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Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon - Science/Technology (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon (33514 Views)

China Lands A Spacecraft On The Moon’s Far Side / NASA Announces It Has Found Water On The Moon For The First Time (Photos) / Earth Blamed For Sudden Rusting Of The Moon That Has Baffled Scientists (Photos) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by YoungLionken(m): 8:03am On Jan 14, 2019
Nigeria will be producing pencils by 2020, how sweet angry
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Nobody: 8:03am On Jan 14, 2019
I dont believe any news from china cos all of their things are fake.
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by JaceBlaze: 8:05am On Jan 14, 2019
By the time Africa successfully build it's first spaceship the rest of humanity would be living Mars.
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Onechancearmy(m): 8:05am On Jan 14, 2019
Truth is bitter but it must be told.


China is conquering space while tribal bigots like you are busy with their unrewarding trade.
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Akpacha(m): 8:11am On Jan 14, 2019
Nigeria still battling to producing pencil or import grass.
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Xisnin(m): 8:12am On Jan 14, 2019
This antichrist and anti-Islamists keep progressing undecided
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by JADEK01(m): 8:13am On Jan 14, 2019

AFRICANS will rather Bow to the Moon and Worship it
the way they do to Beach..... go to Lagos and see how they worship/pray @ bar beach
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Okwuguru(m): 8:17am On Jan 14, 2019
Nice 1 kudos to them

where as in my country we are still doing NOTHING Befitting apart from fighting corruption which is not ready to give up
Corruption dey blood jor.....We are corruptivity
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by fasho01(m): 8:18am On Jan 14, 2019
Countries are breaking into new frontiers, while we're here stuck in the dark ages with tyranny, nepotism, ethnicity and the likes

Who did this to us

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Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Sagay212: 8:20am On Jan 14, 2019
How do these people claiming landing on the moon know the address to the moon or any other planet? Is there a signpost showing this way to the moon or welcome to the moon? How sure are they that they are not in some weird place. Everything sounds strange
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Nonso92(m): 8:21am On Jan 14, 2019
See what china's chang'e are achieving, whereas, it not as if we do not have change here in Nigeria oo, but where is it?

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Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by QuickStandard: 8:21am On Jan 14, 2019
Were this driven by human or what mechanism did they used in doing that

Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by XhosaNostra(f): 8:21am On Jan 14, 2019
By the time Africa successfully build it's first spaceship the rest of humanity would be living Mars.

Lol, so flying loaves of bread doesn't count as innovation?

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Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Realdeals(m): 8:22am On Jan 14, 2019
The religiosity of Nigerians won't allow the country to record successes in such area and the fact that neither Atiku or Buhari can power such idea, they obviously lack the capacity.
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by franchasng: 8:22am On Jan 14, 2019
And one lanky, confused illiterate, backward thinking, tribalistic, religious extremist, terrorist sponsoring cow rearer, gworo chewing, kunu sipping, fura de Nunu drunkard is busy shouting:

I will pite kworopshun!

Go to agricultural fector, I have stoputu da imporntashun of rice.

Naijariens should himbrace agrocultor!

Its shameful and hurtful sharing same nation with archaic, backward thinking, tribalistic, barbaric religious worshippers who only think of forcing others to join them in bowing to their god and forcefully converting underaged girls from other religions.

When other nations are thinking of technological inventions that will make the world a safer, happier place, they are busy wearing jumper trouser and carrying bushy beards and trying to go back to ancient days, ah, it shall never be well with Lord Lugard and British government angry
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by zzzzy: 8:22am On Jan 14, 2019
How do these people claiming landing on the moon know the address to the moon or any other planet? Is there a signpost showing this way to the moon or welcome to the moon? How sure are they that they are not in some weird place. Everything sounds strange
delete this before others see it


Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Sirmuel1(m): 8:23am On Jan 14, 2019
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Please tell him oh cheesy
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by sunnychibs(m): 8:28am On Jan 14, 2019
while in nigeria we are yet to have electricity

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Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by emmanuelpopson(m): 8:28am On Jan 14, 2019
if o only we emulate the Chinese way of fighting corruption.. OMG.. Nigeria would be talking of challenging other nations in this kinda scientific lift never heard of...but.. ...... I can't say further.

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Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by franchasng: 8:28am On Jan 14, 2019
How do these people claiming landing on the moon know the address to the moon or any other planet? Is there a signpost showing this way to the moon or welcome to the moon? How sure are they that they are not in some weird place. Everything sounds strange
See them, the backward thinking people from the tribe and religion of archaicness and backwardness!

