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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / Paternity Fraud: What To Consider When You First Realize The Child Isn’t Yours (421 Views)
Young Man Finds Out Child Isn’t His, Months After The Baby’s Birth / Nigeria Ranks 2nd Highest In Paternity Fraud In The World / Wife To Husband: ‘my Pregnancy Isn’t Yours’ (2) (3) (4)
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Paternity Fraud: What To Consider When You First Realize The Child Isn’t Yours by qwenu: 1:16pm On Jan 09, 2019 |
How did I get into this situation? This is probably the first thing that crosses your mind after learning that your child(ren) ain’t biologically yours. The answer to this question is probably very complex. However, over the past few months, there have been increasing reports of paternity fraud in the news. Paternity fraud is ‘the pretence that a man is the legitimate and biological father of a child’, and falls into the category of secrets that some women hide from their husbands. But why do these women do this? To save their marriage? Financial reasons? Infertility? As I said, the answer is probably more complex than a single word explanation. Paternity fraud is not limited to Nigeria even when she ranks second on the Durex survey, it happens in all parts of the world. A lot of reasons contribute to this increasingly reported misdeed. Some have suggested that infidelity on the part of the woman is a possible cause – as you can imagine, if a woman was in multiple relationships at the time of conception, she too might not have known the identity of the true biological father. Another is covetousness. A woman may not be able to bear children due to one reason or the other, but due to the wealth of her husband, she looks for ways to get a child so as to inherit her husband’s wealth. Carelessness on the part of maternity homes can also contribute but this is very rare in the present day. As a result of this, some women can live all through their lives and still not tell their husbands about it, while some women whose conscience cannot endure the torment of guilt, usually tell their husbands at some point, that they are not the real fathers
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