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Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 8:13am On May 20, 2019 |
nwabuwa: I introduced the growers gradually in their 3week by mixing what's left of the starter with the grower mash. Didn't want to go buying another broiler starter knowing fully well I was in their 4week already. 3 Likes |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by Nobody: 11:44am On May 20, 2019 |
@jidestrouds I have many questions for you and other poultry guys. 1. Why Kuroiler? Why not Noiler? Why not Boiler? Just asking. 2. I know Kuroiler does well scanvanging food like local breeds. Of course it makes sense that since the inventors are Indians, they will make a breed like this. And some rearers say they convert forages better than formulated/commercial feed to excellent weight gain. Just thinking. Would they really convert hydroponic fodder? Or might be mixture of the two? 3. What is the average price per kg of adult Kuroiler meant for meat? Or how is the pricing? 4. What do you think about breeding 100 new stocks per week, and thereby having 12 stocks. So that 100 adults would be sold weekly after breeding for 12 weeks instead of just having to feed 1,200 birds at once? 5. What will it take financially to get this done? And what kinds of cages and accessories are best for such project? Of course one can easily scale up. I am writing this cos I am a promoter of gradual weekly continuous supply, rather than loading market at once, and later become nuisance on nairaland begging people to buy 10,000 birds cos they are matured at the same time. 6. And is boiler fading away? Any reason why anyone should think of boiler? 7. With Noiler and Kuroiler, does it mean poultry business can now compete with vegetable business in terms of profitability? I will reserve eggs production questions for now. Could anyone tackle these questions? 19 Likes |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 4:51pm On May 20, 2019 |
Pistotita: 1. Why kuroilers? Let me start by saying I choose kuroilers having read through the characteristics of both noilers and the kuroilers. I want to do livestock (poultry in particular) without having to devote the time I really don't have for the rigours of intensive housing, vaccination and feeding expenses. I considered going for locals hens to help coexist with my goats on my 1 acre land but, since I have got a better option in terms of more meat and eggs, I thought of Noilers (Broilers definitely not an option). Made some calls, and was advised to go for kuroilers instead of Noilers, due to Coccidiosis susceptibility. I intend doing free range farming after 6weeks. 2. I really don't have answers yet. Still at the experimental stage. My first time rearing the kuroilers. 3. On pricing, No idea. 4. That's something to consider. Having sold some last weekend, I actually considered the idea of breeding to sell at 3weeks and 4weeks. This seems profitable if I have to look at it from the business side (judging from this current experience) 18 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by Nobody: 5:07pm On May 20, 2019 |
jidestroud: Thank you for your answers. Very helpful. The idea of free range possibility with the breed is great. OK. The pictures of 4 weeks old you posted look not big enough for market. And you mentioned selling some last weekend. hmmm!.Please, what was their average weight? And how much did you sell? I believe that's around 4+wks old birds. 3 Likes |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 8:52pm On May 20, 2019 |
Pistotita: Sold at N550/N600 depending on quantity. Average weight: 657g (Max: 668g) (Min: 649g) Then ofcos two looking like layers ![]() Readings taken as at this evening. ![]() Note: chicks are actually 29days today. Sales was made 26th day (3weeks plus) 6 Likes |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by Nobody: 11:16pm On May 20, 2019 |
jidestroud: Interesting! What is the possibility of weekly sales of 1,000 26 days old male chicks? Any possibility? Or could you give a convenient population one should produce and sell weekly? |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 8:33pm On May 24, 2019 |
Update on Kuroilers!!! Sold all the birds except for 2 chicks which I suspect to be layers. ![]() It was indeed an eye opening pilot project which I see lots of opportunities embedded in it. Moreover, due to the unattended demands from people still in line to get the Kuroilers from me, I booked another 50 + 1 Kuroilers which is already in my possession. Standard Prebrooding sanitization techniques were employed and biosecurity isn't something I intend I joke with, knowing fully well I am strictly using organic to the latter. In addition to the new Kuroilers, I also got 20 day old turkey poults locals). Today marks DAY 2!!! 2 Likes
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 8:38pm On May 24, 2019 |
Pistotita: Thanks for the Eye-opener, you indeed made me see the business angle to it. For now, trying to see how I can push it up to selling 4weeks old every 2weeks. (Chai...gradually becoming an animal person. My love for crop farming knows no bounds ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by Nobody: 9:35pm On May 24, 2019 |
jidestroud: Please, does anyone eat these small 4 weeks old chickens? Or are they sold to buyers who keep them? I am trying to figure out the kind of people who buy them. 2 Likes |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 9:49pm On May 24, 2019 |
