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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? (9395 Views)
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Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by Jewishgal(f): 1:32am On Aug 07, 2010 |
Horus: Is Jesus' life story a copy? In Bill Maher’s movie Religulous, he tells the story of the Egyptian god Horus. Some say that the life of Horus closely mirrors the life of Jesus and could have been used by the writers of the gospel to form the story of Jesus’ life. Before looking into this claim, it's important to keep in mind that Christians believe that their so called BIBLE was sent by a god, hahahaha, what a funny set of people So, what are the comparisons between Jesus and Horus? they are the following. Conception: Horus: By a virgin. Jesus: By a virgin. Father: Horus: Only begotten son of the God Osiris. Jesus: Only begotten son of Yehovah (in the form of the “Holy Spirit”) Mother: Horus: Meri. Jesus: Miriam (a.k.a. Mary). Foster father: Horus: Seb, (Jo-Seph). Jesus: Joseph. Foster father's ancestry: Horus: Of royal descent. Jesus: Of royal descent. Birth location: Horus: In a cave. Jesus: In a cave or stable. Birth heralded by: Horus: The star Sirius, the morning star. Jesus: An unidentified "star in the East." Method of death: Horus: By crucifixion. Jesus: By crucifixion. Accompanied by: Horus: Two thieves. Jesus: Two thieves. But are they true? Did the gospel writers really model the story of Jesus’ life off of an Egyptian god? No wonder, in every Jesus picture there is sunlight across his head, Just like Horus the Egyptian god of sun Am a Jew, I’ll never ever accept that carpenter as my savior, the savior that could not safe his self from death, Conclusion Through these responses, we establish a fact that the story of Jesus' life, as recorded in the Gospels, was modeled after the story of the Egyptian god Horus.
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by christ4mi(f): 2:32am On Aug 07, 2010 |
ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT!!! Jesus story is a fairy tales like Vampires stories. F+U+C+K+ That Girly look Man called JESUS |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by naijacutee(f): 11:32am On Aug 07, 2010 |
Intellectual laziness at its finest. While looking for something to confirm what you already believe, you turn to a fictitious movie with an agenda for "confirmation". It is surprising the lengths that people will go to join the anti-Christian bandwagon for whatever reason. Ok, so what do the history books say about Horus? (Just to remind you that Horus is a figure of Ancient Egyptian mythology, hence these are popular myths) Conception : Horus was born to Iris (mother), after Osiris (Father) had been murdered by Seth, his uncle. Thus his father was Osiris, not Seb. And his mother was Iris, not Meri. Let's not go into this but there are so many myths surrounding the impregnation of Isis including sleeping with Osiris just before he died, and Osiris being tricked into a coffin, sent to the Nile and dismembered except for his privates which Isis used. Again, I cannot vouch for the veracity of any of these texts - they are myths and subject to change. Birthplace: I cannot find anything about where he was born, but there are plenty of articles suggesting that he was hidden in the marshes as a baby from his uncle Seth, who wanted him dead. Stars: There is no evidence of being heralded by any star in any of the texts I have looked at. Please if you find some credible evidence, could you share it? Method of death: There is no evidence anywhere to suggest that Horus was crucified. Crucifixion was purely a Roman thing - it was a method for the execution of criminals in Ancient Rome, and there is no evidence to suggest that this was an ancient Egyptian practice. (Again, it you find any evidence, please share - technology has made it easier for us). If anything, my thoughts are as follows:- - Ancient Egypt had a practice of preserving their important dead through mummification. - Thus, if Horus (if he existed) was a revered and important person, why would he have been crucified? Crucification is a humiliatig death ritual performed in front of an audience. - Also, if he was somehow, in some way crucified, as an ancient, important, egyptian, would he have been mummified as well? So why wasn't he? These are two complete things in two totally different parts of the world. It's like saying Bill Clinton used to consult a babalawo in the morning before going to the office. They do not match, there are different cultures and different practises, and no reason to believe or suggest this. (Unless one has an agenda, that is). Accompanied by : ? Thieves? Again, no evidence to suggest this. My source : (I got this from a library so cannot provide a link to it here, I'm afraid but here are the publication details) Publication : Ancient Egypt Magazine April/May 2009 edition Article : PER MESUT : Horus Son if Iris Pages 52 - 53 Also see this website (It's not my religion, but they make a lot of sense) : And you can also check out the Coffin texts of ancient Egypt. |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by naijacutee(f): 11:48am On Aug 07, 2010 |
If you do care to know, then I'm afraid you have it wrong about the Bible. The Bible was not sent by God. I'm not sure God operated a postal service back in the day. The Bible was inspired by God. This means that it was written under divine guidance. Let me explain :- It is a collection of 66 books, from different parts of the world, in different languages (Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic), by different authors, across different timelines over about 1600 years, pointing to the same event/person. How can these books, in these places, over such a long period of time be orchestrated to point to one event? The Bible itself answers this question by telling us that it is the divine word of God. Sources: |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by Okijajuju1(m): 11:50am On Aug 07, 2010 |
Bookmarked |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by Rhino3dm: 12:01pm On Aug 07, 2010 |
@ naijacutee. Am very intrested in this topic if you care to know. Dont try to confuse people with your dogma, if your source is a book in the library, then qoute the name, authurs name, page or whatever, Pls. Dnt derailed this thread, |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by nopuqeater: 12:54pm On Aug 07, 2010 |
