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Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by josPlateau(m): 12:52pm On Dec 05, 2018
Very educative. No wonder a lot of people are afraid of owls.Ignorance is indeed a disease.
But I disagree with the writer on that aspect that cats do not spit.
We had a cat which spat at our dog when they fought.
I saw it. Cats do spit bro.


Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by kaval13(m): 12:56pm On Dec 05, 2018
Nice piece of information
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by Getintouch2004(m): 12:57pm On Dec 05, 2018
Beware of this internet fraudster known as Dr.dauda and H,ujosi on Nairaland. His real name is _Amobi _Obianyor living at N0 157, Adetola Street, Surulere, Lagos. Below are some of his numerous phone numbers:






Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by Nobody: 12:59pm On Dec 05, 2018
Very informative.

Good to know some of these things.
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by gentleedu(m): 1:01pm On Dec 05, 2018

I also thought the same about eagles oo cos I know eagles have more fantastic characters than many other bird..
no eagle's are good at strength not in the head

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Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by dalhjana: 1:02pm On Dec 05, 2018
best I've seen on Nl lately
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by djoe21(m): 1:03pm On Dec 05, 2018
1) Contrary to what people believe, the lion is not actually the king of the jungle as most lions hardly survive alone in the jungle, the title actually belongs to the tiger, who is the real king of the jungle. Lions live a social life and hunt in packs.

2) Despite being the heaviest cat in the cat family, the lion can chase a prey at 50 MPs. faster than many light weighted animals.

3) The pig is the 4th smartest animal on earth, behind dolphins (1st), primates (2nd) and elephants (3rd).

Although universally known as a dirty animal, the pig is actually one of the neatest animals around. Dirtiness comes from where and how the pig is reared.

And their body smell or odor is not as serious as the common he-goats. The pig is actually the 3rd best animal to keep as a pet when it comes to neatness, behind the rabbits and the cats, neater than dogs.

4) The pig is better at identifying scents than dogs. A dog can identify over 600 different scents, but a pig can identify over 1200 different scents.

People sometimes see pigs as a dirty animal because of how it plays in dirt or muds, but most times it is used to regulate their body temperatures, other large animals that does this includes seals, elephants, hippopotamus among others.

5) We may share a kinship with primates, but we have more things in common with the pigs. For example, pigs eat anything and everything they can anything at all, guess which other species eats like that? Humans. Pigs eat virtually everything humans eat and more.

Also, we have almost similar organs with the pigs. We share 70-80% similarity with primates in terms of organs of the body, but we share an amazing 92% similarity with pigs, so similar that the heart of a pig is the same with the heart of humans, the same size and shape.

Scientists have started working on performing a transplant of organs from pigs to humans, after carrying out a successful transplant on a chimpanzee.

If successful in humans, it will save over a thousand individuals every year since pigs are general donors, unlike primates that can only donate to those that are their blood type.

6) The elephant makes use of and accesses up to 47% of the part of their brains that holds memories, more than humans that access only about 26%, this is why elephants can remember people that were kind to them or harsh to them over 50 years ago.

Elephants are also known to mourn the loss of a family member for days, and when somebody who is very kind to them dies, they go to pay homage, they can trek over 2000 miles for this.

The elephant can also sense when there will be rain and can sense water from over 800 miles from where they are.

7) The elephant trunk is one of the strongest and multitasking part of the body of an animal, what is more, amazing is that the elephant trunk contains no actual muscle.

The trunk is used for smelling, drinking, trumpeting, eating among other things.

It can be used by an elephant to lift a load as heavy as 600 pounds. Elephants are also known as great swimmers and they use their trunk s as oxygen tube when swimming.

8. The wolf as research has shown is believed to have domesticated itself in order to become our domestic dogs so as to live and survive among humans.

Dogs, even though they have almost the same size as hyenas and foxes actually evolved from wolves as it has been proven by science that they share similar DNA.

The wolves are just two times bigger than the normal big dogs like German Shepherds.

9)The wolves are also known to be 30 times smarter than house dogs which is why it will be very hard for humans to domesticate wolves successfully.

10) Cats are the most popular pets in the world, with an average of 15 million cats in America alone, which is more than dogs and birds like pigeons.

This is quite possible, given that a female cat can give birth to over 20 kittens in just one birth.

Cats have also known to survive jumps from as high as the statue of liberty. This has led to the myth of cats having nine lives, but it is actually because of the modification of their skeletons.

12) Cats don't spit as many people believe, they don't even have any poisonous venoms, and they only mimic the hissing and spitting sounds of snakes when they feel threatened.

Cats are also the second neatest pets to have behind rabbits.

13) Cats are the only animals besides humans that kill for pleasure sometimes.

They are also known to play with and torture their preys sometimes before killing them. This is one major similarity they share with humans.

14) Crows and Ravens are the smartest birds known to man. Unlike other animals that pick up tools for hunting and reaching for their foods, crows and ravens have been known to make their own tools when hunting.