Pistotita: Lol @ eating 4weeks old birds. ![]() Selling to rural communities around me who in turn grows them to 5months. Working out a program in which I can help backyard chicken household rearers around do away with their local breeds.(replacing them with one with more meat, better eggs production at virtually same cost as raising locals). I am gradually introducing it to them and I have been getting positive response. Also working towards getting a low cost incubator, with which I can help hatch their eggs. (If it gets to that) 15 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by Nobody: 10:12pm On May 24, 2019 |
jidestroud: Brilliant. But it is better you sell a day chicken to them instead if hatching their eggs. Will not be too profitable for you in my opinion. You should look at the figures to decide. But you may still need to add 12 weeks program sales. I foresee that you may quickly run out of customers later if everyone in the community regrow them. Until they eat them, they will or buy again. 18 Likes 1 Share |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by Seunannointing: 10:27am On May 25, 2019 |
Pls, I need response. I once conceived the idea of domesticating the local fowl breeds just like we do for broilers etc. I mean by breeding them together with broilers in the cage starting from 3-4 weeks, but I have not had the chance to be able to implement it. Pls has any one tried it or do you know anyone who has tried it or do you have a likely tendency of what's going to happen to the local fowl breed? 1 Like |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by Olamytea(m): 3:33pm On May 26, 2019 |
jidestroud: I can see frm the pix u stay around mile 2. I wld be glad if u can help put me tru on getting this kureler and also the process involve in organically rearing them. i stay along BadagryExpressway. I wld appreciate ur response. |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 6:05pm On May 26, 2019 |
Olamytea: Okay boss. Send a mail across. |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 6:35pm On May 26, 2019 |
Olamytea:On second thought, why don't I just share with you here? Thank God for the Internet and online agrostores. The only hatchery I know that sells the Kuroilers is Grinphield just as Noilers is to Amo. Do a quick online search and the DOC is within your reach in a matter of days. Getting the birds is the least of the challenge but for the preparation that needs to be in place for pre and post brooding of the DOC. 1 Like |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by nwabuwa: 7:07am On May 27, 2019 |
please pictures , Oga jide |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 8:53am On May 27, 2019 |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by nwabuwa: 10:46am On May 27, 2019 |
jidestroud:ur bird's.. |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by kay29000(m): 10:02pm On May 30, 2019 |
This is interesting. I have been raring Noilers since 2016, I am anxious to see how mature Kuroilers look. |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 10:28pm On May 30, 2019 |
kay29000: Lols, both of us ooooo. Unfortunately, I sold off that batch leaving just 2 behind I suspect to be layers or cockerels, only time will tell. Current batch is being raised with Turkeys though. 1 Like |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 10:45pm On May 30, 2019 |
Pictures of current Batch Day 8 Kuroilers 50+1 Turkey 20 3 Likes
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by kay29000(m): 5:49pm On May 31, 2019 |
jidestroud: Okay. |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by Walexz02(m): 7:15am On Jun 02, 2019 |
jidestroud:How much did you sell at 6 weeks |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 6:06pm On Jun 02, 2019 |
A picture of the remaining two kuroilers from first batch raising. Letting them out of their cage from now on. Hoping to see the Kuroiler true potentials. 1 Like
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 6:14pm On Jun 02, 2019 |
A quick glance at my Ross 308 pet named Rock. Raised October 30th, 2018 till date. 5 Likes 1 Share
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by Walexz02(m): 4:43pm On Jun 04, 2019 |
jidestroud:They look healthy They sure are not cockrels or layers |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by Walexz02(m): 4:45pm On Jun 04, 2019 |
I can see alot of feed been wasted Why not feed him with pelleted feed 1 Like |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 5:18pm On Jun 04, 2019 |
Walexz02: Thanks for drawing my attention to it. Will do the needful ASAP. |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by jidestroud(m): 5:33pm On Jun 04, 2019 |
Update on the Kuroilers and Turkeys I'm presently having a problem in my brooding room. The Turkeys are becoming a pest. For the past two days now, I have been hearing loud chick cries from the brooding room so I decided to sit and watch them today. I discovered the turkeys kept pecking the necks and mouths of others including the chicks ( Pecking order establishment abi?. The other Turkeys just laid down when pecked while the chicks not knowing how to respond were pecked continuously. What do I do? 2 Likes |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by aquila3: 8:26pm On Jun 04, 2019 |
cannibalism @ work, the brooding is too small for them you need to xpand it. 1 Like |
Re: My Kuroiler Birds From Day Old by Walexz02(m): 5:01pm On Jun 08, 2019 |
jidestroud:So they do this nonsense while they are still small ? You need to find solution asap may be separate them. They can peck the chicks to death especially if they can't runaway while been pecked. Let's us see their pictures please 1 Like 1 Share |
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