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Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by MannieA(f): 5:11pm On Dec 05, 2018

Or maybe he's the first guy she's been with? That's why they can't seem to stop?...

Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Oreofepeters: 5:11pm On Dec 05, 2018
Yes, I created a somewhat related thread here last month on the same issue. Men are humans too, and it's only natural to moan or groan whichever word you choose to use.
well I'm just surprised because I've never and I can never moan.. Even In porn videos the guys there don't moan.
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Nobody: 5:14pm On Dec 05, 2018
well I'm just surprised because I've never and I can never moan.. Even In porn videos the guys there don't moan.
My dear, don't worry. You've only been having sex, not making love. There's difference. grin

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Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Oreofepeters: 5:17pm On Dec 05, 2018
Lol, kuku kee me. How does it sound gay??
it sounds gay Na, me wey be say I silent pass cats walk.
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Kenzico(m): 5:18pm On Dec 05, 2018

Or maybe he's the first guy she's been with?
That's why they can't seem to stop?...

Then she's a Virgin.... grin grin
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Allaboutkatiee(f): 5:18pm On Dec 05, 2018
it sounds gay Na, me wey be say I silent pass cats walk.
Some people moan tho
Some don't...
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by MannieA(f): 5:20pm On Dec 05, 2018
well I'm just surprised because I've never and I can never moan.. Even In porn videos the guys there don't moan.

me sef I'm wondering who you are...
don't be boring in bed o....lolllz..no offence tho....at least u gats moan small make the girl know say u dey feel am...how would you feel if she ain't moaning
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Oreofepeters: 5:27pm On Dec 05, 2018

me sef I'm wondering who you are...
don't be boring in bed o....lolllz..no offence tho....at least u gats moan small make the girl know say u dey feel am...how would you feel if she ain't moaning
it all depends on the game, how you are folding, handling, tapping, valganizing her and I know all the tricks. So I don't have to moan.

#my d**k can make one go gagaga
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by zolajpower: 5:28pm On Dec 05, 2018

Like always wanting to have s*x with a particular person
You can't stay up to a month without wanting to s*x with the person.
I currently have a girlfriend who's main guy is across the ocean ........since she got the taste of me she has had sex with no one infact she's planning to break up with the guy. This is a guy who takes care of her needs daily by sending her her needs . She made a confessional statement that everything is not all about money .

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Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by kunleweb: 5:29pm On Dec 05, 2018

Like always wanting to have s*x with a particular person
You can't stay up to a month without wanting to s*x with the person.

Mind spilling what triggered such a thought?
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by marvin906(m): 5:35pm On Dec 05, 2018
yeah am in that kinda situation.. I miss screwing my ex.. that chick body is my concaine and I miss it

Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Allaboutkatiee(f): 5:37pm On Dec 05, 2018

Mind spilling what triggered such a thought?
It's actually about a friend....
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by kiahrt: 6:12pm On Dec 05, 2018
Are u trying to say u can't say NO to a particular guy even if u ain't into any romantic relationship with him? Or he's ur vulnerability?

Sexually addicted as in hyper sexual or nymphomaniac? Cos d word "addicted" u added to it gave it another meaning. Addiction can be an habit or practice that damages, jeopardizes or shortens one's life but when ceased causes trauma.

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Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Allaboutkatiee(f): 8:45pm On Dec 05, 2018
Are u trying to say u can't say NO to a particular guy even if u ain't into any romantic relationship with him? Or he's ur vulnerability?

Sexually addicted as in hyper sexual or nymphomaniac? Cos d word "addicted" u added to it gave it another meaning. Addiction can be an habit or practice that damages, jeopardizes or shortens one's life but when ceased causes trauma.

You need to elaborate more
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Allaboutkatiee(f): 8:46pm On Dec 05, 2018
yeah am in that kinda situation..
I miss screwing my ex..
that chick body is my concaine and I miss it
Lol why did you leave her then?
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Allaboutkatiee(f): 9:09pm On Dec 05, 2018

Men want to be left alone. Kindly stick to women leave us men alone to enjoy our sef. Preach
Take your gay ass outta my thread
Thank you
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by marvin906(m): 9:11pm On Dec 05, 2018

Lol why did you leave her then?

