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ff by MOBO444(f): 4:18pm On Jul 28, 2010
Re: ff by LAGOS1976: 4:26pm On Jul 28, 2010
Nigeria women again,see as they shame themselves.
Re: ff by 808: 4:27pm On Jul 28, 2010
This women are all gold and silver digger,they are looking for a man back to climb to success,rubbish. cool cool cool cool cool cool cool
Re: ff by snowdrops(m): 4:30pm On Jul 28, 2010
i dont see the point of this post
Re: ff by 808: 4:36pm On Jul 28, 2010
What do you do with a wife who want you to build a parallel house in her father's compound as you are getting ready to build one in your father's compound for her and her children enjoyment?. what do you do to a wife who secretly continues to transfer your money to her family in Nigeria without your knowledge and approval ?. What do you do with a wife who surround your house with her sisters and you suddenly became a stranger in your own house ?.Did not the Good Book said that a man should marry a wife and both of them becomes one ?. What do you do to in-laws that refuse to return back to Nigeria after almost one year of visitation. Theses are just some of the issue that need to be factored into this discussion as some of these wives are taking most of our men for granted simply because they wrongly believe that the law is on their side. This is not the African,-Igbo culture way that we all grow up with.
Re: ff by MOBO444(f): 4:38pm On Jul 28, 2010
Re: ff by MissyB1(m): 4:53pm On Jul 28, 2010

Nigeria wife in America must change and be submissive to their husband, Nigeria women are a shame and disgrace, look at Ghana, Cote d voire, Liberia, South Africa, Togo, Benin, Mali, the women from all this country are doing great and well, but Nigeria women seem to be the only one with issue, they are disgracing themselves everywhere and see below the most recent case on home murder and confession.
What has this 5-lined tattle got to do with the badly written article (May I ask who wrote it?)?


  Nigeria women again,see as they shame themselves.
Can You read?
Nigeria women? It's their fault here? Like, seriously?  undecided


Nigeria is so bad every girl wants to get out. Nigeria is so bad many girls have seen 100s of men before they meet the unassuming diasporan. Nigeria is so bad our girls who are supposed to be in universities spend months hunting expartriates around PH etc because nigeria is so bad their parents can't meet any of their needs not to talk of proper upbringing (recall the recent perverse unclothed pictures with white apes aka with expartriates). Nigeria is so bad even parents put enormous pressure on their girl wards to hook a rich man or better still a supposedly rich diasporan. Nigeria is so bad a multitude of girls butterfly themselves to your notice anytime you diasporan visits home. Nigeria is so bad that only a poisnous "fish" entangles itself in your net and hooks you. Nigeria is so bad the chances of meeting a good "fish" is almost impossible. Then the bad fish hooks itself on your coat tail and passes immigration. Nigeria is so bad the parents and the vast extended family members mount even more pressure on the already bad fish to uplift their lives by plucking and remitting the free dollars on wall street. The bad bad fish becomes a deadly fish. The deadly fish is now dissatisfied with your modest lifestyle whereby you cut your coat according to your cloth. The dangerous fish becomes vulnerable to temptations and guess what follows,  The culturally conservative Igbo man demonstrates only one known reaction under such circumstances. Guess the consequence,  911,  Any undertaker in the house?
Listen, do me a favor - shut the hell up
Re: ff by papa190(m): 5:02pm On Jul 28, 2010
very good, this should sound as a warning to all nigerian gurls out there
that keep thinking that getting married to that Yankee man is the end of their problems!
Re: ff by LOVE4BUG(f): 5:03pm On Jul 28, 2010
MOBO444 Rumor monger!!! shame on you angry angry angry get life jo and stop gossiping tongue tongue tongue
Re: ff by papa190(m): 5:23pm On Jul 28, 2010
babay. grin grin.why are u so angry over the truth~
Re: ff by Spyker: 6:00pm On Jul 28, 2010
It's a global disease. Same thing happens world wide. It's just that we Nigerians like publicizing our bad side.
Re: ff by tpiah: 6:04pm On Jul 28, 2010
i think the op was also replying himself on this thread, with multiple ids

anyway, people should be more prayerful
Re: ff by sBenzs(m): 6:56pm On Jul 28, 2010
@LOVE.4BUG, better believe this story and keep ur eyes off Yankee men OR u gonna smell their bloody guns with R.I.P. tag!
Re: ff by mamagee3(f): 7:02pm On Jul 28, 2010
What a wicked thing to do!

