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How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by GXchange: 12:11pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
I had been a christian all my life until I became an atheist 4 years ago. I started gravitating towards atheism when I began to examine the bible objectively, nesting my examination in empirical facts about the world established from reliable scientific fields. I realized that evidence from cosmology, anthropology, history, physics and evolutionary biology, were at odds with the claims of the bible. I also identified the contradictions and inconsistencies within the bible. I realized that there was no way that the claims of the bible could be true given its conspicuous errors and unscientific assertions. Another turning point in my transformation from a christian to an atheist came when I actually studied the origins of Christianity. It became clear to me from my research that a lot of what I thought belonged exclusively to Christianity was actually gotten from other sources. The creation story in the bible was derived from older middle-eastern texts that preceded Judaism, same with flood story. I realized that a significant chunk of new testament theology was derived from the pagan culture surrounding the legalization of Christianity during Constantine's era. There was also the shocking fact that what we currently consider de-facto Christian doctrine was contrived by men who acted under the instruction of a very occultic roman empire. Books that were deemed okay by those control were incorporated into the christian canon while those that weren't deemed okay were de-canonized. What's wasn't clear to me was the criteria for deeming a book qualified to be incorporated in the canon. Going by the information contained in the books that weren't included in the canon it became apparent that this process was done to occlude important knowledge and to condition Christians to see the world in a particular way. I also studied the progression of Christianity throughout history and I noticed how pernicious it had been and how it's doctrines had been used to justify wars and other atrocities committed against human beings. Most notably the crusades, the inquisitions, slavery and racial subjugation as a derivative. I felt that there was no way that a religion which had caused the deaths of millions of people could be inspired by the God of creation. The final nail in the coffin for me was when I observed the character of the God in the old testament. He not only was misogynistic, sexiest and racist but he was also blood thirsty, heartless, and possessed the emotional strength of an ordinary human; he was bad-tempered, capricious and murderously splenetic. I felt that this being whatever it was was just concocted by men as it expressed traits common to man. I afterwards dumped Christianity and became an atheist. At first, seeing the world trough the lens of atheism felt liberating. I felt a certain freedom I had never felt before. I could now do things that were proscribed by Christianity. Gradually I felt my conscience grow soft and my moral compass become defective. This didn't mean that I became a bad person, it was just that I didn't feel under any obligation to something higher than myself( you can call this God or the divine) to live a life you'd consider moral. Of course this is no argument against atheism. Christians commit immoral acts all the time and so do atheists. But in my case I felt my previous religious belief gave me more of a reason to live a moral life than atheism did. I know empathy plays a role in keeping humans from committing harm against other people. But as history and the psychological literature on the subject has shown, empathy can easily be suppressed by environmental factors, and humans possess different levels of empathy. The reason my previous religious belief provided as to why living a moral life was essential wasn't rooted in the escape of hell and the attainment of a heaven after death. No. Even as a christian my beliefs were more sophisticated than the fear and reward dynamic of hell and heaven. As a christian the reason I felt living a moral life was essential was because of how that impacted my spiritual experience. The more moral I was, the more profound my spiritual experiences. On the question of meaning of life which I have always regarded as a every serious and important question, atheism seemed to offer mostly hedonistic or pessimistic answers. Replies from most atheists to this question was usually something like: "The point of life is to be happy and do what you enjoy" or that life was has no objective meaning. We are all just biological products of evolution and one day we will die and that's that. We come from nothing and we will go to nothing." Now I'm not saying that if an answer to the question of the meaning of life is hedonistic or pessimistic then the answer is false. But in my opinion these replies seemed so thoughtless and empty. The idea that happiness and pleasure were the aims to which humans should pursue revealed the selfishness and moral poverty that inspired the hedonistic perspective. The idea that everything is meaningless and we are just bags of flesh that will die and decay revealed the deep antihumanism and crippling nihilism that colored the pessimistic perspective. There was another faction of atheists that referred to themselves as secular humanists. Although their answer to the question of the meaning of life was nested in a hedonistic and pessimistic world view, it was tempered with the responsibility of making the world a better place and helping humans in need while still being in it. Secular humanism was very attractive to me because I'm a very empathic person, but the more I immersed myself this ideology I soon realized that its primary tenet was also the massage that Christianity preached. Love. I also regarded secular humanism as not being a very logically consistent perspective to have. If striving for happiness or pleasure along with shouldering the responsibility of helping your fellow humans is what life is about, outside the purview of the existence of the divine, then a serious contradiction arises when the things that make one happy don't make the lives of humans better. Take for instance a natural sexual sadist. Sexually sadistic individuals derive pleasure and happiness from harming others. How does a sexual sadist who is a secular humanist reconcile these two contradicting motivations? The mistake of secular