She left me and I thank God for it..
She wanted something she didn't deserve

Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by rex444(m): 9:16pm On Dec 05, 2018
Chemistry is what i would go for....
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Allaboutkatiee(f): 9:32pm On Dec 05, 2018
Chemistry is what i would go for....
Uhm Why do you think so?
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by rex444(m): 9:51pm On Dec 05, 2018

Uhm Why do you think so?
ever pictured this scenario this one person perfectly understands you, knows the how,where,and when and you Young two r just spontaneously crazy with each others fantasy? Try to visualize then tell me how it feels
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by hazel01(f): 9:58pm On Dec 05, 2018

She left me and I thank God for it.. She wanted something she didn't deserve
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Biglittlelois(f): 10:08pm On Dec 05, 2018
ever pictured this scenario this one person perfectly understands you, knows the how,where,and when and you Young two r just spontaneously crazy with each others fantasy? Try to visualize then tell me how it feels

Spot on, that kind of addiction is more like a drug you cant do without, a feeling of ecstasy and pure feeling of pleasure, to the extent that seeing or thinking of the person alone can make you orgasm, but you get agitated when there's a little space between you two, you start to think crazy things and behave insane

To me, anything that has addiction in it is dangerous and should be avoided, at first it will be hard yes but get away from it for sanity's sake.

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Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by carter009(m): 10:09pm On Dec 05, 2018
Are you sure is not you?

It's actually about a friend....
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by rex444(m): 10:13pm On Dec 05, 2018

Spot on, that kind of addiction is more like a drug you cant do without, a feeling of ectasy and pure feeling of pleasure, but you get agitated when there's a little space between you two, you start to think crazy things and behave insane

To me, anything that has addiction in it is dangerous and should be avoided, at first it will be hard yes but get away from it for sanity's sake.
how do we know our level of control over things if we do not try ? Heartbreaks must come ,how do u handle it? By running like a scared dog with it's tail down? Embrace eery beautiful moment
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Allaboutkatiee(f): 10:23pm On Dec 05, 2018

Spot on, that kind of addiction is more like a drug you cant do without, a feeling of ecstasy and pure feeling of pleasure, to the extent that seeing or thinking of the person alone can make you orgasm, but you get agitated when there's a little space between you two, you start to think crazy things and behave insane

To me, anything that has addiction in it is dangerous and should be avoided, at first it will be hard yes but get away from it for sanity's sake.

Maybe Whenever you are close to the person ,you get turned on...
That kinda feeling..
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Allaboutkatiee(f): 10:23pm On Dec 05, 2018
Are you sure is not you?
Lol it's a friend....
Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Biglittlelois(f): 10:24pm On Dec 05, 2018
how do we know our level of control over things if we do not try ? Heartbreaks must come ,how do u handle it? By running like a scared dog with it's tail down? Embrace eery beautiful moment

An addiction is something you have no control over no matter how much you try, sometimes you may need serious help to get over it, this is why i advice some that when they notice signs of such, as soon as possible before it becomes too late, they should cut off completely,

Sexual addiction is a powerful tool used for control and most often than not it works, yes the beautiful moment is to die for, but you can also loose yourself in the process and to me, that's a no no.

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Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by Biglittlelois(f): 10:27pm On Dec 05, 2018

Maybe Whenever you are close to the person ,you get turned on...
That kinda feeling..

The worst is when you think of the person and you find yourself shaking and moaning, i've heard stories sha.....

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Re: Is It Possible To Be Sexually Addicted To A Particular Person? by rex444(m): 10:29pm On Dec 05, 2018

An addiction is something you have no control over no matter how much you try, sometimes you may need serious help to get over it, this is why i advice some that when they notice signs of such, as soon as possible before it becomes too late, they should cut off completely,

Sexual addiction is a powerful tool used for control and most often than not it works, yes the beautiful moment is to die for, but you can also loose yourself in the process and to me, that's a no no.
fair point.....don't we all have what drives us?? I might hv d ability to battle certain addiction, you don't....... No mind me ooo....have had that experience n ...hmmmm long story

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