Crows and ravens also never forget a face. They have been used by the U.S military sometimes to track missing soldiers during wars, and have also been used to track terrorists and criminals.

All the military do is show them the pictures of who they want to track and the Ravens and crows will go tracking for days.

15) Crows and Ravens are also known to be vengeful birds since they never forget a face.

They are so social that they can gang up and attack other animals or even humans that have wronged or threatened them before after closely following and marking them.

They like the elephants, also mourn the death of their family members or loved ones.

They are the only birds that don't get scared of scarecrows in farmlands. They even use their strong beaks to pick off or destroy scarecrows when they see one.

16) Owls are the best hunters and predators in the bird family. They are so good at hunting that they can sight a prey from over 100 feet from above the ground and over twenty feet deep underground.

This is because of their well-modified eyesights. They are believed to have the best eyesight in all the animal kingdom, and their eyes are almost 2/3 of their whole head.

When hunting, owls are the only animals that can fly without making a single sound with their wings and they can make soundless flights, especially during the day, they become so quiet that their prey won't know what got them before attempting to escape.

Their claws are not shaped like other normal birds, they have two claws in front and two claws behind.

This makes it very easy for them to grab and hold on to their preys.

17) Owls are also known to be able to adjust their body mid-air when flying. They can change their position and even remain still while in flight.

They have the ability to rotate their heads to over 280 degrees backward and can also turn their head upside down, this is because of how their skeleton and vertebrae are modified which makes it hard for their preys to escape their eyes.

Source: http://gisthabit.com/things-you-dont-know-about-some-animals/

Nice write up but @no 2, the lion is not the heaviest in the cat family, the tiger is.
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by SmartMindsFx: 1:17pm On Dec 05, 2018
I saw a documentary a while back where pigs were being trained to replace dogs as sniffers.
Ever since, I have developed a certain respect for pigs.

My problem is their ability to chew on a living human if you loose guard around them.


Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by Eres94: 1:24pm On Dec 05, 2018
Seun should modify nairaland so that forum members can upvote threads into the front page. This is an educative thread though.
The lion is the king of the jungle because it's roar places fear in the minds of other animals. Other animals tend to want to keep their distance when they hear.

bro, the lions roar is feeble/ weak compared to the tiger.. in lion king.. its the sound of a tiger used when the lions roared
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by izombie(m): 1:25pm On Dec 05, 2018
Op lions are called king of the jungle for a reason. Lions have no predator except from other lions. Literally lions don't live in jungles but in open plain savannahs. Tigers live in jungles.
Your number 2 is wrong because a full grown male tiger slightly outweighs a full grown lion but the lions mane adds that massive majestic presence on a lion.


Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by oluwazoba25: 1:26pm On Dec 05, 2018
No elephant is the real king
Seun should modify nairaland so that forum members can upvote threads into the front page. This is an educative thread though.
The lion is the king of the jungle because it's roar places fear in the minds of other animals. Other animals tend to want to keep their e when they hear.
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by izombie(m): 1:26pm On Dec 05, 2018

bro, the lions roar is feeble/ weak compared to the tiger.. in lion king.. its the sound of a tiger used when the lions roared
lions have the biggest roar of all cats.


Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by Eres94: 1:28pm On Dec 05, 2018
lions have the biggest roar of all cats.

no bro..browse n u will see..its the tiger..I myself was surprised when I found out. GI watch documentaries.. u will see who pass
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by Xzydar(m): 1:34pm On Dec 05, 2018
Nothing for CHICKENS?

But I like CHICKENS embarassed

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Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by egorov(m): 1:35pm On Dec 05, 2018

POC the largest wild cats are not tigers but Ligers. Ligers are the product of cross breeding a lion and a tigress..
But due to the fact that these came pretty recently you are "NATUARALLY" correct grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by nacortic(m): 1:35pm On Dec 05, 2018

POC the largest wild cats are not tigers but Ligers. Ligers are the product of cross breeding a lion and a tigress..
But due to the fact that these came pretty recently you are "NATUARALLY" correct grin grin grin grin grin grin grin

I don't count ligers as part of the big cats becoz dey are experiment.
Do you know that a jaguar as the strongest jaws of the big cats
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by HarryDuce(m): 1:36pm On Dec 05, 2018
1. The lion is said to be the king of the jungle with so many factors in consideration including the one you used to discredit it's kingship status.

2. The tiger is the largest of the big cats.

9.Wolves are not domesticated because they are wild animals. Intelligence has nothing to do with it.

Good writeup BTW.


Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by Tomoyayi(m): 1:37pm On Dec 05, 2018
The lion is the king
A king needs subjects and the lion has them plenty, living in a pride makes them very strong.

Siberian Tigers are the largest cats

It's not only pigs and humans that eat everything, bears are also omnivores.

