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Cost Of Fencing In 2010! - Properties - Nairaland

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Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by larimo(m): 6:17pm On Aug 08, 2010
Builders/Architects/Quantity Surveyors/Landlords

Can someone give me a rough current estimate of fencing a plot of 700sq.m in a muddy/swampy-like plot in Ajah? The fence would require a sort of raft foundation.

Thank you wink
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by larimo(m): 6:22pm On Aug 08, 2010
waiting, smiley smiley smiley
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by larimo(m): 7:26am On Aug 09, 2010
any bright ideas
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by beninman1(m): 8:20am On Aug 09, 2010
As a very rough guide, at least 1 million cos i know someone who spent 500K on one side of fence. plot was 658sq m. 500K was spent on one of the long sides - raft inclusive; blinding plus 2 rows of raft.
Hope this helps.
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by Nobody: 8:46am On Aug 09, 2010
The full fence will cost you 1.44m. Thats the best estimate u can get.
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by larimo(m): 10:33am On Aug 10, 2010
thanx fellas!
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by Sprumbaba: 12:03am On Aug 12, 2010
One Vagabond in my family gave me 3.7Million. Other quotes from real builders have been around N1.2 - N1.6 without gate.
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by larimo(m): 7:56am On Aug 12, 2010

One Vagabond in my family gave me 3.7Million. Other quotes from real builders have been around N1.2 - N1.6 without gate.

thats ridiculous for a price. abeg run fast! With that price you can come close to a bungalow,
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by Sprumbaba: 8:14am On Aug 12, 2010
I did not only run, I pressed DELETE. Some people are just ready to rip you off. They always make a big deal out of RAFT FOUNDATION. It is always advisable to get multiple quotes from different people.
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by beninman1(m): 9:10am On Aug 12, 2010
You are correct about rip off merchants. They are many and all over the place.
Infact, it wont be an exageration to state that one can build a second home easily with all the wastage and cheating incurred building one house
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by Aventures(m): 4:32pm On Aug 12, 2010
Hello friend,
I can give you something close to exact cost or even the quote in QS format and material abstract (quantities of materials needed). well if only you can send the dimension on your survey plan and if u don't av survey send the lenght and breadth of the Land to my email :abidoyventures@gmail.com.
Meanwhile other factors such as the road level relative to your plot, also the level of ease of working on the side (i.e how swampy is the sit) may cause cost variation.
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by hardywaltz(m): 5:54pm On Aug 12, 2010
What is more important is the perimeter of the fence, try calculating it from your survey plan, but if you are sure the plot is 700sq meters then the perimeter will most likely be between 105-110m. You can multiply that by

1) N 17,000.00/M (Fence 3meters high and plastered, with 225 x 255mm columns at 3meters center; chippings used for casting)
2) N 14,800.00/M (Fence 3meters high unplastered with 225 x 255mm columns at 3meters center; chippings used for casting)
3) N 13,500.00/M (Fence 3meters high and plastered, with 225 x 255mm columns at 3meters center: 3/8sand used for casting)
4) N 11,000.00/M (Fence 3meters high and plastered, with double blocks used as columns at 3meters center: 3/8sand used for casting)

The choice is actually up to you depending on your budget, but from similar experience in Port Harcourt and Yenagoa where i have fenced properties in real swamps option 1 or 2 (using chippings) is the best option, depending on the level of water when it rains introducing a ground beam is may be the only way the fence could withstand 2 raining seasons.

Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by marcus1234: 5:59pm On Aug 12, 2010
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by phemmy88(m): 6:25pm On Aug 12, 2010
@ OP
it seems u're trying to cut corners. While not pay a Quantity Surveyor to give you the approximate estimate, And You mention Architect giving you an estimate, what do they know bout cost, they're just concerned with the aesthetics.Lol
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by kokoye(m): 6:45pm On Aug 12, 2010
Na wah o. 1.5 million naira for fence alone!!

How common man no go steal in that my country to be a landlord now??
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by ashaby(f): 3:22am On Aug 13, 2010

Na wah o. 1.5 million naira for fence alone!!

How common man no go steal that my country to be a landlord now??

my thots exactly
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by asunaobi(m): 5:02am On Aug 13, 2010
10 x the cost of building a five bedroom house. Thats right! Exactly thats the cost of building a fence when you are living in HELL!!!
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by Nobody: 7:12am On Aug 13, 2010
[b]For 1 full plot of land.
All Professional QS and Construction Management Engineers like myself do it like this to calculate the total number of blocks we will use which will serve as #1 basis for other materials, and calculations.

1. Calculate the number of square feet in the fence walls. Multiply the length times the height of each wall. Then add up the results. For example, for a 60-by-120-foot fence, with walls 10 feet high, you have two walls that are 60-by-10 feet and two walls that are 120-by-10 feet. This gives you a total of 3600 square feet.

2. Now, we should consider the gates or entrance that will be left out and which are usually 16ft wide, and 10ft high, giving us a total of 160sq ft. Minus 160sq ft from 3600sq ft, giving us a net wall area of 3440 sq ft.

3. Find out how many 6 or 9 inches blocks fit into a sq ft by the net wall area. Both are about the same lenght, but just differ in thickness, and a sq ft will take 0.85 block. Meaning that a sq ft will take about a whole block. Now, multiply 0.85 x 3600, that gives us = 3,060 pieces of blocks.

PS: This just for blocks to be laid on casted rafted frame work for our fence if the land is dry.