@Jewish_gal; « on: Today at 01:32:40 AM » Horus: Is Jesus' life story a copy?If Bill Maher is your idealist, in matters of religion and absolute truth, then we should stop arguing right now, because you have taken him to be your Yahweh. Can Bill Maher not be somewhat wrong, somewhere? Some say that the life of Horus closely mirrors the life of Jesus and could have been used by the writers of the gospel to form the story of Jesus’ life. Before looking into this claim, it's important to keep in mind that Christians believe that their so called BIBLE was sent by a god, hahahaha, what a funny set of peopleThat so called Bible contains Torah of Moses, Psalm of David, too. Are these listed absolutely "so called" sent by a so called god? Am using your own words and expressions to let you know that you are no better than the christians. Rather you are worse. So, what are the comparisons between Jesus and Horus? they are the following.It may not be 100% true, but you can say that it is 100% false, either. You as a "so called" Jew should know that. You cant throw mud and thinking that you will remain clean as long as continue to throw it at those in front of you. The Jews gloat at Christians today when ever they see them in Palestine that they should go back to Jesus, we will kill Jesus, again, etc. Are the jews making up Jesus name just to spite the deluded Christians, because Jesus did not exist at any time in history? If the Jews are doing this, knowing that Jesus did not exist, then the Jews are worse in delusion that the ignorant christians who came after the Jews said they killed a "Myth"! Did the gospel writers really model the story of Jesus’ life off of an Egyptian god?Jesus existed and you know it because you said you are a Jew. Just like Moses existed without any evidence you can proof of his existence, Jesus also at least existed. To bring your conniving quality to tel us that Jesus never existed is just like the same manner the atheist uses to say even Moses is a myth. No wonder, in every Jesus picture there is sunlight across his head, Just like Horus the Egyptian god of sunDid Jesus ever lived? Yes. Did he say he was a savior more than any other Messenger or prophet before him? No. A person who has a master blue print of getting you out of an eminent danger is a savior, if you look at it, in the same way as people say that the sun rises or sets. But we know that the sun does not, except it appears to the looker as such. In reality it appears to the Christians that Jesus was a savior through the Gospel road map. But it also appears to the jews that Moses was a savior by the Torah he left, or doesnt it? THe True Savior is their Master Who sent them His servants to their community of mankind in the period of their Messengership. After all, Moses was not truly a Savior, while he was not the first Messneger and Prophet to a people, he was not the last, either. Same conditions apply to Jesus. You cant deny Jesus existence all together, though you may hate him and or disagree with how the christian lionized him. ConclusionTrue to your Khazarian Ashkenazi "so called" Jew nature, you have to be such a low down dirty person to deny that Jesus was a myth, in totality, completely made up. If you are not a Sephadic, I am completely correct that you are not an Israelite by bloodline. You can be a Jew by adoptive religion, but not an Israelite tracing bloodline to Jacob. Arent you then a true myth, while at least Jesus Mother and son existed? @christ4mi (f): « #1 on: Today at 02:32:58 AM » ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT!!! Jesus story is a fairy tales like Vampires stories. F+U+C+K+ That Girly look Man called JESUS [/quote]You dont have to be that caustic. Are there men who are very handsome that they became beautiful, even in Chicago whee you reside? Of course yes. Just that you are probably handsome does not mean men cant be beautiful.Dont mind the Jewish_girl and the chi town gangster christ4mi. Jesus existed. Thats for sure. He may not be the savior of the world, but he existed. At least you did not deny Moses like the jewish_girl is denying Jesus. And you do not deny spirituality like the Christ4mi atheist gangster chick. |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by Bastage: 1:25pm On Aug 07, 2010 |
LOL. The Jesus fable may be out there in the realms of fantasy but for a Jew to spout about it is ridiculous. The Jesus story is no more unbelievable than a talking snake, a nomadic storm god wandering the desert or many of the thousands of other preposterous notions that make up the Old Testament. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by Nobody: 2:23pm On Aug 07, 2010 |
forget all that comparism with horus whose story is also a fairy tale!! did jesus exist? YES, is he divine or the so called son of god/ he was just a man that lived some 2000 years ago just like you and me who scratches his balls the same way we do, nothing special at best he was just the david blaine of his time! ![]() and the bible/quran are just mere jewish fairy tales similar to harry potter and lord of the rings. peace ![]() ![]() |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by naijacutee(f): 3:07pm On Aug 07, 2010 |
Rhino.3dm: Hi Rhino. I'm not trying to confuse anyone. All I am saying applies for Christianity as well as for other religions, or non-religions : Investigate the evidence first before you begin to proclaim your message. That's all. I'm just advising jewish_girl not to accept everything just because someone on tv said it. Also, I did quote my sources in my earlier post. naijacutee: |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by naijacutee(f): 3:10pm On Aug 07, 2010 |
Bastage: I think you assume too much. There is nothing to suggest that jewish_girl is actually a Jew, in the same way that there is nothing to suggest that a lot of people who called themselves "Christian" are actually Christians (followers of Christ) in deed. |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by nopuqeater: 3:14pm On Aug 07, 2010 |
@Jewish_girl; here is a youtube video for your enjoyment; If Americans Knew What Israel Is Doing! VIDEO WAS CENSORED! @infidelguy; The Quran is not a Jewish fairy tale. Alhamdulillah. you dont know everything. the reason you dont believe that there is A God. |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by Nobody: 3:23pm On Aug 07, 2010 |
nopuqeater: you don't know everything either so why the hell should we believe you that you have an imaginary friend (allah) who wants you to kiss his behind 5 times a day!, is he so shallow that he wants to be told how sexy he is everytime? he sounds like an insecure babe ![]() |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by vescucci(m): 11:42pm On Aug 07, 2010 |
This thread is becoming hilarious |
Re: Jesus Christ Life: A Fiction Or Fairy Tale? by Rhino3dm: 9:36am On Aug 08, 2010 |
Jewish gal, wherefore art thou? |
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