The elephant trunk contains many muscles.

Owls don't see below ground they have an acute hearing which only works a few feet below uncompacted snow and not 20feet.
Owls are not the best hunters.
Each bird of prey have their unique abilities

The peregrine falcon is renowned for its speed, reaching over 320 km/h (200 mph) during its characteristic hunting stoop (high-speed dive),making it the fastest member of the animal kingdom and it hunts birds during those dives.

Fish eagles, do you know how hard it is to spot and pick up a slippery fish out of water while in flight considering refraction.

Bats also have soundless flights.

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Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by Tomoyayi(m): 1:39pm On Dec 05, 2018

I don't count ligers as part of the big cats becoz dey are experiment.
Do you know that a jaguar as the strongest jaws of the big cats

That's why it can kill tortoises and Cayman
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by nacortic(m): 1:44pm On Dec 05, 2018

bro, the lions roar is feeble/ weak compared to the tiger.. in lion king.. its the sound of a tiger used when the lions roared

Lol wat did u just type eeh. A lions roar can be head miles away unlike a tiger roar but research say d tigers roar mite be scarier up close but it depend if it is a roar of warning or calling
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by Chochovini: 1:47pm On Dec 05, 2018
I saw a documentary a while back where pigs were being trained to replace dogs as sniffers.
Ever since, I have developed a certain respect for pigs.

My problem is their ability to chew on a living human if you loose guard around them.
You are very correct Sir!

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Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by blingxx(m): 1:51pm On Dec 05, 2018
This is nice, thanks for sharing. However, tigers are the largest and heaviest of the big cat family and not lions. The owl bit is surprising. I thought eagles were better. We learn every day. smiley

Lion are f*cking overrated grin

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Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by Mailthaddeus(m): 1:58pm On Dec 05, 2018

The lion is the king of the jungle because it's roar places fear in the minds of other animals. Other animals tend to want to keep their distance when they hear.

Firstly the lion don't live in jungles, but a Tiger does.

Secondly, A lion is regarded king because it is territorial and moves in convoy/group. When u see lion in the wild, they are usually live in Pride- which is typical of a king.. and they posses fear and intimidation to other animals, but it is not the strongest.

The Tiger on the other hand is a solitary animal and always alone in the jungle. Though more heavier and HV one of the most dangerous claws aside Crocodile. They are stronger and have known to defeat the lion in arranged combat.
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by AkpaMgbor(m): 1:58pm On Dec 05, 2018
Seun should modify nairaland so that forum members can upvote threads into the front page. This is an educative thread though.
The lion is the king of the jungle because it's roar places fear in the minds of other animals. Other animals tend to want to keep their distance when they hear.
Ironically lions don't live in jungles..tigers do.
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by Eres94: 2:03pm On Dec 05, 2018

Lol wat did u just type eeh. A lions roar can be head miles away unlike a tiger roar but research say d tigers roar mite be scarier up close but it depend if it is a roar of warning or calling

yes the lions feeble roar can goe miles away..I didn't doubt that..but as for a vicious roar..the tiger takes it
research on the cartoon: lion king.. why didn't they use the lions roar but instead opted for the tigers roar
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by Mailthaddeus(m): 2:06pm On Dec 05, 2018
Op lions are called king of the jungle for a reason. Lions have no predator except from other lions. Literally lions don't live in jungles but in open plain savannahs. Tigers live in jungles.

Nah, Group of Hyenas can prey on lion when found alone. They are the biggest threats to lions aside humans. And compared to their body ratio, they have the most dangerous bite.
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by ReneeNuttall(f): 2:07pm On Dec 05, 2018
Number 12 is not all that correct, i recall our cat then used to become very tall and throws a foamy saliva at out dog while making one funny sound,before knocking him on his head severely when ever she feels threatened.
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by MJBOLT: 2:25pm On Dec 05, 2018
eagles are not stupid o,dont underestimate them

no eagle's are good at strength not in the head
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by MJBOLT: 2:26pm On Dec 05, 2018
a lion roar can be heard kilometers away and according to scientist is the lion most powerful weapon because it strikes fear to who ever hears it


bro, the lions roar is feeble/ weak compared to the tiger.. in lion king.. its the sound of a tiger used when the lions roared
Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by stanley000: 2:27pm On Dec 05, 2018
I saw a documentary a while back where pigs were being trained to replace dogs as sniffers.
Ever since, I have developed a certain respect for pigs.

My problem is their ability to chew on a living human if you loose guard around them.
lol, this reminds me of one comedy movie "not another teen movie" my favourite clown on the movie "Regie ray" had a pig pet called "sausage" and they both smoke weed together but the pig could exhale from its nose, mouth, ears etc lmao I'm even laughing while typing this. Hehehe


Re: Things You Don't Know About Some Animals by MJBOLT: 2:30pm On Dec 05, 2018
the kenyans dont think so

Lion are f*cking overrated grin

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