In Lay Man's Language, we will need"

1. 3060 pcs of 6x6 blocks (plus 5% which is an extra 153 extra block, because you will have broken ones) = 3213 pcs x 130 Naira = #417,690.

2. For a simple fence work, 100 blocks = 1 bag of cement x 32.13 plus, extra bags used for foundational work and concrete works that serves as reinforcement = 52 bags of cement x #1800 (depending on cement quality and location) = #93,600

3. For Iron rod I've always calculated 70 leghts for every fence.
Calcultion is far more complex, so wont go into it, therefore 70 lenght of 12mm rod = 70x1300 = #51,000 (plus binding wires and rings) = #55,000

4. Hey, lets not forget the woods that would be used for the framework, we need that too. Meaning, for every single pillars in the wall, you need 4 pcs of 2x4, and 4 pcs of 1x12, my detailed estimation, puts woods within #15,000

5. Sand (4 trucks 10 tonnes each), granite (1 truck 20 tonnes). Prices varies, but one truck of granite is #100,000 firm down here, and 4 trucks of sand makes #80,000 making it a complete total of #180,000

6. Finally, the gate which varies a lot. We have plain sheets, which wont last more than 10 years if superbly coated. And checkered plates which will last longer than your house if well coated. For some uninformed reasons, 90% of homes ive seen use plain sheet, and a gate of such value cost from #70,000 upwards, depending on the wrought iron designs on it. The best gate is checkered gate, and the cheapest with less design goes for around #150,000

7. Now, add up the cost of transporting the materials to the building site. If its close to where building materials are, I am guessing #15,000 most. If not, God help you.

If an individual like me handle it, I happily charge you #150,000 for my charges if the land is dry. I will go higher depender on the level of the water content of your land.

So, simple estimation for a dry land gate = #1,075,690

PS: Larimo, you cant get a useful estimate for your kind of waterlodged property this way. Why? 1, it is water-lodged, and 2. it is rainy season (the best and worst time to build within such area). Would have love to volunteer coming over to check your property water level and give you a meaningful quote, but im in PH right now and im loving it here. Best of luck bro.[/b]
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by Nobody: 7:27am On Aug 13, 2010
One Plot of Land available @ BLOCK B PLOT 9, GOSGRA ESTATE Phase 1, Behind MFM, KM 12 Lagos Ibadan Express Way.
Price: N1.5m net.

Note: The land is pure dry land.

Block G26 Plot 15 For Sale @ Golden Heritage Estate Ofada,
Price: N900.000

One Plot of Land Fence round at Adesan Mowe. Price: N1.5m

For Inspection Contact Adeniyi 08183082289 or email wayandlifeproperties@live.com

website: http://wayandlifeproperties.realtors.officelive.com
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by SHEAU(m): 10:00am On Aug 13, 2010
The overall estimates will depend on the quality of material used.

Note: contact TORAVENT for Quality building material supplies on 08037551676 or e-mail: teequick16@yahoo.co.uk
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by Aventures(m): 10:20am On Aug 13, 2010
i disagree with using a bag of cement to set 100 blockss of (6" x 6"x18"). that is going to be a very poor wall. A bag of Cement adequately mixed in the right proportion should not in any case set more than 60 blocks of 6".
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by larimo(m): 11:27am On Aug 13, 2010

@ OP
it seems u're trying to cut corners. While not pay a Quantity Surveyor to give you the approximate estimate, And You mention Architect giving you an estimate, what do they know bout cost, they're just concerned with the aesthetics.Lol

phemmy88, where did I state that am trying to cut corners or an architect gave me an estimate? Are u reading 10 posts at a time? grin grin

Thanx fellas for your inputs, especially yemi313 for the breakdown,
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by phemmy88(m): 11:44am On Aug 13, 2010
Quote from larimo
"are u reading ten post at a time"
whatever, That's just my opinion!
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by Nezan(m): 11:50am On Aug 13, 2010

All the professional consultancy services you rendered here was for what fee? For those of us practicing Engineers, what you did was ethically wrong! Just quote your price, no need going into all the analysis. Give respect and honour to your proffesion.
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by chelseabmw(m): 11:54am On Aug 13, 2010
angry angry angry
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by buzugee(m): 4:34pm On Aug 13, 2010
ON A SIDE NOTE PEOPLE ABEG HELP ME OUT, how much will a 3 bedroom flat sell for in okokomaiko. just a rough estimate. thanks a bunches my fellow nigerians grin
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by Nobody: 4:57am On Aug 14, 2010

ON A SIDE NOTE PEOPLE ABEG HELP ME OUT, how much will a 3 bedroom flat sell for in okokomaiko. just a rough estimate. thanks a bunches my fellow nigerians grin
on anuda side note do u know any kobi musa in okoko?
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by Nobody: 6:49am On Aug 14, 2010
[b]@ Nezan

Well, I forget to put our website incase you need our service: www.aasog.com
I work as the QS for the company
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by buzugee(m): 4:40pm On Aug 14, 2010

on anuda side note do u know any kobi musa in okoko?
yes. he is my driver grin
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by Nobody: 7:47pm On Aug 14, 2010


All the professional consultancy services you rendered here was for what fee? For those of us practicing Engineers, what you did was ethically wrong! Just quote your price, no need going into all the analysis. Give respect and honour to your proffesion.

Even cut throat lawyers do some free work. Sometimes, you open the door to your blessings through your own selfless generosity.
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by Nobody: 1:34pm On Aug 15, 2010
Re: Cost Of Fencing In 2010! by kreem7(m): 3:57pm On Aug 15, 2010
Any plot of land @ ikorodu for fish farm biz pls.

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