humanists is that they erroneously assume that everyone is empathic and hence should want to care for other humans. But this isn't the case. Conversely there have been lots of unemphatic and sadistic people who when the call to humanism was nested in a moral obligation to the divine, they selflessly cared for other humans and forwent their immoral impulses. I attended xperience13 because my partner asked me to. She pleaded that I attend with her and out of love and respect for her wishes I did. This wasn't the only reason however. I felt a certain nostalgia about attending the event as I used to before I became an atheist and since lots of talented artists were billed to perform, I attended. I wasn't especially thrilled with the occasion, especially with the intermittent prayers for Nigeria that were made under the foolish assumption that prayer was the solution to Nigeria's problems, until Nathaniel Bassey performed. His performance was the straw that broke the camel's back. As an atheist, despite the condescending conviction that my beliefs were fact-proof, I always felt that something was missing. I felt that I wasn't in alignment with a crucial segment of my life. An important portion of the puzzle of my life always seemed to be absent. I never knew what it was but I always felt that it wasn't present. It's interesting to note that when I was a christian I never felt this way. Atheism mired evolutionists and anthropologists have opined that we humans have a natural desire to ascribe reverence to something outside of ourselves. Sort of like a gene that predisposes us to being religious. I don't disagree with this. What I disagree with it is the extrapolation derived from this observation along with the purported origin for it. Unlike the evolutionists I don't think we evolved this traits as a result of random processes of natural selection. I also don't think that the fact that this is a product of natural selection means that the existence of God or the divine isn't an objective reality. What if it is an objective reality? What if the need humans have to ascribe their creation and being and the creation of the natural world to a divine creator is proof that the divine exists? Our emotional systems seen very attuned to profound states of meaning. And it seems like the most profound states usually involve either actions and experiences motivated my love or moments of religious worship. When Nathaniel Bassey raised those worship songs and I sang along, I experienced an emotional state that I hadn't experienced before. I cried like a child. In that unique moment of worship, I felt true meaning. I felt all my flesh-like lusts and impulses crumble in submission to something inside me that felt purer and more real than my physical body. I felt I was in the presence of a divine presence greater than myself and I felt my experience was real and true. It's only a very arrogant person that would say that he understands everything about the nature of reality. Only a very close-minded person would reject the existence of the metaphysical or the divine given the mountain of documentations on the subject throughout history. Now you may say that these documentations are myths. But who is to say that myths aren't dramatization of experienced truths? Maybe the God of the Bible didn't create the world and maybe Jesus isn't the direct son of God. I don't know the answers to these questions. But what I'm am certain of is that lots of truths are incorporated within Christianity and through participating in worship and in implementing core christian principles, these truths can be revealed. Atheists are fond of throwing away the baby with the bath water. They, just like I did, observe errors in the bible and then discount everything else about Christianity on the basis of these errors. I think the materialism that atheism is nested in is insufficient to unravel deep truths about life and the true nature of our world. 10 Likes 1 Share |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by moneyadulttube: 12:26pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Your English construction is awesome and I agree with what you said 1 Like |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by Nobody: 12:43pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Hardmirror CAPSLOCKED NpComplete Martinez 19 Come and see this 3 Likes |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by Originakalokalo(m): 12:47pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
The whole contradiction game is of the devil. The Bible has this central themes. 1. God and his relationship with man. 2. God's Nature of zero negligence with sin 3.Man's separation from God as a result of sin 4. God's ways of bringing man to himself. 5. Life, teachings, miracles, death, ressurection and ascension of Jesus. There are no contradiction with these. Mathew, mark, Luke and John all agree to Jesus death, and ressurection. They all agree on why he came to die. Something is more than wrtitten words... It is called.... PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. It was the experience of Saul on his way to Damascus that converted him. Who would dare preach to him at that time when he was killing the Christians?.. As a Christian, I pray for experience everyday. The more I get, the more I soar higher spiritually. 3 Likes |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by HardMirror(m): 12:48pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Ok. Read. You are an emotional person. Now that you believe in god, has it changed all the things you observed as wrong with christianity? 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by Nobody: 12:54pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
First of all,no one is born a Christian. I think you're forcing yourself to believe. You're more like an agnostic. |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by CAPSLOCKED: 1:10pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by NPComplete: 1:15pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Nice story. Good for u. Not an atheist myself so I have no dog in this fight. From what I can read, u are in love. U will like to believe in Christianity so as to complete your relationship. Good. After u marry her and spend more time devoted to the religion lets see if u are still this mushy. Good luck to u as u search for the truth. Whether u choose to become an atheist again, a deist or just irreligious or remain christian or even convert to these New Age religions, I just hope u find peace with yourself and that whatever stance u choose in the future u are able to back it up with evidence. By the way, anyone notice how nobody has claimed he was not a true atheist yet? If it was a reversed story now Christians will rush here and scream their favorite No-true-Scottsman fallacy. 4 Likes |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by GXchange: 1:30pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
