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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Car Talk / 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail (17298 Views)
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5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by mykwaba: 3:31pm On Dec 11, 2018 |
Hi guys, due to the Christmas season and the frequency of long-distance journeys that would be made this season, it is necessary that we be ready for any eventualities that may occur while driving. In order to ensure safety we did a research and found out that a good percentage of road accidents are caused by human error while others are caused by mechanical faults in the car. One of such mechanical faults is brake failure and so we will dwell on things to do when your car brakes fail. STAY CALM: Your immediate reaction to a faulty brake will be to panic nut this in the actual sense is a recipe for disaster. When your brakes fail, remembering to stay calm will help you carry out the other actions which will be explained below in order to help you stay alive after the incident. PUT YOUR HAZARD LIGHTS ON: After you have calmed yourself down, the next step is to turn on your hazard lights on. Your hazard lights are turned on by pressing the button that has a triangle with an exclamation mark on it. It’s usually on the dashboard. This action will inform the cars ahead of you, those behind you and those potentially all around you that you are experiencing some vehicular difficulty. What this does is to make them give you some extra space so you can maneuver if need be and bring your car to a stop when your brakes fail. SHIFT TO A LOWER GEAR: The next thing to do is to move your car to a lower gear. If you drive a manual car, it easier to shift gears. All you have to do is step on the clutch, shift to a lower gear and release the clutch this will help to slow your car down. This deceleration makes the engine lose some speed thereby giving room for a safer stop. If you are using an automatic car, there are several options available. You could either use the gear to shift down or you could use the pedal shift on the steering wheel. Some cars have the numbers 1, 2 and L which will help you to shift to a lower gear. Make sure that when you are shifting to a lower gear, you do not shift into a gear that is too low to avoid damaging your engine. So it’s best to shift to a lower gear that is appropriate for your engine speed and vehicle speed. You do not want to damage your engine while trying to bring your car to a stop. PUMP YOUR BRAKES: In the event of brake failure and you have carried out the steps listed above, the next best thing to do is to pump your brakes. Sometimes pumping your brakes help your car to potentially or barely start working again. This step does not guarantee your brakes will pick up but it’s worth a try to check if your brakes can barely function in other to help you bring the car to a final stop. USE YOUR EMERGENCY BRAKES: When your brakes fail and you have tried to bring your car to a stop by shifting to a lower gear or pumping your brakes. As a last resort, you should use the emergency brakes. There is a way to do this which and when done correctly it would ensure your car halts completely. You should avoid completely lifting the hand brake as this may a death wish. So what you have to do is this: • First of all press down the button at the end of the hand brake, • After that gradually and slowly lift the lever of the hand. Doing this makes the hand brake work in the same manner as the normal brakes by ensuring that the car slowly comes to a smooth and nice halt. • When the car has stopped, you can then lift the hand brake to a complete stop. • Finally, leave the hand brake in this engaged position so that you don’t find yourself releasing the hand brakes and then struggling to stop the car again. Remember that this has to be done gradually to prevent your car from skidding to a stop thereby making you lose control of the vehicle and this may have some unpredictable results that may not be favourable. BONUS TIP This tip is actually the most important. Many people are usually tempted to turn the engine off when car brakes fail. It is potentially the worst thing to do in this situation as this could make you lose your power steering which would make it much harder to manoeuvre the car. In a total car brake failure, you want to get as much steering control as possible. You do not want to find yourself without brakes and without a power steering. The best thing to do is to leave the car on which means the engine is on and it will power the power steering component giving you as much control as you can get in this situation. Lastly, try to avoid driving the car again after you have brought it to a stop. Get it towed to a mechanic’s shop where it can be fixed and don’t drive it again no matter how close you are to your home. If you have any more tips please share to help others. SOURCE: 29 Likes 8 Shares |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by CarGuideNG: 2:01am On Dec 12, 2018 |