And we ask ourselves why all these Nigerian women abroad wouldn't like marrying nigerian men.

It's because of their violence outside Nigeria.
Re: ff by LOVE4BUG(f): 7:13pm On Jul 28, 2010

@LOVE.4BUG, better believe this story and keep your eyes off Yankee men OR u gonna smell their bloody guns with R.I.P. tag!

I know you are jealous of the yankee guys just becos you can't afford it tongue tongue tongue tongue
Re: ff by kokoye(m): 7:56pm On Jul 28, 2010

What a wicked thing to do!

And we ask ourselves why all these Nigerian women abroad wouldn't like marrying nigerian men.

It's because of their violence outside Nigeria.

Honestly, Nigerian women abroad dont mind marrying nigerian men abroad. This is because everyone know exactly what to expect since you already live in this part of the world.

The problem arises when a Nigerian man in the U.S (still engrossed in the Nigerian culture) struggles to bring a girl from Nigerian and sends her to school here as an investment for the family. In most cases, the man won the girl over with the 'yankee' influence (especially when the girl might not have looked at him twice if he lived in naija). Then the girl comes to yankee, goes to school that the man paid for, gets better educated than the man, starts feeling she coulda done better in the choice of a husband, becomes a 'nurse' and starts working endless overtime, has friends, starts going to parties with her nurse friends and realises it is a woman's world in the states.

The guys starts wondering why his 'investment' is turning against him, and he has to be the one who cooks and cleans the house since the wife is always at work. A fire starts burning inside him.

So, really, it is the woman who relocated from naija that has changed . .and a lot of men who do not expect this kinda change cannot handle it.

My advice to men . . stop going home to bring girls that really would not care about you if not for your yankee influence or holiday dollars.
Re: ff by Tosinville(m): 9:47am On Jul 29, 2010
Hey! any beautiful 9ja chiq in lag 4 a naija niqqa in crawford, atl, Georgia, U.S? Never hesitate to hit me up lemme turn yo life around but warning: u must be submissive or else ma fí ibón(9mm) ja ápá e lol
Re: ff by sd6: 1:17pm On Jul 29, 2010
If any naija girl try dat, I'll put my berreta 9mm into the mouth of ur womanliness and see the bullet erupt frm ur skull
Re: ff by Nobody: 5:57pm On Jul 29, 2010
this fake poster with his fake news tongue
Re: ff by Orikinla(m): 6:09pm On Jul 29, 2010
A Nigerian American has told me similar stories.
Re: ff by MOBO444(f): 8:42pm On Jul 29, 2010

this fake poster with his fake news tongue

@Odiearo, The members of the Cabal get angry when they see competitions.
Re: ff by Isabella89: 9:44pm On Jul 29, 2010
There's no denying the fact that behind these cases lie the immaturity, inferiority complex and jealousy some Nigerian men exhibit when their wives are earning more than they are. Some forget that two have become one and that what really matters is good care for their family and not the number of papermoney she makes more than them. Some women also contribute and feed these insecurities when they get disrespectful instead of protecting and cuddling the ego of their men which is already at breaking point. As a result of that any little misunderstanding can make such a man who is already feeling insecure and less of a man trip. We all should give one another more understanding and love people.
Re: ff by Nobody: 9:50pm On Jul 29, 2010

@Odiearo, The members of the Cabal get angry when they see competitions.
Re: ff by Outstrip(f): 9:54pm On Jul 29, 2010
Bunch of losers these men. Nigerian women spread your wings. No where is it written that you must marry a nigerian especially when he is an abusive, psychotic, son of a bi-t-ch. Take your kids and run. Marriage is not a do or die matter. Even after he has killed you people come on the web and still abuse your memory so what was the gain in staying. Nothing. You are too special to throw it away. It is your children that will suffer. He will go to jail and become someone's bitch there but at least he has a life and might even see the children again one day. You on the other hand will never have that chance.
Re: ff by debosky(m): 10:03pm On Jul 29, 2010
There's nothing new in this post by the South Korean/Nigerian loon.

Kokoye's post is the best overall - don't 'settle' all in the name of going to the US, neither should you be 'importing' women who are only out to use you to get what they want.