HardMirror: I'm an empathic person. I wouldn't consider myself emotional. Before Xperience, I had never cried while singing any song. I cried as I result of the profundity of the experience I had while worshiping God. Like I tried my best to illustrate I had issues with atheism beforehand, the experience I had was the final straw and it confirmed few of the things I was agnostic about. My new found belief has made me perceive Christianity in a different light. As with every enterprise that involves human input and supervision, of course its bound to have its errors and shortcomings. But yet there are aspects of Christianity that reveal deep truths about the actual nature of our reality, truths that atheism, by its nature, would never unravel. |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by Dantedasz(m): 1:34pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by GXchange: 1:43pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
CAPSLOCKED: I don't think the experience I had during that moment of worship equates with any of the examples you raised. Like I stated in my first post, it wasn't just me being all emotional. Thinking back I think part of the reason I cried was the acknowledgement of my finitude and relative insignificance in the presence of the divine presence I was basking in. It was the crumbling of my ego; of that part of myself that felt it was all there was to me. It was the stripping away of the flesh-aspect of myself; the part of myself that was interested in worldly pursuits, and the identification of a deeper, purer part of myself that felt more real that this flesh-aspect. And I find it odd that you keep using the phrase "with all confidence" to preface all your assertions. This is the sort of intellectual arrogance that I had when I was an atheist. The sort of delusion of knowledge that deceives you into thinking that you have all the answers to every question, until an experience humbles you and you realize how ignorant you have been. 4 Likes |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by Dantedasz(m): 1:47pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
GXchange: |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by HardMirror(m): 1:49pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
GXchange:all i can do is smile here. What made u cry? What exactly did u experience? Even Michael jackson's songs can make people cry. Good music can make u feel moved. It does not mean shit. So you were there worshipping a god u claimed was everything bad right? What has changed really? Has god become good and reasonable? What were the specifics that made u drop christianity before and how has this changed? 10 Likes |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by GXchange: 1:53pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
NPComplete: I don't see how anything I wrote indicated that the reason I dumped atheism was to complete my relationship with my partner. We aren't married yet but she has always been comfortable with my atheism. She isn't even religious herself, she just loves music and attending this sort of shows. She'd have urged me to accompany her to a Davido concert the same way she urged me to accompany her to Xperience. Both of us usually attend events together and according to her she feels better when I'm by her side in this sort of public occasions. Plus I'd provide her with a free ride home since her car was currently under repair. I hope we all find truth and peace. |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by HardMirror(m): 1:57pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Dantedasz:op watch this and be sincere, have you been able to address this issue? |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by dayborlee(m): 2:01pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Thank your partner for this life-changing experience. You owe her alot |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by FatherCHRISTMAS: 2:04pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Naa serious people dey untop this thread. Make I dey go 1 Like |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by GXchange: 2:07pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
HardMirror: I didn't cry because i was just emotional. Part of the reason I cried, I think, was the acknowledgement of my finitude and relative insignificance in the presence of the divine presence I was basking in. It was the crumbling of my ego; of that part of myself that felt it was all there was to me. It was the stripping away of the flesh-aspect of myself; the part of myself that was interested in worldly pursuits, and the identification of a deeper, purer part of myself that felt more real than the part of me I was familiar with. There are many ways to approach the old testament stories. You could take them literally or you could engage with them as myths. Even if you take them literally you can't tell which of the stories are fact or which of them are a representation of the culture and perspectives of the people and how they represented and dramatized the metaphysical experiences they had. So on the question of how I see the God of the bible now, I can't really say since I don't know whether the stories about God were literal truths, a projection unto the idea of the God the cultures and perspectives of the people at the time or just stories used to represent and dramatize the divine and metaphysical experiences of the people of the time. |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by Tallesty1(m): 2:15pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
dayborlee:Honestly..... |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by LordReed(m): 2:46pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
