? by Jidibia(m): 11:04am On Nov 25, 2018

Answer the question or be a hypocrite and stop replying.
I don't answer a question you already have an answer to. The dumbest question I have ever come across on planet earth. Stop been an anti Christ.

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