Above all, be realistic in your expectations and don't project a false image of yourself.
Re: ff by Nobody: 11:46pm On Dec 28, 2011
LOL@ the r3tarded notion that Nigerian woman being a gold digger and ungrateful deserves death!! grin grin grin

please, sit the fugg down!! take responsibilities for your own actions. don't put all of your eggs in one basket and stop trying to be "big papa" all of the time and you will see the results. don't show her a rolex when you are toasting her and then rock a no-lex when it's official grin!! keep it real from beginning and you won't have to worry about dishonesty!!

you say they change when they come to america, or is it that you feeling that your manhood is in jeopardy in the US and feel incompetent is the reason for your paranoia? lipsrsealed lipsrsealed

btw has it occurred to some of you that a few of those murdered women were NOT nigerian? lipsrsealed lipsrsealed
something to think about. tradition and manhood my azz. a selfish man is a selfish man.
Re: ff by cold(m): 12:12am On Dec 29, 2011
This writer captures my thoughts succinctly;

. . .It is difficult to say with certainty what really drove these Nigerian men to murder their wives, but it’s easy to see that it’s an extreme manifestation of a clash of cultural values. America has become one huge demasculinizing matriarchy. And Nigeria is, of course, a massively patriarchal, almost male-chauvinist society. A poorly managed commixture of these deeply contrasting values can be culturally— and literally—combustible. And here is why.

Women here enjoy privileges and protections under the law that men from our kind of patriarchal cultural setting find unnervingly emasculating and humiliating. For instance, if a woman accuses you of violation or of domestic violence—whether or not this is true—you’re dead meat. In America, when it’s a woman’s words against a man’s, the man’s are lies. That’s why a man accused of violation—or of domestic violence— is often considered guilty until proven innocent.

Marriage laws are also heavily weighted in favor of women, that is, by the standards of our patriarchal African cultures. For instance, in the event of a divorce, the woman is almost always awarded custody of the children. And the man is often compelled by law to pay the woman “child support”—which usually adds up to a fortune— until the children are 18. If the divorce is initiated by the man, he will also pay spousal support. That is why divorce pauperizes men here.

This “women-friendly” legal regime has also conduced to the flowering of a phenomenon called paternity fraud. Paternity fraud occurs when a woman falsely claims that a man she’s Were Intimate with is the biological father of her child with the sole purpose of collecting child support from the man. DNA testing has reduced this significantly.

To be fair, the pro-women flavor of the laws here was intended to redress and compensate for the historical injustices that women have suffered—and continue to suffer, although to a lesser degree now in the West— in the hands of men. But some people think the anti-male bias of the laws here is getting truly out of hand. It has denaturalized male-female relationship, is destroying the institution of marriage, and may even threaten reproductive futurism.

This is particularly so for people from patriarchal societies who find themselves in the West. Some of our women come here and find that they have all these lavish freedoms that they thought existed only in the realm of fantasy. For instance, they are for all practical purposes the heads of families. They, not their husbands, choose the names of children. They Be Intimate with their husbands only at their pleasure; otherwise, the husband will be guilty of “spousal violation.” And they can send their husbands to prison with a mere call to the police. For women coming from cultures where the moral excellence of women is defined by how much they “submit” to their husbands, these liberties can be staggeringly inebriating in their generosity.

I’ve heard of Nigerian women who physically assault their husbands at home and then proceed to call 911 when their husbands attempt to retaliate. My friend’s wife recently shared with us the story of her friend, a petite 5-foot-tall woman, who slaps her 6-foot plus husband each time they quarrel and then threatens to call 911 each time the man charges at her in rage. And she boasts about her “exploits” when she chit-chats with her friends! That’s a keg waiting to explode right there.

Some Nigerian women go out of their way to force their husbands to divorce them (e.g. through in-your-face marital infidelity) because they know the courts will hand them over more than half of their husband’s property and give them custody of their children. One Nigerian man murdered his ex-wife when he discovered that she was building a mansion in Port Harcourt with the child and spousal support he was paying her.