mykwaba: What an understatement Sir. This is the opposite of hyperbole. ![]() Good read and tips! Planning to buy a car? We provide customized VIN Checks and reports for buyers, dealers and owners to ensure you don't end up with a vehicle with dangerous and hidden damage history. Get in touch. Signature. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by YoungLionken(m): 7:48am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Five most important things to do after Buhari/APCheat failed: 1. Don't trust them again. 2. Don't listen to their lies again. 3. Let everyone know about it. 4. Don't accept the money they will give during election. 5. Vote against them without thinking twice. 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by bestman09(m): 7:48am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Easier said than done. Pray it never happens. Prevention is better than cure. Make sure you check and fix any issues especially the brake before embarking on the road especially long journeys. Never take any fault for granted no matter how small the issue is. Do your best and leave the rest for God 15 Likes |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by MillionCash: 7:49am On Dec 12, 2018 |
This is not necessary Join my signature very inportant 1 Like |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by temitopepeter: 7:49am On Dec 12, 2018 |
nice advice .... 1 Like |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Nobody: 7:50am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Jump out from the window. 2 Likes |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Proudlyngwa(m): 7:50am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Look for the nearest Nepa pole, the concrete type. Then pray that the community is a church going type and they don't have light for some time, if not them go beat u join your predicament. 1 Like |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by gbadexy(m): 7:51am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Thanks very much. This is a very important tips, especially the handbrake part. 1 Like |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Nobody: 7:52am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Nice tips for this Yuletide season.God bless for sharing 1 Like |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by spidey77: 7:52am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Leave that tin...fear go even let you remember? May break fail for ur hand....whr u mind go carry u go eh, u go remember the taste of your mama milk |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Nomesky: 7:57am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Make Sure You Are Alone Before Watching This Very Hot Video >> |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by anytexy: 7:57am On Dec 12, 2018 |
shey you go get time to do all these? 1 Like |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Tobyarab(m): 7:58am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Misleading information. Motorists usually use brakes when the distance between them and an object is narrow. when will they have time to employ all this tactics. Abeg, get realistic and stop misinforming people, 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Esteban8(m): 7:58am On Dec 12, 2018 |
just keep on driving till the fuel finish n pray not to meet hold up with tanker in front of yhu |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by upuphim(m): 8:00am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Thanks, it's worth reading. 1 Like |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Nobody: 8:03am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Step one: relax, say a one second prayer then do all the above. All your thoughts will coordinate themselves. ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by ellalina(f): 8:03am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Why not cut fuel supply in case of brake failure. These car makers. 1 Like |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by ellalina(f): 8:05am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Esteban8:you go drive reach Sudan be that 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by vicdom(m): 8:05am On Dec 12, 2018 |
mykwaba:What if I use neutral gear as in case of automatic drive?? |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Kingdollar28(m): 8:05am On Dec 12, 2018 |
I really learnt something though I didn't own a car! Yet I'm very grateful.. especially for that no 5 2 Likes |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by gboisgroups(m): 8:06am On Dec 12, 2018 |
please let's get our Pvc from our various local government, most people Pvc haven't been shared at my area. |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by fykes(m): 8:07am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Na so I go jam army checkpoint drums bcoz of break... Come begin pack sand full one drum that day. Break failure no be easy things o |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Roon9(m): 8:09am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Proudlyngwa: What if the pole falls on the car..? |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Esteban8(m): 8:10am On Dec 12, 2018 |
ellalina:lmao...i wii use the opportunity to branch n ask of the missing juhari 1 Like |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Estherpaul19: 8:15am On Dec 12, 2018 |
nice one. |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Xkalaban(m): 8:17am On Dec 12, 2018 |
Lol, always check ur hydraulics and make sure it's guaged. And if u notice ur brakes are becoming less effective, get it serviced asap.... 3 Likes |
Re: 5 Most Important Things To Do When Your Car Brakes Fail by Triangles1(m): 8:21am On Dec 12, 2018 |
That No 1 got me scare...... STAY CALM........ Issoright |
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