But you believe in a holy land that you have never set your foot or eyes on

This is what happens when you drink too much fura de Nunu mixed with raw kunu and brukutu which your master uses to rinse mouth in the morning.

Wake up, demand for better leaders and you shall see light, stop cramming presumed holy book containing horror messages that only encourages killings, bloodletting, barbarism and backwardness, read science books, read technological books, study to show yourself approved, stop cramming that backward book, it has never helped anybody including the holy land that still depend on the countries that practice the religion they abhor for protection and development, wake up!!!

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Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by MicroBox: 8:29am On Jan 14, 2019
I thought exploring the moon is so boring and nothing new to learn guess am wrong. Kudos to China. I cant wait for humans to land on Mars though.
You are not wrong, moonlanding is just a show of power and technology among the rich countries nothing more can be born out of it.
According to a documentary, living on water is for more realistic than living in other planets.
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by emmanuelpopson(m): 8:32am On Jan 14, 2019
How do these people claiming landing on the moon know the address to the moon or any other planet? Is there a signpost showing this way to the moon or welcome to the moon? How sure are they that they are not in some weird place. Everything sounds strange

myopic thinking.. how do you know your house address from the bus stop? reason why primary school elementary science with physics is not just important but necessary but I don't think you did any while in school??

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Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by planetx: 8:34am On Jan 14, 2019
All this so called moon or mars landings are fake including the American apollo landings. Nothing can go through the firmament described in the book of Genesis, that separates the water above from the water below. This video like the others are nothing but Hollywood studio productions.
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Sagay212: 8:38am On Jan 14, 2019

myopic thinking.. how do you know your house address from the bus stop? reason why primary school elementary science with physics is not just important but necessary but I don't think you did any while in school??

It is not about replying with insults . Don't be an unfortunate MF. If you cannot explain it, just keep shut. I know my house address because the streets in my area have names and signpost. Don't be intentionally fooli.sh to make daft comparisons. In your mind you will think you are wise. Reason why your elementary science with physics was a waste of time and life.

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Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Only1Leem(m): 8:39am On Jan 14, 2019
Some countries are already in 31st century, but my own country, Nigeria is... Another story for another day.
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Harpyeagle(m): 8:41am On Jan 14, 2019
Cool...but I thought Chinese are things don't last
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by HimName: 8:41am On Jan 14, 2019
I don't know why but anytime I see China Peter obi comes to mind

Truth b told, nor b ur fault bro.

Na because 'Him Tu Lie'
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Sagay212: 8:41am On Jan 14, 2019
See them, the backward thinking people from the tribe and religion of archaicness and backwardness!

But you believe in a holy land that you have never set your foot or eyes on

This is what happens when you drink too much fura de Nunu mixed with raw kunu and brukutu which your master uses to rinse mouth in the morning.

Wake up, demand for better leaders and you shall see light, stop cramming presumed holy book containing horror messages that only encourages killings, bloodletting, barbarism and backwardness, read science books, read technological books, study to show yourself approved, stop cramming that backward book, it has never helped anybody including the holy land that still depend on the countries that practice the religion they abhor for protection and development, wake up!!!

All these long gibberish doesn't answer the question. And the phuck you know I believe in a holy book. A lot of you guys here are just plain daft. You either answer questions if you know it or face your front.
How has all these rubbish response answered my question. You ask simple question, they divert and start telling tales. Airhead.

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Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by Sagay212: 8:43am On Jan 14, 2019
delete this before others see it

No you explain it to me if you know it. Assume it's your little niece,nephew, son, daughter asking. Provide an answer.
Re: Moment China's Chang’e 4 lander Landed On The Far Side Of The Moon by emmanuelpopson(m): 8:45am On Jan 14, 2019

It is not about replying with insults . Don't be an unfortunate MF. If you cannot explain it, just keep shut. I know my house address because the streets in my area have names and signpost. Don't be intentionally fooli.sh to make daft comparisons. In your mind you will think you are wise. Reason why your elementary science with physics was a waste of time and life.

professor...if you knew all along why coming to a blog as big as Nairaland to spew ignorance . you could see how people mentioned you here as if you were just been released from the Precambrian era where the world was in its lifeless form... I don't have time to waste this precious day.. go get knowledge of you are foolish..

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