But this is cowardly and utterly condemnable. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can justify the murder of any person who didn’t kill anybody. A smart, self-assured man would leave America and relocate to Nigeria if a woman is exploiting him. Many Nigerian men have actually done that.
Re: ff by cold(m): 12:15am On Dec 29, 2011
I think it’s about time Nigerian men in America learn to live with the new culture in their places of self-exile—or leave this place. They date American women but go back home to “import” women from their villages when it comes time to get married. Unfortunately, the women come here and become worse than the American women the men avoided marrying out of fear of cultural incompatibility.
Re: ff by Nobody: 12:16am On Dec 29, 2011
^^ the writer never heard of accept one's responsibilities.

America is obviously not Nigeria or any other country. It's no secret that there is no cultural foundation in the states.
Why would someone try to come to the states and uphold certain views or laws? If you are not prepared to take a back seat don't go in a four door car!  grin
Re: ff by cold(m): 12:40am On Dec 29, 2011
^^Are you for real?Which country in this world that doesn't have cultural foundations?It is a fallacy borne out of ignorance to conclude that 'it is no secret that there is no cultural foundation in the States'.From the Great walls of China to the Grand Canyon & everything in between.All had early cultural foundations that structured such societies & metamorphosed them into what they are today.These cultural foundations differ from country to country & continent to continent.
You can avail yourself of 'Global Dawn-The Cultural Foundation of American Internationalism'.By Frank Ninkovich.Or David Rothkopf, "In Praise of Cultural Imperialism?".Or better yet, 'The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order', by Samuel Huntington.

Although I do concur with the latter part of your statement.Like the saying goes, 'when in Rome,act like the Romans'
Re: ff by Nobody: 1:39am On Dec 29, 2011
^^ wow! so lemme guess, you think us having a holiday in EVERY month means culture? LOL  grin

America was founded by immigrants most of whom came here to CHANGE and ESCAPE their cultures they felt were oppressive. Hence the name of endearment: "land of the free". Okay? A lot of Nigerians and other Africans come here come for work and education however some of them naively come here and try to keep their beliefs 100 PERCENT in tact and get angry when others assimilate but the foundation of American culture IS to deny foreign culture of ANY origin (for example some American women actually feel muslim women wearing veils are signs of s3xism and oppression but with that said some foreign born muslim women come to America and start to believe it themselves. America provides that atmosphere however it is also a fact that there are seriously signs of oppression in predom. muslim countries to keep women covered up.) In the case of these murders, the women came to the states and adjusted while the men felt they were being disrespected and emasculated because of their women "finding their rights" or being too westernized.

PSYCHOLOGICALLY these men were defeated by the American way and seeing that their wives, some of whom already were being wooed in by material things with a bit of deviousness in them, came to the states and switched, they wrongfully decided to take their lives. I know enough about Nigerian culture to know most of these men more than likely painted themselves to be "the one" or her "knight in shining armor" to her parents/family, maybe even "gave her the world" and a bag full of promises and then once she comes to the states and realize she can also be independent they become fearful that they would no longer be "the man".

i see a lot of men on here making jokes (some obviously serious about it) claiming nigerian women to be "blackberry hungry, brazilian weave wearing, and ungrateful" but my question is even it it were true why do you think that is? Keep blaming America oo. lol Period, point blank!! if they are promised goods and given goods who is to blame for their wanting more and doing even the most outrageous of things to get more? even if it means having "more than one man" (back at home or abroad) to get what they want? If i were one of those spiteful women back at home do you think i would change if i was given a chance to go to the states on top of knowing i could call the cops on and / or divorce you and get HALF?!!

It's all about you MEN at the end of the day. The type of woman you look for, how you present yourselves and how you treat her. I don't like for men to use culture as an excuse for male ego. I'm sorry.

so what is my point?

man promise >> man is expected to give.

man bring her to the states >>> she will find out just how different life is from home and "do her"/ do for herself.

she "does her" >> man feel she is challenging his manhood because she ventures out and may even make more money than him, divorce him because she realized from some yankee associates she has rights which are violated by the "culture" or she just might really be up to no good and she ends up leaving or if she stays the two quarrel over the issue/s.

man blames her, failing to realize he is part of the cause for his unrealistic views and his own naivety, rather than accept that, he kills her.
Re: ff by cold(m): 1:46am On Dec 29, 2011
Apparently you missed my point by a mile.There is nothing special about Nigerian men killing their wives as opposed to Jamaican men killing their wives.
Psychotic men kill,period.Their race,nationality or tribe has nothing to do with it.Simple as
And as per culture,yes!America has cultural roots.You can go to the American Culture Frontier Museum to find out some facts

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