I would like to see this mountain of documentation for the existence of the metaphysical. Meanwhile your only reason for becoming a Christian again is because you listened to a piece of music? LMFAO! 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by Ranchhoddas: 2:47pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Chemicals in your brain made you believe? You got goosebumps. The same thing I get when I listen to Zion's Daughter by Boney M. Did you not realize your finitude in the grand scheme of things before attending the Experience? What did you think you where before then? You'd snap out of it soon. Bookmark this comment. 7 Likes |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by LordReed(m): 2:48pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
HardMirror: It was later in my 20s that I discovered I get touched by movies and music. I have often shed a tear at a poignant scene in a movie. May be I should start worshipping the Hollywood sign. LMFAO! 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by dayborlee(m): 2:49pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Tallesty1: In my religion((Islam), a friend is a person dat reminds u of ur closeness to ur creator i..e draws ur mind towards serving God |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by LordReed(m): 2:54pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Originakalokalo: LMFAO! Abraham lied, Isaac lied, Jacob deceived, Judah slept with his son's wife thinking she was a harlot, David murdered and coverted. None of of them was punished by the god, the people the god punishes are the ones he is ready to discard like Moses. LMFAO! 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by generationz(f): 2:59pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Nice story of salvation. op I understand were your tears where coming from it wasn't you crying. it was your spiritman crying out. I've been there before. your mind knows it has no reason to be emotional especially in a public place but you just can't help it or control it because your spirit man is thirsty , it has been yearning for such atmosphere for so long it bursts out with joy . Now that you are a believer I'll advice you not to stop there. It is actually Advice you start listening to tapes and reading christian books. it would help in your sprititual growth. A lot of religious people and Christians get offended when people ask questions. they ate just like the pharisees who believe that in tradition. They are like ' this is what we met and we follow it to the T, don't come here questioning things just do as we say' They can never provide you with answers because they don't know the answers themselves. They are submerged in traditions themselves and take offense when you ask questions. But God loves questions Jesus said 'seek and you shall find' God loves us wanting to know him better . That's why Christianity isn't a religion but a means of getting to know the creator of the universe better through relationship. Don't waste this new energy you got answering people here who just want to argue. like you said atheism only sees the through the mind of a critic. Its not bad actually. its usually the first step , for someone with a logical mind. I've been there to( never am atheist) I questioned a lot of things done and said in the old testament as to the nature of a loving God . I'm still asking questions and receiving answers. Its not a one day thing so relax. If you aren't born again that's the first step Everyday say this prayer ' holy spirit reveal your self to me' The most important book to read is the bible. try to read or listen to at least a chapter everyday. I'll also recommend Good morning holyspirit by Benny hinn. Its a very concise book that has changed lives over the years ( including that of pastor Chris oyakhilome.) I'll advice you to pray for spiritual mentors too that you can ask questions , people that have had practical experience with Gods walk. I can categorically tell you that this aspect has been been among the top three most important aspects that have kept me grounded in the word. PEACE. 2 Likes |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by NPComplete: 3:37pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Ranchhoddas: Lol maybe he thought he was infinity itself before then. |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by Originakalokalo(m): 4:04pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
LordReed: His attributes of holiness does not condole sin...but His Mercy endures forever.... He is a very merciful God. However, If his judgement comes, No one can deliver you from his hand... Moses appeared on the mount of transfiguration with Elijah... People in Paradise are in resting mood...but Moses was summoned to fellowship with Jesus in his glory on the mount of transfiguration... That doesn't sound like discard to me. Moses saw God. No human has ever had a relationship with God like moses. You are riding on his mercy... ...when it expires, (this could take 60 years of one's life out of the 80 year life span....for instance. To some, mercy ends at death.)... he hardens your heart. When this happens, No one can save you from that part. Not even the greatest preacher that has ever existed. You are simply marked for destruction. I hope you have not exhausted your grace period. |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by LordReed(m): 5:12pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Originakalokalo: LoL! Threats, is the best you have now? Tell me that prophet that a lion killed was he discarded by god or the devil killed him? What would have happened if Jonah had not agreed to go to Nineveh? He'd have remained in the fish stomach right? Yet Aaron who made a golden calf nothing happened to him. This your god is just an illogical story with no consistency whatsoever but you'll just interpret it any way that suits you. 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by LordReed(m): 5:24pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
GXchange: Interesting? So how did you know you were in the presence of the divine? You saw it? 2 Likes |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by Earthkumy(m): 5:27pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Welcome to God's family we love you so much 1 Like |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by OpenYourEyes1: 5:38pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
Lol atheists argue like babies. I bet if quantum entanglement wasn't proven they would swear it was myth invented by religious people to discredit evolution. Very rebellious and close minded. |
Re: How Attending Xperience13 Turned Me From An Atheist To A Believer by GXchange: 5:42pm On Dec 14, 2018 |
LordReed: Are you of the opinion that there is nothing that exists outside the domain of the observable material world? |
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